《Ice cream, Teasing and Awkward Situations》Chapter 2


My eyes bulged out of their sockets in complete shock, not believing what had just come out of my arch nemesis's mouth.

He seriously wanted to kiss me?

This was too weird.

I narrowed my eyes in suspicion, wondering if this was some kind of a joke, but he was looking at me with a deadly serious expression on his face.

I shifted nervously in my place as silence filled the air. I opened my mouth and then closed it, not sure how to respond to such a surprising demand from someone who supposedly claimed to hate me.

Suddenly his face started to crack as though he was fighting the urge to smile before he could no longer control himself and a humongous grin fought its way on to his face.

He let out a loud snort before completely exploding into a fit of loud and obnoxious laughter. He bent over dramatically as he laughed, clutching on to his stomach as he struggled for breath.

"Oh my God," he lets out barely containing his laughs. "I can't believe," he pauses, throwing his head back again. "I can't believe you actually thought I was going to kiss you. That was way too much fun," he said in between wheezes of laughter as he started to come down from his fit.

I just watched him with a single eyebrow raised, not amused in the slightest by his little performance.

"Thank God, because I was seconds away from projectile vomiting over your face if you got any closer," I snapped back in retaliation.

His eyes sparkled with glee as I said that, and he leaned in closer, so he was invading my personal space once again.

With him this close, I couldn't help but catch a trace of his scent, his cologne mixed with the natural earthy scent of his body, created an annoyingly distracting smell. I hated how good he smelled; it gave him an extremely unfair advantage.

I cleared my throat and flickered my eyes up to meet his, trying my best to look as confident and unaffected by him as possible.

"Look, Mia, we both know you're attracted to me. Just admit it," he said with an arrogant smirk as his piercing blue eyes staring down at me provokingly.


I found my eyes subconsciously dropping to check him out not being able to resist a quick peek with him this close. His burgundy jacket was left on the back of his chair so all he was wearing was his skin-tight white t-shirt which for some reason seemed to be molded to his body to a painfully teasing degree, exposing every square inch of his body from his broad shoulders to his chiseled abs.

"My eyes are up here Chubs," he teased, snapping me out of my little visual excursion.

I coughed awkwardly, as I tried to clear my mind again and compose myself.

"I was just wondering when you were going to stop shopping in the woman's section and buy a top that can fit you for a change," I said sassily, as I looked him up and down judgmentally.

He didn't seem too pleased by my answer, and his cocky smirk dropped abruptly from his face.

"I think someone clearly wants to get fired today," he spat spitefully, before spinning around on his feet and heading straight in the direction of my manager.

My eyes bulged out of their sockets in panic and I quickly ran after him and grabbed him before he could get too far.

Almost as though he knew I was going to do that, he slowly turned back around to face me with raised eyebrows, and an expectant look on his face.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry I take it back." I muttered in defeat.

His smirk seemed to arrive back on his face as easily as it had left.

"I think your apology could be better than that, don't you think?" Ethan said with a mischievous look.

I narrowed my eyes at him, not knowing what he meant by that.

"I want you to say that you think I'm a sexy beast who has the body of a Greek God" he demanded, looking at me with an entirely serious expression on his face.

"No way," I said with a snort. There was no way I was saying that, I had pride.

"Well I hope this job is not important to you Chubs," he said with a shrug about to turn around again.


"Okay fine," I said with a sigh. "You are.... you are....not super ugly," I muttered out weakly.

He raised an eyebrow at me, clearly far from impressed.

"You can't seriously think I'm going to let you get away with that right," he said with a chuckle.

I just stared at him hoping by some miracle he would change his mind or admit that he was joking.

"I haven't got all day Chubs," Ethan said tapping on his watch impatiently.

I let out a big sigh of frustration, knowing I was just going to have to swallow my pride.

"Fine you're asexybeastwhohasthebodyofagreekgod," I rambled out under my breath as quickly as humanly possible, to preserve my dignity.

"Sorry I didn't quite catch that," he said cupping his ear condescendingly.

"I said you're a sexy beast who has the body of a Greek god," I said clearly this time between gritted teeth.

Even though I was coherent this time, the idiot was still not satisfied and proceed to gesture to his ear yet again.

"Still can't hear you speak up," he said with a wide grin on his face.

I was officially sick of this guy, if he wanted to see loud, then I'll give him loud.

"FINE, YOU'RE A SEXY BEAST WHO HAS THE BODY OF A GREEK GOD!" I yelled at him angrily, completely fed up with his bull-crap.

That's when I heard, the entire shop go silent, and I realized I might have been a teeny tiny bit too loud.

My face burnt hot as I felt a deep blush overtake my entire face.

I had even stunned Ethan who was staring at me in shock, obviously not expecting me to belt the statement out loud enough for the entire restaurant to hear.

I felt my heart drop as I realized the entire shop was looking at me, there wasn't a single pair of eyes that wasn't turned in my direction. I was even been gawked at by the bloody preteens.

I slowly closed my eyes in the hope that I would hopefully just sink through the floorboards and out of existence forever.

After a couple of seconds, I slowly cracked open one eye to see Ethan was still standing before me, his face looked particularly smug as he beamed at me with his stupid perfect smile.

"I heard you that time," he whispered in my ear before giving me a double pat on the shoulder and making his way back to the booth.

I watched with my jaw hung wide open as he innocently just started to tuck back into his Oreo chocolate sundae as though he hadn't just got finished with humiliating me.

Trying to ignore the stares, I scurried my way back to the counter so I could hide.

I was immediately met by extremely amused faces of May and Ben who looked like they were trying to control the urge to laugh.

"I hate you guys," I mumbled weakly, knowing they were going to tease the shit out of me for this. May finally let out a snort of laughter.

"I have to say, Mia, that flirting technique was a little bold even for you," May said with a laugh.

Ben burst into laughter at May's comment but upon meeting my hard glare, he made a pretty pathetic attempt to muffle his laughter with a cough.

I widened my eyes, as I saw my manager start to make her way over to us. Well I guess, I was getting fired.

"Mia could you refrain from flirting with your boyfriend in the middle of your shift," my manager said casually not seeming too upset by my actions.

"I wasn't flirt-" I managed to get out before my manager raised a hand to silence me.

"Chill, I don't mind. In fact, it's quite empty today so feel free to leave your shift early today," she said waving her hand dismissively.

That shut me up quickly and I quickly rushed to get my stuff from the backroom, eager to escape from this horrible place.

I squeaked out a bye to Ben and dragged May off her stool by her arm and pulled her along with me.

On my route out, I couldn't resist giving Ethan a final glare. He was already looking my way and when we made eye contact, he dared to wink at me.

What a prick.

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