《(Hiccup X reader) The One You Needed》Chapter 24 ~ a Bright Day followed by a Well-lit Night
A month had passed since I told Hiccup about our pregnancy. I was four months in and I, thankfully, was barely showing. That meant we could keep it quiet for at least a few more weeks... without everyone bombarding us with fuss and fandom, due to Hiccup being the Chief. Winter was here, so we all feasted on the mountains of food that had been saved up to eat during these freezing months of the year.
Hiccup and I spent nearly everyday together... almost to the point where our own people had to drag us away from each other. Hiccup was mostly with Gobber, helping out at the Blacksmith stall, being the craftsman that he grew up being. When Hiccup and I were apart, I hung out with the gang. I would fly with them, race with them, talked for hours with them, especially Astrid. Each day, to stay social, and for Hiccup to update the village daily, as Chief... we would eat in the grand hall with everyone. After supper, when I wasn't with Hiccup, I'd normally go over to Astrid's house. She and I were now closer friends than we'd ever been before.
I told her about our baby about two days ago...
Astrid and I were chatting by the fire in her house, the sun had already set during supper in the great hall due to the long, dark nights of winter..
"... Eret told me that Hiccup's been in the workshop all week!" Astrid said, blushing at the thought of her other half, Eret.
"Yeah, I don't know what he's been working on down there... you know Hiccup, he's always making something to keep himself busy... all the time, ever since he was little."
"Don't I know it! The time I found out about Toothless, he'd created his own armour, saddle, Toothless's tail, everything! I don't know how he does it-"
"Ugh me neither! It comes so natural to him!" We chuckled "So... you and Eret... getting serious?"
Astrid blushed once more and hid a grin by tucking her lips into her mouth. She sighed with happiness. "He's so lovely! You know I introduced him to my family as my partner last week... Well, for my birthday yesterday, he sneakily told them to tell me to get more grains from the great hall in the morning, which I found a bit odd, but when I got there, the hall was empty, and there he was... Eret was standing there with bright candles around him, and he gave me this.." she showed a stunning necklace with shimmering sapphires across the chain and a small emblem in the middle with the initials 'E+A' hand carved on the surface.
"That's so beautiful, Astrid! Wow, I would've never taken you for a romantic!... or Eret if I'm being honest hahaha! It's so gorgeous!"
She beamed with laughter "I surprise even myself sometimes! I don't know, he and I just work, he brings that side out of me somehow... he makes me so happy, and he really is full of surprises" I smiled; knowing that Astrid was back to her old self made me feel complete. She continued, "Hey, I didn't see you at the great hall yesterday, I wanted to celebrate my birthday with you. Where were you? You normally never miss nights that involve mead! I have some here actually, we can celebrate now instead."
"Ohh, I don't know Astrid-"
"Come on, for me? You weren't with me to celebrate my birthday! I've found ale." Astrid walked over to the table and placed two large bottles of ale. Gothi has told me not to drink ale, it could curse the baby before it's born... that's why I've been avoiding celebrations in the great hall, and not tempt myself. She shook the mouth-watering drink in front of my face and waited for me to grab it from her hand. "Well? Drink up" she said as I debated in my head wether to tell her or not. Astrid tilted her head to one side and studied my expression for an answer for my delayed response.
"Astrid I have to tell you something, but you can't tell anyone else... yet."
Before I could tell Astrid, she lifted her hand on her mouth and figured it out "No way... I can't believe this- I knew your tits had gone bigger! But I never would've guessed-" She squeaked with excitement.
"ASTRID!" I exclaimed in embarrassment and covered my breasts with my arms.
"You're pregnant! Gothi told you not to drink ale didn't she?!" She smiled and raked her fingers through her golden locks in astonishment.
"Yes, I'm pregnant!" I gave in, well that didn't go as I thought it would, but in a way, it went even better.
"Arghh! That's so great (Y/N)!! No wonder you haven't been celebrating with us lately! I knew that wasn't by choice!" She giggled.
"Yep. I have to keep avoiding loud nights in the village, for the smell of ale or mead tempts me to join you all.. besides Hiccup insists on keeping me company... he keeps saying, 'If you're not drinking, I won't drink'."
"That definitely sounds like Hiccup... Oh (Y/N), I can't wait to meet the little one!"
