There was a floor above Sinclair company that we had strictly for either photoshoot, runways, or shooting videos. It was this huge space that had a thick opaque glass and steel beams.
I arrived fifteen minutes late for the photo shoot. It was intentional. I had woken up today and chickened out, didn't feel like letting Rogue get what he wanted. I had taken off my clothes and went back to bed intending to stay there for the whole day, but time had gone by agonizingly slow, and I had to keep rethinking my decision the whole time. When I realized what I was doing, I was already ten minutes late. I had to finish dressing in the car.
Fortunately, no one commented on my tardiness, or maybe they could tell the stress I was in. Rogue had arrived five minutes ago and was currently with Richard; the photographer and creative designer were discussing the set, and the makeup and hair people were setting up their stations. Our models had arrived and paraded around with a happy smile on their faces.
All the models' headshots were posted next to the hangers. Only mine seemed to be missing in one of the hangers. Maybe it was because I wasn't a professional model. Either way, I didn't care, and I was glad for that.
Hanna found me beside the catering table, shoving fudge cookies into my mouth, and not giving the slightest shit that I shouldn't be eating right now. I should be in the dressing room along with the other models, getting my makeup done. Satisfying Rogue Slade. Argh. Even the thought of his name sent me going mad.
"I just did something for you," she began excitedly. I stared at her while stuffing my mouth with more cookies. "I convinced Rogue that you should be the last model to do her photoshoot and you won't be in the group photos." She clapped her hands and blinked at me rapidly.
When I finished swallowing, I put back the remaining cookies in my hand. "I thought you were going to say you changed Rogue's mind." I stomped my foot, feeling like running my hands through my hair to mess it up. "Where's the asshole, anyway?"
"Still with Richard. Don't worry, you're going to do great. Just give the photographer a sexy pose."
I glared at her. "I'm glad you're enjoying this, Hanna, but if you knew what happened....." I mumbled the rest of the words that sounded incoherent while letting my gaze wander.
She smiled, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "If I knew what?" she asked with a puzzled look.
"Nothing." I kept staring at the spread of snacks laid out. Fresh fruits, cookies, donuts, cupcakes, and croissants. Plus, a few bottles of champagne. I plucked a bottle and a glass to pour myself when my attention suddenly drifted towards the door and the person who just walked in.
Rogue paused just inside the door, glancing around the room. Beside him were Sabrina and a few of his employees. He spotted us, and his eyes lingered on mine. He sized me up as he started sauntering toward us. My stomach sank immediately. I went to look for the nearest exit, but something incredible happened. A model, who had just finished her makeup and got into her lingerie stopped him to talk.
I watched them talk in relief. Well, anything to get me away from him. They spoke, and she tried touching him a few times. Only I could see the slight ducks he made, but he still had a polite, less monstrous smile on his face. What was wrong with him? Why didn't he like the model touching him? She wasn't hideous or anything. She was tall, skinny, and gorgeous. Any man would kill to have her. Then, I remembered Rogue wasn't normal. He wasn't like any other man. I suppressed a shudder as his gaze continued drifting over me.
Another woman, who worked in our company handed him a glass of champagne, which he collected, and I saw him mouthing thank you to her. She blushed and scurried away. I rolled my eyes. Sabrina touched his arm and pulled him away with her to get him seated on one of the chairs that were spread out. From the way she was touching him, I wondered if she liked him. I wanted to save her the trouble and tell her she couldn't and wouldn't be able to get past Veronica. My stomach twisted in revolt as I turned away.
An hour later, all the models, including me, had finished their makeup and hair. They hung around in their lingeries while I remained tightly in my robes. All the models looked impeccable.
The photoshoot began. The models made it look so easy. It was clear that anyone could tell they were experienced professionals. They worked well, posing, and creating interesting angles as the photographer clicked away. I wondered what I would look like. I knew I had a great body, but it would be a miracle to look this good and sexy. Models just had this thing for them....it would be hard to pull off what they were doing. Incredibly hard. I hoped I didn't look like an idiot, especially not while Rogue was watching.
When their shoots ended, I immediately ran into the dressing room. I took a nice, slow breath to gather my bearings before I walked out of it. There, I found the set empty. Confused, I walked around, but not a single person was around. Everything else was exactly where it was, even the photographer's camera and equipment were in its position. What kind of photographer would leave their camera behind?
