《The Wrong Twin》Chapter 26:Rome


I am silent gripping the stirring wheel keeping my focus on the road feeling my sight blur in rage

as we got home I led Andrea to the couch and called Adriano

"Look after her"I said clenching stiffened fists.I felt my arms hurt just by clenching alone

I was about to leave but her but her soft hand grabbed mine oddly paralyzing me to my place

"Please dont leave"she cried I stared back at her pleading eyes.I let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of my nose

I looked at Adriano also looking at her

"trova quel guidatore e Katalina(find that driver and Katalina"I spoke breaking his eyes from my wife

he gave a bow and followed.My eyes followed him as he exit and looked at Andrea

I watched her cry hugging her knees

she was very frightened...

I sat beside her circled her in my arms

"why would Travis do that to me?"She asked between her sobs looking at me

"I have no idea wife...but dont worry I'll take care of him"I said clenching my jaw

I turned to my side and faced my bedside table holding a small clock.

its 2:13 am and still I cant sleep,I kept on thinking what happened.

I gripped my blanket as my brain played on again

What if I did not bring my phone and I cant call Romano?What if he didnt come?

I shook my head

Im safe now ...thats what matters those thoughts did not happen...

I rolled out of my bed as my brain persisted on playing those thoughts again.

I climbed down the stairs and out in the garden.I rubbed my arms feeling the cold breeze,the audible waves made the dim lighted garden less scary.

"Cant sleep?"A voice sounded making my bloody soul jump out of my body for a bit

"Jesus!"I excliamed putting my hand on my chest seeing Rhius who bowed lower

"Im so sorry master"She apologized in her low voice

"T-thats okay"I said taking deep breaths

"What are you doing?its 2 in the morning?'I voiced my curiousity sitting on one of the wooden benches

"I should ask you thesame question master"

She wore no white uniform,now she wore a white pajamas.She hid something behind he making my head tilt in curiousity

"Whats that?"I asked

She just shook her head but later reluctantly pulled out a red rose and sat beside me

What is this kid doing picking flowers at two am??

"I am supposed to give it to you later but..."

My eyebrows rose

"For me?"I asked with a massive question mark on my face

She nodded with a shy smile

"What is this for?"I asked accepting the flower with a smile

"I just wanted to give you something"She explained in a very wide smile


"Well..."She played with her fingers"I want you to like me"

"I do like you"I said holding her shoulder

"Really?"Her eyes lit up in a peculiar strong light of happiness

Why is she that happy?

I nodded

"Kid you should go to sleep"I said rubbing her arm

she nodded and stood up,before she could exit she threw me a very happy glance

and now I am left with the question why she likes me that much?why is she so weird around me?


I am currently eating my breakfast on the massive terrace overlooking the beautiful sea.The waves splashed while the breeze blew

"Good morning"Niccolo sat across me

he wore a white t shirt and jeans for the first time he looked better than the suits


"I'm gonna melt Andrea have mercy"he teased with a wink

I glared at him realizing I was staring at him for a long moment

"how did you know where I was last night?"I asked

"Albero di fanciulle"I forrowed eyebrows in confusion


"tree of maidens...The shoes on that tree are shoes of women found raped and murdered below that tree"My heart seemed to stop.

I stared at my fingers

I nearly died...

"why would Travis..."

"I don't know too but you are safe now,from now on Adriano will be your driver..."My eyes shifted to Adriano standing by the entrance still wearing a blank face his eyes moved to take a glance at me then returned to looking at nothing

after breakfast,I got in the car feeling the excitement of finally seeing Rome.I fixed my seat belt with a smile

"Ready Frause?"The man beside asked with a smile

"Yeah"I replied with great excitement

"Oh god"I whispered as the car roared and ran in thundering speed

Rome's beautiful architecture telling the country's culture amazed me as we drove around.The sun wrinkled my forehead as the people everywhere.