She smiled widely and gave me a gracious hug. "You and Hiccup are going to be amazing parents." Her voice quieted slightly, I could sense her feeling slight jealousy for our happiness, but it didn't compare to how excited she was for me. She squeezed me tighter before letting me go, and she selflessly kept the delicious looking bottles of ale away from us.
My brothers were excellent dragon riders by now. They always learned and adapted quickly to new experiences ever since they were younger. It's hard to imagine that they're almost adults now. When was sixteen I had just managed to buy a new saddle for Libelle in a Southern market, spending all the money I possessed... But my brothers, thankfully all they have to worry about is training themselves further, and just as I expected, they love their dragons... addicted to their new found freedom of flying. It brought me joy to see how far they've come.
As for Mum, she was happy as ever. She had her Terrible Terror, Frode, sleeping peacefully on her lap every time I went over to see her. Both of them indulging themselves fondly in each other's company. We do still cry sometimes, thinking of old, fond memories from when dad was still with us. I could tell she still missed him... as did I. On the other hand, her new dragon, who she named after him, was brightening her everyday mood. She thanked me on multiple occasions for persuading her to get a dragon of her own. She was also beyond supportive of my pregnancy and kept it quiet... although, she and Valka never stop talking about it! Every time Hiccup came over to Mum's house, she would light up, delighted to welcome him into her home. She loves that he makes me happy. Although... She embarrassingly brought up the topic of marriage a couple times into conversation... Hiccup was cutely nervous every time; licking his lips and rubbing the back of his neck and blushing with slight embarrassment.
Today, as the sun raised, I went down to the village with Libelle and Hiccup. He told me that he wanted to show me something... We went into his workshop and Libelle followed us, she accidentally knocked tools on the ground on her way in with her heavy tail...
"Girl, you stay here..." I pointed at the doorway, so she wouldn't damage anything in the Blacksmith stall.
Hiccup cleaned a few worktops and searched for something...
"It was here last night... where did I put it?"
"What is it Hicc, I can help you look for it."
I looked around the workshop, scanning around and seeing all the amazing crafts Hiccup has been perfecting all over the years.. from the flaming sword to the saddles of all the dragons of Berk... He's so talented.
"No, no, I know I put it right- ohh here it is." he grabbed an item that was under sheets of tough leather and a few bolts. "Now, close your eyes..." he commanded, holding the item behind his back.
"Okay, they're closed..." I said as he placed a heavy, yet familiar feeling item in my hand.
"Okay... open them."
I opened my eyes and looked down to see a leather journal in my hands. It was beautiful...
It was big and covered in details all around the back, front and side... stunning symmetrical patterns... and on the front were two silhouettes of dragons with their tails intertwining at the bottom. It smelt of fresh leather and burning wood from absorbing the smoke of the smouldering fire of the workshop.
"Hiccup I- it's perfect... how did you-"
"I noticed you hadn't been writing in your journal for a couple of weeks so I took that there were no pages left for you to write in..."
My cheeks were hurting from smiling so much..."It's perfect Hiccup... and it's true, I've filled up the entire journal... it took six years, but now it's completely full. I needed a new one.. But this- this is just- the detailing Hicc- this is what you've been working on! It must've taken you hours- I love it, I love it so much, thank you." I laced my fingers along the handcrafted edges of the journal and quickly flipped through the blank, beige pages... full of potential.
"I knew you'd like it! It's for all the new memories we're gonna make together. I hope you'll be able to fill all the pages again..."
"I will. I'm sure to write every little detail of our lives and I'm gonna make you want to read it sooo bad!" I laughed playfully.
He smiled and pulled me into a hug. I closed my eyes and melted into his warmth. I can't believe how lucky I am.. I could feel Libelle's head rubbing on the back of my leg...
"Everything okay Elle? Careful that you don't break anything girl."
She slowly backed out of the workshop and growled for attention. Her eyes looked distressed and she tried to gesture me to follow her.
"What's wrong with her?" Hiccup asked.
"I'm not sure, I think she has something to show me as well, this morning." I started following her, I kept the new journal safe into Libelle's side satchel. Hiccup was right behind me, following her as cluelessly as I was.
Libelle then signalled me to mount her.
"Toothless! Toothless!! Where are you?" Hiccup yelled.