I wanted to check my phone to see if I got a text from Hanna to explain their absence when I remembered my phone was with her.
"Looking for someone?" I heard Rogue's drawl behind me.
I jumped, spinning around to find him already looking at me with his perfect smile. He sauntered towards me with his hands in his pockets and his gaze over my face.
"Where is everyone?"
A smile tickled the edge of his mouth. "I sent everyone away because I thought you would be more comfortable alone. See, I care about what you want."
He sent everyone away? Well, I wasn't going to complain about that. "And the photographer?" My brows shot up.
"He wasn't allowed to take your picture."
"Then, who is?" I asked, even though I knew what he was going to say.
Rogue came to stop in front of me, and his grin was a real boyish grin, and I was even more furious with myself when my heart sped up. His hands came down on my shoulders. "Why, me of course." Then he was pulling down my robes. With a gasp, I went to sidestep him, but he moved with me, effectively blocking my path.
My heart was pounding so fast I thought it was going to burst out of my heart. "Rogue," I warned, but it was weak.
His eyes flickered with mischievousness. "Don't worry, I take good pictures," he muttered softly. He reached out, softly running his finger down my bare arm.
I slapped him. Well, I wouldn't call it a slap. It felt more like a tap against his smooth skin, one I blamed my trembling hand for. As soon as I did, I took a step back. Rogue just chuckled, running his hand through his hair to mess it up.
"How cute," he said, then tapped on his watch. "But time's running out, sweetheart. I've got a meeting in half an hour and the photographer has other business to attend. I'm sure everyone else is just as busy. We mustn't keep them waiting."
Was he insane? I took another step backward. "You're not taking my picture, weirdo." More like a pervert, but I didn't want to push him. "Call back the photographer. Let him take my picture. He's the professional."
"Let's call back everyone, shall we? Maybe invite a few more to the set." He went to turn around to leave, and I quickly grabbed his arm before I knew what I was doing. "Yes?" he teased with a grin.
"Just do what you want," I groaned out, but this was the last time I would ever let him take advantage of me. Ever. He probably thought I was weak, but Beth Wallace was no one's bitch, and neither was I going to allow anyone to control me.
I stood in front of the camera as Rogue took his position behind it. All the blinding lights were on me. My legs were shaky, and I felt like they could buckle under me any second now.
"Anytime now, Ms. Wallace," Rogue called out, while I glared at him in response.
With his piercing gaze on me, I finally let the robes drop to the ground. I felt so naked in front of his eyes and desperately wanted to get the robes back on, but I pushed myself to stay upright and continued to pin my gaze on him.
Rogue wasn't looking at my body. In fact, it seemed to be the least interesting thing to look at. He didn't eye fuck me. No, his eyes were more into my face and it was what amused him the most. I kept my glaring face on while he checked the camera.
"Take your pose, Ms. Wallace." He was staring into the lens now. I stood there doing nothing for ten seconds. Rogue got the camera away from his face and stared at me. "Want me to come there and help you?"
"No!" I didn't realize I had shouted the word out until his shoulders began to shake with laughter. The evil man.
I didn't know what to do at first. I just tossed my hair to the side, jutting my hip out, and my right hand held my hip while the other lay at my side. I was in that position for more than five seconds and the camera flash had not gone off.
"What are you waiting for? Take the damn picture. Like you said, we don't have all day."
"Don't tell what to do."
"Then do your bloody job, or I wouldn't tell you what to do," I countered in annoyance. I was already tired of being in that position. My hip was starting to hurt.
"Look a little more relaxed and smile," Rogue advised, shooting me an evil smirk. "Not like you want to kill me. We're trying to sell lingerie, not scare the women away from it." He raised the camera again. I flipped him off.
I tried it again, and this time, I forced a smile. A flash went off. I straightened and rubbed my hip. I started to change into another pose when I saw Rogue walking away with the camera in hand. In shock, I quickly put on my robes and went after him.
"Wait, that's it?" I yelled after him. "Who takes a single picture and walks off with it? How do you know I didn't make a mistake? How do you know I look good in it?" At least, he had the decency to stop walking and faced me. His beautiful eyes bore into mine, making me feel like there was no one else in the entire world but us.
