《Being a Villainess is No Joke》53. I Love You Too
"Choi, hurry-"
"Shut the fuck up Obelia!" I screamed at the man beyond the door.
"Your majesty, please calm down, we need to get you-", " CALM DOWN?!" I screamed at Elsa who was trying to get me in a tight dress, "YOU GUYS KEEP ME STARVING AND EXPECT ME TO STAY CALM?!"
The maids looked ready to piss themselves and I was fuming with anger.
They again tried to put me in a tight dress but I scrambled away from them, glaring at all of them.
"You guys just gave me soup last night but I stayed quiet thinking I'll eat something the next morning. But NO! You just wake me up at four in the morning for some stupid water pouring ritual with priests and shit! And now that I'm finally free, you want me to fit into this bloody air-sucking dress and expect me to cooperate with you all!?" I burst out.
They all looked hesitant and guilty as the door opened and Raashid came in with a butler and his assistant, August, behind him.
"Sit down." Raashid said softly and I obliged, pouting a bit.
Then he motioned his butler who placed a bowl full of Ramen with dumplings at the side in front of me and I looked up at Raashid with bright thankful eyes.
"Thank God!" I said, pulling him down by his hand and placing a quick peck on his cheek while the maid looked hesitant and worried, "Y-Your majesty, her majesty can't have a meal s-since-", "Let her eat." He said simply and the maids shut up while I sneered at them.
I took the chopsticks and started stuffing my face with the noodles before groaning, "This is why I'm marrying you." I moaned while Raashid snorted, sitting down next to me on the couch as August handed him a document.
Yes, today was the day I was getting married.
To an Emperor of an Empire in a novel.
Its been two years and a half since I became Raashid's fiancee. Or rather he sort of tricked me into it but I've accepted the reality long ago and just went with the flow.
The first month of being his fiancee was hell.
I had to wake up at 5 every morning and go to sleep after 11. I even fainted once due to overexertion making Raashid and my family freak out.
Mother, father and Aiden were shocked when I came home that day with Raashid and announced that we were engaged.
Mother actually fainted after hearing that and father and Aiden didn't speak a single word for two days straight.
But after the reality sunk into their brains, they realised that they can't do much about the situation since Raashid is the Emperor and instead, focussed on reducing my tuition hours since I was out before they woke up and in after they slept.
And they managed to do it.
The tutors and trainers soon realised that I'm smart since I was able to finish and solve assignments and classwork quicker than a normal person.
Hence from the second month, my schedule became less hectic and classes started from 8 in the morning and ended at 8 in the night.
Raashid wasn't any less busy and the two of us barely had any time together.
But he would still somehow manage to sneak out, dumping all the work on poor August (who was his newly appointed secretary at that time) and come see me.
After around half a year later, we finally started spending a bit more time with each other, just hanging out and talking together.
I didn't know when it was that I exactly started loving him but I liked him more and more every day before completely falling in love with him.
Raashid had matured up a lot.
He acted calmly and not like a rash teenager he once was. His demeanour changed a lot as he started getting used to being the emperor and hell did he look hot.
And throughout the whole year, we didn't kiss. Just some spontaneous hugs and maybe some pecks on the cheek but we didn't go any deeper.
And that was the best part of it.
We just enjoyed being in each others company without needing to get physical.
And even when we did, we would usually just snuggle into each other and talk.
They were just some detailed talks about the empire's new schemes but they were really fun and I actually felt like I was doing something productive.
When a year was up, I was finally classified as ready and only then did they give me some paperwork to do.
Actually, an entire wing was built where the Empress resides but Raashid suggested that we can have a combine study room and I readily agreed.
I was also assigned a secretary named June. June was an exceptional mage, just like August and her skills come in handy when I'm too lazy to move from my place. June was a modest, studious and serious secretary at the beginning but when we got used to each others company, the bitch doesn't hesitate to say no to me and her sassy attitude made me want to strangle her majority of the time. But she was also a fujoshi, meaning, there was no way we could hate each other for long.