"Have you seen him this morning?" I asked.
"No... when I woke up this morning he was gone." He started panicking "He would've returned home by now.."
"Um... okay. Maybe Elle knows where he is and she's trying to take us to him... Get on, Hicc."
"Yeah. Maybe you're right" he replied and mounted Elle and sat behind me. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and held me tight as we soared up into the sky.
Libelle knew exactly where she was heading... that reassured Hiccup and I a lot.
We landed in the trees. Libelle started walking upwards, towards the familiar rocky hills... we followed her and then I realised-
"Hiccup! The eggs! She's taking us to their eggs! I think maybe they're about to hatch!"
I started running towards the cliffs. Adrenaline filled my body and I ran up with Elle towards her eggs.
"Wait, (Y/N)!" Hiccup tried to catch up.
I saw Toothless with his head down a hole... the same hole where I first saw the eggs over a month ago.
"Toothless! There you are bud, you had me worried there for a second-" Hiccup appeared from behind me... Toothless ran towards him and pushed him towards the eggs with his nose, full of eagerness...
"Alright bud, I'm excited too!" He chortled.
The four of us looked down on the three black eggs... they glistened in the sunlight. Suddenly, one started shaking violently. A crack split down the middle and thick liquid spilled out. From the revolting sight of the goo spilling through the cracks of the shell came a small, white paw from inside the egg, it tried to feel ground below.. a small blue eye appeared from in between the cracks. The tiny reptile fell out of its old home and rolled onto the grass that had been placed below. She yawned and tried opening her eyes wide. Libelle went over and started licking her soft scales..
"Aw Hiccup look! Isn't that just the most amazing thing you've ever seen?" I couldn't believe that my best friend had her first child... and I could NOT get over how cute it was. Her tiny winy little paws and eyes. Her legs that were too weak that she couldn't lift herself up yet. The way Libelle instantly cared for her was a perfect sight.
Hiccup looked at me and grinned. He didn't say anything, he only beamed at the sight of the newly hatched dragon and the happiness that I felt for her. He held me close to his side and we watched as the other two eggs started shaking immensely...
Toothless let out a grand roar of proudness as he saw all of his babies in front of him. He rubbed his head on Libelle's and they both watched their three babies moving in their grassy home for the time being. There was one white one (the one that hatched first), one jet black and another white one with black scales on the tip of his ears and paws. Two handsome boys and one precious girl.
Our dragons were over the moon. They did nothing but watch them all day. After a couple hours, Hiccup suggested we should give them space to bond with their new hatchlings. We walked hand in hand down the rocky cliffs. I could tell something was up with him... He'd been acting kind of strange ever since he woke up in the morning, it felt like he was nervous or hiding something...
"What's wrong? You've been on your tip toes all day. Is there something troubling you?"
"No.. not at all, just happy to see Toothless and Libelle with each other and their new babies! I'm happy I got to witness them hatch!"
"It was brilliant! Ugh they're so cute!... are you sure that's all that's on your mind?"
"Yes, don't worry I'm completely fine." He smiled "(Y/N)... need I remind you not to run like you did earlier! I know you were excited for them, but you ran like a mile up those hills-"
"I was fineee! That was nothing, Hiccup."
"(Y/N)..." he looked down at my stomach "Please don't over work yourself" he squeezed my hand to let me recognise his concern.
"I won't... The baby was excited too you know. It told me to run..." I rubbed my belly referring to me and Hiccup's child.
"Oh did it now?" He provoked
"Yep, it also told me.. to tell you.. that I can as run fast as I want, until I can't anymore. Because, in a few months, I'll be so heavy that I'm gonna have trouble standing up... until then, I'm gonna run so fast-"
"I know, I know you will. You and your stubbornness to prove me wrong.. *chuckles* you know I'm just worried about you, baby..."
"I know, I know I'm just teasing." I smirked.
Hiccup took a deep breath in and out- "I can't wait to see him... or her." He looked at you with his dreamy eyes and unknowingly scrunched his button nose with excitement.
"Me neither!... I have a feeling- I just have a feeling that it's gonna be a boy."
Hiccup stopped in his tracks and turned to face me...
"It's a boy? O my Gods!" He put his hand on his forehead and it took purchase gliding through his hair with excitement.
