《(Hiccup X reader) The One You Needed》Chapter 25 ~ New Beginnings
As you were dreaming away during the night, you felt soft kicking that instantly woke you up from your deep sleep. You felt your lower belly moving and the feet of your baby rubbing against the walls of its home. Pheromones filled your warm heart.
"Hiccup! Hiccup, wake up!" Adrenaline caused you to shake Hiccup violently, who was out cold by your side.
"Wha- w- what's wrong? Are you okay??" He sprung up from the bed and yelled in a drowsy yet concerned voice. He rubbed his eyes and turned to face you.
"It's the baby!" You exclaimed.
"No! (Y/N)! Shit, what's wrong? Are you in any pain? Do we need Gothi?" He had panic in his voice and started to awaken properly. He pulled himself up to sit upright beside you.
"No. It's kicking Hiccup! He's kicking! I can feel him for the first time!!" You grabbed Hiccup's wrist and placed it on the moving part of your belly.
His eyes widened and gazed into yours as he felt the baby so close to his palm.
"(Y/N), I can feel him. I can actually feel him moving inside you!" His voice trembled with excitement as a single tear of joy dripped off his chin
"This is actually happening..." you said with a solemn look upon your face and looked your lover dead in the eyes.
"It's actually happening..." he replied with a reassuring smile.
You leaned on Hiccup's shoulder and he nuzzled his chin in your hair. Birds were chirping outside and the pink sunlight of the early hours glimmered through the crevices of the door, brightening the entire room.
A graceful sigh escaped Hiccup's lips.. "Are you ready for today?" He asked, with his hands still cradling your stomach.
"As ready as I'll ever be." You answered with a grin from ear to ear.
"Frigga help me. For I will have to exchange swords with Hiccup today!" You said playfully in a formal accent.
"Oh I see... how awful it must be for you. From today on, you're stuck with me until the day we move on to Valhalla. Even though planned this event so meticulously." He skittishly replied with a chuckle in his throat, whilst mocking your false accent.
You laughed and turned to face him.
He looked at you and grinned nostalgically. His head tilted as he grazed his hand on your cheek and lightly shifted his thumb across your bottom lip.
"You're perfect." His soft voice whispered.
Your eyes wetted in joy. He intertwined your fingers with both hands.
"I'm not perfect, Hicc..."
"You are to me. Every single part of you. When I'm with you, I feel like I'm the luckiest man in the world... I feel like I can do anything, go anywhere, be whoever I want to be. (Y/N), you're perfect." He tightened his grasp around your hands-
"I can't wait for you to be my wife."
A warm feeling spread through your body,
"I can't wait to be your wife, Hiccup." Your expression showed how grateful you were to be able to call him your own.
This is the day I'm going to marry the love of my life.
The people of Berk were gathered in the village. A positive atmosphere was created by the Vikings that were ready to celebrate their Chieftain gaining a Chiefess. Morning fog mythically thickened the air around and a thick layer of the winters crystalline snow covered Berks grounds. Gothi, the elder, handled her wooden staff below an arch of ruby red flowers and faced the anticipating crowd.
You slowly walked down the isle towards the arch with your mother by your side.. she was failing to keep her tears inside, but her smile made the moment perfect. Your white robes flowed as you paced down the isle, with a white, fur cloak drifting effortlessly from its back. On your waist was a thin, gold belt.. in its centre was a buckle with a silhouette of Libelle engraved. A crown of pink and white flowers laid on you head as your hair flowed gracefully behind your shoulders. All pairs of eyes were on you.. acclaiming your every step.
Astrid wiped her tears of happiness and held Eret's hand densly for comfort. He smiled at her and gave her a blissful look. The look he gave her reminded you of the compassionate looks Hiccup gives you. You knew then and there that Astrid has found love once again.