I swear half of the time we are betting on who is the top and who is the bottom while eyeing the royal guards.
And August has a major crush on her. But she says he is a 'bottom' so they can't get together.
Doing paperwork took some time getting used to but now I'm working at the rate of 1 document per 2 minutes.
Raashid and I rarely fought, but there was this fight I remember where I wasn't talking to him for a week, I think it was because he ate my last special cookie or something.
He offered to bring a new one for me but I was being petty so I gave him the silent treatment.
After ignoring him straight for a week, when I was about to walk past by him in the corridor, a blue water puddle appeared out of nowhere making me slip and have another accidental lip bump with Raashid.
Which led to a hot make-out session later.
After that day, we started having a lot of make-out sessions which was pretty satisfying to be honest.
And after I hit my 21st birthday, Raashid casually just shoved our marriage in between a normal conversation. And I was already in love with him at that time so I said yes.
Hence came today.
The empress's coronation is similar to that of the emperor, however the Empress in Obelia are only crowned on the day of the marriage, till that time, we are just regarded as the future Empress, even though we have to start the work as the Empress a lot earlier.
So technically, today is my first official day as the Empress.
"Did you have breakfast?" I asked Raashid who was going over a document.
"No." He replied curtly.
"I told you not to skip your meals."
"I had a lot of work to go through today." He replied signing that document and taking another one.
"Doesn't mean you can skip meals." I told him placing a dumpling near his lips with my chopsticks and I slipped it in when he opened his mouth, "I'm used to it." He told me.
I scooted closer to him and read the document from his side before saying, "Don't sign it."
He gave me a brief look before continuing reading it, "Why? That area is known to be fertile enough for agriculture."
"That's true. But at the tea party I attended last week, they were discussing that there is a possibility that the rain this year is going to be way less than the last year." I told him, "If we invest in there, the chances of loss is higher this year."
"Her majesty is correct." August said, "Just yesterday I got a report regarding the same."
Raashid thought about it for a second before replying, "Do we enough stock of the seeds that need less water?"
"No, we don't." I replied, the empire's stock and economy-related matters were in my hands while Raashid managed financial and international stuff.
He paused, deep in thought.
"Should we ask mages for help?" I suggested. Usually, mages deal with such situations, by creating a new type of seed or doubling the quantity.
Raashid looked at me, "That works fine, but they usually ask for a lot of money in return."
I smirked, "What do you think we have Mari for?"
Raashid snorted, "He'll demand more money than others."
I grinned, "Not if it gives him more chances of becoming the Archmage."
Mari was currently fighting for the Archmage's position against Kyles. Kyles' mana was very strong since he is a holder of magician's stone, however, Mari is much smarter than him, so the competition is really neck to neck and both of them have an equal chance of getting the position.
If he helps the empire with his powers, the current archmage will definitely favour him over Kyles.
Raashid smiled, "I knew you'd make a great Empress. I'll talk to Mari about it."
I smirked and started eating again while Raashid instructed August to make the required changes in the document.
"So how much time do we have till our wedding ceremony starts?" I asked, gulping the soup down.
"We are already half an hour late."
I almost choked.
"Is that okay?" I asked. I never thought I would be late to my own wedding.
"Well, it's not like the wedding ceremony will start without the two of us. Take your time, I'll also finish my paperwork for the day." He said simply.
I nodded before setting the bowl down and taking a few of his documents to help him finish it up.
"Did you finish your paperwork?" Raashid asked going through another document in his hand.
"No." I replied, "I just dumped it all on Caiden who then dumped it on Mari, since my secretary is useless. Mari only agreed after I promised to put in a good word about him to the current Archmage." I said, going through Raashid's document and handing it down to him for signing.
Suddenly, June teleported inside the room with a goblet in her hands, "And your useless secretary just brought you cibum aqua to save you from dying of starvation." She said handing me down the magic water that automatically satisfies your hunger.
I looked at her guiltily, "Actually, I already ate."
