
"my pleasure sir!" These were the last word of the boy as he happily went ahead to show his friends the handful of braded things, manik malhotra just give her. Manik smiled looking at him so happy and he himself entered the library. Every is staring at him as if not a human being but a dinosaur has entered but he didn't reacted much as all his attention got zeroed on nandini who was peacefully reading her book.

He suddenly shoot a hard glare at anyone silently telling them to look something that is their concern and not him and he got sucessful also; at some extant. Instantaneously the library become noisy as the manik malhotra has finally grace the library with his great presence.

"Wow yaar i never knew that library looks like that from inside. It's fucking huge but i don't know why these college management is wasting their money on library, i mean the place is although good but u don't think, this big piece of land deserves a place like library. If it would come under my supervision then i will surely transformed this place as a gym." Manik thought he himself after wandering around.

Manik look here and there and finally he went towards the librarian who stare his face like a hawk as if he is some kind of extinct animal. Finally his temper flared and he throw a sharp glare to the librarian. He saw nandini who was still reading the book, deliberately trying to avoid any kind of sound that is being a barrier in her way of completing her favourite book's reading. He smiled looking at her then alienating his attention from nandini, he focused on librarion who was acting all fool right now.

"Did you complete or stare or want to put me in the museum?" Manik chided in deep tone, making her shook her head.

"What???" She asked dumbly.

"What i was saying is i have a whole fucking year for you so just stare as much as you can?" Manik said trying to reign in his anger.

Finally librarion stop staring at him and whispered a meek sorry.

"Just shut up and now listen to me very carefully. I need your help." She flinched at manik's harsh tone and open her eyes widely listening to him.

"You need my help." She whispered to herself as if making herself believe that manik malhotra is really asking for her help.


"Yes, i want all the student to be out of the library." Manik said and nodding at him, she just pulled her little mike near her lips and announced,"sorry you guys have to leave as our manager ask it's presence closed. Sorry for the inconvenience."

That was the time when manik seriously wanted to murder her, did she listen him properly, no she didn't. Being delusional she just send them all without listening his whole plan.

After the announcement the whole library's attention was on the main counter and just to avoid the further scene, manik hide himself under the counter bench itself.

Librarion was standing on the inner side of counter space which was covered by the gigantic brown coloured counter, she was sweating like a pig where manik was sending her threats through his look by hiding himself under the counter space. All the students started to leave the library when manik point at the chair and librarion sat on it defeated.

"Are you bloody out of your mind?" Manik sneered with his lungs out making her tremble.

"What sir..........i just did what you want me to do exactly." Librarion stuttered with sweat.

"I want nandini moorthy right now here in the library." Manik growled like an angry monkey.

"But sir..........." Librarion try to say but he just show her his angry eyes.

" I said right now but before that tell me one thing, did you parents had fallen you down on the floor when you were born?" Asked manik annoying.

Scratching her forehead librarion shook her head in yes and asked,

"But why are asking sir?"

"Because you are half mind without listening to me you send all of them away. Now i want nandini moorthy to be here on that table." Manik roared and pointed towards a particular table most probably the one nandini was invading before.

He just throw an order on librarian's head which falls like a bomb on her. First time manik malhotra in library that too in avatar of a commoner and the most shocking thing asking for a girl.

Librarion nodded her head franatically and said,"sorry sir just give me a second." And she announced again.

"your library has been opened again because manik malhotra don't want it to be closed." She announced and manik was all ready to shoot her with every weapon he get on the first place. How can someone be so stupid? He thought.


With this announcement manik's para went to 7th sky. Is she dumb or she trying to be oversmart? Firstly she send all of them away and now took manik's name. It will ruin his first impression on her.

He saw her with red and anger filled eyes and she ran away while saving her life from this yamraj who is all ready to kill her. Manik was thinking now what will he do but suddenly a thought made him smirk and that is she don't know that he is the manik malhotra because she never seen him. just heard some dangerous things about him and that make him remember about navya and muskan. They both are his sister in law and deserve a grand gift for fueling and filling nandini aginst him, he though. People start to come again to library as it was third period so only nandini's class means b.com 1st year student were free so only they came to library but still nandini was no where. People know about him and so scared of him and his anger. Manik closed the main door of the room and come to them.

"I am here to make an announcement. I know guys you must be so shocked that why i am looking like a commoner when i love my royal zone." They all nodded scarcely because they all were standing infront of manik malhotra.

"so listen i have fall in love with a girl who studies in your class." And pin drop silence appeared because students got shocked.

"wanna know who she is?" Manik asked.

Students nodded their face in yes.

"ms nandini moorthy......." This made them even more shocked because all of them knew that nandini is a scholarship student.

"So listen each and everyone of you that she is mine if i saw anybody around her or troubling her then you will have to face me so be careful around her, am i clear?" All of them shuddered at his tone but he repeated himself for confirmation.

"am i clear? And i want to be her friend on the first place so need your help."

"But sir please tell what is special in her." A jealousy filled voice roared in the silent library.

"She is special. We can't compare her qualities with anyone because if we try to do then it will be injustice. Her voice, her heart is so pure as crystal maybe that's why i am here because i want to know her i want to see her every shade." Manik said being in his daydreaming.

"you really love her sir." One of the nandini's classmate said.

"Yes now you all have to help me. Don't get scared from me i won't do anything until you guys will stay in your limits."

"How can we help you sir?"

"Listen when she come you have to......................" Manik explained his plan and All gasped listening his killer plan but none of them dare to say anything.

"Sorry sir we can't do this." One of them try to decline but one glare and he was ready to peed in his pants.

"I didn't asked you for doing this i told you to do this so just do as i say."

And all of them nodded unwillingly and now all of them are wating for the arrival of nandini because some of them know her but some of them didn't even see her and now they are so curious because the girl who can stole manik malhotra's heart can do anything in this world.

Soon a knock on the door can be heard and manik signalled a girl to open the door and she opend and found nandini, manik signalled a boy and suddenly a boy came and hold manik's caller tightly and manik start his acting.

"Please leave me i am innocent leave me." Boy grab his caller more tightly.

Firstly the whole canteen was admiring manik's choice and then apprising manik's acting skills what a wonderful actor he is.

Here nandini enters and found gazes on herself but didn't look at them because she only came to this college for studies. Then found some sounds and see a boy was asking for help and begging. Firstly she thought not to get herself into a trouble again then she saw his face which was become so red because that guy was grabbed him by collers and on a serious note he couldn't breathe because of the pressure on his neck but he cared less. This time his whole concentration was on his love who was standing in front of him with a worried expression written on her face which make his heart fly upto the sky.


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