《A Pinch of Cinnamon》The Party
My body was tugged from sleep by the sound of birds chirping, which was odd. Normally I wake to hear traffic sounds. I was momentarily disoriented until my vision adjusted to find myself staring at the walls of my old room. I groaned in annoyance when the events of the past few months come rushing back.
Pulling myself out of bed, I grab a quick shower before dressing and heading downstairs. The smell of bacon greets my nose as soon as I open my door and I can hear the chatter from my parents. I enter the kitchen to see my father with a newspaper and cup of coffee, sitting at the counter.
"Hey dad." He turns to face me, smiling. Getting off the stool he takes a few steps to embrace me in a quick hug. I frown seeing his slight limp.
"Nick! Good to see you son. Settling back in ok?" I nod.
"Ya. I have to unpack still but nothing that needs to happen now. How's that knee? I heard you were doing chores." My dad sends a weak glare to my mom who pretends not to notice.
"I'm fine. Just slept wrong." He grumbles. His hazel eyes cast downwards, something he does when he's not being entirely truthful. He runs his hand through his short, salt and pepper hair before having me come sit next to him.
"You ready for the party tonight?" I look at him confused.
"Uh, what party?" He sighs glancing at my mother again.
"Your mother has decided to have a welcome home party for you." I automatically groan, dreading having to tell family and friends my life failures.
"Thanks for the warning." I grumble before digging into breakfast. "I'm definitely not looking forward to all the questions." My dad's eyes cut to mine sharply.
"We did warn you." Ouch.
"Richard!" My mom admonishes him. "This is not the time to berate his choices. Just be glad he didn't have kids with the vile woman."
Another shot to my heart.
"Trust me pops. I'm already beating myself up for it." I roll my eyes. God, I'm 30 years old not 17.
"Mmhm." He murmurs letting me know the subject is dropped. I guess no matter how old you get, your parents still treat you like a child. They love to rub salt in the wound if I make wrong choices. Well, dad anyway.
She was the worst mistake of my life. When we got together, we were both 23. Fresh out of college and I thought I loved her. I didn't see her for what she was. I'm not sure how my parents saw through her angel disguise. When we were together, she acted the part. However, my friends would tell me she would talk down to me behind my back. I chose not to believe them, just brushing it off.
Then I find out I'm missing almost 30,000 dollars from our savings account. I hadn't noticed it until recently. It had all built up over time with small withdrawals over the years. She had a thirst for expensive shopping. Come to find out she was also cheating on me. I went on a business trip and came back early as a surprise. Well, the surprise was on me when I caught her in our bed fucking one of my employees.
That was fun.
The neighbors called the police for the noise disturbance from her screaming fits and breaking things. Luckily since the house was in my name, she was escorted off the property and I filed for divorce immediately. I'm loyal to a fault. I don't accept cheating on your spouse. She whined about it being a mistake and wanted to go to counseling. By then, my eyes were clear, and I saw her devil horns.
She only wanted the money.
Honestly, I'd be more heartbroken if I wasn't so angry. She made every step of this a living hell. Now I just feel like I dodged a major bullet since we hadn't had kids yet. It saddened me. I had always wanted kids and now who knows when I will have a family. I'm cursing my stupidity at not watching the warning signs or listening to my friends or family.
The rest of the day was spent unpacking and helping my parents around the house. My mom was acting frantic, running about chattering to herself about cleaning this or that. I'm not sure why everything needs to be perfect. She had hors d'oeuvres being made in the oven, the crock pot, the instant pot; pretty much any pot known in existence. My dad had made an escape claiming he needed to oversee the rest of the haying of the fields out back.
Lucky bastard.
My dad came back just before 5 pm. My mom fluttered about yelling at him to go shower.
"Judy, calm down. These are our friends and family it doesn't need to be perfect. Calm yourself woman." She whipped her head around to glare at him.
"Don't woman me, Richard. You know I love entertaining." I chuckled and headed up to my own room to shower. I stayed under the warm spray for ages, washing away the weariness in my bones.
I wonder how long I can stay up here before mom comes hunting me down.
When I stepped outside into the backyard, the party was in full swing. Family and friends greeting me exuberantly, asking how I was. Pity forming in their eyes. I had to keep myself from showing my aggravation. I hate pity. I just want to get on with my life.
I was chatting with my friend Alex who I hadn't seen in a few years, when the back door slid open and a small body came whizzing past me towards my father. Giggles erupted from him as my father bent down with a giant smile.
