《Sleep With Me | KNJ x Reader》Ch 27 | Every Inch
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"Are you sure you're not forgiving him too easily?" Nanami asks with a mug of green tea in her hand as she sits down on your couch.
"I probably am," you shrug. "But just because I've forgiven him doesn't mean I've forgotten. It's going to be a while before he gets my trust back."
Nanami had come over to help you with the movers. They were able to finish up relatively quickly, as it was just your couch, bed, coffee table, and dresser. You're both sipping the green tea Mrs. Watanabe had Nanami bring from home while sitting on your brand new black leather couch — a luxurious reclining model that Mr. Yang made sure to order for you. Being nice to others pays off sometimes.
"Make that motherfucker earn it" she smirks. "But I'm glad you guys were able to talk. Sounds like he's been through hell because of that Hag-Ran bitch."
"Yeah," you frown, gripping your cup. "I can't imagine how hard it was for him to open up to me after being fucking poisoned. I don't think I'd ever be able to trust someone again."
"Unfortunately he's always a target," she shrugs, taking a sip from her cup. "The risk of being poisoned is probably prevalent in a lot of places he goes. It's awful but probably not as shocking for him as it would be for most people."
"True," you grimace, looking down at your lap. "But I can't believe I spoke to her like a friend. I really thought she was an angel when I met her."
"That's how it always goes," Nanami laughs, setting her tea down on your new coffee table. "The worst bitches on earth are kind to your face."
Nodding in agreement, you take a sip of your tea. "I'll have to explain things to Boram and Jeffrey too. They really saved me that night. They'll probably be very confused as to why I'd forgive him so easily."
"I'm pretty sure once you tell them a psychotic nut job poisoned him they'll understand," she giggles. "Jeffrey might be a little hard to convince though."
"Why?" you question.
"Seriously?" she scoffs. "Jeffrey has had a crush on you for at least a year now."
"No way in hell," you laugh. "Jeffrey always acts like such a playboy, he hits on other women constantly."
"You really are stupid aren't you?"
You almost choke on your tea. "W-what?" you croak. "I can guarantee you there's no way Jeffrey likes me. He's just flirted a couple times."
"Yeah, whatever," Nanami rolls her eyes. "So what are you going to wear for your fuck session tonight?"
"I have no idea," you groan, leaning back against the couch cushions. "It's been close to a year since I've had sex."
"You haven't fucked since Jungkook?" she gasps.
Don't be confused. Nanami is not talking about Jeon Jungkook. Your first and only boyfriend since coming to Korea happened to be named Jungkook too. He absolutely hated being compared to JK the idol.
"No," you sigh. "I've had plenty of make out sessions and some oral here and there. But not actual sex."
"Damn, you virgin," Nanami giggles. "I'm sure it'll be fine though. I have a feeling Namjoon knows how to fuck well. We just need to find you some sexy underwear."
"I agree," you groan into your hands. "I haven't been this nervous since losing my virginity."
"Come on bitch," she grins. "It's time for some shopping."
After 2 hours of Nanami dragging you all over the mall, you finally settled on a sexy, pink and black two piece bralette and thong. The bralette is relatively see-through, showing a faint hint of your nipples, just enough to make someone want to see more.
The thong is achingly scandalous, just barely covering all your private parts. Nanami said she wanted to fuck you right in the changing room. Hell, even you knew it was now the sluttiest pair of panties you own.
"Namjoon might bust just looking at you," she smirks, pressing the elevator button. It's around 7pm and Nanami has her usual Jimin appointment, so she walked with you to their skyrise.
"I'm excited. And nervous. And ready. And I might throw up," you mumble, messing with the hem of your sleeve.
"Just enjoy it," Nanami laughs, smacking your back. "You've always wanted your head to be crushed like a watermelon between his thighs anyways."
She gets off at Jimin's floor, waving goodbye as she heads for her hoe activities.
Namjoon had texted you saying he'd be home around 8 or 9 and to eat without him, so you and Nanami grabbed ramen before making it to the apartment.
You step through the door and set your stuff on the counter, wondering what you should do until the beefcake arrives. You go to his room and stare at yourself in the mirror, smoothing out your dress in nervousness.
You're wearing a short black cocktail dress — your ass barely covered — the neckline dipping down between your breasts to perfectly show off your cleavage. The sleeves are long and see-through, the fabric traveling all the way down to your wrists. Any man would be salivating seeing you. You'd actually gotten a couple cat calls walking here with Nanami, which would normally annoy you, but today's catcalling actually helped boost your confidence.
