《Seducing My Bully (BWWM)》Chapter 40- Closure
I woke up to screaming from the girls room. I quickly raced out the room and spotted Junior grab on to Dylan's ankles. "Get off the bed!" He hissed trying with all his might to pull her off the bed. He was now a senior in high school, standing at 6'3 anyone would think he turned to football or basketball as a sport, but he chose to be wrestling out of all sports. As a father I was a bit disappointed because I wanted him to be a football player, but I supported his likes. He grew up into my twin, I thought he looked more like Quinn but his facial structure changed and it was like looking in a mirror. His hair was as long as mine when I was his age, he chose to grow out his thick beard which he gets trimmed regularly. His uncle Jackson got him into weight lifting and my son looked like he was on steroids. I knew he would have the whole school scared of him. But watching him tug on his sister had my heart racing. He could break her into two if he tried hard enough.
"What are you doing?" I almost yelled out. Poor Zack was standing by looking nervous. "I'm scared"
I grabbed Juniors hands off Dylan's ankles and demanded an explanation. "She's going to make us late dad, class starts in thirty minutes and I have to go pick up my girlfriend"
Oh this sounded familiar
Who would have thought Junior and my best friends daughter; Zack would actually start dating.
I mean Nick and I joked around about it when they were kids, but our theory was proven right when Junior asked her on a date when they started high school. Before you know it, Nick and I will be brother in laws.
Dylan whipped her blankets off of her and stood up. "I can't go, everyone will make fun of me" she said showing us her appearance.
Since middle school anyone could tell the difference between Zack and Dylan.
Dylan was the bigger twin, and I hated seeing her so insecure. It was my karma coming back to bite me in the ass from how I treated Quinn. Now I have to see my daughter going through the same bullshit. Dylan was now 5'5, weighing only 330 pounds. I was helpless, and the only thing I could do was teach her how to fight.
But nothing was goin to help her depression. Especially since people love comparing the twins. Zack was the beautiful one and Dylan saw herself as the less desirable. It had both twins angry at one another.
"No one is going to mess with you. Trust me, you're my sister remember" Junior cheesed before trying to grab her arm "yeah but, you can't protect me forever-
"So what can I do?"
She showed him her belly "take this weight off of me"
Zack grabbed my arm and said "well I think you look beautiful. I wish I gained weight, but I'm a stick figure" she said before smiling "besides you look like mom when she was your age, and she was lucky enough to get dad"
"Gee that helps out a lot" Dylan said before walking to her bathroom and shutting the door. Zack frowned and I patted her head "you meant no harm, she appreciates it, she does"
She shrugged "It does not matter how perfect you are, you will always have something you're insecure about right? So just fuck what everyone thinks-
"Okay, don't get ahead of yourself" I said before staring at my son "remember, protect your sisters and-
"Yeah yeah, I know, I know, don't have to worry about that" he said. I gave him a pat on the back before encouraging both siblings to head downstairs. I waited for Dylan to come out the bathroom, once she did she gave me a curious look "what?"
"Nothing, you just look really beautiful"
She frowned "you're my dad. You're suppose to say that"
God I don't know how Quinn is able to deal with these emotions. All I knew is how to use violence to fix them. So I finally sighed. I thought maybe spoiling her with a 500 dollar shopping spree would maybe encourage her on the high school experience. But now I know I have to be realistic with her. "Kids are mean and they will pick on you...everyone experienced bullying at some point, even me" I said remembering how my friends used to pick on me because I had crooked teeth in middle school. "Really? Did they pick on your weight too?" Dylan said now joining me on the bed. I shook my head "well-no"
She frowned
"But..they did pick on my teeth..."
She stated at my mouth for the longest before giggling "your teeth look fine"
Okay this conversation wasn't going anywhere. So I did what any father would do "if anyone picks on you, let me know, I'll find them, and beat up their parents"
Dylan giggled as if I was joking. But I was dead serious. I don't mind going to jail for my kid. Especially a parent that doesn't know how to control their kids. "I think I'll be fine." She said hopping off the bed and already digging inside the closet. I made sure she was okay before starting downstairs.
