《Ice cream, Teasing and Awkward Situations》Chapter 21
He visibly gulped as his eyes took the time to roam thoroughly over every inch of my body, his gaze lingering in particular on my chest.
God, this was humiliating.
My outfit was so ridiculous, I had driven him to the point of speechlessness. He probably had so many insults; he didn't even know where to start.
He swallowed harshly and his eyes snapping back up to meet my own, staring at me like he was in a dream-like daze. I cleared my throat awkwardly and tore my gaze away from him. With as much confidence as I could, I quickly scampered around the large kitchen island and quickly snatched a bottle of water from the cooler on the floor.
Now that was done, I was ready to get the fuck out of here.
Upon turning to leave, I heard an awful shrill sound which caused me to stop dead in my tracks. A tall, lanky looking guy from the soccer team had taken it upon himself to release an obnoxiously loud wolf whistle, as he glued his eyes shamelessly to my ass.
"Fuck me, look at the ass on that one," the idiot said, as he rudely gestured to where I was standing.
I screwed my face up him in disgust. Who the hell says that about someone when they're still there? At least have the decency to say it after I've left the room.
The glazed look in Ethan's eyes vanished in a second, replaced instead with unmistakable rage.
"The fuck you just say, Johnson?" Ethan sneered, as he angrily pushed himself off the counter, and squaring himself up in the guys face.
"Hey, hey. Ethan be cool. He doesn't know who she is, he's new." A second guy piped up quickly, as he tried to push Ethan away a little.
Ethan looked slightly irritated by the interruption, but his words seemed to resonate with him and he stepped back a little.
"You're off the hook this time because you're new but if I hear one more word about my girl, from that shitty little mouth of yours, you better run." Ethan hissed in between gritted teeth.
The guy didn't say a word, and just frantically nodded his head.
I almost choked on my own spit from the shock of his words.
"Sorry, your girl? Did you recently adopt me or something?" I interrupted sarcastically with an incredulous scoff. I didn't know if, I should feel annoyed or amused by Ethan's blatant lie. He didn't have to make up a lie about us being together, just to get the guy to back off.
Ethan turned around to face me and shook his head in disappointment before storming his way over to me. He took his soccer jacket off with haste before quickly wrapping it around my shoulders. He worked quickly to button up a few holes of the jacket, while I just stood frozen, feeling too confused to even speak.
Shooting one final nasty glare back at the lanky boy, he snatched my wrist and yanked me in the direction of the door.
As soon as we were out of the kitchen, he spun me around fast and pushed me up against the wall of the corridor. He was so close, that I was instantly hit with the sharp smell of his cologne.
"Why Mia? Why, just why?" he stammered out in frustration. "You could have worn anything, and you decided on this. Are you fucking kidding me?" he scoffed.
His words felt like a sharp slap in the face and I recoiled back a little, feeling hurt. "I get that you don't like it Ethan, but there's no need to be rude." I snapped.
Ethan let out a harsh chuckle. "There's a hell of a lot of things I feel about you in this dress Mia, and dislike is certainly not one of them. Not by a long-shot." He gulped as his eyes drifted up and down the length of my torso.
My heart started hammering so quickly within my chest, I was surprised I couldn't hear it. "Th-then, why are you mad?" I stuttered out nervously, feeling distracted by how close his face was.
His jaw clenched. "Because you're going to have to deal with dickheads like Johnson, who are going to make a move on you all fucking night," he grumbled.
"Well, that's my problem, not yours. You're a good friend for trying to look out for me but I can handle myself, okay Ethan." I cried in exasperation.
"Thanks for the jacket but I'm not wearing it. I can't wear something that has your name scrawled in big bold letters across the back, people will assume things." I stated firmly, as I started to fumble to undergo the buttons.
"No, leave it on." he grumbled as he pulled my hands away. "That's why you should keep it on. If they think there's something between us, they'll keep their nasty hands and comments to themselves. Do not take it off Mia," he said with a fierce intensity in his eyes.
"You're ridiculous." I yelled out with spite.
As I focused back on him, I was taken aback by the amount of emotion that was swimming in his icy blue eyes.
He look almost pained. "Why do you do this to me?" he whispered, as his eyes flicked back and forth between mine.
"D-do what?" I stuttered out in confusion.
He eyes dropped down to stare at my lips. "Torture me," he swallowed.
Before I could get another word in, he pushed himself off the wall and walked away.
Well, that was weird...
After collecting my frazzled brain together, as best as I could, I started to make my way back to the main party room. I spotted May and Chloe almost instantly and quickly made my way over to them.
"Thanks for ditching me." I snapped, shaking my head at them in disappointment.