Near the front of the isle, stood your twin brothers. Both dressed up tidily and appeared tall. Their eyes were placed on you and were glistening due to the tears that they pridefully wouldn't blink away. They both gave a radiant smile as they saw you noticing them among the audience.
As your mother gave you away and your hands disconnected.. the misty fog raised, revealing a bright sun above, causing the snow to shimmer like crystal. You stepped under the arch of your favourite red flowers and gazed your eyes on your love.
His chestnut hair was under green floral leaves intertwining as a crown. He wore a white long-sleeve tunic and auburn trousers and a gold belt around his waist. On his broad shoulders were two gold, circular emblems with a Nitghtfury outline.. they held a deep brown, fur cloak that caped down his back. His eyes sparkled green, and his perfect smile made you want to scream how much you loved him. You could tell he was nervous by his stance and the shift in his eyes, it made you realise how nervous you were... but as you stood there together, you felt invincible.
He held your hands as Gothi draped over the sacred white and gold fabric to join you as one. Everyone was silent. All to be heard was the audience's happy cries and the whistling breeze of Berk.
As your bond was made Hiccup slowly mouthed 'I love you' before he leaned in to seal the marriage. He elevated your chin with his hand and placed a vehement kiss on your lips. Your swords were exchanged and you both placed the rings on each others hands, declaring your marriage.
The crowd cheered wildly.. you and Hiccup glanced once more at each other in pure delight before you turned to face your people and smiled. Petals were thrown in the air, and the dragons of the village released beams of dazzling fire into the air.
After the ceremony, the celebration began.
Herds of Berkiens were huddled together and sung, danced and drank to commemorate the newly wedded couple.
You and Hiccup spoke with many people, thanking their congratulations and good wishes and celebrating along their side. Hours passed and the ambiance kept going lively. You walked alone to the edge of the cliff, where your vows were declared, and stared out onto the vast ocean in front of you... to retrieve a moment of peace to process the happiness of today. You paused to reflect on all your past adventures with Elle and all the memories you had created on your journeys. All the highs and lows have moulded you into the person you are today. Grateful as you were to have them, you knew that those chapters of your life were closed. Ahead, lay new chapters ready to unravel, ready to be written down in the new journal Hiccup gave you..
For the first time in your life, you felt complete.
You took a deep breath to enjoy the fresh air around. You heard laughing behind you... you turned around and saw the children of Berk playing with the three baby Nightfuries of your dragon, who by now could fly high. The children were pretending to fly with them by accenting their arms like wings, and were fascinated by their nature. You smiled, thinking about how you will be able to see your own child's reactions towards dragons, and how you will be able to raise him within a peacful land where Vikings and dragons live in peace.
You felt a nudge on your leg. Libelle wanted attention.
"Hey girl... We did it, didn't we?" You strocked her chin.. "We found a Nightfury. Thank you for following it. Thank you for bringing me here. Thank you for everything you've done for me since the moment we've met. You're incredible... you're my best friend, you know that don't you." You placed your hand on her head. She hummed joyfully as she stood on her two hind legs and started licking you. You laughed and tried to push Libelle away with your arms.
"Ohh noo!...You know that doesn't wash out, (Y/N)!" You heard a kind voice coming towards you.
"Hiccup! Get her off me, she's beyond happy today." You giggled and splattered her spit away from your face. He walked towards you with Toothless prancing behind him and helped you get your dragon's saliva off of you.
"Hahaa, why wouldn't she be happy? She lives on the most peaceful island in the North, she has the three cutest babies I've ever seen, and her best friend just got married to the best friend of her own love. She has everything she could possibly desire."
Libelle bounced up excitingly towards Toothless and they rubbed their faces together before heading towards their babies, who were still playing with the children in the snow.
You grinned- "I know she meant well, but it really never washes out!" You laughed, still wiping the excess saliva off of your face "...she's not the only one who has everything she could possibly desire.."
Hiccup beamed and pulled you into a warm embrace.