Quinn was already preparing pancakes for the kids. Dream was in the living room munching on some toast while texting. After changing her major five times, she decided to take a year off college to focus on just working. I should be pissed, but I missed having her around the house. I greeted her with a kiss before secretly seeing who she was texting. Why did god have to make her...so beautiful? I still can't believe I made that.
She grew up really tall, almost as tall as me. Long blonde hair, piercing blue eyes that were covered with glasses. She was obsessed with her body and always made sure she looked nice. It attracted her attention that no father wanted. "Don't worry dad, just texting friends" she said showing me the innocent texts. I smiled in satisfaction before greeting my wife; I grabbed her waist and kissed her cheek.
God she is such a great mother. Instead of losing the weight, she decided to keep it. All for Dylan, to show her there was nothing wrong with being chunky. And honestly, it never looked so sexy on her. She had the healthy weight she always wanted; benefiting both of us. Cuddling was something I always looked forward to.
"Are you two just going to make out in the kitchen or what?" Junior said ruining our moment. I quickly checked the time and yelled for Dylan to hurry up.
She finally came rushing down with a cute little pink dress. I was astonished at how she was willing to show off her body on the first day. "Why are you wearing that?" Junior asked
Dylan shrugged "it's my body, I can wear what I want"
The dress was super short, stopped to her thighs; it was strapless and I did not like the sight. But I did not want to kill off her self confidence, for once she looked excited.
"I think she looks beautiful" Zack smiled before Dream agreed with her. "Let me take a picture" she said snapping both Zack and Dylan.
Junior wasn't in the picture because he was already opening the door to leave. A car horn made us all frozen. I popped my head outside to see Nick and his daughter Zack pull up in a black Mercedes. Junior looked excited to see his girlfriend as he raced to give her a hug.
The rest joined him except Zack. She was waiting for Matt. He was still upstairs getting ready. Years ago we decided it would be perfect for him and his wife to stay with us, our house was big enough for three generations. And he did not want to be away from his daughter, so we thought it was a good idea; the love he has for her was so big I don't think anything could break it. "Should I go see if he's coming?" Zack asked looking panicked
In that instant, Matt came jogging downstairs. He had on a tux as if he was about to go to a wedding. "I'm sorry, I had to make sure I looked perfect for this moment" he said spinning around waiting for compliments. But I just rolled my eyes. "Get in the car will you? Class starts in a few"
"Yeah, Roxy is coming, she will-
"How long will that take?" I said getting impatient. It literally takes Roxy hours to get ready, and I wasn't planning on waiting long. Matt called out to his wife, and like magic she appeared with a fancy dress on. "You do realize we are just dropping the kids off right?" Quinn said
Roxy nodded "Yeah, it's their first day. We have to make this moment last"
Matt picked up his daughter as if she was a toddler and kissed her "I'm so proud of you"
Matt and Roxy looked fancy compared to Quinn and I. We were literally dressed like bums; sweatpants, sweatshirt, messy hair....
Nick honked the horn, begging us to come out. We all raced out.
Dream, Quinn, Matt, Zack and I took my red truck and Dylan, Junior, Nick and his daughter took the black Mercedes.
The car ride was about ten minutes tops. Once we arrived at my old high school, I was honestly astonished at how better looking it got. THey changed the colors from red and black to purple and yellow. It was a lot bright and they added some buildings in the background. I wanted to see what the insides look liked.
We all gathered outside. Matt started advising his daughter about high school and I did the same with Dylan. "Remember, if anyone picks on you-
"Kick their ass!"
"No! Let me know, and I'll kick their parents ass!" I said kissing her cheeks. "That is not good advice! Just love yourself Dylan, and if someone picks on you then-warn them that I'm crazy" Quinn added already having an evil grin plastered on her face. "But I know you're strong, stronger then me when I was your age..so you got this"
Dylan nodded.
"And you have two older siblings that have your back little sister" Dream said over my shoulder "I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve to anyone that wants to pick on you guys"
Since Dream got to college she has always been on prank wars with me. So I know she was being serious. Still...it put me at ease. I watched as Matt kissed his daughter before kissing Dylan goodbye. I had to remind Junior to protect his sisters. He is a good brother so I know he won't let me down.
