《Working for Him》Chapter 28


Adam Wilson

I woke up expecting Sophia beside me but I was met with emptiness instead.

"Sophia?" I called out her name.

She was probably in the bathroom or somewhere else. I checked the time to see that it was 11am already.

Thankfully, it was a Saturday and I didn't have any engagements so it was okay for me to sleep in late.

Besides... Sophia was a knockout.

Last night was ruthless. Every single moment with her was pure bliss. I am still surprised by the depth of passion she ignited within me. I couldn't wait to share another moment like that with her again.

I needed to find her and say good morning. What is she up to?

I took a deep breath, threw the covers off and went to the bathroom.

"Sophia? My love, are you in there?" I knocked and entered after no response. Unfortunately, it was empty.

That meant she was in the kitchen. She was probably hungry, I am too.

I went into the kitchen and she wasn't there too...


I checked the whole apartment and there was no sign of Sophia. Not even in the study. I also noticed her clothes and everything else was gone.

What the hell is going on? Why did she leave?

I was worried for a split second until I remembered she said she had some commitments. I assumed that was why she had to leave early.

But what sort of commitment is it? She could've at least said goodbye.

I'll call her later today. She must be busy and I don't want to bother her.

I went back to the room and cleaned up last night's clothes from the floor. Before I loaded them in the laundry hamper, I checked all pockets to see if there were any valuables that shouldn't go into the washer.

I dipped my hand into the pocket of my pants and brought out... Sophia's underwear!


I totally forgot that I copped it last night! And I can't believe she left without it! She probably looked for it but couldn't find it.

What the hell am I going to do with it now?

I stood and stared at the small piece of illicit fabric for a good ten minutes, unsure about what I was thinking when I took it.

I held it up, inspecting the flimsy material. I felt a knot of desire as I pictured Sophia wearing it last night. Peeling it off of her had been the sexiest thing ever. This was a token of our time together.

I tucked it into the bathroom drawer and decided to take a cold shower. I turned on the knob and the water sprinkled out from the head. I left it running as I brushed my teeth.

I thought about shaving but I wasn't really up for it. Besides, my stubble didn't look so bad.

As I was about to get in the shower, I stopped. I couldn't resist any longer. I reached for Sophia's panties in the drawers and brought it to my nose, inhaling the sweet pungent feminine aroma.


My cock jumped at the scent. She smelled so delicious that I felt like I was going to combust. I needed to taste her and feel her writhe against my lips, but she wasn't here!

"Damn Sophia." I moaned as her scent filled my senses.

With one hand still clutching the panties, I worked myself free from the confines of my shorts with the other. I was rock hard & swollen already and I needed some relief.

I stroked myself without mercy as my thoughts turned towards Sophia. Her soft skin... her sweet lips... her pretty smile... her full breasts... her tight little...


"Ughhh..." I pumped faster, supporting my weight with one arm on the countertop just as my orgasm hit.


Sophia Parker

"I'm so glad you're here darling. It's been so long since the three of us were together as a family." My mum said.

"I'm happy to be here too mama."

We were at the dining table at my home in Virginia, having lunch. Dad was there too, looking healthier than the last time I saw him.

"How was the food Bruce." She asked him.

"It's not too bad." He said with a frown on his face. It was obvious that he didn't like it that much, but he had to eat what the doctors recommended.

"Thank you for the food. It was delicious." I told my mum. Apparently, she had been cooking all morning, preparing for my arrival.

"You're welcome sweetie."

Once I cleared the table and did the dishes, I came back to the living room to sit beside my dad. He wanted to speak to me and I knew it was about something important, perhaps my work. Meanwhile, mum had gone to tend flowers in the garden.

"Come closer my dear." He said to me.

I moved closer to him and hugged him.

"Your mother told me you left your job. However, she didn't give the reason." He looked at me seriously. "Why would you out such a nice job Sophia? You worked with a huge company in New York. The pay was fantastic, and you even managed to get yourself a nice apartment. Never once did you complain about anything, so why would you suddenly quit?"

"Ummm... I guess I- I got bored with it. And I want to try something different." I said, mentally thanking my mum for not mentioning my escapades with Mr Wilson to him.

"Nonsense! If that's the reason you left then you made a huge mistake and I know you're smarter than that Sophia. Now tell me the real reason."

Yes. My dad is a smart man. He could read you like a book. Growing up, it was so difficult to lie to him.

"Dad, my reasons are personal, that's why I didn't tell mum either. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. As long as it's not something absurd... and I hope it wasn't because of a man." He bickered.

My heart stopped for a second and resumed faster than its normal rate.

It was a man. I left because of a man. Does that mean my decision is absurd?

"If your reason for leaving was a sentimental one, then you probably made a mistake. You should never let your emotions get the best of you Sophia and I've always taught you that."

"Yes dad. I know." I said with a forced smile, but inside I was burning because I had directly done contrary to that.

"Speaking about men... I've always warned you to guard your heart and never open up to anyone until you're sure of them. And also protect your honour for marriage, that's what a virtuous woman like you should do." He smiled at me with assurance.

This time I couldn't even put up a fake smile, I could only stare at him remorsefully.

Guilt and shame stung at me because last night, I had lost my so-called honour in the most ruthless way possible. The sex with Mr Wilson had been so passionate... like it was a necessity that we deprived each other of for so long.

And it lasted throughout the night. The way he often woke me up from sleep showed that he had a strong appetite, I thought he was insatiable.


I didn't regret any of it until now, after what my dad said. I've screwed up.

And it was my fault. Even though I wanted to sleep with Mr Wilson, I could have stopped it but the way he pleaded and my desire for him was so strong that I decided to give into the temptation and deal with the consequences later.