"I can't wait to share my life with you forever"
"Neither can I"
You held on to his back tightly and closed your eyes to appreciate his touch even more.
You both stood silently, staring out into the sea ahead.
"He would've loved being there today... seeing us together" you quietly said with grief, followed by a peaceful sigh.
"Frode?" Hiccup asked.
"Yes, Dad would've loved spending time with you, Hicc. I miss him... I miss him everyday but... it was particularly odd not seeing him within the crowd today."
"You'll see him again. Right now he's happily feasting with the Gods... he knows what happened here today, I'm sure of it."
"I saw one of Odin's ravens watching over us earlier during the ceremony... I'm sure that he delivered a message to my father and to Stoick about our wedding... They'll be so happy." You smiled. The green in Hiccup's eyes glistened in admiration and underlying grief. He smiled and kissed your cheek.
"You did it Hiccey! I honestly never thought you would make it.. But the student has now become the master. I- I couldn't be prouder-I can't believe you're actually married"
A familiar, croaky voice came towards the tall cliff.
"Tuffnut! I- don't know what to say- Thank you... for summoning that up." Hiccup replied with a jaunty tone.
"You're too kind, Tuff." You added with a hint of sarcasm "where's Ruffnut?"
"Oh she- she just found out that Eret son of Eret is like in a relationship with Astrid... so she's gone to take her anger out on this tree next to our house with an axe- I honestly don't know what she sees in him."
"Oo- well there's plenty of fish in the sea." You said. You looked over to Hiccup to see his reaction of Astrid and Eret's relationship. He didn't seem bothered at all, you could only see joy and gratefulness in his expression. Hiccup was relived to hear that Astrid was back to her old self.
"You're telling me. I've eaten so much fish over the winter-" Tuffnut kept rambling.
"Hey congratulations you guys! And... I'm so excited to know what gender the baby is gonna be!! Has Gothi told you yet?" Fishlegs came running towards you with open arms and hugged you and Hiccup by the neck vigorously.
"Woahh! *laughs* Thank you Fishlegs, we- uh- we don't know what the gender is yet but we have the feeling its gonna be a boy." Hiccup said whilst looking at you and grinned.
"Www I can't wait!" Fishlegs shook his legs in excitement. You all laughed at his cute eagerness.
"What? Who's pregnant?" The short, spiky haired man appeared into the conversation on the cliff.
"(Y/N) is, Snotlout. How do you not know?"
Fishlegs answered and gestured to your baby bump. Hiccup gently placed his hand on your stomach, instinctively claiming his own.
"I don't know, I just thought she was- you know... getting bigger. But hey! Way to go Hiccup, didn't know you had it in you" he winked at Hiccup, who was utterly unimpressed by his statements.
You quietly giggled at his stupidity which caused Hiccup to loosen his guard and giggle along with you.
"I love you guys." He said towards three of your friends.
"Love you all!!" They said with their arms around you both.
* * * IN NEW JOURNAL * * *
Unfortunately, I haven't had the time to write much in this journal because life has been so full and amazing since the past few months.. but I wanted to update so here I am, to remember how happy I am during these precious days.
I've given mum the old journal to read. She still asks me follow up stories on the stuff I've written and sketched every time I see her, she's full of excitement these days. I love seeing her so happy, especially since she's bonded with her dragon, Frode.
Hiccup and I have settled into our marriage gracefully. Which I never knew could be so... so easy. We've been closer than ever and enjoying every day with each other. Hiccup has grown even stronger as Chief, he keeps us all happy and well-fed... but more importantly he's the most fun we've ever had. The dragon racing has only gotten even better as time progressed. I know when he needs my help to run Berk without him even asking.. but that doesn't happen often. He has his duties and I have mine.
For the first few months after our marriage, I've been teaching the younger generation of Berk about dragons.. with the help of Fishlegs of course. Being in their company brought me joy as well as prepared me how to take care of my own child.
