《He Has Changed》Chapter 10~ Pendejo
I pull my coat around me tighter and roll my eyes as I cross one leg over the other, the men on the other side of the bench stare at my legs like dogs stare at chocolate knowing they can't have it.
An officer opens the small door and throws another crook in the cell, twirling my finger around a strand of my curly blond hair that took a good hour and a half to curl just for me to end up in some jail cell.
I'm so fucking happy Athena doesn't act like a rude, bitchy mother. Or could be my experience, my mom is a bitch.
"Guys, this is way too loose in the boobs area" Ivy sighs showing us her top and I snort before Athena shakes her head chuckling.
"Not my fault I don't have D's" Ivy crosses her arms over her chest, "A curse and blessing" Athena says and I nod agreeing as she unzips her dress and my eyes widen when it drops to the floor. Along with my jaw. "Switch with me, this is tight at my tits"
This is why I chose both men and women...
I clear my throat as the room gets warmer, I close my eyes to keep myself from checking them out when Ivy pulls off her top and pants. Jesus, lord forgive me.
"Are you closing your eyes?" Ivy asks from behind me as I hear zippers being zipped up and I cross my arms over my chest, "Just hurry up" I mutter causing them both to laugh.
We booked the last three hotel rooms the hotel had left, one for Mason, one for Athena and the last me and Ivy are sharing. We got here this afternoon, I took a nap, Ivy, Athena and Mason all went downstairs and walked around.
And now we're bout to hit some club
I tap my foot impatiently against the room's carpet, "We're done" Ivy says with a taunting tone and I roll my eyes before opening them.
Looking back to see Ivy in the small dress Athena was wearing and Athena in the lace top with some simple pants now. Woman. Damn.
"Abby, did you turn the curler off?" Ivy asks walking towards me and I scoff, "I will, after I can get this to fucking curl" I hold up that one strand of hair that won't cooperate.
She smiles, grabbing it from me and taking the strand of hair in her hand before twirling it around her finger and wrapping it around the curling iron. I curled my hair and then brushed it out lightly but this one bit of hair bugged me so much.
"I think Mason is bored waiting for us" Athena states reading texts off her phone with a small laugh. Ivy pulls the curler away carefully before scrunching the curl in her hand and letting it go. Smiling when it's perfect.
"Pretty" she mutters brushing it out with her fingers and we both smile.
"I swear this is my dress though" she says looking at me and I roll my eyes acting like it totally isn't the dress I stole from her, in my defence she didn't like it a lot.
"let's go" I ignore her glare as we all picked up our heels. I chose some simple red stilettos with a gold anklet. Athena is wearing some clear heels, and Ivy chose some saint laurents.
I grab my black leather jacket as the other two girls also grab their coats, it gets a bit colder at night.
We all walk out before locking the hotel room, I make sure I have the keycard in my purse as we all start making our way to the elevator. Mason is waiting for us downstairs.
Our heels clicking on the tiles as we walk through the halls and into the elevator, it opens and there's one single man in there. His eyes widen when we walk in before he tries hiding it.
I'm standing more beside him as Athena and Ivy stand in front of us clicking the ground floor button, his eyes fall to Ivy and he bites down on his lower lip "que culo" he mutters, his eyes on her ass and my jaw clenches.
[What a ass]
"mantén tus ojos arriba, tarado" I speak, looking straight.
[Keep your eyes up, moron]
His eyes snap to me and I see his eyes scanning my face, Ivy turns and raises an eyebrow-well she tries but she can't so she raises both before Athena throws an arm around her shoulder pulling her to her making her look away
"Excuse me?" he asks, with annoyance and I raise an eyebrow before scoffing. "Really? I'm not deaf, I heard what you said about my sister" I snap right back and watch as a small blush of embarrassment rises to his cheeks.
The elevator stops on his floor as he walks out muttering some curse words, I roll my eyes and stuff my hands into the pockets of my jacket.
"What did he say?" Ivy asks looking over her shoulder and I wave her off telling her not to worry about it.
"If any of you throw up, just know I will too" Mason winces when all three of us drown our sixth round of vodka shots. Mason doesn't drink, so he's a sober driver.
"We won't" Ivy the lightweight almost trips over her own foot but Mason catches her, she giggles as I look back at the bartender.
"Another round, please" I say leaning up on the bar, I'm only buzzed right now. This is only destination number one for tonight, a fun way to start it off.
His eyes fall to my boobs before he nods, might as well drool at this point...
"I want to get drunk until I can't stop giggling like a crazy woman" Athena smirks as the shots are slid forward to us, Ivy already that drunk seeing how she giggles.
