《Last Chance✔ (Completed)》Chapter Twenty-Four


Elena's POV

"My life is a little complicated right now and I wish now more than ever that you were here so I could talk to you," I whisper.

The light breeze in the air whips my brown locks to the side. The smell of the coming winter lingers in the Seattle air. I grab the sides of my black coat and pull it tighter around me in a futile attempt to keep the cold air from touching my already trembling body.

I look at the marble stone and run my fingers along the white, engraved words that read, 'In Loving Memory of Jessica Danvers April 15, 1968 - October 21, 2009, Beloved wife, mother, daughter and friend.'

A lone tear drips down the side of my face. If she were here I know she would've told me what to do.

Noah hasn't talked to me in weeks. When we work together it's strictly business. I attempt to make friendly conversation or get him to talk about what happened, but it's to only to have him tell me he has to get back to work or he's busy.

I miss him.

Right now he's treating me like a complete stranger and I don't blame him, but it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

I squat down and sit in the dying grass in front of the stone and cross my legs.

"I'm the absolute worst Mom. I never should have led him on. It was selfish of me. I should of told him about Pierson and now it's too late. He can't even look at me in the eye for more than a few minutes before turning away."

I put my head in my hands. I take a deep breath before looking back up at the gravestone.

"Tell me what do I do," I repeat desperately.

"You can scoot over so I can talk to you," comes a soft voice.

I look up startled and see Em looking at me expectantly. She's wearing jeans and a thick coat to help shield her from the cold wind.


I pull myself over and she takes the seat next to me. In her hands she holds a few white lilies, my mother's favorite, and places them next to her grave stone.

She then hooks her arm through mine and I take the opportunity to rest my head on her comforting shoulder.

"How'd you know I'd be here?"

"Well after ignoring my calls and looking for you at the pack house, I figured you'd be here. I felt that best friend connection that something was wrong and I always find you here when that's the case," she answers simply with a smile.

She knows me so well. We both look at the the physical object in front of us that reminds us both of what we have lost so many years ago.

"I miss her too," she says quitely.

I give her a sad smile. My mother was a second mom to Em. Her death nearly caused her as much grief as it did me.

We sit silently for quite some time, letting the memories sit between us, reminding us of how wonderful it was to have her in our lives. Her accident took her away far too soon.

"You and I have been best friends for a long time," Em's voice comes from the still air.

"Since I can remember, your mom had always treated me as one of her own, and I loved her too. She always told me to look out for you and to be a shoulder you could always lean on. She loved you so much E," she sniffles.

"So, now here in this moment we're going to sit here and I'm gonna be that shoulder for you to lean on just like yours was and has always been there for me. I know your mom can't be here, but I promise you I will do my best to fill in her place when you need me to."

I give her a smile and hug her tight. Even though my mom's not here anymore I always have Emerie and she is honestly one of the best things I could have ever asked for. After releasing her I explain my problems to her once again.


"I like Noah, but I also have feelings for Pierson. I don't want to hurt neither of them," I say at the end.

She nods her head in understanding.

"I know you may not like what I'm about to say," she says cautiously.

"But you have to let Noah go."

My face falls. "What do you mean?" I question. Didn't I just tell her I can't hurt either of them?

"Its clear you want Pierson and frankly it's not fair to Noah," she explains.


"No buts" she interrupts.

"You and Noah's relationship is very rocky right now. He's extremely hurt at what he saw because he thought you two had a chance at something real. I'm not trying to make you feel bad, but you just can't lead him on anymore Elena. Not when you feel something more for Pierson. And don't even think about hiding your feelings about him now. Think about it. Who would hurt you more if they disappeared from your life?" She asks.


My eyes widen at my automatic conscious response. But the answer is true.

If he were to be cut out of my life again, I know I wouldn't survive. He's done what he said and 'wormed' his way into my heart.

I can see a future for us. A future that I can see myself happy in.

I want Noah in my life, but if it came down to him and Pierson I know who'd I choose each and every time.

I huff out a breath at my revelation. "I never intended to lead him on. I thought we had a chance too, but the way Pierson makes me feel is out of this world," I breathe.

My checks flame up in embarrassment at my stupid confession.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of. He's your mate. I know you want to be seen as this strong women, and you are, but it's ok to let someone be there for you. Ever since your mom died and you and your dad started not seeing eye to eye, you've put up this wall to hold people back that want to get close to you. You even keep things from people, including me," she exclaims.

"All I'm saying is Pierson is a great guy. We have all done things in our life that we could have handled differently, but what's done is done. 'Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great' ok?"

Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. She's right once again. Why don't I go after Pierson?

Because you are afraid, my dumb conscious reminds me. But I can't let that get in the way of being happy.

"Thank you Em."

I hug her again.

"Anytime," she whispers into my ear.

"You always say the right thing, but I have to know if you got that quote from a fortune cookie?" I joke.

"You're dang right I did," she says not even trying to deny it.

We both chuckle and she pulls me at arms length and holds my shoulders.

"But seriously, don't let the little things get in the way of what you want. You're not going to have this life forever so make the most of it while you can. Take the chance on him E. You and I both now you want to. Remember 'in the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take.'"

"Stop quoting things you read inside cookies," I laugh.

"I can't help it. They write the deepest things in them!" She chuckles.

"But you're completely right. I'll talk with Noah first and then Pierson."

She claps her hands excitedly. "Yay!"

Now I just got to get Noah to talk to me. I want to preserve our friendship, but I just need for him to allow me to do that.


Sorry the updates are taking so long. I'm having bad writer's block.😩

Anyway please leave a comment and vote!

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