"Maybe! I don't know, I just- I have a very strong feeling that he's your son, Hiccup. That he'll have your brave heart and loving soul."
Tears formed in his eyes
"Oh (Y/N)... I'd do anything for him already... and we could only dream that he is as kind and pure as you.. and hopefully have your looks as well..."
"Hahaa! I hope to Thor he doesn't, instead he should get your beautiful eyes and smile. He shall have your good looks as well as your height!"
We both laughed and continued walking back home through the trees. The stars started showing up in the sky. I noticed that Hiccup was still nervous about something...
Before I could ask him what troubled him once again, I heard music coming from the heart of the village...
Fires were lit and the entire population of the island were full of good spirit. There was dancing and singing all around. Hiccup pecked a quick kiss on me cheek and headed off into the sea of Vikings. I was confused is to where he was going, but before I could start to go after him, I was met by Astrid.
"Hey (Y/N), where have you two been?" She asked
"Out in the forest with Libelle and Toothless... what's going on here tonight?"
"Oh nothing much, just another night of celebrating life itself."
I wasn't shocked, there are constant parties on Berk. Any excuse to drink and to have fun. But this night felt different, like there was a purpose to it...
"Are you going to come sit with us? We're sitting by the ring fires in the middle of the village. *points* right there"
"I'll be there in a second, I just need to find Hiccup."
"Hiccup will find you later, come sit with us..." there was a sense of determination in her voice.
"Um.. okay." I couldn't find a reason not to go with her. I went to sit down by the fires, next to Astrid and Ruffnut. Everyone was dancing around the place, the air filled with old, memorable tunes. I felt at home, but I couldn't see any sign of Hiccup...
Everyone was outside, I saw mum and my brothers on the other side of the fires, clapping along to the music. Snotlout, Fishlegs and Tuffnut were a hard trio to miss amongst the crowd, they were dancing like headless chickens...
There was a strange, exciting sensation filling the environment... as if everyone was waiting for something big to happen.
"Hey, do you have any idea where Hiccup went?" I asked Ruffnut.
"Erm noooo... I think he went somewhere with Toothless."
"Okay, thank you."
I knew she was lying... Toothless was still with Libelle nurturing their baby dragons up on the rocky side of the hills.
I couldn't understand why she lied...
"Attention! Attention, everyone, the Chief is about to speak..."
I looked up and saw Gobber shouting for everyone's attention. Hiccup came forward from behind him and stood tall..
"Thank you everyone for joining us tonight. A very special night, for a very special person..." Astrid and Ruffnut planted their eyes on me and then grinned at each other...
My heart skipped a beat as I saw Hiccup staring directly towards me.. he gestured me to stand up. As nervous as I was... I stood.
"(Y/N). The love of my life. I love you with all my heart, and know that I want to live the rest of my life with you... never to be parted until the day I die-"
I could feel my heartbeat in my finger tips. Shock consumed my body. Everyone became invisible to me... All I could see was Hiccup as he stared at me like no one else was around, and he spoke his soft words-
"I want to spend every day with you. I want to grow old with you... and make amazing memories along the way. I can't imagine my life without you. You are the most perfect person I'v ever met and you make me feel complete (Y/N). Would you please, make me the happiest man alive... and become my wife?... will you marry me?"
I became oblivious to how many pairs of eyes were attached to my face, waiting for my reaction.
I started crying and I ran over to him. He opened his arms and I threw myself into them.
"Yes! Yes, of course I'll marry you! I'll be your wife Hiccup!"
Hiccup held me in his arms before kissing me passionately in front of the whole village. He pulled away and whispered "I love you so much (Y/N) (L/N)" into my ear. I returned by whispering "I love you too Hiccup Haddock. Forever."
The crowd cheered wildly. Drinks were thrown into the air and splashed down on everyone.
The memorable folk song, 'For the Dancing and the Dreaming' started spreading through the mouthes of the Berkiens...
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" Boy bye.""So you really not tryna fuck wit me?"~-***-~Most desired boy, Eren Jaegar places a risky bet: getting y/n to fall for him. WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS MATURE THEMES SUCH AS FOUL LANGUAGE, SEX, DRUGS, ETC. ⚠️this story is also heavily inspired by remingtonma_, read her work!!
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