She looked at me as if just I had grown two heads before her face shook with fury, "You-you.....ugh! I can't even curse your majestic self. Oof! If only you weren't the Empress."
I smirked, "Too bad I am."
She glared at me before taking a deep breath in and saying, "Now get your ass in this dress before I force it in."
I didn't take the risk cause I very well knew she can force me in.
"Later." I waved Raashid off who just nodded in understanding, not taking his eyes off the document.
After entering the dressing room, I quickly changed into my wedding gown.
Or well, tried to.
"Fuck! Your fatass isn't fitting in." June cursed, "If only you had some self-control when it comes to food. Ugh!" She groaned frustratedly and so did I, "Remind me to press charges on that Shamal bitch. What does she even take measurements for if she's gonna make my dress one size smaller?!"
"Oof! I'm so tired of this shit! I don't even get paid enough to deal with you!" June whined and I frowned, "Who's dealing with who now?"
She tried pulling on the dress but it wasn't going down than my neck and my arms were stuck.
"This isn't working." June sighed before stretching her arms out and murmuring something.
And she was murmuring the same thing for another 5 minutes.
When I was about to ask her what the hell is she trying to do, the dress loosened and slipped down my height while my arms were able to move freely again.
I adjusted my dress and said, "That was cool. You should've done that earlier."
"First of all, it's hella complicated to get the math right in that spell." June said, "And second of all, I don't want to waste my mana on you."
Ah. Here she goes again. Being the bitch and the genius she is.
"Now quickly get your face caked up and go to the wedding hall already. Your schedule today is busy as it is, wouldn't want things to be delayed." June reminded and I strutted to the makeup room.
After getting all makeup and accessories perfect, I finally placed the pretty diamond crown on my head and made my way to the waiting room where Raashid was with June following me.
When I entered the room his eyes met mine before roaming all over my body.
I didn't mind cause I was doing the same.
I was too hungry earlier to notice that he was wearing a dark purple shirt with a navy blue bow tie and black jacket with gold buttons. He also had a white wedding robe on with golden trimmings and white trousers with a blue and golden belt, accompanied by a diamond buckle. His outfit finished with dark blue velvet gloves and a royal sash.
While I wore a layered bluish pearl off shouldered gown, studded with fading rhinestones with a sweetheart neckline. I also wore a sparkling pair of diamonds earrings, a silver diamond choker and satin wrist straps which had a long delicate netted cape trail.
"You look pretty." He commented and I snorted, "Obviously." I let out with a wink, walking towards him.
"I hope you trip on your dress and end up kissing the ground." June muttered under her breath and I rolled my eyes before responding, "And I hope you trip on nothing and end up kissing August."
June made a disgusted face at that and August's face turned a dark shade of red.
She was about to snap at me but held it in. Even though she was a bitch, she didn't want to hurt August's feelings by saying something rude so she took a deep breath and said, "Please get your asses on the carriage." And calmly added, "Your majestys."
I rolled my eyes, giving her a light glare as Raashid shook his head, chuckling, "She is like the female version of Mari." He said as we walked towards the carriage.
I scoffed, "Come on, Mari is much better."
"Oh please, you don't even know half of how that guy actually is." Raashid replied with a hint of a smirk.
We both got inside the carriage with Raashid describing yet another episode of Baby Mari and his misadventures as the carriage started heading towards our wedding hall.
Raashid got down when the carriage stopped and helped me out.
He then escorted me towards the gate of the banquet where all the relatives and international guests for our wedding were invited.
"You're late." Caiden said, his hair styled back as he gave the two of us a light glare, "Nice to see you too, the commander of Obelian army." I said cheerfully making Caiden smiled. He had been announced as the commander last month. He quickly wiped off the smile and said seriously, "I've been waiting for you two for two hours and Your Majesty, " he said looking at me, "You're parents are going nuts, thinking something happened to you on your way here. Please calm them down." He said and I nodded before going into the dressing room where my family was waiting for me.