I was surprised when he put a hat on my head he ignored me looking at him,held my hand and started to walk

"Wow"I whispered as I stood before The Pantheon.My head layed back as my gaze looked the tip of the structure

I looked at man beside me and my smile crumbled seeing him look at me with great amusement

"What?"I asked

he shook his head


"Im hungry lets go eat"he said holding my hand.I stared at his hand holding mine

we sat inside a fancy restaurant as Niccolo ordered in Italian

I should really have an Italian tutor

I thought

As we are eating Romano spoke

"How are you liking Rome so far?"He asked

I smiled

"I love it!its beautiful..."I said

"Good"he replied

After a tiring yet very exciting adventure we are finally driving home

I am about to enter the house but Romano stopped me holding my hand

"We are not done yet wife"He smiled

I raised an eyebrow

He led me down to the beach I always watched from the terrace

I stopped seeing a table set with the classic candle light

"What is this?"I asked him mesmerized by it

"Well maybe this will minimize your rage towards me and maybe remind you what it is like to be free "He said

"Free?"I asked,what the hell is he talking about?

"Well maybe you will think of killing me and you will end up in an Italian prison"he laughed and led to one of the seats

I sat down looking around,the waves rolled on the sand.

"Wow"I whispered again"Its beautiful"

For the first time my hatred for Romano halted for a while

Mama Saphia served dinner and left with a tap on Niccolo's shoulder.

"Wow Romano how many woman have you done this to?"I asked

"No one,you are the first"My teasing smile was straightened

"How many women have you said that to?"I teased again

"No one Frause you are the first"He laughed"Believe me I don't take women here"

"Is that so?"

"Yes that is so"he smiled

Then a music played which is a very cliche thing in a candle light dinner

"Wanna dance?"he asked

"I don't dance Romano"I replied

"Really?"He asked

"Yah I am never fond of dancing"

"Impossible how is that?"He asked in a curious face

"Well I never danced with my father and no one asked me to dance before in parties we have attended"I said in a low laugh reminiscing why


"Why is that?"

"Come on just follow my lead"he smiled standing up and offering his hand

I took it and felt his hand circle my waist as the other one hold my hand

"Well I was a boyish girl before with the boy haircut and all with the emo personality and all,I did not look attractive to boys I think"I laughed watching his feet and trying to move with it

"You know I have been curious how many women you dated"I asked

"Why ask that?"He laughed"We will take until tomorrow if I start counting"

"Oh wow that many!you are really something huh"I said looking at this Casanova

"Only one matters"He whispered tucking a strand behind my ear while looking at me with his intense eyes

"So that how you get women,and they actually fall for the seductive smile and whisper with words of importance"I said studying his face with a slight seductive smile

he laughed

"Wow you are like a Casanova examiner now?"

"Well I got a massive one right in front of me everyday sooo"I smiled

He continued laughing

"Am I?"


"I read tabloids about you everyday back in New York"I said

"Really?I hope you did not get jealous"

"You wish Romano,I only loved--"my tongue backed up remembering a person I do not want to remember"Never mind"I said

Now that I look at him more,I notice something on his face,his eyebrow show a vague cut and so does his lip

"Where did you..."

"I got into a fight in one of the bars while I was away dont' worry about it"he explained

Adriano ,now him why is everyone showing up like they've been beat up?

"I am going to Siena tomorrow and I want you to come,I will meet people there"

I nodded


I am currently sitting on Romano's office reading some papers understanding Niccolo's businesses

The door opened and I was shocked to see Adriano with a busted up lip and a bruised cheek

"Oh my god!what happened to you?"I asked standing up and nearing him

he kept his gaze straight above me,well he is taller than me

"I'm fine no need to worry"he said showing no emotions

"oh my god!"I exclaimed my hands climbed to my mouth seeing blood flow down his face

"I'm fine"he persisted

"No you are not fine !your head is freakin bleeding"I pulled his sleeve and sat him down.

he shot short glances oddly unable to look at me

"wow it looks bad..what the hell did you do?we better take you to a hospital"I said lowly about to touch his forehead but he stood

"No need for that"

"What?"I curiously asked looking at him wiping his forehead with a his sleeve while he pulled out a box under the table

"Well can I help you?"I asked looking at him open it and it was a box of bandages,needles

His eyes looked at me and thought for a while

"I can manage"

"No just let me..."

"Miss Frause if I tell that I can mange I would really advise you to stay off I am not a very patient man especially when it comes to stubborn and persistent people."

