《He Has Changed》Chapter 3~ Bitterness
The don of the american mafia and Sebastian's best friend (ML from TAOI)
Abby's best friend and Ares's fiancee
Ares's mom
All the other people are new so you're fine...I think...
"You look so pretty" Ivy gushes before her arms wrap around me, she's being extremely huggy because we haven't seen each other in ages. Not that I'm complaining, she's literally the best hug giver ever.
We're both getting ready for some party right now, first I helped Ivy get ready and now I just finished getting ready. I think that this party is just for Ares to tell his Mafia and partners about the marriage and shit. Mafia men confuse everything.
You were supposed to bring a date but there was the 'come alone' option which I was grateful for.
Anyways, Ivy is wearing a dark deep red dress with full sleeves and matching red heels. This bitch looks amazing in every-fucking-thing.
I'm wearing a black leather spaghetti dress. I originally went for a pink dress because pink always makes me look really good, but I decided I liked this one a bit better. I only have a few good colors and in the rest I look like shit, my good colors are black, pink and baby blue. Or those are the ones I know of so far.
My dress reaches a bit above my knees and my heels are big black heels with red bottoms, I love heels with my fucking life, and I paired a set of matching bracelet and necklace with my outfit.
"Mason and D are getting here tomorrow" Ivy mutters looking at her phone and I hum, she gets another notification and rolls her eyes as she reads it. "Ares needs me to do his tie" she mumbles and I chuckle as I pat down my dress.
"I'll meet you downstairs?" she looks at me and I nod before a smirk makes its way to my lips and I decide to tease her, "No quickies"
Her cheeks turn a shade of bright pink and she glares at me before running out of the room muttering something under her breath.
Before I could even laugh my phone rings, John's name lights up on my phone as the ringer keeps ringing.
"What" I sigh picking up the phone knowing if I don't they'll blow it up, he grits, god I hate his guy. He's probably my age or a bit older but he makes comments about my body, touches me when it's unnecessary, looks at me with such dirty eyes. He's disgusting.
"I have a life John" I answer, saying the same thing once again.
I'm breaking this contract about him being my manager as soon as I'm allowed
he chuckles humorlessly, I run a hand through my straight dirty blond hair as my curtain bangs fall against my cheeks. he says and my face scrunches up. In disgust. He could get kicked out of our industry if people found out he was saying shit like this behind everyone's backs.
People always sexualize us models much more than needed and it's a bit annoying
The amount of times these types of comments are made to me makes me sick
"Stop saying that type of shit to me" I warn, he mutters the last words before the line cuts.
Well it's not like I'm so fucking grateful for your ugly ass, motherfucker.
I toss my phone on the bed deciding not to use it for tonight and take a break from social media before fixing the thin straps of my dress, I look at myself in the mirror. The dress bringing out my hourglass figure I worked so damn hard for, the necklace around my neck complimenting my chest, the way this dress makes me look is amazing. Good.
I fix and fluff my hair before taking a peak at the time, 10:13. The party started at 9:30 so I guess I can say I was fashionably late. For fucks sake the main couple wasn't even ready.
My paranoid ass looks at myself once more before I walk to the door as my heels click against the floor, I open my door and walk out into the hallway. We're at the house the Knights own in Italy, the same house we stayed at years ago.
The party is downstairs and I hear the classical music from here and sigh, this is going to be one long night.
Walking down the stairs as the mixed voices of many people start becoming much more clear, smile Abby.
I was told by Athena it was only Mafia partners of both Sebastian and Ares here, some family and close friends.
I walk all the way down and suck in a small breath when the huge room is filled with people. Looking around I see so many people I don't recognise. Then my eyes find the bar, I mean why the fuck not?
Giving a small smile to the lady I met eyes with before looking back and walking towards the bar, one small drink to give me the will to actually stay here. I have to, I promised Ivy I would.
"Whiskey, light on Ice please" I smiled at the bartender, he gives me a small nod and I lean against the counter as he started making my drink. I look around seeing Men in suits, so many gorgeous women along their sides and then the occasional kids running around.
Fucking hell it's leg day tomorrow...
Rolling my eyes at the thought before hearing a small knock on the counter I look back and see the bartender hand me my drink with a smile and he moves to the other person beside me.
Turning back as I look around, I move off the counter and head to the wall right next to the bar looking for at least one familiar face.
Bringing the glass up to my lips I see two small kids playing tag, smiling as I see one tag the other before turning the other way and full on sprinting away.