"Oh my daughter looks so pretty~" Mother exclaimed. Father and Aiden rushed towards me checking me to make sure I wasn't hurt.
"What took you so long?" Aiden asked.
"Paperwork." I said simply.
"Thank God. I thought something happened to you." Father sighed in relief.
I looked around the waiting room to see Jasmine and Choco talking to each other and quickly went there to greet them.
"Pinky! Its been so long since I last saw you! You don't even write letters that often!" Choco whined as I hugged her.
Actually, she was still staying with my family. Father and mother were really sad when they lost all their kids in a month. Aiden moved to his mansion after getting the title of the Archduke with Jasmine. Seanna moved to the West kingdom and I was super busy that I barely saw them those days. Hence they became really depressed and when Choco said she's moving out as well, they refused and directly adopted her as their own daughter and now she is my sister (I shrieked out of happiness when I first heard that news)!
Jasmine and I exchanged a few words and then I asked mother, "Where's Seanna?"
"I don't know. She was supposed to be here by now..." Mother said just when the door opened and Seanna lunged at me, hugging me tightly and cutting my air supply.
"I missed you Haeun." She whispered, sniffling a bit.
Seanna and I have been in touch with each other with the Communication book and she gradually accepted the fact that I'm Haeun and not Adailia.
And that fact brought us even more close.
"I missed you too. And stop crying." I whispered back hugging her tightly.
The last time we met, it was at her wedding in the West Kingdom, that was a year ago and I haven't seen her since.
"Seanna!" Father, mother and Aiden leapt off their seats and hugged her too, while Choco dashed over the scene and hugged our waists (the girl grew a few inches over two years).
A knock on the door broke our hug as June peeked in, smiling sadly as she saw all of us and announced, "I'll have to take her majesty, the knight's march is about to start and her presence is required."
I detached myself from them and made my way outside and Seanna followed me, "I'll come with you too."
"We are going to watch the Parade kind of thing where the royal guards give you their loyalty or something like that right now and then the wedding ceremony will start." June informed us as we made our way towards the balcony from where I was supposed to see the parade.
I got a glimpse of Mari turning a corner and before I could even greet him, Seanna dashed over to him and lunged at him too.
Mari stumbled a few steps behind at this sudden attack, mumbling a quiet 'what the fuck' then Seanna detached herself from him, beaming, "Oh my God Mari! You haven't grown an inch since I last saw you!"
I saw Mari's left eye twitch and I joined in too, "Shut up Seanna, at least his hair grew."
Mari had been growing his hair a bit so he could give himself that 'Archmage' look and it sort of worked. He would've looked five years older now if it weren't for his short height.
"Ah, Your Majesty, I've done your paperwork as you've instructed." Mari said with false sweetness, "But they may have a bit of an accident if this continues." He added, snapping his fingers as a small ball of fire appeared above it.
I shut up and Mari looked at Seanna, "You are supposed to watch the Parade from the second floor. I'll escort you there, only because we have the same floor."
Seanna smiled happily bidding me goodbye and going with Mari, talking about how fun her job as a mage doctor is.
I soon entered the balcony which had a clear view of the brick road beneath it.
I sat down on my seat and watched Caiden prepare the guards for the march.
I heard someone shuffle behind me and I turned to face the girl with dark brown hair and eyes, "Hey Ly."
Ly, short form for Lychee, is Caiden's fiancee. He got engaged two weeks ago.
While he was supervising a district in another city, he stumbled upon Ly who was beating the shit out of a street thug.
He was instantly taken up by her strength and personality and requested to be with her.
Ly was about to refuse but then her eyes caught Caiden's sword and made a deal with him to teach her arts in sword and she'll come with him.
However, a week later, she was infatuated by Caiden's charm and they just got engaged.
"Hey, your majesty." She responded in monotone making me chuckle.
"How're things going with Caiden?" I asked.
"The man never fails to seize the attention of some bitches." She replied in the same tone but her jaw was clenched tight and her eyes darkened for a fraction of second.
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