《The Wrong Twin》Chapter 19:true colors


"Reo is getting vicious,he is firing his fuckin gun in public alarming the police that's why they believed the message from an unknown sender about a dangerous man entering the country"Selo informed as I sat on the chairs in the mansion

I rubbed my chin in frustration

They involved the police...Reo...

I stood from my chair and started to walk with the itch to pull the my guns trigger fired at someone

"Where are you going?"Selo asked

"To do the good ol'get rid of the roots type of shit"I replied checking if my guns are loaded.

I inserted two of them on my hips then walked out.


2 cars followed mine as another two led the way as we drove to the Red house.As we halted before the mansion a voice on the phone connected to the other cars sounded

"Get down!!"We cowered down as the cars were rained by bullets.Glasses splattered everywhere it rained on our heads and backs

as they stopped,guns were pulled and its time for us to cover ourselves to get out of the car.

My men stepped out firing bullets

I stayed in the car aimed for the massive gate

I smiled hearing the car roar getting louder as my urge

I drove the car rushing in a thundering speed hit the gate.The impact was hard but the gate flung open with a spark.

my men ran inside like hungry maniacs

gunshots sounded like an orchestra.Men fall on the floor,blood on the pavement.No one in my men were shot

loosing hope the men retreated to the mansion

"enjoy the hunt boys...Remember that motherfucker is mine"I smiled entering


I entered the hall walls were white,expensive pots on the side,the floor clad with red carpet.It was silent...too silent

as expected a man came from one of the open doors aiming a gun

I quickly pushed his hand holding the gun to the side causing him to shoot a hole at the wall as my other hand throw a punch at his face letting his cheek feel the red carpeted floor

That's it?

I thought while I stare at the man who is senseless on the floor

another man charged hitting me his fist.I lowered on the floor due to the impact.I stood up wiping the blood on my lips.I looked at the back of my palm seeing a blood spread

I smiled as I clenched my jaw

I threw a jab but he caught my hand pushing it to his side but I quickly let my knee meet his stomach.

he groaned as I get a hold on his shoulder I repeatedly kneed his stomach but was stopped when a man hit my back with a bat

I felt the wood on my skin with rage.I quickly swiveled around letting go of the man who fell on the ground curled in pain and planted a jab on his face making him lose his focus and dance in his balance.I grabbed the bat from him and harshly hit his face with it.Every swing was enjoyable.

After he dropped on the floor,I saw his blood blend in with the red carpet.


3 men charged I watch them neared.I brush my hair back with my fingers as I quickly hit the man I kneed a while ago senseless.

as they are near enough I threw the bat towards them.One came in a speed which made it easy for me to grab his jacket and throw him behind me.I kicked the other one away while the other I threw a punch.The one behind me and one before me attacked I positioned for a punch me but over streched my arm behind making my elbow hit the one behind me also this supplied me for a great boost for the punch for the man before me.They stepped back.They took out a knife and wore a dominating smile.

I smirked

Do you really think that would scare me?

They hungrily swung the knives,I tilted and turned my hips sideways dodging the blade.The other one started to attack too,the moment he over stretched his arm I kicked him causing him to create distance,same with the second one,I grabbed his stretched arm holding the blade and pulled him and threw him behind me.The third one I threw a jab on his face then took a good grip of his head I pulled him to hit the wall then repeatedly banging his head to the hard cement wall while the other two charged.Once they were near I let go of his hair I lowered down dodging an attack I grabbed his hand holding the blade while I kick the other one away.I turned his arm to the his back wrinkling his face in struggle and pain.

these cant be Cesare's men!I doubt it.where are these assholes from?they cant even swing a knife right!

I hit his joint with my elbow breaking his arm he screamed in great pain.The other one showed unsteadiness in his eyes as he took quick glances to his fellows then back to me.

He pulled his gun and aimed at me.

Why did you not think about that earlier??Sheesh!

I jumped to the ground as he fired.I grasped the knife on the floor and threw it silencing him instantly as it pierced his throat.

I stood up looking at the men groaning on the floor.I took out my gun and silenced them.

I cautiously entered the main room where the master's chair was.Marbled white floor,no windows and a skylight.But a red massive chair sat in an elevated part.

As I wander my eyes around...

it was eerily quiet.

Reo is in here...

I inserted my gun back to my hips

I grabbed a cigarette and held it between my lips and lit it while being cautious and observant of my surroundings

"Come out Reo stop acting like a child"I said sitting on the master's chair

"Get off of my seat"the man gritted between his teeth

He has curly hair dangling before his dark eyes.Prominent cheek bones and thick lips.

I smiled

"Make me"

As quick as him I pulled out my gun and aimed it towards him as he did the same

"Come with me Davide..."His eyes asking "we grew up together remember?we were brothers!lets get out of Cesare's palms.What did he ever do to us except use us a killing machine for his ambitions"


I was silent

whatever he is doing,it is completely useless.

I just watched his eyes and remembered growing up with him.He was the first person I had when I was new in the house.We used to eat together in the tacky gray kitchen,we train every night and sneak out to play and try to be normal kids.

