《A Pinch of Cinnamon》Dedication


Nicholas' POV

I watched Spencer scramble her cute ass away from me up the stairs. I chuckle shaking my head. I love watching her become flustered and nervous. I love being able to affect her so easily. She feels something that's for sure. Our age difference makes me slightly nervous, but she hasn't said anything or made any hint that she was uncomfortable with it. She mostly just acts like a woman who hasn't received this type of attention before with those constant blushes and averting her gaze. That thought alone makes me angry. How could someone not worship every inch of that woman's body and soul?! She is simply divine. What I wouldn't give to hunt down her ex and make him pay for hurting her.

I aim to make up for his lack of attention. I will worship her like no other and make her body melt into a helpless puddle at my feet. She will know what it feels like to be genuinely loved like she so deserves.

I hate that she had to go through that but I'm thankful as fuck she did. Otherwise, I wouldn't have my shot at her. I'm sure she knows I'm interested in her, but it worries me that maybe she doesn't want a relationship. I'll just need to change that.

Spencer skips down towards me with a baby monitor in her hand. I swallowed hard at the sight of her breasts bouncing slightly as she ran. Christ she is so perfect. I willed myself to stay calm and keep my desire at bay. That's a monumental task right there.

"So, you leave a baby monitor so you can hear if he needs help?" She nods and adjust the volume to make sure it's on max.

"Yeah. I usually keep it on and lock his door if I'm doing chores. It also has a video monitor if I need it so I can see him." She shrugs. "It's all I could figure out to do when he's napping. The rest of the time he comes with me."

I frown. She's had a rough time of it. Not being able to get childcare or a farm hand. "That's amazing. You're able to get all your work done like that?" She averts her gaze slightly and sighs.

"Not exactly. I'm overdue to shear the sheep. It works well enough but for longer, tougher jobs it's harder to get those done on time."

Hm. Well maybe I can change that. My thoughts ran wild as we worked side by side tossing bales into the loft above the barn.


It was sweltering out and soon enough I had to lose my shirt. I smirked inwardly as Spencer's eyes widened and her gaze remained locked on my body. She was almost in a daze as she ogled me. I certainly won't complain. I quite like knowing that she finds me attractive. I certainly have been admiring her this whole time too.

Her skin had been shimmering with sweat as she chucked full bales of hay with ease. Her arms bulged with feminine muscle from all the hard work and screw me if I didn't stop to admire her.

She was an amazingly hard worker. I've known female ranch hands that can't do half of what she can on her own. She single handily takes care of a toddler and runs a ranch. That's goddamn impressive.

I've never known someone so dedicated to their work and life as she is. She doesn't let her hardships bring her down and strives to make the best life she can.


Spencer's POV

Fuck. Why did he have to take off his shirt!

My body was already heated from the temperature from the sun but now I was positively roasting. A heat seared through my bones shocking me at my core. I clenched just watching his bulging muscles as he worked. My mind kept wandering to what it would be like to have him throw me over his shoulder like one of those hay bales. The thought of him picking me up in his arms and throwing me into bed as he ravished me. I could feel myself moisten.

You could say I'm not extremely experienced in the art of love or sex. I was with one man who didn't really know how to pleasure me. We had sex, yes, but it was over in 20 minutes with no foreplay and I was hardly ever wet enough. I could already tell that Nick must be a great lover. Just in his simple touches and looks, he has unlocked a primal need in my body. Like for the first time in my life I wanted to be fucked senselessly into oblivion. I knew Nick would be up to the challenge. I just can't decide if he wants more with me than just the obvious sexual implications. He seems like he is genuinely interested in me, but can I chance it?

Just the thought of Jay warming up to him only for him to leave in the end, had my heart aching.


I shook my thoughts free and focused on the remainder of the hay. Jay will be up soon, and I still have evening chores. I will have to do them late tonight when he goes to bed, I guess.

Nick dusted his hands off his jeans as the final bale was chucked into the loft. "Phew! Hard work when it's 90 degrees out!"

"Yeah! I'm drenched in sweat, it's disgusting. I probably smell awful." I joked. Nick leaned towards me and took a dramatic inhale.

"Nope. Fresh as a daisy!" He grinned. I slapped his shoulder, pushing him back.

"Gross!" I wrinkled my nose at him as he laughs. A mumble on the monitor jerked our heads towards it. I turn on the video monitoring to find Jayden tossing in bed. Usually this means he is close to waking when he gets this restless.

"He's waking up. You want a cold drink?" I look towards Nick.

"Yeah sure, thanks. I'm parched."

I go upstairs while Nicholas quenches his thirst, to unlock Jay's door.

"Hey baby." Jayden rubs his eyes tiredly as he slowly wakes up.

"I'm thirsty."

"Ok, baby. Let's go get a drink." I gently pick him up to carry him downstairs. His face snuggles into my neck as he starts to doze back off.

Nick looks up as we enter. A warm smile overtakes his face as he watches Jayden snuggle further into me.

"Someone's still tired." He murmurs softly.

At the sound of Nick's voice, Jay lifts his head off me and squirms to look for him.

"Nick!" He walks towards us until he is standing just in front of me. He speaks quietly but his gaze that was full of a searing heat, makes me squirm.

"Hey buddy." He rubs Jay's back as he remains in my arms but continues to keep my gaze. I surprise myself by maintaining eye contact, relishing in the fact that I have his attention.

I jump slightly when I feel his hand softly rub up and down my arm as it circles around Jay to reach me, caressing me softly. It's almost as if we are both in his arms. I feel warm and safe. I can feel my cheeks heat up, but I smile softly at him which he returns.

"What's dinner momma." I chuckle down at the sleepy toddler and kiss his blonde locks.

"It's not quite dinner time yet buddy. We still have chores to do." Nick frowns hearing this.

"What do you have left?"

"Uh. Evening cleaning and feeding and before that I need to go do a head count on the cows." I glance up at him.

He nods his head. "Ok. I'll go do the head count if you tell me where their pasture is and how many should be there. When I get back, I can watch Jay while you feed everyone since you know the routine." I'm shocked. He wants to help even more? I couldn't possibly let him. He's already done so much.

"Nick, I appreciate that, but you probably want to head home. You've been here for hours." He sent me a dark look. As if he was daring me to contradict what he said next.

"I'm in no rush and I don't want you to have to do everything alone." Before I can argue he puts his hand up for me to stop. "I know you have been doing it all along. But you don't have to. I can help and ease the burden. So, tell me what horse to take and where I'm going and I'll do the head count. Ok?" He raised his thick eyebrow at me while crossing his arms. I sigh, knowing I can't fight him. Besides, I'm too tired.

"Fine. Take the bay gelding. His tack is next to his stall. His name is Romeo." Nick smirks at my name choice.

"So, a Romeo riding Romeo?" I snort and roll my eyes. Did he really just call himself Romeo?

"Whatever you want to think." I lead him to the stall and watch intently as Nick bridles Romeo and pops the saddle on him. His fluent tacking leads me to realize he isn't a novice on a farm. "So, take this field and continue following it back. You'll come across a small stream and the cows should be a mile or two from there. I have 75 head of cattle currently."

"Sounds good." He expertly swings into the saddle and gathers his reins. Sending me a cheeky grin and wink, he nudged Romeo into a lope and heads towards the pasture.

A Romeo riding Romeo huh? We shall see about that. Lord knows I want to know just how "Romeo" he can be.

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