"I might not be a professional, but I'm a do it once kind of man. I don't repeat."
I let out a noise of disbelief. "You're ridiculous, you know that? Let me see the picture." I went to take the camera from him, but he slapped my hand away. I hissed from the pain and glared at him.
"Wait until it's done, then you can see it."
"You can't be serious," I exclaimed, frustration evident as my voice rose and my breathing quickened. "It doesn't work like that. Ask around. The model has to see the pictures, and it should be more than one! I don't care about editing. I just want to see it!"
The corners of his mouth turned up. He stalked closer to me until I found myself walking backward while he moved with me. Each step intensified the beating of my heart. I bumped into a chair and found myself stumbling, sitting on it. Rogue's figure loomed over me like a dark, ominous cloud, his gold eyes staring down at me. I suddenly forgot how to breathe.
"Are you really trying to assert some force, Beth?"
"I think it's about time someone starts checking you." Surprising myself, I didn't blink.
In an instant, he was invading more of my personal space, moving his head from side to side, trying to catch my eyes, his lips inches from my face. I met his eyes and breathed him in. I was going to tell him to get away from me, but I completely forgot it as his scent invaded my brain.
A sexy grin played on his lips. "Thanks for the picture." He winked at me before he turned around, whistling out.
I emailed the photographer and didn't get a response until the next day. A response that had me so scattered that I dropped everything and went straight to Rogue's main company, which I had never been to, and had to google the address.
I wore a black dress that made me feel powerful and confident enough to face the asshole. The dress made me look great and sexy. It said domination and determination, but somewhere deep inside me, it said something else.
As soon as I got out of the taxi and breathed in calmly, I looked up at Slade Global Enterprise, the building that was shaped like a diamond was massively tall, all steel and glass. Inside was nothing but marble floors and walls, a security desk, and a turnstile. I checked in with security first and got my visitors' card before I rode an elevator up to the twenty-first floor. I didn't think about calling his assistant first to schedule a meeting with Rogue, but I also didn't care, because I knew whatever happened, I was going to see him today.
When I approached his assistant, I didn't even try to be polite to the Asian man who only blinked at me when I demanded to see his boss and made it known that I wasn't leaving without seeing him. The assistant asked for my name, then checked on his computer. The next thing I knew, he was saying my name was under a list, but he didn't specify which list. He was basically saying I could show up any day and any time unannounced and Rogue would see me.
That shit almost fucked me up because why would Rogue do that? Did he really think I was going to keep showing up to his office to see him? Was it crack that he smoked? If I hadn't needed to speak to him urgently, I wouldn't be here in his blasted company, demanding to see his psychotic self.
Just as I was about to ask the assistant if he was alone in the office because I didn't want to embarrass myself by barging in there when he had guests, I heard Rogue's voice through the speaker of the phone that was on the desk. "You can send in Ms. Wallace now, Gary."
I glared at the phone as if I was looking at Rogue's face. The assistant, Gary, didn't have to show me the way to his boss' office, but he looked at my retreating form in curiosity. Who knew what was going through his mind. Could he be thinking that I was Rogue's fuck buddy or girlfriend? Whatever. He wasn't paid to know his boss' personal life, neither did I care what he thought about me.
I pushed through Rogue's door and walked in before the door shut on its own behind me. He was seated behind his enormous, dark wood desk, dressed in a fine navy blue suit, white shirt, and a blue tie. His office was huge with floor to ceiling windows. On the walls were a series of paintings, which were the first thing that captivated me, and not because they were beautiful, but because they were eight arranged squared of black canvases. If I thought he was any weirder, he had to keep convincing me he was more than I thought.
"Beth," he greeted in amusement. "to what do I owe the pleasure? Please, sit anywhere you feel will be the most comfortable for you."
"I want to remain standing."
He frowned while trying not to display the smug, satisfied face for luring me out here into his office. "Have I offended you? Please, sit. You're making me extremely nervous." His hand disappeared to his lap and his eyes looked all hooded, dark, and commanding.
His gaze almost betrayed my effort to stay emotionless and unaffected, but I was never really one to stay calm especially when I was dealing with him. "Oh, wow." I raised my brows with a scoff, moving closer to the desk to rest my hand on one of the chairs in front of his desk.