"Oops sorry," May shrugged, not looking guilty in any shape or form.
"Wait a second. What the hell are you wearing? Whose jacket is that? May said with narrowed eyes as she leaned in closer to inspect the writing. Then being the annoying person she is, she spun me around quickly so she could read the back.
"Oh my fucking god. Yes! It's Ethan's, I knew it." May laughed.
"Aww that's so cute, he's all protective over you," Chloe said as she leaned in to pinch my cheeks.
I couldn't help but crack a little smile. "Yeah, it is kinda cute I guess, that he wants to look out for me like an overprotective older brother," I said nodding my head in agreement.
"Sorry, your overprotective what now?" May said making sounds that sounded halfway between a cry and a laugh.
Chloe just let out a heavy sigh before burying her head in her hands. "You're too much Mia," she groaned in an exasperated voice.
"Unless he's into fucking incest, there's no way in hell that boy sees you as a sister." May snorted.
"You guys are reading everything wrong. I know for a fact he doesn't like me, he told me he had a crush on another girl." I yelled in frustration.
"And you were dumb enough to believe him?" May laughed.
They were both being idiots. How could Ethan like me when he's spent most of his life teasing the shit out of me. He literally calls me Chubs, which is probably the most unflattering nickname in the world. Nobody in their right mind would call someone they have a crush on, Chubs.
"Hey peeps," Lucas said, as he inserted himself into our little circle of discussion. "Oh for fucks sake, not you again. Don't you ever disappear." May whined.
"Well this is my house May," he laughed.
"No, it's your parents' house. They simply just allow you to live here as their pet." May retaliated in a sassy voice.
Probably for lack of a better response, Lucas just rolled his eyes. "Anyway, I and a few others are going to play a little game upstairs. A very very fun game." He chuckled lowly.
"What game?" May said narrowing her eyes at him in suspicion.
"A fun game," he winked.
We all looked at each other before shrugging our shoulders and following after him, up the stairs.
He led us into a room, which seemed to be his bachelor pad room. As there was your usual collection of cliché boy items such as a snooker table, a dartboard, and various video game consoles. The sofas had been pushed to the side of the room, so everyone could sit around in a circle.
There looked to be around twelve or so people in the room. Most people looked a little out of it already and seemed to be in the stage of drunk where everything seemed ridiculously funny.
All except one person; Ethan.
As I took a seat around the circle, his eyes immediately locked on mine, and his mouth slowly warped into a smirk, almost as though he was promising trouble.
He certainly looked more cheerful than he did a couple of minutes ago, I wonder what's got him in such a good mood.
Lucas plopped himself down on to the floor beside Ethan and cleared his throat.
"Okay, so the game I've gathered everyone around to play is," Lucas said as dramatically drummed against the ground with his hands. "7 minutes in heaven." he cheered.
"Wait, what!" I yelled out in shock, I barely even realized I had said it aloud until I saw everyone turn in my direction.
"Shh Mia, quiet now, Lucas is speaking." He said as he placed a finger up against his lips.
"Anyway, here are the rules. I will spin a bottle in the middle of the circle." He said as he waved an empty beer bottle around. "And whoever it lands on, will proceed to pick a paper, out of one of two hats, that contain all of your names. Pick hat A if you're a boy and hat B is you're a girl." He explained as he shook the said hats.
"Oh, wait, shit, is anyone gay?" he said looking around in worry.
God, was I tempted to put my hand up so I could get the fuck out of this game.
After a couple of seconds, and nobody had said anything, he continued. "Okay, excellent." He said clapping his hands. "Well, once you have picked out a name. You and the other person you picked from the hat, will be locked in my cupboard for approximately 7 minutes. In this time, you can do whatever you want to each other." He chuckled light. "But if any of you fucking bastards have sex in my cupboard, I will cut you." He threatened.
"However, what makes my game extra special is that you must leave with evidence. This could be in the form of a bra, a voice recording, scratches, or whatever other kinky things your heart desires. If you surprise me, you get points for creativity." He laughed.
Okay, it was official, Lucas was a thousand times weirder than I ever thought was possible.
"Also, you must leave the room within 7 seconds of the person knocking on the door. Any question?" Lucas said finishing his speech off with an innocent smile. It was offensive that he could pretend to look innocent, after describing one of the most disturbingly sexualized children's games I have ever heard of.
Everyone in the circle started chatting excitedly amongst themselves, seeming quite amused by the game. They were way to drunk to see how dodgy-as-fuck Lucas's game was.
I raised my hand high in the air so I could ask a question.
"Yes Mia, you have a question," Lucas said politely. "Yes, I just wondered if I don't come back with evidence, you know like a sane person. What's going to happen? I asked curiously.
