《Seducing My Bully (BWWM)》Chapter 38-Over
This kid is smart, he might not know a lot but he is definitely smart. So I didn't even flinch when asking him "do you know why Matt stabbed your father?"
Junior stopped jumping up and down. He grabbed my arm as if I was about to run out the room. His eyes got wide and his mouth spread open when he spoke out "she kept coming back"
Sophia. Sophia kept coming back. Why? To see if they were dead? Poor Matt, he tried to fight her off as much as possible. He must've mistook Jin with Sophia. I mean he's blind after all so there was just no way he could see it.
I heard everything I needed to hear. I grabbed Junior off the bed and ran with him outside. Jin was on the floor and Dream was on top of him; clinging on to his neck for her dear life as both detectives tried to pull her off. Jackson was trying to stop them and Cindy just stood there stunned. "Stop!" I yelled out but the scuffle continued. The doctors and nurses all stopped and watched everything.
I placed two fingers in my mouth and blew a loud screeching noise. Everyone froze and looked over at me. "Jin is innocent" I said feeling like a lawyer
Both detectives got up and wiped there suits. Ms Williams crossed her arms and said "we are listening"
"All the proof is here" I said placing Junior on the floor and encouraging him to start talking. But the kid just stood there; mouth zipped as if he was mute. I nervously laughed before tapping him a little. But he still refused to speak. "Now Jason, I know you maybe in denial but-
"He just confessed to me who really did all this damage" I spoke out.
Everyone gasped. But Jin stayed quiet. If he could use his hands, I'm sure he would slap his forehead in embarrassment. I felt like I was making a mockery out of myself right now. "Oh? You want to come down and-
"No, I'm not going anywhere, Junior just confessed to me that Sophia was the one that did all of this" I said feeling confident. But the looks they were giving me made me feel....like I was a dumbass. I cleared my throat before whispering to Junior to talk. Detective Williams walked over to me; I could still see the little slap print Dream left on her face. She was angry, and I knew blaming Sophia made things worse. "don't make yourself look like a fool. Stop pointing fingers. I understand you might be a little emotional that your brother has confessed, but don't give us any false leads alright?"
"False leads?" This lady was not so hot to me anymore. In fact she was pissing me off "No! Junior was there the whole time this happened and-
She crossed her arms "we already talked to him"
"Well fuck, talk to him again" I said pushing Junior forward. Detective Williams squatted down and stared at Junior. The kid stared back. "You want to tell us something?"
All Junior did was give her the most bored look I have ever seen. I was so appalled I almost yanked my hair off. The lady stood back up and said "don't waste my time again"
"If you weren't such a-
"A what?"
We both gave whither angry glares
I thought for a second before deciding not to say it. I can't believe I wanted to ask her out. I don't care how hot she was, she just wanted someone in jail, and I can't respect her for that. She finally gave me one last look before walking off with my brother and her partner. Everyone watched. "Take care of the kids for me alright? And Quinn" Jin said
"I will...and don't worry, I won't marry her" I joked trying to make light of this situation.
But no one laughed.
Jin rolled his eyes before staring at his kids. "I love you both."
Dream could not contain the tears. She started screaming in Jackson's arms. Junior just waited until they took him away, that's when he finally whimpered. "Don't cry now. You could have saved him but you decided you wanted to be a mute statue today." I hissed picking up the crying boy.
"They won't believe me" he said wiping his eyes. "Yes they would have" but he just shook his head "no, she will lie"
I tried to make sense of this. All the fingers were pointed to Matt and now they are pointed to Jin. What evidence did we have that Sophia did it? There was none. Matt was violent so he was automatically guilty and now Jin falsely confessed...no one wouldn't think Sophia did it right? Unless Quinn woke up and told the truth, but that could take time, and having Jin in custody and Matt so confused and frightened isn't healthy for the family.
I get it
He wanted me to get Sophia myself.
He knew I would believe him
So how come he didn't tell Jin then?
"What's going on?" Cindy said breaking my thoughts. "You really think Sophia did it or were you just trying to confuse them?"
I didn't answer. I watched Jackson struggle with Dream in his arms. I should give him my life for saving my brothers; and he only broke his arm, but other that, he looked stronger then ever. I knew he and Cindy both wanted answers but I didn't know if it was a good idea
"Why are they taking Jin?" Jackson said suddenly once Dream calmed down. She looked so broken...so drained...so out of it.
My poor soul felt for her.
I finally told them what Jin did. And everyone's reaction didn't shock me. They all kept repeating the same thing. "Why would he lie?" "Did the detectives believe him?" "So who really did it?" "Was it Sophia?
But I needed to do this on my own. So I just said "no I made it up" the last thing I wanted was for them to be involved. So I made them believe that Matt might have done it but he lost his memory.
I needed to fight for both my brothers at this point.
I finally took Junior to the bathroom and said "I have a plan"
I can't believe she kissed me. I wanted to bleach my lips after that. God I despised her so much, more then I ever despised any woman. The fake tears after I told her about Matt and Quinn passing away made me cringe. I had to really bite my tongue to say something hurtful. This girl is evil, manipulative, and a cold hearted killer. Now I see what Junior was saying. She was good. Really good. But once she saw Junior in the car, all the color from her face was gone.
