《Shy One (Completed)》Chapter 8


Brennon lead me around the house for an emergency tour as Phoebe ran off to convince Axel to take her shopping with me. As awkward as that would be I couldn't refuse the young luna, so right now I'm trying to devise a plan to bring Brennon along.

Something about him made me put my instant trust in him. I would also ask Clint but he seemed like someone who would not enjoy a shopping trip.

"And this is the training ground. That path over there leads to the waterfall and lake where we also train there in the summer." Brennon was doing a light jog, making sure I can keep up with him as I awkwardly stumbled about. My body felt so much lighter after taking that medicine, slight aches came through my body but for the most part I felt so much better.

The training ground was massive though, a huge field that was the perfect size to train hundreds of soldiers and warriors. But the freezing and dropping temperature made this tour less enjoyable as we continued to jog around.

"Brennon." I whispered, gathering up my little confidence to ask him to come with me. I need someone who I can trust, and someone who is not my ex-mate or my ex-mate's lover.

"That path leads to the alpha's home and there is a path connected to that one that leads to the alpha's parents' house." Brennon pointed briefly at a path then hurried back in the direction to the house I'm staying at. "Phoebe is probably going to be back soon, Axel can never say no to her."

I press my lips tightly together. The pure mention of Axel made me hesitant. All the more reason to get Brennon along.


But Brennon is the beta.

If the alpha is gone who is going to run the pack?

I can't do that to him.

He's already done so much for me.

I couldn't ask him.

I shouldn't.

I won't.

"And that's the end of our tour, any qu-" Brennon cut himself off, looking behind me with a shocked face. I turned slightly to see Phoebe sharing a similar blank stare at Brennon. "Hello Phoebe." He spat briskly saying goodbye to me and walking away. There goes all my hopes.

I watch as he departed, his fleeing form was soon replaced with an approaching one that had almost glowing blue eyes.

Wait actually.

His eyes are glowing.

I was mesmerized, continuously staring at them with complete awe. They were gorgeous, like perfect blue gems that glisten in the sun but right now they were lit up with the small beams of cloudy sunlight poking into the hallway.

But I soon snapped out of it when Phoebe ran around me to hug Axel.

"I knew you were coming." She smirked up at him, looking like she was waiting for something until he leaned down and pecked her on the lips. My head immediately dropped to the floor, not wanting to witness the reason for my broken heart.

Was it too much to ask for someone to love me?

"I don't want you to go by yourse-" He started but was quickly interrupted by his one and only luna.

"But I would have had Maple with me so I wouldn't have been alone." She beamed, not even realizing she didn't even get my name right. But I wouldn't have corrected her, and it seems like Axel wouldn't correct her either so here I am, now Maple.


I just held my head low, feeling a tightness in my chest with slight tingles around my heart. It kinda felt like when my foot is asleep but on my chest instead. I tried to shake the feeling by thinking of something else, and sure enough the burning sensation that someone was staring at me was a distractor enough.

"I'm glad you have made a female friend." Axel grunted, his voice sounding more animalistic than usual but Phoebe didn't seem to care. "Even if she's an omega."

"Stop that!" She playfully hit his chest, "Maple is so far one of the best people I've met, and I've gotten to know too many people."

I still look down at my feet, comparing how dirty and worn my shoes were to Phoebe's lovely converses that looked more expensive than my whole outfit.

"Whatever you say," his voice sounded like it was progressively getting deeper, like when wolf-forms get too out of control and we end up shifting. "Let's get going while the shops are still open." He wrapped a possessive arm around Phoebe's waist, not even bothering to see if I would follow as he walked away.

But like the weakling I am, I followed with trembling hands pinned to my sides. I felt like if I moved more than I was suppose to they are going to find a reason to beat me. Like how my old alpha felt.

But some coolness wrapped around one of my hands and I peeked from the veil of my hair that formed as I looked down to meet the cold, dead, pair of eyes of Clint to briefly looked at me before looking forward.

"I need to monitor your vitals," he explained, "I've never had to use a witch's potion before on anybody so I need to make sure you won't experience any weird side effects."

I nodded, lifting out conjoined hands to silently ask him why.

"It's much easier for me to see more parts of your health when I'm physically touching you than if I just stare." He held my hand tighter, "Plus I figured you'd want someone to talk to as the luna shops."

I let out a small scoff that was suppose to be a light laugh. Even Clint's lips twitched slightly like he was pleased with my happy reaction. He was still staring forward though so I did the same only to see Axel looking slightly back at me with a murderous glare.

I guess I really pissed him off.

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