Who is this kid?
"Jay! How's my big man?"
The boy murmured a reply as my dad snuggled the toddler in his arms until he squirmed to be let loose, running back towards the house.
My curiosity was eating me. I had never seen this kid before and no one I knew of has a child that small.
Shrugging it off, I take a swig of beer and continued my conversation with Alex. We chatted aimlessly about work and life catching up on lost time. I didn't realize how much I missed my friends until now. It was nice to be able to relax a bit.
"Nick!" I turn to see my mom near the grill. "Can you go grab the meat from the fridge please?"
"On it." I head inside and go to the kitchen. My feet stop in their tracks as the kitchen comes into view. At the counter, a vision of a young woman stands, veggies and a knife in hand. Her chocolate waves of hair cascade over her shoulders. Green eyes stare at the objects in her delicate hands with intensity. She was small, maybe 5'5" and had an athletic build to her. My eyes trail over her body, taking her in. Her arms were more muscular than most women. Likely from hard work versus just working out. Her whole body looked toned and tight. My breath constricted as I watched her, and I suddenly felt nervous, my hands clenching repeatedly. What the hell?
This is not a normal reaction.
My body has never heated up with one look at someone before. What is it about her?
I watched her knife slice through the pepper she was cutting. I gulped as it slid through like butter, her hands speedily and efficiently slicing.
Why is this turning me on right now?
She almost looked like a professional chef.
Did mom hire someone?
I'm not sure how long I stood there watching her. I was in a trance, just watching as she moved about the kitchen. I didn't mean to be creepy; I swear. But I could not tear my eyes from her.
I just watched as she methodically cut and arranged veggies on a platter.
She hadn't noticed me and jumped slightly when I walked into the room.
"Hello." I greeted her cheerfully trying to play off that I was just ogling her.
"Hello, Nick." I pause. She knows my name? I didn't get a chance to ask before my mom came barreling into the kitchen.
"Nick where are you—oh." She pauses when she saw me and the mystery girl standing near each other. "Ah Spencer dear. Thank you so much for helping. I'm afraid I ran out of time." So, this is Spencer. She must remember me from my sister.
My mom threw me a knowing look before grabbing the meat I had completely forgotten about and walking back outdoors.
I turn back to the goddess before me. She wasn't dressed up. Wearing just blue jeans, cowboy boots, a white tank and red, plaid shirt over it. She had no makeup on that I could see but lord knows she didn't need it. I have never seen someone so beautiful.
I felt this weird pull towards her. My heart tugging with some need to get close and know everything about her.
Slow down. You literally just got divorced. I try and calm my traitorous organ.
"So, Spencer. It's been a while. How are you?" I drawl out trying to start conversation. She huffs out a quiet laugh and glances at me. A slight smirk on her face as her eyes twinkled with humor.
"You don't have to pretend you remember me. We've never actually met before." She chuckles.
I feel a little embarrassed being caught but blew out a sigh of relief regardless. "How'd you know my name then?"
"I've been here a lot. Your sister and parents talk about you all the time." She resumes her chopping.
"But how'd you know what I looked like?" She pauses and waves a knife behind me. Confused, I turn to be greeted by a family photo of us all together.
Ah. That explains it. She's very observant.
"So, you got roped into helping?" She shook her head.
"Not at all. I offered. Your parents have helped me a lot, so I have to repay the favor somehow."
"I heard my dad was helping you yesterday. He was a bit sore this morning." She grimaced, shaking her head and then mumbled something about beating my dad's ass.
"I told him not to. He doesn't listen to me." She sighed, running a hand through her locks now that her hands were free of chopping veggies. I felt bad. I didn't mean to make it sound like I was blaming her.
"My dad is a stubborn bastard. He will do what he wants. Don't sweat it." I smile briefly at her which she returns, her luscious lips turning up at the corners. Her eyes though, they didn't quite match her smile. Something is just slightly off in her eyes.
I take a closer look at her. Although she's beautiful, she looks exhausted. Shadows under her eyes and she has that look on her face like she would rather be asleep. A deep pain seems to be etched there. I suddenly feel a worry creeping into my mind. Why does she look so run down?
Before I could think, my hand crept forward on its own, brushing a chocolate bang behind her ear. She stiffened, as did I, from my gesture.
It felt like second nature. Like I've done it a thousand times before with her. So comfortable and loving. So easy.
Christ pull yourself together.