"What's wrong?" I said hiding a smile. I touched her shoulder and she flinched so hard. "Well, he's coming with us? I mean-does he have to? I don't think it would be healthy"
Oh this bitch
I opened the door for Junior to say hi. He surprisingly smiled and waved "Hi Sophia"
Sophia jumped back "so he can talk?"
"Uh..yeah?" I said patting the little boy. "He's just very shy I guess"
She nervously laughed "well, I never really heard him talk. And well-I-well, I mean-
I placed my finger on her lips "don't speak. I understand you're speechless right now, so just calm down. We are all going to see Jin okay. Besides, I'm sure he will be happy to see his son" I said turning to Junior. He gave me a grin and nodded "yeah, I have a lot to tell him"
Sophia's face fell and she started shaking. I pretended to be concerned. "Are you alright?" I said
She placed a hand on her forehead and she stepped back. "I...yeah! I just-need some water"she said walking backwards. I started to panic. My first thought was she might go back inside the house and get a weapon. So I told Junior to stay in the car and tried to follow Sophia but she tripped over her feet.
I bit my tongue from laughing. "You okay? You're acting weird? What's going on?" I said trying my hardest to sound sincere. I helped her up and could feel how shaky her body was. "Did...did he say anything to the detectives?"
"No, but I did"
We all turned to see Matt come out the passengers door. Most of his wounds healed this past month but he still had one cast on one leg and two on his arms; he still had his neck brace, so it was a bit of a struggle for him to come out the passengers door. My brother still did not remember anything, but we told him enough for him to finally understand. "What's wrong Sophia? You look like you've seen a ghost" He said.
Sophia screamed and ran back inside the house. I raced after her only to be met with a gun to the face. Her face was filled with rage "you lied to me! You fucking lied to me!"
I raised both arms up and said "are you serious right now-
"Stop it Jason! Just stop! You said he was dead!"
"Well he came back from the dead alright. Listen everyone knows already, so just turn yourself in and-
"I'd rather kill you before turning myself in. You don't understand what I went through! Jin cheated on me! He cheated!"
I tried to not show fear. "Okay, I've been cheated on in the past, but does that make me a psycho killer?-
"My case is different! He got me pregnant! Then left me for some fat beast"
Okay I get it. She can't take the fact that Jin chose Quinn over her. She believed Quinn was undesirable. So since Jin chose her, it was like the biggest slap in her face.
She needs to get over herself.
I forgot she had the gun in my face. "Honestly, I would have chosen Quinn over you any day. You're crazy, and you need help"
Her eyes got wide and she tightened her hold on the gun. I immediately regretted saying that. I just braced myself for the worst. We suddenly heard my brother call out for me. "Jason! What's going on?"
She then smiled and wiped her mouth before whispering "I killed your brother once, I'll do it again and this time I'll have Junior and you meet him in heaven"
I gulped. From the corner of my eyes I can see Matt trying to make his way towards us but he fell flat on his face. Junior tried to help him up but it was no use. Matt had no use of his limbs. So I finally said "So you're admitting that you tried to kill them?"
She pressed on the gun harder. "No, Quinn was suppose to die. Your brother was just there at the wrong time. He wouldn't mind his damn business! He's always trying to stick his nose in someone's business! I wanted Jin to be blamed for this, hence why I stole his gun."
What? Pause. Rewind. This little-
So this was all an act. She wanted Jin to be taken to blame for this not Matt? So all those tears...was lies? So she didn't really care enough to go see him? Was she just trying to cover up her own ass.
"He chose her over me, and for that, I wanted him to rot in prison, then maybe he will come back to me"
"You.are.CRAZY! And the fact you tried to kill the kids..
Her face immediately softened. Was it guilt? Was she actually feeling bad? But I took back my thought once anger spread on her face once again "Those aren't my kids"
I grabbed the gun and tackled her to the ground. She still was holding on, I didn't care if the pointer was still pointed directly to my face. This was the most evil human I've ever seen in my life. She really tried to kill the kids. They weren't hers so she didn't care.
A loud gun shot blasted and I jumped back. She sat up shaking like a leaf. I searched my body for any wounds. There was none. Just a hole in the middle of my shirt. But no bullet was found anywhere. I let out my breath and glared at her. She looked clearly spooked before whispering out "you're not a woman. You will never understand our emotions-
"So I'm guessing Quinn isn't a woman either right-
She shook her head "she deserved everything she got, and so does your brother"
I felt like someone just punched me in the stomach. "He got me pregnant and left me. And she's just a home wrecker, and as for you, you should have stayed home!" She stood up and started pulling the trigger. I flinched waiting for the impact. But nothing. I stared back at her and watched her go into panic. She started hitting the gun and continued shooting at me, but nothing came out. I crossed my arms. This bitch was really going to kill me. I walked over to her and snatched the malfunctioned gun from her hands "You. Are. Going. To. Jail." I said trying my hardest to sound badass.
She tried to claw my arm but I literally dragged her outside where I knew the police were going to show up any minute. I just didn't know what was taking them so long!