My eyes fall to the men at the doors of the club, in suits making sure they can see us at all times. Our so-called bodyguards. We have an Athena, I think that's more than enough.
We both grab a shot glass before clanking them together lightly and putting the rims to our lips before the bottoms are in the air and the vodka is running down our throats. I grab Ivy's shot seeing she ran off to go pee.
Smirking when 'Love Game' from LadyGaga starts playing, and the way the DJ speeds it up a bit makes me want to go dance, "Dance?" I ask Athena and her eyes fall to the dance floor before she mouths 'yikes' and shakes her head.
Rolling my eyes as I grab Mason's hand and drag him towards the dance floor, "How's football?" I ask over the music, he got accepted into some league or something. Proud of him.
Already dancing a bit as we make our way to the dance floor, "Fun, running into people and shit" he says with a boyish grin before I wrap my arms around his neck. "I wish" I roll my eyes. I'd love to knock people down for no reason...
"That dude has been staring at you since we walked in here" he leans down and whispers in my ear before I look over my shoulder tracing where his eyes were. I see someone leaning against the bar, their eyes on me.
I shrug before looking back at Mason, "Not looking for anyone" I say shaking my hips a bit to the amazing beat. God, I love this song so fucking much.
I try so hard not to white girl dance right now...But this song tempts me...
I roll my hips a bit and Mason whispers something about checking up on Ivy in my ear before walking off, my eyes closing as the buzz from the shots before makes my head drop back as I dance to the song.
Only a few seconds later I feel a pair of hands on my hips, pulling me into a hard chest. Not thinking as I push my ass back into the stranger, "I'm Aleixo" he whispers into my ear.
I pull my hair to my one shoulder and sigh, "Alex" I give him a fake name for no specific reason...
"Mhm, once I was at the club and gave this bitch my real name. Turns out she was some assassin and next second she's trying to kill me" Seb says shaking his head as he flips a pancake. My eyebrows furrow at the random piece of information.
"Uhm...Were you okay?" I ask, trying not to laugh when he snorts at the end of his own story.
He shrugs as I swing my legs back and forth on the counter, he's making me breakfast because no one else was awake and he 'insisted'. "No, but can't say the same for her" he even winces remembering about it and I chuckle while grabbing a strawberry.
"Moral, never tell anyone your real name at the club. What if I'm not there to protect you?" he asks, sounding genuinely worried, I smile at him before kicking the side of his torso. "I don't need protection" I say just to hear his answer.
He mocks me before grabbing my ankle and throwing it down, "But I want, and will always protect you" he says, I smile bigger and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he flips the pancake aga-
"Alex, you still here?" Aleixo's voice pulls me out of my thoughts, and then I feel his hands running up and down my sides as tears fill my vision.
"Yeah, sorry I have to go" I cleared my throat, suddenly feeling more sober than I'd like at the random memory that flashed through my mind. But when I try moving he doesn't let go.
I feel a pair of lips on my neck and gasp, "Aleixo, stop" I mutter trying to get his hands off of me and he groans against my skin before pressing me to the erection between his legs.
"I have a room back there-" he starts but I cut him off, "-Let go of me, I have a boyfriend" I blurt and he scoffs. "Your friend, the one that left a bit ago looks gay" he says and my eyes squint shut. Shit.
"He's not here right now, he'd be angry if he saw you touching me" I say, still trying to peel his hands off my waist, but they only inch higher until his thumbs graze the bottom of my breasts.
"Yeah? What's his name then?" he asks and I suck in a sharp breath saying the first name that comes to mind.
For some reason he freezes behind me and goes stiff, "Last name?" he asks and I am so close to fucking punching him. "Morales" I grit.
"Mierda" he curses, pushing himself off of me and I don't even turn back before running away from the dance floor, but before I heard his words to me. "Tell boss I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" he shouts and my eyebrows furrow.
What the fuck?
I see Athena at the bar with Mason, they both look panicky. I walk up to them fixing my dress acting like nothing happened. "What's wrong?" I ask.
"Ivy is gone" Athena states and my eyes go wide, looking at our stupido bodyguards trying to find her.
"Abby, check out back, Mason come with me" she says and I nod as one of the guards follows me.
Walking down a hallway towards the back door, freezing when I see a heel on the ground. The same one Ivy wore today and picked it up before running out of the door.
"Those were not cheap" I hear Ivy shout before my eyes fall to her, and the man pressing her against the wall before she tries punching him.
"Stand down" the guard next to me raises his gun, but fucking fails to see the other man also has one tucked into his pants. I roll my eyes, always have to do everything myself.
"In other words. Let go of her, Hijo de puta" I snap walking towards him and he tries pulling out the gun but I grab Ivy's hand and pull her right behind me.