"Believe it or not, I do get nervous, Beth."
I shifted my legs, my brows knitted together in irritation. "Did you feel nervous before or after you fucked with me?" I demanded, and a small laugh escaped him.
"Ah, so you know about the picture." His hands were back to rest on the table, clasped together.
"So, it is true. My picture wasn't used." It wasn't a question because it didn't need to be. His smug, overconfident, and arrogant smile on his face would have been a confirmation if his words hadn't been.
"Of course, it was never going to be used," Rogue countered softly. "Why do you think I was the one who took it?" His lips were slightly parted, and his tongue slowly crept out of his mouth, running a leisurely path across his bottom lip.
"Then, what the hell was that all about?"
He waved his hand to the chair I was still holding onto, grasping for dear life to stop myself from screaming at him. "Sit, and I will tell you about the little transaction we will have," he commanded with ease, inviting me into his trap again. That, I knew of, and wouldn't fall into it.
Fed up with the conversation already, I clenched my teeth in an effort not to snap but ended up failing. "I want my picture back, Rogue."
"You will get it back," he responded fiercely. He sounded sincere enough. I believed him, but I didn't trust that he was going to give it to me just like that.
"I sense a but. Why is there a bloody but in there?"
"Patience, sweetheart, I'm getting there." He leaned back against his chair and tilted his head to look at me. "I will return your picture with no other copies made under one condition, but think of it as a transaction." With a smirk, he finally laid out his plan all along, "Have dinner with me." And then added, "Have dinner with me and I will return the picture to you."
"Excuse me?" I couldn't hide the surprise in my voice.
"Dinner, or are you worried your little boyfriend will get a word about it and dump you? Doesn't sound like a bad idea. He's really not your type."
I wouldn't say I was annoyed by his bold behavior and statement. Shocked would be more apt. Some might even admire his confidence and skill in being cunning.
"I came here to get my picture back, which I won't leave without. I'm going to ignore that you asked me out to dinner and remember that you're sick in the head, so, Rogue, I'm asking you politely, to hand over the picture." And it didn't escape my thoughts that this had been a ploy to ask me out so he could continue tormenting me.
"I do think we have things to say," he grumbled.
"I have nothing to say to you."
His smile faded slightly. "Very well, then. I have something to say to you, Beth."
"What again? More lies? More manipulation? You and Veronica seemed to have done a very exceptional job at being liars and manipulators."
Rogue tapped his fingers across his desk. Two times. Gently. "She is fine, by the way. Thank you for asking." That connection or feelings between us blossomed. Through the anger and the rage, through the cracks, it pulsed in the room. However, Veronica sat heavily between us. She would always stand in the middle. I had not forgotten that.
At first, I didn't say a word. I simply stared, trying to see into his mind. I wondered what made his say that, what about what I said that made him tick like that. I had the same questions I wanted answers to, but I knew if I even showed the slightest hint of curiosity, he would use that and lure me deep into his game. Things were different now. I could leave. I had my freedom.
"I didn't ask because I don't care," I muttered, my voice throbbing with an unknown emotion. I felt like we were trapped together again, and I was chasing for the light but knowing it was I who willingly kept drifting towards the darkness.