You check your phone to see it's only a quarter past seven, so you flop onto the couch and scroll through his N*tflix selections. You settle on a new horror movie you haven't seen yet, and head to the kitchen to grab a glass of wine before it starts.
As you're pouring your wine you hear the front keypad being typed into, followed shortly after by an exhausted Namjoon entering through the door. His eyes instantly light up as he sees you standing in the kitchen.
"Welcome home," you smile. "Want some wine?"
His face falls a little as he takes in your appearance. First his eyes find their gaze on your chest, then your legs, then to your chest again, then back up to your face. "You look amazing," he says, setting his bag on the ground.
"Thanks," you giggle. "Nanami and I went to dinner before I came here." Not a total lie. You did go to dinner with her. But you definitely didn't need to go dressed like this for ramen. "You're here early."
"Yeah, um, Hoseok let us go early for some reason today."
I love you Jung Hoseok.
"That's awesome. Do you want wine?" you ask again, holding up your glass.
"Oh- uh, let me shower first," he says uneasily. "Then yes I'd love some."
"Okay, hurry up." You grin as you take your wine glass back to the couch.
He looks good as fuck in his current outfit. His sweat is still sticking to his white t-shirt, making parts of it translucent, and his black sweats hang slightly off his hips, exposing his Calvin Kleins every time he shifts a certain way.
While he showers, you sit yourself back on the couch, choosing a different movie since Namjoon isn't a huge fan of horror. He really doesn't care much for the murder documentaries either but he'll watch them because you like them.
Ten minutes later he's nestled up next to you on the couch, stroking your hair as he immerses himself into the sci-fi movie you've chosen.
You're a little bit disappointed in how nonchalant he's acting. He'd complimented your outfit, but hasn't said a word since then. You're looking sexy as fuck, pushing your chest against him as he watches the tv.
Irritated, you swing your legs over his, cuddling up even closer to him, hand resting against his chest. Annoyingly, he still doesn't react at all. At this point your chest, legs, and ass are up against him, but he's got his eyes glued to the screen like you're a minor he's not allowed to look at.
You huff as you get off of his lap to move yourself into the kitchen, pouring another glass of wine for yourself.
Do I not look good enough? I know he has beautiful women throwing themselves onto him every chance they get. Am I not pretty enough?
You shake your head, trying to get rid of your self conscious thoughts.
You glance over at him to find him still completely immersed in the movie, not sparing you a glance.
Why the fuck did he say he'd make it up to me all night? Did this motherfucker mean he'd watch movies with me all night? I am too horny for this high school shit.
You glare at your wine glass, palms pressed against the countertop as you try to figure out your next move. You decide to chug it, hoping it'll ease the anxiety within you.
But then it dawns on you. He's the one who fucked up. He's the one who got caught in a lie. He's the one who should be begging for your pussy. Yet here you are, sexually frustrated beyond belief over a man who won't make the first move.
You grunt as you head to his closet, removing your dress but keeping the alluring lingerie on, and slipping into one of his oversized T-shirt's. You quickly brush your teeth and complete your skin care routine before returning back to the idiot beefcake.
When you return to the couch, you plop yourself down a good 2-3 feet away from him with your arms crossed.
"What's wrong baby?" he asks like a fucking moron.
"Nothing," you huff, glaring at the tv.
He hesitates for a few seconds before pausing the show and scooting closer to you.
"Please talk to me," he frowns. "Did I upset you?"
Your arms remain crossed as you move your glare from the television towards him.
"Use that 148 IQ to figure it out," you scowl, looking back at the tv.
You feel his eyes staring into the side of your head as you avoid his gaze.
"Baby," he says softly, scooting closer and placing his hand on your thigh. "Please talk to me."
You glare at the tv for a few seconds before answering. You find it ridiculous that you actually have to say this out loud.
"Are you really too stupid to realize I've been trying to come onto you all night?" still avoiding his eyes. "Why are you acting like I'm some sort of middle school boy you're not interested in?"
You feel him stiffen next to you, which only irritates you more.
"Why did you tell me you'd make it up to me all night with no intention of touching me?" you grit, eyes still focused on the tv. "This is getting embarrassing." At this point there's tears brimming in your eyes. You're feeling embarrassed that you'd been looking forward to tonight when he apparently never intended on touching you.
In one fell swoop Namjoon lifts you by your waist and throws you over his shoulder.
"Whoa- what the f- put me down!" you protest, trying to wiggle from his grasp but to no avail as he carries you to his room.
Once through the door he throws you onto the bed, quickly crawling on top of you between your legs.