The three siblings finally waved goodbye. Junior held tight on his girlfriends hands as he separated from his two sisters.
We all watched as Dylan was still walking backwards waving at us; she bumped into a few kids in the process. My heart dropped when I witnessed it was four boys, they looked like freshmen's as well; they all looked like miniature versions of Dylan, Nick, Zack and I when we were in high school. All four was as tall as her except for the middle one who stopped to her chest. He reminded me of myself. Anyways he was making a big deal out of that little bump, even calling Dylan a cow. His friends started laughing
Fuming I walked forward but Quinn stopped me.
I saw Junior marching up to them with balled fists. What we both didn't expect was Dylan shoving the tiny little boy "I'm a cow?"
"Yeah, a fat one" the boy said before laughing. I could see Dylan glare hard at him while Zack shrank back. The boys friends were now too scared to even let out a peep. "Your teeth is crooked, and you have a shrimp penis"
My jaw dropped and Quinn started choking on her giggles. I glared at Dream knowing damn well she's the one that taught Dylan this.
The boy finally got quiet before whispering "whatever cow"
As he was walking away, Dylan shoved him on the ground before attempting to take off her shoe and beat him with it like Quinn used to do. But Junior got ahold of her. Once he got her in control, he whispered something to all four boys. I don't know what he said, but it was enough to have them running.
Dylan spun around and gave me a thumbs up "I did good?" Did you see that?"
"Nope" Matt whispered
I ignored him and nodded "you did good, you did good, I'm proud of you!"
"Kids love to pick on the weak, but your daughter is far from it. Something tells me everyone will soon fear her" my best friend stated as everyone witnessed the event.
After the kids were gone, Quinn decided she wanted to go see Jackson and Cindy. They lived four hours away, and I very much wanted to see them and their kids but I needed to do one thing first.
So Nick and I drove to the cemetery to see our best friends.
Years ago I told myself I would see them, but I just didn't have the heart to.
When we finally made it to their graves, we just stood there. Literally for thirty minutes without saying anything. Their memories came flushing back and all I could picture was Dylan's goofy grin and Zack arrogant personality. But..I missed them. So much that it hurts.
"You know, you never got your car" Nick said killing my thoughts
I looked over to see him wiping his tears away. He silent squatted down and started touching his brother's grave. "What?" I asked.
"The black Mercedes remember? You won the bet-
"Oh dear god Nick-
"I brought it to give to you"
"I don't want it" I said. Why would I want a car that reminded me so much of how I tortured my wife? If I could go back in time and take the dare away I would. "You earned it, besides...I don't want it..just been sitting there and-
"I'm not taking the car Nick" I said in a tone to let him know that I'm serious. He finally sighed "what do you think my brother and Dylan are doing in heaven?"
"Probably flirting with some angels or something" I blurted out with no hesitation. They always told me how they never wanted to get married or have kids, just wanted to date for the rest of their lives. Nick chuckled "probably getting rejected like always"
I spread a smile agreeing. "Yeah..."
Silence slowly spread but it wasn't the uncomfortable silence. It was kind of nice.
Nick finally rose up and said "let's have one more ride before I sell that car"
"You're selling it?"
He shrugged "yeah..you don't want it..so why not?"
It was a very nice car. But you couldn't pay me enough to have it. So I advised him to donate it to someone that really needed it, free of charge. I was surprised that he agreed. He soon left me to grief by myself while he waited in the car.
Oh Dylan. Oh how much I hated him for hurting Quinn. I ignored him for years only to forgive and get closer to him. Then I lost him. Again. The feeling still left a lump in my throat that was hard to swallow.
"You look like shit"
My head flinched up and I came face to face with my deceased friend with that stupid smirk on his face that I always hated. Just resting his chin on his grave staring back at me with his big blue eyes. Of course I knew I was just imagining things, it's been this way since my coma, but I might as well take advantage of this. "You look like shit too" I responded back poking at him. Of course I felt nothing but air, but the thought of actually touching him would have been nice. He still looked the same from when I last saw him. Even had his uniform on. I winced.