- In Serial130 Chapters
When Bad Boys Fall
T E A S E R:"Open your mouth," he whispered and I looked at him in confusion. "Open your mouth, Jackie."•••When Bad Boys Fall is a Standalone from the When Worlds Collide timeline.•••Jackie Garner has always been the type of girl who minds her business, stays unknown and studies hard to get a scholarship for her dream college. She has never had a boyfriend, being in a relationship or even done any intimate thing with anyone until things starts to change. Jackie gets trapped in the boys' locker room by the bullies at school and realizes it's not empty. For the first time, she meets Lucas Hamilton, the school basketball player and playboy and things might get steamy being alone with a half naked boy she's been hearing about. Most of all, now she gets noticed by him and Lucas has not left her since then.Passion, tension, feelings and heartaches is the order of the day when these two begin to go deeper than what they both wanted.🥇🥈🥉RANKS#1 Passion#2 Youngadult#3 Teenromance#2 Protective#5 Billionaire#6 Roommates#7 Hot#7 Playboy
8 363 - In Serial57 Chapters
Lucifer's Queen
In her family she was always the strange one. Never was Elizabeth a normal child, she wasn't allowed to play with others children and her mother made sure of that. They made everyone despise her. She was ill-treated by everyone up until the point her parents shipped her away to Catholic school. After all a bastard child could not be accepted into a Christian community.After a tragic night she finds herself in the arms of a stranger. Who you may ask? Well he goes by many names but the most popular of them all is Lucifer. Φ¤¤¤¤¤Φ¤¤¤¤¤Φ¤¤¤¤¤¤Φ¤¤¤¤¤¤Φ"Who are you?" The man stood at the door. Her breathing was uneven. She woke up in a strange place was not recollection of the past evens after she ran away. "I go by many names," A devious smirk covered the man's face. This man was truly beautiful. The saying as handsome as the devil would suit him perfectly. "However let's me enlighten you though, I have wings and I was the son that was cast down from heaven to rule over hell."Laughter escaped her throat before she could stop it and tears formed in her eyes as she finished laughing. But the man's face remained all too serious."Your not joking, are you?" "No."Φ¤¤¤¤¤Φ¤¤¤¤¤Φ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Φ¤¤¤¤¤ΦBy all the rules of fate they were never supposed to meet again and now that they have all of heaven is against such a union. After all how could the devil have a queen?*Comments*"So glad I read this book! Your a great author and I look forward to reading more of your books!!!" - @HLMilk123"Well... off to another book so I forget my feeling because this was one hell of a roller coaster." - @fatpotatoluvsfood"Grinning madly here, Sim." [email protected]"Sadie....Sadie.... Sadie.... Am Impressed.... Nicely detailed." [email protected]_gazer"I legit got butterflies rn!!!" [email protected]_monsterr-"I love it💘😭" [email protected]"👏👏👏" [email protected]
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The Wallflower Mate
*Chosen Mates*Mary Elizabeth Carter have gone through the Mating Ball for five consecutive years with no luck in snagging a mate. She didn't care if had a rank or he wasn't all that attractive. All she wanted was to be mated and sated. Yes, that's right. Thoroughly fucked.Now, at the age of twenty-five she was well on her way to be hung on the spinster shelf for the unwanted. She decided to break out of her shell and instead of waiting for someone to notice her. Get herself noticed. Her target was Beta of the Stonewall Pack. Luring him into a dark corner and planning to give the kiss of his lifetime, she gave it all. A kissed that took both of their breath away. The kiss led to an almost fairytale ending. Everything was going smoothly.... except she didn't kiss the Beta of the Stonewall Pack.Mary had accidentally snogged the most eligible bachelor that all unmated female werewolves have been pining for---Alpha Ryker of the Stonewall Pack.
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Unraveling Secrets
"But... How can I be your mate?" She whispered, lowering her head. "I'm a human. Humans and werewolves can't be mates."Slowly, he reached for her face and tipped her chin up, forcing their eyes to meet. Though his expression was inscrutable, there was a perceptible fondness in his eyes whenever he looked at her."Who said I was a werewolf?"➳Highest rankings: - #3 in Wolf- #5 in Mate- #5 in Innocent- #4 in Protective- #11 in RomanceStories
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Savin' Us
Evelyn and Marcel are the perfect couple. They love each other more than anything and they are inseparable......Until Marcel drunkenly cheats on her with a woman from his past. The relationship begins to crumble apart and Evelyn leaves to stay with her parents. That opens the door for more confusion as she meets the most eligible bachelor in Granville, who seems to have the 'hots' for her. Will Evelyn move on and be able to tie down the bachelor? Or forgive and forget?
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Boo! (Various!Slashers x Fem!Reader)
Your eyes widened, "Okay, let me get this straight you want me to accept the job of a nurse, taking care of 8 killers that just killed six out of twelve nurses, which will be endangering me and my family's and friends lives and all for what?" "1,000 per hour." He grimaced. "I'm in." You grinned wickedly. SLASHERS X READER I do not own any of the slashers characters, but I do own you- *wink wink* *aggressive coughing in the background performed by Freddy Krueger*
8 159