"Excellent question Mia. Anyone who doesn't comply with the rules of my game will have their eyebrows shaved off," he said with an evil chuckle.
Everyone went silent as he said this, as they knew he was deadly serious. Lucas went through a weird phase back in the 9th grade, where he would creep up on people when they were having a nap in class. And when the teacher wasn't looking, he'd strip wax their eyebrows clean off.
It was super weird.
He even managed to get Ethan one time, and god was it funny. Teasing him about his bald forehead was honestly the best four months of my life.
"So, evidence it is, I guess," I said with a nervous laugh. There was no fucking way I was waiting four months for my eyebrows to come back.
In and out. In and out. Deep breaths Mia.
This game might be a good thing, who knows? Maybe making out with some random cute guy, could help eradicate these weird feelings I keep getting around Ethan. I just needed to get my sexual frustration out and then everything would go back to normal.
"Okay Let's get started shall we," Lucas said placing the bottle into the middle of the circle. He spun it and we all watched it spin in anticipation. When it finally stopped, it ironically had spun back around so the tip was facing him.
May snorted, clearly finding it funny that he had been targeted by his own game.
"Whatever, I don't mind," Lucas said with a shrug as he crawled forward and dug his hand into a hat. Once he had grabbed one of the pieces of paper, he lifted it to his face to read.
He started to hysterically laugh as soon as he read it, as though he couldn't believe who was written on the paper.
"Hey May, guess who gets to mess around with me for seven whole minutes?" Lucas winked.
May's face went sickeningly white and repeatedly shook her head. "No, nope, no way! I'm not doing it. Pick again!" she yelled.
There are not many times I've seen May look scared, but right now her eyes seemed to be drowning in complete and utter fear.
She hated Lucas, big time. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they opened the door after 7 minutes and Lucas' dead body rolled out.
"If you don't go with me, May, then it's goodbye to those pretty little eyebrows of yours. I sit right by you in history. And guess who falls asleep every single time? You do." Lucas whispered with a dark chuckle.
May's eyes snapped up to meet his with incredible speed and she narrowed her eyes. "You know what, let's do this. I don't give a shit." she snapped confidently, as she stood up and marched towards the cupboard with her head held high.
She turned back around, "You coming, or what?" she hissed impatiently. Lucas just nodded his head vigorously and scrambled to his feet, running after her like a lost puppy.
I watched them enter the cupboard with an amused smile on my face, very curious to see what would manifest from such a weird coupling.
I sat around talking with Chloe for a bit, we were making predictions on how many visible bruises there would be on Lucas' body by the time he left the cupboard. Once the timer went off, one of the soccer guys got up to knock on the door.
"Time's up guys. You have 7 seconds," we heard him say as he knocked on the door.
I excepted May to come running out almost immediately, assuming she wouldn't want to have to spend a second longer in there with him than she had to. But they didn't, they took their dear sweet time. Finally, the door opened, and I couldn't believe my eyes.
Both of them had incredibly ruffled up hair and were sporting matching swollen lips. I widened my eyes in utter shock, as I noticed May's top was now inside out. And that wasn't even the weirdest part.
The weirdest fucking part was that Lucas, let me repeat that one more time, Lucas, was holding her bra proudly in his hands. My jaw dropped open in shock, as my eyes flickered between the two of them in disbelief.
Lucas looked happier than I've ever seen him. It was what I would imagine someone to look like after they won the lottery. As Lucas walked back to his seat, I rolled my eyes, as I saw him high-five Ethan on the way.
May's face was the brightest shade of red, I've ever seen it as she quietly sat down on the floor beside us, without saying a word.
"What the hell happened in that closet?" I laughed. "Don't make me repeat it, you know what happened," she mumbled as her face grew an even darker shade of red than I thought humanely possible.
"And you gave him your bra?" Chloe stammered out in shock
"Yeah..." May trailing off awkwardly.
Before I had time to interrogate her further, Lucas shot a sly wink at May before leaning forward to spin the bottle. I was praying to every God I could think of for it not to land on me. Finally, it did stop.
But it didn't stop on me, it had stopped on Ethan.
His face stretched out into a wide grin and he wasted no time before crawling into the middle of the circle, so he could take a name from the hat. I'm not sure why, but it stung to see him look so excited. Did he want to fool around with some random girl that badly?
Involuntarily, I started to imagine Ethan heatedly making out with some random blonde cheerleader, and the though caused bile to rise to my throat.
I watched in distastefully as he pulled a name from the hat. The dickhead then took his sweet old time to unfold it, just to add to the already infuriating suspense. He barely glanced at it for a second, before his eyes immediately snapped up to meet mine.
"Mia," he smiled.
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