Sirens ringing and he only smirks as the cool metal of the gun touches my forehead, the guard dumb or something? Now is the time to fucking shoot idiota. Not the idiota in front of me, the stupid guard behind us.
"Feisty little thing" he murmurs looking at me and I scoff, looking over my shoulder to see Ivy's forehead resting on my shoulder. She passed out while there's a gun to my head, thanks bestie. But more importantly the guard is dead, on the floor. Bleeding out as a man stands behind him with a knife.
"The cops are coming" I say and he smirks more, trailing the gun down my cheek, "I can hear" he states. His eyes falling to my tits.
That's like 4 people today
I sigh, "Sorry not sorry" I grunt, grabbing his shoulders before lifting my knee and slamming it where the sun doesn't shine.
Damn, ouchie.
He groans, dropping the gun and falls to the floor. The dude with the knife starts running towards me but I lean down and pick up the gun, Ivy falling to the floor in process before she groans rubbing her forehead.
Thank you Akira for forcing us into the shooting lessons
I raise the gun and pull the safety off before shooting his leg and throwing the gun at him once he falls down. "Puta" the man cupping his dick on the floor curses at me as the sirens get closer. I roll my eyes waiting for the cops.
"What is going on here? We got a call!" they shout and I cringe, my head spinning slightly from the liquor, I still want more. Like a lot more...
"Get this whore" dick cupper grunts and the cops look at the fucking idiota with a gun, a crook before they run to me and roughly grab my arms and push my against the brick wall.
"Wait, but he's the bad guy" Ivy mutters, still rubbing her head and I groan as my eyes roll back when my face hits the hard bricks.
"They're my men" the cock cupper says, corrupt cops. Of-fucking-course.
"Ivy, go inside and find a guard or Athena" I say and she goes to talk but I glare at her as they handcuff my wrists dragging me to the car. She nods and runs away before cock cupper could get up.
I didn't even get to punch anyone. Not fucking fair.
"I want my phone call" I shout for the tenth time and they ignored me once again, the small buzz turned into a bit more after I was thrown in here and now I feel more than buzzed.
This is not like the tv shows...
Athena and the other two have no idea where I am, they drove past three other stations choosing the furthest one and that was an hour ago.
The longest I was in jail before was 45 minutes, I have broken my record...
I cross my arms when some idiot keeps staring at my tits, I know I have nice boobs but stop staring for fucks sake.
"I will carve your eyes out" I snap turning my head to him and his eyes widen before he looks away, he was sitting beside me but I kicked him off the bench. He smelled bad.
I hear the door open and shut hoping for Athena or anyone I know but I groan tilting my head back when I see Aleixo walk into the small station full of crooks and some corrupt cops.
He holds a phone to his hand before handing the phone to the man in charge without a single word, the man who threw me in here takes it hesitantly and Aleixo turns to look at me.
I lightly hit my head against the wall behind me, dammit.
The corrupt cop who's name I remember being Liam, well his eyes widened before he handed Aleixo the phone back fumbling to find something on his desk.
My eyebrow raises at Aleixo when Liam grabs his keys and opens the door calling my name and tells me to come out, "Are you stalking me?" I ask, grabbing my phone from the officer's desk.
"No thank you for saving your ass? Abby." he says and I freeze when he calls my real name, before I could talk he hands me his phone and all I see is the call with someone with the contact name 'boss'
I also hesitantly grab it from him and bring it to my ear, well shit.
"Sebastian" I say and glare at Aleixo who points for me to start walking, I cut him off as Aleixo opens the door for me. "No, I'm actually outside the station" I say and hear a sigh behind me.
he demands and I hear a dog bark once in the back before I stop in my tracks, "No, you said two days" I say and he scoffs.
he says and I roll my eyes before there's a small tap on my shoulder to tell me to keep moving, "I didn't even do anything" I defend.
"Oh, and yeah I'm fine thank you for asking" I rehort sarcastically
he asks with annoyance as Aleixo stops in front of some car, opening the door for me. I stop and glare at him-I am not getting in a car with some random dude.
I mock him in my head before getting in, "Because you stupid mafia men won't do anything the easy way, ever heard of a bail? And for the trip, you can suck my cock Sebastian because we are not going back tomorrow. Bye" I mutter and Aleixo gets in the car with wide eyes for talking to his boss like this.
He snaps and I scoff. "We both know you can't lie for shit" I say, he has a dumb tone when he lies, there's silence on the line and I sigh. "Goodnight" I mutter before hanging up and throwing Aleixo his phone.
"Pendejo" I cross my arms and tell Aleixo my hotel after he tells me the others are waiting there for me.
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