All of a sudden, three police cars pulled up finally. I let out a sigh of relief. This is finally over. I witnessed Detective Williams hop out one of the vehicles. two officers were already racing their way towards us. I finally gave Sophia one last smile before literally handing her over to the authorities. She tried to fight them off but they soon tasered her.
Yeah, do it again.
I went over to tend to my brother and nephew but Detective Williams stopped me
"Wow I can't believe you were right, I heard everything, I'm sorry I didn't believe you" She said planting a hand on my arm.
If it wasn't for me convincing her to make Sophia confess, she would not have helped me plan all this. She knew from the start that Jin was lying (he is a bad liar since birth) it was a matter of time when the truth came out. She took a chance. And I'm glad she trusted me enough to go through with it. Sophia literally admitted to everything without holding anything back. She really wanted to just kill us there. And they heard every last word. I was filled with wires under my shirt, I just wished they came sooner after they heard the first shot from Sophia's gun.
What was her plan? Kill us?
Then what?
Run off? Escape earth? She's something else. And the fact she fought for this country sickened me.
She will forever be a bully. And I hated bullies
"If there's anyway of you forgiving me and-
I smiled grabbing her waist "Why don't you make it up to me" I half expected her to slap me or warn me to not touch her but she smiled and whispered "I think your brother needs your help over there" reality kicked in. I turned around and spotted him now leaning on the car with officers around him and Junior. I sighed with relief and jogged over there but she quickly caught my arm "I need the gun" she whispered staring at it in my hand. I almost forgot I had it. "Yeah thank god this gun didn't work, if it had, she would have killed me and it would have been your fault for not coming sooner"
She gave me a confused look "that would have been sad. you have to understand things go wrong sometimes" she said finally removing the wires from under my shirt. I tried not to show her how annoyed I was. If the gun worked, I wouldn't be alive. And she knew this. She tried so hard to smile thinking it would make me feel better.
It kind of did.
She reached for the gun again but I pulled back. I never shot a gun before so thinking it didn't work, I shot the sky. Fire exploded and I flinched dropping the gun. All eyes were on us and I couldn't stop how hard I was shaking. "I thought you said the gun didn't work!?" Detective Williams said before grabbing it off the ground. "It didn't...I mean...I don't know?"
Sophia is a soldier. So she knew how to use that gun. But I didn't want to start explaining that. I just walked backwards "well at least no one died" I joked before joining my family. Junior fell into my arms and I kissed his cheek "You were good, so good"
"I did a good job? Really?"
I nodded. "Yeah! Your dad would be so proud of you."
His face brightened
We all turned to entertain ourselves by watching Sophia getting manhandled. She was crying and screaming as they cuffed her and dragged her to the back of the police car before speaking on her rights.
"So this is over right? Jin will be out right?" Matt asked now leaning on me for balance. I held him closer and nodded "yeah, he will be out now that they finally have that crazy bitch in cuffs. We have nothing to worry about"
Junior got in between us and whispered "who was that lady that came out the house?"
"What lady?" I asked looking down at the boy. His facial expression didn't change when he said "she came out the house when you and Sophia were fighting, you didn't see her?"
Confused I stared at my brother "what is he talking about? Did you see the lady?"
"Gee I don't know! I'm blind remember?"
"Maybe it was an Angel!" Junior said; he wasn't saying that in a joking way. And it had me completely rattled. I placed my head on the car before finally saying "so, tell me what happened with our mom"
I wanted to know the truth, even if that truth hurt me.
Before Matt could even speak, Detective Williams called out for me. "You guys! Look over there!" We followed her gaze and spotted Jin come out one of the police cars. He looked so flushed and yet so excited. Junior dove into action and ran to his father. Jin smiled and lifted his son up before giving him multiple kisses and hugs. As he was walking towards us we heard Sophia call out for him "Jin! Tell them to get off me! Jin!" She pleaded.
But my brother did not even turn around. He kept walking.
So he must've heard everything too.
It's not everyday that your ex plans on murdering the people you love and frame you for it.
It was over, and that's all that matters.
Still holding onto Junior, he came over and hugged us. Matt and I both knew, he was about to burst into tears just by the crack of his voice. He was hurt, it doesn't matter if Sophia was going to spend the rest of her life In prison, he genuinely liked her, and she tried to take everything from him.
I don't think I would be able to forgive her either.
So Matt abruptly tried to change the subject. And he thinks bringing up our mom would make everything better. "So, about mom..."
"Don't" Jin said
"Don't what?"
"It happened in the past. Let's leave it in the past" Jin said and I watched as Matt's face turn red in shock. "You sure?" Jin nodded and ruffled his little brother hair a bit. "I love you and nothing you can say will change that. I have my family and everyone's safe, so no more bad news alright?"
I hid my disappointment. I wanted to know what happened to mom. But then again, did I really want to know?
Maybe in the future. But, for now...I was just glad I had my brothers with me.
We all heard Sophia scream like a lunatic in the car. "I so need a drink right now" I said already catching a headache.
My brothers and I let out a few chuckles before leaning on the car. "So what now?" Junior said looking around.
I shrugged. "We move on"
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