《The Wrong Twin》Chapter 27:Siena


I watched my wife climb up the stairs as she disappeared then I went the kitchen to thank Mama Saphia for her idea.

After,I went to my room and took a shower,I looked at my reflection and saw my bruises

Poor woman,she is married to a very dangerous man and she doesn't even know and she is used to make our next target closer.


The next day,we drove to Siena I took another glance at Andrea sitting beside me,I cant help it.She looked very stunning wearing no make up and a black sweat shirt and jeans.

"Hey I know its business,but can we please have a drive around?"She asked half pleading

I smiled


"Really?"Her eyes shone with her smile

"I'm so excited!"

"I can tell"I smiled keeping my eyes on the road

"Okay,so I don't like awkward trips so why don't we play a game huh?"She asked

"Like what?"I asked

"why don't we go for the classic thing people do,we ask each other questions and we answer it honestly,whatever is said in this car stays in the car"She asked in high enthusiasm

"sure"I replied

"Okay I go first,What or who do you love so much in the world?"She asked

"Nothing"I honestly replied

She was silent

"For real?like nothing at all?"She asked her eyes watched me looking for a tint of expression saying I am joking

"Why?"She asked

"Well,no one ever loved me"I honestly said again

she was silent

"Okay my turn"I said taking a glance at her"Why are you so afraid of dogs?"

"Ohh that question...well..."she hesitated"I started to fear them when I was nine because of my biological mother.she would put me on the corner of the room with furious dogs tied to the other corner with long leashes long enough for them to reach me.Their barks always made my soul jump out of my body making me wedge myself further to the corner"She said

I was silent like was before imagining how frightening that would've been for her

"I'm sorry"I managed to say

she just smiled

"Okay my turn...What is...your favorite thing to do when you were child?"


Nothing came in my mind but the memory of being a young boy wrestling another boy in the mud with nothing in mind but to prove my strength.

"Nothing"I replied

"What?"I looked at her wearing a surprised face



"How's that even possible?"

"How about you Frause what is your favorite to do growing up?"I countered

"I love to cook"She replied with a smile

"Okay Romano what is the worst thing you gifted to a woman?"She asked

"Well..."I thought bringing back memories"I gave this woman I dont remember her name..."

"Why am I not surprised?"She teased

"I gave her a weighting scale"

Her mouth opened in shock

"No you did not"she laughed

'I did "I laughed with her

"You know we can really get along when you are not a perverted asshole like this"she said

I laughed


We finally reached Siena and the sun shone very hot

I looked at the woman beside me her eyes feasting on the bricked architecture

I parked and opened the door for her.She got out with a very excited face she grabbed my hand and pulled me and rushed to roam around

Her golden eyes shone as she passed by the buildings

She held my hand tighter and pulled me once again as she saw people gathered around a street musician playing a traditional Italian music with a guitar.His long fingers played on the frets swiftly as the other plucked the strings.Andrea's eyes watched him completely mesmerized. After the performance she clapped her hands and again pulled me like child going crazy in a candy store

And later here I am watching a bricked building with a woman with her mouth open in amazement.I lowly laughed gently holding her jaw and pushing it up to close it.She just laughed in reply

"Ok I'm done,I'm so sorry Romano"She said pulling me back to the car as the sun starts to set but she stopped

"Uh where is the car parked again?"She asked scratching her head

I laughed

We are actually pretty far from where the car is parked

"Okay but lets eat first I'm hungry"We skipped lunch a while ago

"Sorry we weren't able to eat I did not pay attention at the time"She said


We were turning around the corner she jumped behind me tightly digging her nails on my arms

"Oh shit!"She cursed

I looked before us and saw a beagle running loose and started to run excitedly towards her she ran around me and the dog followed her wagging its tails

"Fuck!"The cursed once more as she garabbed onto my shirt

"You're fine calm down"I said holding her hands as I calmed her down

I saw a girl ran towards us with blonde hair,blue eyes and wore a red jumper.

"Sono così dispiaciuto, signore!(Im so sorry mister!)"She apologized as she took the doog on her leash

I smiled at her

"posso accarezzarlo ?(Can I pet it?)"

She nodded in smile

I walked towards the dog but Andrea resisted with wide eyes and quick shake of her head

I smiled and slowly walked her to the dog,we lowered down,she looked at me with reluctance she is obviously freaking out

I rose her hand and slowly to pet the dog but she pulled her hand back

"No"She shook her head in a very serious uneasy face

"If you don't do it you will be afraid of it forever"

She stared me for a while then extended her arm to pet the dog as her and touched the dog she shut her eyes tight and bit her lip,she slowly opened them as she realized she is finally doing it.Her face was straight but then a very bright expression of victory

After petting the dog we are now walking to the restaurant but her cheeks still rose in a smile

"I never thought I could do that"She said then held my hand"Thank you one of my fears is finally crossed out"

"One of them?"

"Hmm-hmm I am literally afraid of lots of things"

"Good thing you are married to a man afraid of nothing"

We went to an out door restaurant,lighted dimly with lamps.A small stage is set with band splaying a slow music as the people ate and some danced

After ordering I saw Andrea wearing a wide smile

"When are you meeting the person?"She asked

"The what?"I asked then remembered something"Oh!the person...tomorrow "I replied

We listened to the singer sing in Italian

"Wow he is very attractive"I heard Andrea say looking at the singer behind me

"I'm sorry what?"I asked a laugh

"The vocalist,he is attractive"She dared to repeat

"Do you not see the man before you?which is your husband who is very much attractive"I said

She looked at me then replied

"Nah he's more attractive"She shrugged

My eyebrows rose in disbelief

I stood and moved my chair to cover the man from her sight

She shot a glare at me then laughed

After eating

"Wanna dance?"She asked making me raise an eyebrow and smile

"Sure"We stood up and I held her waist close while she put her arms around my neck

She looked at the cut on my face and used her index finger moved to brush back a strand of hair dangling before my eyes but she quickly pulled back realizing what she did

"Sorry it looked so uncomfortable"she confessed

her action made an odd angering feeling in me

"Lets go home I'm tired"my mouth moved


We drove to my house here in Siena,We rode through the vine yard and to my house

"Whose place is this?"She asked stepping out

"Mine"I replied stepping ahead of her and entered

I cant understand whats with my hot temper right now

"Hey"She called

"Why are you angry?"She asked

"No reason Frause go to sleep "I replied and headed upstairs.

The man is bipolar

I thought while I watch him climb upstairs

He was so nice and then he all of a sudden got angry!jeez is he having his period or something?

I shook my head and wandered my eyes around the old fashioned house.

I felt very comfortable with Romano after the dinner,I don't really know why.

I climbed up the stairs and searched for a bedroom.I turned a knob opening a heavy door.A massive bed and a white bedroom with a massive windows.It is brightly lighted.

I entered the room and wandered my eyes around while I turn around but I was stopped as I bumped into somebody

"What are you doing here?"Romano asked with a stick of cigarrette berween his lips

"Oh..u-uhh I didn't know this room is taken sorry"I said and started to walk but he grabbed my hand and pulled me close.

I felt my heart pound weirdly

"Goodnight"He whispered and winked,his anger he has a while a ago left no tint in his expression

I ticked my tongue

The real Romano is back

I walked to exit but he spoke

"If the night gets cold and scary you know where to find me"He teased

I continued to walk and entered another door entering a gray themed room slightly smaller then Romano's room.

I put my hand on my chest feeling my heart beat

What the hell is this?

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