He chuckled retrieving me from my thoughts

he sat on the floor with one knee up holding his arm

"Of course,Cesare always favored you...That's why you cant part with him"


"You were the best at everything..."

Wrong again...

"He couldn't even trust me with something"he continued

"Maybe he knew you would turn like this"I suggested with a smirk"...A traitor"

"I did everything he asked me and still he cant even trust me...everyone has a breaking point"He let out a sad low laugh and followed by a pained sigh but no sign of regret.

"And you...you didn't even sacrifice anything and yet you are over here sitting on the master's chair...how?"

"That's because I have nothing and no one Reo,I have nothing to give up"I replied

"Then how?if its a secret the hell I'm gonna die anyways..."I looked at him feeling something I cannot distinguish

"I tried to kill him,stole a gun and just aimed it at him then...pulled the trigger"His eyes widened in shock

"That's the difference between you, Vlad and I.I don't pull a kiddie stunt to do what I wish"I smirked

"I will kill you"he gritted and left his gun on the floor and rose his fists

I removed my jacked and my other gun

He attacked with hungry strikes,each punch is with rage.I merely dodged every attack with my hands behind me.

"Fight back!don't fuckin insult me!"he fumed

I started to attack.My fists moved swiftly hitting his jaw.He charged again returning my punch.

We exchanged punches until our faces were red,fists almost numb.Our feet slightly danced on our balance

I gathered my focus and threw a punch at his face causing him to lower in one knee

"Why are you going easy on me?"he asked

I was silent

Why am I going easy on him?Why do I mind every punch at him?

He attacked with his remaining strength and I dodged them Why am I hesitating?

I clenched my fists and landed it on his face...and again...and again until he cannot fight anymore,he layed on the floor.I lowered with him holding his shoulder while my fist pounded on his face.I felt a warm liquid coat my fist while I silently deny I am hesitating to hurt this man.

I stopped and saw his bloody face smile revealing his reddened teeth.His lips exploded same with his cheeks and eyes.

What have I done?

I asked myself

Why am I asking this?he is a mere traitor...

I sat on the floor looking at the man who stood up for me while other kids picked over me before the only person I had before...I relaxed my numbed fist

Am I regretting what I did?

Footsteps sounded.I glanced behind me seeing Cesare's men enter the room and occupy the room.

"Davide"A familiar voice sounded breaking my gaze from Reo.I saw Cesare enter followed by Selo

I stood up as two men rose Reo to his knees.His head bowed in great weakness.He coughed and blood dripped on the floor

I watched while I still resist a feeling I never felt before

I looked around looking at men who lived and fought with him just look down at him with nothing in their eyes...blank

I stared at Reo

"Davide"Cesare called again.

One of the men handed me a gun.I turned my head at Cesare knowing exactly what comes next,but something filled his eyes

"Kill him"He spoke

I still resisted my mind is weakening so I took the gun proving Cesare the accusations in his eyes are wrong

I aimed it at Reo keeping a blank face

I was frozen,the trigger seemed stuck or is it my finger?

I was pulled back to myself hearing a gunshot.Reo fell on the floor lifeless,blood widening on the floor

my eyes circled as if its my first time seeing a killed person.I felt something I am familiar with but I long forgotten...Pain

I tried to run to him but was stopped with another gunshot,I felt the hot bullet bury itself in my arm

I grunted and looked at Cesare

"A reminder..."He said wandering his eyes at everyone standing around us"attachment lead to hesitation...hesitation to weakness"He said then stared straight at my eyes

I felt weakness...that undistinguished feeling in my chest was weakness...

After throwing a belittling stare he walked to exit but I stopped him

"Forgive me Boss,I have failed you"I kneeled down with my arm on the floor with everyone watching

He smiled

"Well then lets try that again hmmm?"

he walked to the master's chair and clasped his hands together

"Selo"He called,my eyes circled

He wouldnt...

I looked at him and was reminded of how ruthless he is

Selo walked and kneeled before me wearing no expression

I was stood up and was handed a gun

"Shoot"He ordered behind me

I gulped and felt myself retreat inside but I forced not to show it

I swiveled around ant pointed the gun at Cesare.The room was filled with clicks of guns aimed at me.

He rose his hand signaling them to stand down

"Shoot"He ordered his face filled with scary smile

his underestimating eyes made me pull the trigger

I was shocked to see Selo jump and took the bullet for him.

Cesare stood and walked ignoring Selo grunting on the floor.

he laughed

"Davide...The only man who dares to shoot a someone like me...I own dangerous people all over the world!killers,vicious fighters!"he shouted"And only one is brave enough to aim and shoot at me...twice!"Everyone's turned to me shocked that I did it before

"See the difference?all of you are determined to jump to take a bullet for me and here he is forgetting to fear his master"

"Let this boy remember why he should never dare do it again"He ordered the men

he walked before me and his eyes showed darkness

"If you survive Davide then you can comeback"He whispered tapping my shoulder

The men harshly held me

I think I will be going home later than I thought...or not at all

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