I keep looking around until my eyes find a pair of blue ones, Ice blue to be specific. Keeping the glass at my lips to cover my burning cheeks when his eyes travel down my body slowly, the person in front of him now being completely ignored, I take this chance to let my eyes look at him as well.
The black shirt underneath his dark gray blazer popping with the black tie laid against the dress shirt perfectly. The vest hugging his torso-fuck everything about this man looked amazing. The way his dark brown hair was left messy giving him that sexy bed head look, how his tattooed hands fist that glass and the veins on his hands, the way he left some buttons open showing the tattoos crawling up his chest makes me bite down on my bottom lip and press my thighs together.
Memories flood my mind...
My eyes find his again and even across the room I can feel the tension, he doesn't dare look away first but his eyes find my lips and a smirk tugs at his lip before his eyes find my thighs and I roll my eyes. So the cocky Sebastian lives?
His blue eyes find mine again and I just simply look away, but my eyes fall to the mirrored tiles of the bar and I see him through it. A brunette wrapping her arm around his torso but when she goes to kiss him he rolls his eyes and moves his face letting her lips land on his jaw as he talks to the man in front of him
For some dumb reason my stomach bubbles with a feeling I have no want to acept so I just ignore it taking a sip of my drink waiting for Athena to walk down.
Stop being like this Abby, he's not yours. Remember?
"What's a pretty lady like you doing here alone?" I hear a deep voice and my eyes leave the marble bar counter before they meet a pair of brown ones, sucking a cock-what the hell does it look like man? Take a wild guess.
I don't talk and I wait for him to speak, what the hell do I say to that? "I'm Alejandro" the man smiles at me putting out his hand, germs.
"Abby" I give him another smile trying not to let my eyes travel back to that corner of the room and meet those cold blue eyes. Jesus start conversation this is horribly awkward.
Fine, fucking hell
"So how do you know Ares or Ivy?" I ask standing straight and drowning my drink without even cringing at the taste, he gives me a quick impressed look before pointing over to the bartender to get me another, why not?
"A recent alliance with Ares and Sebastian" he answers and I hum looking up at him a bit, Alejandro is fucking tall. I'm 5'6, I bet he's somewhere close to 6'0 or 6'1.
"Mexican?" I ask and he nods as he takes a sip of whatever's in his glass, yeah he has a pretty basic Mexican name. But it's a nice name so who is to blame?
I watch as his adam's apple bobs when he takes the sip-stop that Abby. "So are you here alone?" He asks as running a hand through his dark hair as I nod, grabbing my glass when the bartender places it on the counter.
"You?" I ask taking a sip taking this as a chance to look at him properly. Tall, tan skin, dark blue suit fitting him amazingly, dark hair and dark eyes. Aka fucking hot.
"Does it count if I brought my brother?" he asks with a sigh shaking his head slightly as I let out a small laugh, "No seriously, it's impossible for that guy to find a date" he adds as I nod, sarcastically humming.
"So how do you know the couple?" he asks as his eyes flicker from my lips to my eyes causing a tug at my lips. "Ivy's best friend" I smirk slightly.
I move closer to Alejandro and smirk even more when I feel eyes on us, his eyes on us. Alejandro's eyes meet mine and I quickly brush away an eyelash on his cheek before winking and taking another sip of my drink.
"How old are you, Alejandro?" I ask closer to him than I was before, "29" he answers with a light shade of pink. Cute.
"You?" he asks before clearing his throat, "27" I answer, turning a bit to face my body towards him. His lips tugging with a small smile as he just looks at me.
"So, why have I never seen you before?" he asks, when he goes to tell the bartender for another drink I stop him and mutter I don't want more. I don't need to be tipsy at the party...
"I live in New York" I answer, he has really nice eyes. They're a light brown colour, his eyebrows raise a bit as he takes a small sip of his drink and I chuckle.
"What do you do? New York is expensive" he says, his hand fixing the tie that was already laid perfectly over the dark blue dress shirt he wears.
"I sell drugs, run the biggest gang in the city"
He freezes before laughing a laugh without humor, I raise an eyebrow as I take a step closer to him. "Alejandro-" I start before I place a hand on his chest, "-Are you doubting me because I am a woman?" I ask looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
His light eyes going to my hand on his chest, fixing the tie a bit but all I actually wanted to do was ruin how perfect it was. I hate how perfectly it was sitting, sometimes when things are too perfect it pisses me off.