"What the hell are y-"
You're cut off as his lips crash into yours, one hand pressed against the mattress next to your head, the other gripping your waist.
"Get off," you growl, pushing into his chest. "I don't want to fuck someone not interested in m-"
You're cut off again as your breath hitches in your throat. He dips his hips against yours, feeling his already hard length against your pelvis.
"Not interested?" he asks, grinding against you, causing a small whimper to escape your throat as his clothed dick brushes against your heat. "I've been like this all night," he growls into your ear.
"T-then why haven't you-" you gasp as he grinds into you again, "t-touched me?" you ask, gripping his shirt, hardly able to form a sentence as you feel the knot forming in your lower stomach.
He pulls his face back to look in your eyes, moving his hand from your hip to cup your face, stroking your cheek with his thumb. "I talked a big game this morning," he says softly, "but I wasn't sure if I had the right to touch you. I know I hurt you. I'm nervous and I really don't want to screw anything up."
He moves his thumb across your bottom lip. "I'm sorry if I seemed uninterested, that's not the case at all. That damn dress had me going crazy. I've been turned on since I first saw you in the kitchen, doing everything I could to distract myself."
You reach up to cup his cheeks with your hands. "You have the right to touch me, Joon." You say softly, looking into his eyes. "Yes I was hurt but I choose to believe you. I choose to forgive you. It might take a little for you to fully earn my trust back. But I know it took a lot of courage for you to admit how you feel about me, knowing everything you've been through."
You slowly trail your hands from his face down his neck and onto his chest. "And I want you. All of you." You smile. "If there's anything you ever do that makes me uncomfortable I will let you know."
Flashing his dimple smile, his eyes soften as he looks at you. He leans down to give you another kiss but this one is different. It's slow, and deep, sending shivers through your whole body. His hand moves from your face to cradle the back of your neck, tilting your head back to open your mouth.
He slowly glides his tongue between your lips, deepening the kiss as he explores the inside of your mouth. Your arms wrap around his neck as he bends his elbow to press the rest of his body against you, still holding most of his weight on his arm to avoid crushing you.
You can feel yourself coming out of your skin as he kisses you, his body molding to yours perfectly. He breaks the kiss for a moment to allow you both to catch your collective breath. He presses his forehead to yours, breathing heavily, and the sound turns you on more and makes you desperate to taste his kiss again. You guide his face back to yours and he wastes no time before capturing your lips again. You drag your tongue along his bottom lip, letting him know you want more of him, and he tilts his head to snake his tongue with yours and deepen the kiss. You moan as he tastes you, feeling every agonizing moment he's longed for in this, and he swallows down every whimper greedily.
"Joon," you whisper, "please. I need you," as you rake your fingers through his hair. You are ready for this, ready for him, and aren't afraid to beg for it. Fuck self respect; in this moment all you know and want is him.
Namjoon smiles at you before tracing your cheek with his finger. You almost whine as he lifts himself from the bed, peeling his body from yours to stand up. Your disappointment doesn't last long as you see him grab the hem of his shirt and slowly lift it over his head, your jaw dropping at the toned abs and chest gradually made visible to your eyes.
He flings his shirt to the ground, crawling back on top of you.
Holy fuck his namtiddies are-
"Get ready baby," he chuckles. "If you want all of me, I'm going to give you every inch."
: Chappy 27 ~
Y'all I'm just gonna go ahead and apologize for the sinful content contained in Ch 28. Viewer discretion is advised.
Shoutout to for writing most of the make out scene here. If you haven't read her work you need to.
And shoutout to for always cleaning up my god awful sentence structure lol
Also, Namjoon's Weverse post telling the media to fuck off was so sexy. I'm so proud of that man.
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Alpha submitted
|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|"You will submit to me!" He growled, clenching his jaw as he glared down at me.I raised a brow and looked him dead in the eyes "No 'Alpha'." I smirked mocking the word Alpha. "You will submit to me." *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*Aylean Rafe Beowulf born a true blood alpha, but was a runt. Being a runt is a disgrace to werewolves, so her pack would have refused her as a Luna, so her parents made her the omega of their pack. Disrespected her entire life, she had enough and chose to become a rouge, but on her journey she met her mate. Alpha Aztec Amaruq Hunter, the alpha of the strongest pack in the world a cold and stern alpha, but when his true mate comes along a stubborn girl who doesn't want to submit, he doesn't know what to do. What will happen? Will Aylean submit or will it be the other way around? Find out :)Just a small warning my grammar isn't good lol, also it's still a working progress, but enjoy! :)(All images are from Google)
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