《(Hiccup X reader) The One You Needed》Chapter 2 ~ Tracks



I woke up to the murmur of savage green waves crashing against the colossal stones of the island. As Elle was still deep in slumber, I walked into the woods to find freshwater, where I found a perfectly transparent lake. It was small, round, and looked like glass due to its lack of movement. I pulled the cork out of my bottle and filled it with as much pure water as I could. I then pushed the cork back into the bottle and cleansed my face and hair thuroughly with the crystal clear aqua before heading back towards Libelle.

"Sunrise, Elle lets go..." she stretched her strong legs, arched her back and extended her wings to wake her morning spelled body.

"You should drink before we begin" I said, pouring some water into my purposeful cup shaped hands, so that Elle could satisfy her thirst. I adjusted my white scale armour, before I mounted my dragon. I wore my full face, white helmet, and without hesitation, Libelle pounced off the moist grass and shot up into the air like a lighting bolt. She was capable of flying at astonishing speeds. I'm always so proud of her!


"Now then... *taking journal out of satchel and flipping to the page of islands* there's only one more island in this area where we might find a Nightfury. Then we're off back down south, ok girl? We're getting a little too close to the North this way" the worst thing you could think of was getting to close to home... your previous home. I haven't been home in so long... it's been nearly 6 years. The home where you were casted for what you believed in. Leaving almost that you loved. that you loved... But you managed to save one of them... Libelle.


As your dragon placed her feet on the ground, you immediately scanned your surroundings, checking for any danger. You took out your sword and guided Libelle forward but urged her to stay behind you. You were scared to see a visitor from the North. You knew what they were capable of... and what they do to dragons. You fled from the North to protect Libelle, yet there you were, vulnerably alone, wandering an island far to close to the North for your liking. The breathing in your helmet became louder, in contrast with the quiet environment. You positioned yourself ready for action around every corner as you stepped forward, deeper into the island. You suddenly felt something rubbing your shoulder...

"AAHHH!!!" you screamed as you quickly turned around, aiming the sword at the enemy! "Oh... it's only you. Sorry girl" it was your dragon, Libelle. She could sense that you were on edge today, she tried to comfort you...

"I'm okay Elle, we're just a bit close to- you know... I just don't want you in any danger" she stared at you with those big blue eyes, her pupils as round as could be - empathising with your every feeling... you instantly felt more comfortable, you took off your helmet, revealing your beautiful hair. You placed your sword back in its sheath and roamed the island in search for the legendary dragon.

As you walked across the high ground, looking around for any signs of a Nightfury, your helmet under you arm, you found... nothing. You sighed in disappointment,

"I'm sorry Elle... I was so sure this was it. We've done our research- Nightfuries would love the food, the warmth, the landscapes of this area! I don't understand..." your head pointed down in sorrow. Libelle tried to comfort you by walking into your space and rubbing her head on your arm, "grraww" she cooed.


"I just don't get it, Nightfuries should be here..." you added in confusion

As she rubbed her head against you in effort to comfort you, you noticed where one of her feet was placed... it fitted perfectly into a familiar shape hole in the ground... you tilted your head in confusion and excitement.

"Elle... lift your foot"

She lifted her foot from the ground, revealing a dragons footprint. Only it was slightly bigger and broader than hers but almost the exact same shape. It could only mean one thing... Your eyes widened with joy,

"Girl do you know what this means?! We've finally found one! There's one here! A Nightfury! And a male one too, by the size of that print!"

Libelle jumped up and down with her floppy tongue out of her mouth, like the look she gives when she plays fetch but only so much better and funnier!


I can't believe it! A Nightfury footprint! After months of trying to find one, to see one in real life! We're sooo close. I bent down to feel the footprint, and grazed my hand across the indent.. it was still moist, the dragon hadn't gone far. Maybe it's on the island! Argh we're so close, I can feel it!

"Track, Libelle." I pointed towards the footprint, hoping that Elle was maybe be able to track the creature by its scent. She went down low and started sniffing on and around the footprint for at least a minute and a half, she started sounding like an old yak breathing.

Suddenly her head jolted up high. She began walking towards the steep cliff of the island, next to the ocean.

"Uhh - Elle, what are you doing?"

On she went, walking straight towards the edge of the cliff.

"ELLE!" I shouted.

She stopped at the brim of the cliff, a few pebbles descended down to the ocean from where she stood... she looked straight ahead, towards the horizon. She then turned her head towards me, and excitement filled her sapphire coloured eyes. Libelle gestured me to get on her back.

"I'm guessing you caught his scent then, huh girl?" I said with a grin on my face.

We ascended off into the sky as Libelle guided us towards the Nightfury.


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