I've never stopped exploring the sky with Libelle and neither did Hiccup with Toothless. We both soar up often into the clouds, where we feel free. We've been exploring new islands and have even found new dragon species! Toothless and Libelle's three babies have grown so much! They've grown majestically into beautiful young Nightfury-Lightfury hybrids.
About three months after the wedding, I gave birth to our beautiful, healthy son with Hiccup by my side. He has Hiccup's fluffy, auburn hair and my sparkling (E/C) eyes. From the first moment I held him in my arms, Hiccup and I fell completely in love with him. He was welcomed by all into the village and we named him (B/N). He was spoiled with wonderful gifts from the people of Berk. My mother and Valka can't get enough of him, and when they were taking turns to spend time with him.. I get to spend every second with Hiccup.
I can't believe I used to live without him. For many years I was hiding, isolating my self from feeling important emotions: grief, shame, longing, sadness... I didn't realise that blocking these feelings stopped me from feeling anything at all. Hiccup changed me. He showed me what I could be... a mother, a warrior, a friend, a daughter, a sister, a wife. He is the man who changed my outlook on life for the better. . I love him.
I've made a promise to myself to write more frequent updates in this journal from this day on. I want to remember everything.. every detail. I've been too busy delighting in my new life. Right now, I'm home. The warm fire is radiating mellow heat into my skin. (B/N), is sleeping peacefully in his wooden cradle. Hiccup beside me, holding our sons bangle, the one he got as a gift from Valka on the day of his birth.
Hiccup sat on a wooden chair with his legs spread apart. He was bent forward with his elbows on his thighs and was playing with your sons golden bangle. He kept looking at the cradle on the other side of the room, and smiled at the sight of his sons face noiselessly dreaming. He peaked to see what you were writing on the floor in front of the burning fire.
"(Y/N), what are you writing in that?" Hiccup asked nosily, with a cute, innocent tone.
"Memories. I'm writing an update.."
"Can I read it?"
"Absolutely not." You said with a grinning smile.
Hiccup looked at you and smirked, he played with the small gold bangle in his hand.
"Maybe some day you'll get to read it. But not until it's full. Not until you have the need to remember everything... and when you want to revisit the memories."
"There's no way I'm going to forget the times I spend with you."
You smiled at him in admiration with a blush across your cheeks. His compliments never failed to give you butterflies.
"It's still nice for me to write things down... all the little details that make me smile, sketches of our son, even the bad things-"
"Is that why you wrote so much in the last journal?"
"Well yes. I wanted to remember everything. Sometimes I forget the little things... Wether it's a happy feeling I get whilst eating with family, or a beautiful sunset flight that makes me feel alive. It's my journey.. I wanted to write everything down because I wanted to remember how I felt during every moment... and how those feelings helped me make hard, life changing decisions. All that we know about ourselves are our memories."
"I love it when you talk so passionately about these things." Hiccup placed the bangle on the table and sat next to you on the plank-wood floor in front of the fire. He leaned his back on the leg of the table.
"I'm serious Hicc. We need to cherish these moments incase they end-" You closed the journal and laid it beside you.
Hiccup stared at you and shifted between your eyes, from one to another. A small, empathetic chuckle escaped his mouth.
"They won't end, I know it. Things will only get even better for us." He paused and looked deep into your eyes, "You have no idea how glad I am that I found you on that island. I don't think I've told you that until now, but I mean it. I love you, more than anything, (Y/N)."
He opened his arms and placed you in front of him, between his legs, your back was on his chest and he stroked your hair with one arm and held you tightly with the other.
"Coming back to Berk with you was the best decision I ever made. I love you too, more than anything." You snuggled into his body and watched the cosy flames take its course on the grains of the firewood. Hiccup delicately plaited small braids in your hair, like the ones you taught him to do when you braid his hair.
As you laid in his arms you knew that everything you could've ever wanted had come true.
This was merely the beginning of your adventurous life together...
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