"Oh, course not" he swallows hard and I almost miss the action, but before he could say anything the music gets louder and I find a pair of green eyes, my eyes meet Ivy's and she looks between me and Alejandro confused. I clear my throat and take a step back.
"Everyone find a partner, we're doing the mixer dance" she says into a mic before handing it to some dude on the stage.
If I sprint to the bathrooms right now I could make it out of this.
"Dance with me?" I hear Alejandro, my eyes finding his to see a smile on his lips as he holds his hand out for me.
Damn you're lucky
I bring up a very, very huge smile. Fake. I fucking hate dancing. "Of course" I answer, placing my hand in his as other pairs make their way to the huge dance floor.
The music changes and starting once everyone else is ready with their pairs, Alejandro wraps an arm around my waist pulling me to him before our chests meet. My one hand wraps around his neck as the other finds his hand.
I want to put some distance between us.
We move to the beat, "So, gangs?" he asks bringing my attention back to him. I won't lie, Alejandro is a nice guy, he really is but I just can't bring myself to feel anything towards him. There's no butterflies when he touches me, he doesn't make me blush.
"I was joking" I let out a small laugh, he rolls his eyes sarcastically "No? Really?" he asks acting shocked and I feel the corners of my lips tug.
"I'm a model" I answer, truthfully this time
"Well dammit, now I owe my brother 1 grand" he sighs, shaking his head and my eyebrows furrow, "Elaborate?"
He chuckles, "Me and him saw you at the bar and made a bet, I thought you looked like some old mafia man's mistress-no offense of course. And he said a model" oh
My stomach dips in uncomfort from his words, "Why'd you think that?" I ask.
"Look at you baby, you've got a body of a goddess, this dress looks like you could bearly efford it, the heels I'm guessing are not close to cheep.-" he pauses to let out a breathy laugh actually thinking this is funny "The whole way you've dressed tonight screaming for someone to take you home and fuck you, and it looks like you'd do anything for a bit of cash" he finishes off.
I try not to snap back at his face, this fucking hijo de puta.
[son of a bitch]
Leave it to men to assume shit about you without even knowing your damn name.
"I mean, I'd do wonders for one night. How much do you take?" he asks and my jaw clenches as I try moving away from him at least a bit. If I walk off the dance floor I'd make a scene, over complicating things for the new 'alliances' and the party.
Let's hope they call switch soon
"I don't do that" I mutter looking away from him, not bothering to hide the disgust in my voice and facial expression. "You didn't get offended did you?" he asks confused, he said I'd do anything for some cash and asked how much I take for sex.
Might as well call me a fucking hooker. See, I'm not saying it's bad to be a hooker or anything, just the fact that this perra is suggesting that any woman that dresses for themselves is one begging for sex and money.
"Switch!" the man on stage calls and I don't give the man one last look before he spins me around landing me in the next person's arms.
"Por supuesto" I hear a voice mutter with annoyance, I remember that voice a bit too well. I look up, my eyes meeting a pair of blue ones. I keep myself from rolling my eyes, what the fuck does he mean 'Por supuesto'
[of course]
I don't talk, my arm hesitantly wraps around his neck and slowly I feel his arm snake around my waist before he grabs my hand interlocking our fingers with a mutter under his breath.
I feel his eyes on me but I just keep my eyes fixed anywhere but him, the wall behind him, his suit, his shoes, the stage...
He doesn't keep me too close, our chests just brushing together as we move together to the music.
Again my eyes fell to his hand, the scars, bruises and dried up blood catching my eyes. They look newer than the ones I saw at the airport though.
"So, how's modeling?" he asks, the first words he's said to me since I got here two days ago and I don't miss the bitterness in his voice, I tilt my head a bit looking up at him to see his eyes not even on me.
"Great, it's fun" I mutter but then regret adding the last part, he really didn't need any extra information.
I suck in a sharp breath when he pulls me to him, our chests pushing against each other as he dips me down. I see from the corner of my eyes everyone else doing the same, my hand falling from his shoulder.
Quickly he pulls me back up and my hand lands on his chest, he doesn't put the distance back between us and just keeps going.
His jaw brushing against my forehead, that's how close we are right now. I can hear his calm breathing and the smell of his cologne makes me want to smile and sigh.
My hand sliding up from his chest to wrap around his neck again, he is not the Sebastian I knew before. I can't even tell who this man is, the dry blood on his hands, the coldness in his eyes, his distant cold touch.
The Sebastian Morales I knew is fucking gone.
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