"Um. So, uh what does my dad help with?" I try to steer the conversation away from my awkward blunder. Seriously what is wrong with me? I've never felt like this before with someone I don't know.
"I have a farm but I'm also a part time veterinary technician. Your dad has been nice enough to help me feed animals when I'm called in for emergencies."
Interesting. Does she have no one else?
"You don't have anyone to help you?" I blurt out. I didn't mean to fish for answers, but I couldn't help the jealous nagging in the pit of my stomach just thinking she could be attached to someone.
Her cheeks tinted pink and she had a nervous look on her face. Before she could answer, we were interrupted by a small voice.
"Momma. Momma. Momma." The blonde-haired toddler I saw earlier came racing in until he ran into Spencer's legs, wrapping his arms around them. She bent down to his level.
"What, baby?" Her eyes flicked to mine briefly before focusing on the child.
"Where Pop?" I feel a strange sense of bitterness overcome me. She's taken and has a child who is currently asking for his father. Of course, she does. Someone like her would be scooped up immediately. Who am I kidding?
"I don't know baby. He's probably in the backyard. Maybe you can ask Nick." She gestured towards me.
Wait, what?
Why the hell would I know where this kid's father was?
"Pop is Nick's dad. So maybe he knows where he ran off to." The boy's blue eyes looked up at me in awe. A flicker of hope shoots through my body at her words.
Maybe she isn't attached. I smiled down at the little boy to try and appear less imposing.
"Nick, this is Jayden." She introduced me. Jayden took a few unsure steps towards me, so I crouched down to his level. I can be somewhat imposing.
"Nice to meet you, little man. Should we go look for him?" I see Spencer smile out of the corner of my eye as I offer Jayden my hand. He surprises me instead by lifting his hands, after a moment's hesitation, gesturing to be picked up. I scoop him in my arms and bounce him for a second. Spencer's jaw was practically on the floor, her eyes widening. She shook her head at me when I raised my eyebrow in question.
"Let's go find him, little man." I walk with him securely in my hold as his little arms tighten around my neck. I could get used to this.
My mom's expression mimicked Spencer's when she saw who I carried.
"Why is everyone so shocked I'm carrying a child?" My mom smiles, in a daze.
"I'm surprised he's letting you. Jay doesn't warm up to people very easily. It took months before he let your dad hold him." I raised my brows in surprise.
"Well, he wants to see Pop. You know where he is?" My mom pointed towards my father who was already walking towards us with a smile on his face.
"I see you've met Jay." The boy in question smiles at my dad but instead of going towards his outstretched arms, he buries his head in my neck. I feel a little smug that he doesn't want to let me go. My dad chuckles at his actions. "Never thought I'd see Jay attach to someone so quickly, but I'm glad."
I stayed content as the child remained in my arms for the rest of the night. He had refused to leave my side for some reason. Several times Spencer had offered to take him back, but I refused and she finally stopped asking. But I would catch her watching us, a small wistful smile on her lips.
I would peek at her when she wasn't looking. She mostly hung around my parents, never really mingling with others. I could sense her body was always on alert, making sure to keep Jay within a reasonable distance, constantly glancing our way. A few hours later though, I couldn't find her. She was nowhere outside.
I carefully handed Jay to my mom before heading to search inside. I found her in the living room. Fast asleep on the couch. She was curled in a little ball. Her head resting on her hands tucked into her side. Her cheek slightly smushed. How could anyone look so adorable sleeping?
She is going to be sore if she stays like that. She would sleep better in a bed.
I carefully lifted her into my arms, pausing as she shifted. Her head snuggled into my chest and she sighed in content and fell back asleep. I held in a chuckle at how adorable she is even when sleeping. I walked her upstairs to my room and tucked her into my bed.
My body flooded with immense contentment and longing at seeing her snuggled under my covers. This image I could watch forever. I just wish I could be in bed with her. My arms wrapped securely around her body as we drifted to sleep together. I brought the blanket up over her shoulders and placed a soft kiss on her forehead before heading back downstairs.
"She was asleep on the couch, so I carried her to my bed to sleep." I informed my mom as I took a sleeping Jay back into my arms.
She gazed at me for a second with a smile on her face.
"What?" I know that look.
"I'm glad it's her." She said simply before walking away. I furrow my brow in confusion. What on earth is she talking about? I shook my head. I can worry about it later. For now, I am following Jay and Spencer and going to bed. I headed to my room, careful to not wake Spencer, and collapsed on my small couch with Jay on my chest.
I was out in seconds.
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