I took a gulp looking at his scary serious eyes piercing at mine

"Sure...I'll just s-sit here"I nervously said sitting across him

he took out a mirror from the box then started to treat himself

After its done he cleaned up

"Weren't you doing something?"he asked

"oh y-yeah but I actually need you to tell how and why those papers were written just so I know what to do"I said lowly walking back to the table

He followed me and put his arm on the table looking down at the paper


I was working while he stood beside me correcting every mistake I am doing.And after the work is done he spoke

"Now we better get you home"he said as he walked to the door

"No"I said stopping him to face me

"I don't want to go home yet,I don't want to see Domenic"I said looking around

"So Adriano what do you do for fun?"I asked


"Yeah your stuck with me so why don't we just get along huh?"I asked with enthusiasm

"No "He replied then I saw a challenge to keep me distracted from all of whats happening

"Oh look a chess board!"I said

I'm gonna be friends with this zombie man!

I thought with determined smile

"Miss Frause lets go home"he said taking the board from my hand then putting it back to its place

I crossed my arms on my chest then walked to Romano's chair and sat down

As soon as he turned around he looked at me ,he understood what I want

he clenched his jaw and glared at me

"You do know I can carry you out like a sack of rice right so I recommend we do it in a decent way so stand up and walk"he said

"Come on Adriano!you know that man is a pain in the ass can I please just stay late?"I pleaded

"No"he replied then opened the door for me.I glared at him then walked still really not wanting to see Domenic

"Adriano come on!"

he was silent


I sat on the back seat while he sat down to drive but I thought of something to bug him as a revenge for a killjoy insensitive,not very understanding person

I poked his back and felt him tense up in a jolt

"Stop"He warned

"Then lets play chess"I said

"You are acting like a child Andrea"He said keeping his cool

I ignored him then poked his back

"I don't want to go home yet"I said"If you don't like chess then maybe ice cream just not home"I said poking his back

"No"he replied

"Come on come on come on"I poked him my cheek hit the back of his seat as stepped on the brake

I straightened in fear looking at him

"You wanna play chess?then we shall"he said in a calm yet very scary voice

"N-no l-lets go home d-drive me home"I nervously said but he turned the car in a very fast speed

"A-Adriano I w-wanna go home now"I said patting his back but he was silent

He stopped the car in front of Romano's building then opened the door

"Get out "he ordered

I reluctantly stepped out keeping my head down

I cant believe I am held down to this situation because of chess!I think I'd rather be with Domenic

He unlocked the office and took the board while I stood by the entrance

I bowed my head as soon as he looked at me

I slowly raised my head and saw him signal me to take a seat across him with an angry face

I followed obediently

He set it up and spoke

"You first"He said

I don't know how to play chess...and I'm to afraid to tell him

so I picked the horse one and held it tight in my hand

"Well?"He asked

"The thing is..."I squirmed in my seat"I-I dont know how to play it"I said keeping my head down

As soon as I found the courage to look at him I rose my head and saw his face blank

"You annoying persistent childish woman do not know how to play and you fuckin...never mind"He said keeping all his rage in

I seriously annoyed looking at this woman thinking thoroughly what her next move but I'm pretty sure she is remembering how that thing moves,she is staring at it intensely

After hours of teaching her we are finally playing

as I am sitting her waiting for her move I was thinking how Davide chose this to be his wife its quite insulting for his image if everyone knew how this woman really is

"It moves with an L pattern"I spoke

"I know that"she said quickly with a quick glare


"You miss Frause lost again"I announced for the fifteenth time,and I am not exaggerating she seriously lost fifty times in 30 minutes,I've been counting

"That's enough soul crushing today and lets say lets never do this again huh?"I asked fixing the board

"Lets do this again tomorrow I will definitely beat you then"She said making me turn my head towards her upset face

"I cant you're a very boring and not a challenging opponent"I honestly replied

"That's because you are so good at it"she defended

"No, you are just so bad"I said

"Oh"she replied"Well I just learned it so give me a break sheesh!"she said then stood up

"By the way what did you do?"she asked as we are in the elevator

"Pardon?"I asked looking at her

"Well people don't just go hitting people on the head just like that"she said

"None of your business Miss Frause"I said as the elevator door opened

I opened the car door for her and drove home



We parked on the parking space in the basement of Davide's building.

She got out,I was about to follow her inside but a boy threw a rock at me then ran

what is he doing down here?

I thought while I followed him but then I realized I ran to Andrea and saw her walking while men sneak behind her with a bat determined to hit her head

"Gentlemen"I greeted standing in front of them I glanced behind me and saw Andrea turned the corner where the entrance is

"Get out of the way "They ordered

"No one gets to her without getting to me first"I said clenching my fist in position

But the lots of them came out the corner with bats and pipes

This is gonna hurt a bit

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