"Sophia, what's on your mind?" My dad asked, snapping me back.

"N- Nothing dad. I uh... I really appreciate your advice and I assure you my reasons are not as absurd as you may think."


I put on the performance of my life for the rest of the day. But my heart broke every time my parents smiled at me like I was the perfect little daughter. I felt like I was carrying a burden on my chest, knowing that I'm not as perfect as they think I am.

All I want is to make them proud. I hate keeping dirty secrets but I have to. I can't even imagine what my dad would think of me if they ever find out what I've done.

That evening after we prayed together, my parents went to bed and I was finally alone in my room.

I switched on my phone for the first time since I landed and it blew up immediately. There were so many messages and voice notes from different people, but a large chunk of them was from HIS number.

Oh god! He must be so worried about me!

I dialled him and he picked up on the first ring.

"Sophia! Thank goodness you've finally called! Is everything okay? I've been very worried about you for the whole day! I swear you almost drove me crazy! Why hasn't your number been going through? I thought something might have happened to you- "

"Mr Wilson I- I'm fine." I had to cut him off.

"Are you sure about that?" He sounded really worried.

"Yes I am."

"I'm glad to hear that. But where are you right now?"

"I uh... I- I'm at home." Techincally, Virginia is also my 'home'.

"Since when?"

"Since a while ago."

"Don't lie to me Sophia, please. I was at your apartment 5 minutes ago and you were not there. Where the hell are you?!"He almost screamed.

Oh god! I had promised I would tell him I was leaving but only when I had already left. Now, I don't even have the courage to do so anymore. He is going to freak out!

"You know what... you don't have to tell me because I sense you don't want to. It's okay. Just promise me that you'll come over tonight. I understand that you have things to do but please Sophia, make time for me as well. I need you." He said much more calmly this time.

"Mr Wilson-"

"You don't need to call me that anymore. You no longer work for me and you are now my girlfriend."


"Okay Adam. I'm really sorry but I can't see you tonight?" I said remorsefully.

"And why not my love?" He whined. "Have you forgotten all about last night, so soon?"

"No Adam, I haven't forgotten." It was all I thought about on the plane.

"Good, because I need you Sophia, you're a necessity. You're in my blood. Let's meet again tonight in my place. How does that sound?"

"No, Adam. That's not... possible. I'm not even in New York."

There. I finally spilled the beans.

"What? That's not true. What do you mean?" He sounded confused.

"It's true." I sighed. "I'm not around. I went to the airport this morning and I travelled."

There was a deafening silence on the phone for a minute. I could hear my pulse banging in my ears.

"Do I even dare ask where you travelled to?" His voice was shaky. He was probably hurt and I felt completely bad for him.

"No Adam. I don't want you to come looking for me." I can't have him around my parents. My conscience would kill me.

"It seems like you're hiding or running away from me Sophia. Do you regret last night?"

Oh Adam.

"Last night was incredible. But I'm afraid it can't happen again, it shouldn't. And I don't want you to think that I'm running away from you. I already had my flight booked before I saw you at your apartment."

"What?! You mean you'd already planned your trip before you came to see me? So you slept with me and got my hopes up only to leave me the next day?! Was I just a one night stand to you Sophia?" He sounded angry.

"Oh god no! I swear those were not my intentions. I just wanted to get my documents signed and leave, that was all. Unfortunately, I gave into the pressure of sleeping with you."


"Oh my god! That was a bad word. There was no pressure at all. I mean... it was more of desire. I wanted you just as much as you wanted me. None of it is your fault." I said nervously. I'm sure I just screwed this up.

"Ah! I simply can't believe any of this! Do you know how happy I was this morning?! I was glad that you were finally mine!! Only for you to tell me in the evening that you're in a different continent and last night was only just a one-time thing. Why do I have to be so unlucky when it come to you Sophia?"

"Adam please don't get upset. I didn't leave the continent."

I wouldn't be surprised if he hates me for this and falls out of love with me. I just realised now that this whole thing was a stupid idea. I shouldn't have left him.

At the same time, I needed to see my father. I couldn't choose anyone over him. But I should have at least informed Adam that I was leaving. Not doing so was very unfair to him.

"I hope you don't send me to the grave Sophia because I'm dying for you every day. After last night, I don't think I can spend a day without you. I need to see your face at least. Why don't you video call me?"

"You mean right now?" I asked anxiously. Was I ready to see him?

"Yes. I'll call you on facetime in a moment. I need to see your smile."

"Wait! Does that mean you're no longer angry with me?"

"I could never be angry with you my love. Not even if I tried my hardest." He ended the call.

He sounded so sweet. I'm glad he wasn't offended anymore.

I fixed my hair quickly and applied some lip gloss before he called on facetime. I answered the call immediately. After connecting for a while, I saw his handsome face on my screen. He was lying on his bed looking really tired.

"Hey beautiful." He said. I blushed so hard but the room was dark enough for him not to see.

"Hello Adam. You don't know how terrible I feel about the conversation we just had. I didn't mean-"

"Don't worry about it Sophia." He interrupted lightly. "It doesn't matter because I'm not upset. At least I got to see your pretty face. I hope you're comfortable wherever you are."

"Yes I am. Don't worry too much about me." I was touched by the fact that he cares about me.

"Okay. I just needed to see that you were okay. It's late and you should get some sleep." He grinned at me.

"Thanks. You too ." I smiled back.

"Dont forget that I love you so much and you can call me anytime you want. I'll always pick up the phone for you."

"Okay, I will." I said, nodding my head. "Goodnight Adam."

"Goodnight Sophia." He said before he went off.

"I love you too. Much more than you can imagine." I whispered after the call had ended.


Hello my loves

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