《Teaching At An All Boys School》Chapter 18- SpongeBob


When we get back to the dorm room, Wyatt just falls onto the bed and goes onto his phone.

I look down at my clothes with a sigh. What a waste of a good outfit, the only people that saw it were drunk, except Wyatt.

"Wyatt, do you like my dress?" I ask. It sucks that I need affirmation but Ash never said I look nice and I just don't feel like it's nice dress. Maybe I shouldn't have worn it?

He looks up at me with his usual adorable smile, "You look ravishing," he states without a second thought.

I look down at the soft blue coloured dress, a blush staining my cheeks. That's right Ash, I look ravishing.

I look back at Wyatt and he is staring at me, but he quickly looks away when he sees that I've noticed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to stare, I just couldn't help it..." he whispers.

My phone rings and I answer it, walking into the bathroom to change into something more comfortable.

"Hello?" I say.

"Um, babe?" Ash slurs on the other side of the phone, "Where are you? I'm calling an Uber and if you're not coming, I'm leaving."

I hear a girl giggle in the background and Ash shushes her, making me frown. He doesn't even remember I've left?

"Ash, where in the club are you?" I say, leaning against the sink and closing my eyes.

"Um," he grunts and then clears his throat. "Um, just meet me in front."

"I'm not there," I roll my eyes.

"Oh, okay. I'll see you later," he whispers and ends the call. Wait, he was whispering that to me, right?

Obviously. He's gonna ask me to be his girlfriend. He has to sooner or later. Maybe if I sleep with him I'll show him what he is missing if I'm gone?


I groan and run my hand over my face, putting my phone down on the shelf by the sink.

There's a soft knock on the door, "You're not taking a shit, right?"

I lift my shoe and throw it and the door, causing a loud thud to echo around the bathroom.

There is a few seconds of silence before Wyatt talks again, "Coco?" he whispers in a gentle voice. "Please open the door?"

"Why?" I ask.

"I really need to pee," he explains and I chuckle and pull open the door then lean down to grab my shoe before walking out.

"Thank you," he says quickly before shutting the door and locking it.

I sigh and pull out a pair of ripped jeans and a top, but then I look out the window and see it is raining again.

This weather sucks but I love it at the same time.

"I'm stealing a hoodie," I shout, then open Wyatt's cupboard. I take a maroon hoodie that's soft on the inside and lay it on my bed before pulling off my clothes and my shoe.

I start singing to myself and just as I am about to pull my shirt over my head, Wyatt opens the bathroom door and his jaw drops.

I look at him with wide eyes and his eyes go down to my body that is just covered by my underwear. After three seconds of staring, he slaps his hand over his eyes and turns around.

I quickly change, pulling on his hoodie as well. "I... I'm changed," I feel my cheeks slightly heat up and I immediately know I'm blushing.

But why? I like Ash not Wyatt.

He shakes his head, "I'm not turning," he states even though he drops his hand from his eyes.


"Why?" I frown.

"If I look at you I might..." He shakes his head. "I can't, you won't let me."

"Oh um, all the guys are going down to the theatre room tonight at midnight, you wanna come? Don't tell anyone cause technically it's not allowed but-" he turns around and his words get caught in his throat.

"I'm wearing clothes, Wyatt," I state and let out a soft chuckle. Stop blushing and being cute, stupid Wyatt, ugh!

"I-I know but... You look so good in my clothes. I," he puts his hand over his mouth and just stares at me in awe, I hear him groan slightly but it's muffled by his hand.

Suddenly his gaze on me feels hot, and I look away quickly, not liking the feeling in my stomach.

Why can't this be Ash?

This plan is really not going well at all and it's basically just a huge fail now.

"Why did I see a small SpongeBob hoodie in your closet?" I try to change the subject.

Wyatt smiles, "It's my sister's. She's all the way in South Africa with my family and so she forced me to take the hoodie to keep her close. It's stupid, don't worry."

"You're from South Africa?" I ask.

He nods, still smiling. Brushing some of his hair out of his face, he says, "Uh yeah, and no - I didn't ride lions to school," he laughs. I just stare at his face for a few seconds, enjoying the way his face lights up with he laughs.

"Can you turn around, I need to change too?" he asks and I nod, turning away and opening my phone.

I turn to peek at Wyatt and I see him pulling joggers on. The muscles in his arms and backs look amazing.

I quickly turn around, silently scolding myself for peeking.

"Hey, Coral?" I turn to look at Wyatt and burst out laughing.

He is wearing his sister's SpongeBob hoodie and he looks absolutely ridiculous. The tight shirt makes his muscles look amazing and he flexes his biceps and winks, "I feel so masculine right now," he comments, making me laugh harder.


T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx

I n s t a g r a m : laylzk

S n a p c h a t : laylz_k

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