Dylan shrugged and whispered "I'm glad you finally came to see Zack and I...what took you so long?"
My lips quivered and he raised one of his eyebrows before making himself comfortable next to me "Are you going to cry like a little girl?"
My tears soaked back into my eye sockets. "I forgot how annoying you are"
He chuckled before tracing his name on his grave "Yeah well-
"And I forgot how much of an idiot you are. Running after a kid that you know was already going to die..."
He stopped tracing and frowned at me. "Maybe if you had just let him die, then maybe...just maybe..you and Zack would have been alive...but no, you wanted to be selfish" no matter how hard I tired, I could not stop the nightmares that tormented me after all these years. I kept replaying the scene of what I could have done. Sometimes I even wish I died that day instead of them
Dylan started rubbing on his heart "I'm a soldier remember...I couldn't just-
"Yes you could have."
He sat there quiet for a moment. "You could have grew up, got married maybe, had kids, had a life...but you chose to be blown up into pieces...
Dylan shook his head "I have no regrets. I'd try and save the kid again if I had the chance"
"Yeah well, you love me and you can't deny it. I can't change it now. It already happened. I'm dead remember?"
I bit the inside of my mouth to keep my one roll of tear from streaming down my face. God he's an idiot. Since high school he was such a bratty, selfish, greedy little kid, and now he chooses to put someone first over his life? Idiot. "I would not want to go back to this terrible world, heaven is more desirable anyways, you should come see it sometime"
"Sure book me a ticket"
He laughed and fell on the soft grass; resting his hands behind his head "are you giving me permission to end your life right now?"
I joined him on the grass and we just stared up at the sun for a while "where's Zack?"
"With his brother obviously"
I smiled before slowly frowning "I hate you for leaving me here" that only made Dylan laugh. It's like I can never say anything to make him feel upset. I always hated that about him. "Jin you have a family, a beautiful family any man would kill for...you don't need me. You sacrificed your life for them, even risking life in prison for your own brother...you're more of a man then me because I would have lost my mind with what you put up with" he slowly sat up "and also... Quinn turned out so...hot"
"Watch it"
He shrugged "it's true. You're living your best life. So stop all this aggression and anger, it doesn't look good on you. Smile more, you look like an angry goat most times" I wish I could punch him, or slap him. But having him here was the comfort I needed. He finally stood up and whispered "I'll race you to the car, like old times..."
He brought his hand out, and this time when I touched it, I didn't feel air. Just warmth. I slowly smiled and watched as he flinched away and started running to the path of the black Mercedes; hopping over graves in the process. He's such a cheater. I ran after him feeling memories flushing back. He always beat me in running, that was his talent. But once we got to the gate, he stopped. Now it looked like he was the one about to cry. "I guess this is goodbye..."
I watched Nick watch me from the car window. I sighed and turned back to Dylan "I'll come back"
Dylan shoved his fists in his pockets and started kicking the dirt "promise?"
I bit the inside of mouth and nodded. "Thank you, for being a good friend" he says
I turned around and waved at him. "Yeah, yeah..don't get all soft on me Dylan"
When I didn't hear anything, I turned to face him again. He still had that smirk "I'll tell your mom you said hi, she's pretty cute by the way"
We just stood there. I didn't know whether to get angry or happy.
Nick's car horn interrupted us and I finally said my final goodbyes before hopping into the vehicle. Nick didn't look as upset as he did before. He actually had a big grin on his face "I feel good, do you?"
I nodded "yeah...I do" the more I said it, the more I believed it.
"Remind me to tell my kids to never join the army. These hallucinations are bad, I feel crazy for seeing things" Nick joked and I agreed with him. Even though everything was fake, I still got my closure.
When we started driving off, I turned around one last time. This time Dylan wasn't standing by himself, he had Zack and what looked like my mom right next to him. I wanted to yell at Nick to stop just so I can make this hallucination last. Anything to make this moment last....but we just kept driving, until they were out of sight.
"You want me to turn around?"Nick asked
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