《☾︎Perfect Little Pieces☽︎ ✔︎》~Chapter- 23~


Machines beeping, and unfamiliar stimuli all around me woke me up with a gasp. I squinted my eyes to see I am in an unfamiliar place. After my eyes got a hang of the bright light I looked around the room to see my whole family sitting in the room. And when I say my whole family it means literally everyone including my friends except one person my husband. The hospital room is huge making it look like we all are in a living room rather than a hospital. Oh boy!

Everyone were talking among themselves and I tried calling them out but my voice came out really hoarse and groggy and the sudden movement made me wince in pain.

"Ouch" I winced and that caught everyone's attention.

"Di! You are awake" Mira rushed to my side everyone trailing behind her.

"I'll go call the doctors and Arjun" Arhaan bhai said running out.

"Water" I croaked out just wanting to get my voice straight.

Bhai immediately poured some water in a glass and made me drink it.

"How are you feeling beta?" Ma asked me caressing my hairs.

"I feel sore all over....but better. What happened?" I asked looking around suddenly everyone's faces dimmed making me worried about what happened.

"That--" Sana started but before she can speak the doctor came rushing in and all my family stepped aside to give them space.

Yet, there is no sign of Arjun. Where is he?

"Hello Mrs. Dixit. I am Dr. Kishan. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked me introducing himself.

"I am feeling good doctor just a little bit sore and body cramps" I said smiling lightly at him.

"That's good. A little bit of soreness will be present as you were out for a day" my eyes widened at that. I looked at my family who were looking away from me.

"What ....what happened Dr.?" I asked him the question looming over my head.

"You were poisoned Mrs. Dixit. Someone poisoned you. It was through a poison contact. It seeped into your skin and started spreading inside. Since your family members bought you here fast there was no internal damage or any kind of infections. But you have to be very careful and take lots of rest for atleast a week" The doctor explained examining my vitals.

I was shocked to hear that. Poisoned??....But how? I mean why would someone poison me?..

"There won't be any complications right Dr.?" My dad asked the doctor breaking my thoughts.

"No sir there won't be any complications just a little fatigue which will go away by taking lots of rest and by eating healthy food." The doctor assured my dad.


After examining me again, the doctor left. I turned to my family to ask them about this whole scenario when the door slammed open and in walked the person who I desperately wanted to see since I woke up.

Arjun looked at me and I can see the tense muscles, the dark circles under his eyes, his rugged form, his hair messy probably from running his hands through them again and again.

I sighed in content after seeing him and smiled softly at him.

"Hey stranger!" I said softly as he walked up to my bed and sat down on the stool.

He took my hands in his and caressed them lightly.

"Don't you dare do that to me ever again" he said in a cold voice making everyone shocked in the room except me.

By the way he came inside without as much as an expression on his face I figured he is shaken up. I understood his inner turmoil. I can only imagine what he is going through.

"Arjun---" Ma was about to scold him for his tone but I signalled her with my eyes to not to say anything. She looked at me with a sad expression.

Arjun still didn't look at me and was just playing with my fingers. I can literally feel how tense his body is just by sitting near him. I took my hand from his hold and ran my fingers through his hair. I can visibly see him relax under my touch.

"Arjun" I called out slowly. He finally looked up at me and I can see how hard he is controlling his emotions.

I took his hand in mine and said softly "I am fine"

He just let out a shaky breath and held onto my hand tightly.

"I am okay Arjun. I am fine. It's okay" I said squeezing his hand in assurance. He just inhaled deeply and nodded his head looking down again.

I can see from the corner of my eye that our family is walking out giving some privacy to us.

"Arjun please look at me" He finally started speaking lifting his head up.

"You don't know how I went through one whole day without looking into your eyes. You were laying here hooked to all these machines and you have no idea what I went through. You weren't waking up and I got scared thinking what if you don't? Don't you ever do that again" he said clutching my hand tightly as if I would disappear if he let go.

I smiled looking at him. Gosh! How can I ever leave him?

"You are smiling?! How the fuck could you smile after putting me through all that crap! I mean you fucking have the auda---" I pulled him to me and kissed him deeply cutting him off. I can say he is pretty shocked but even he kissed me back pulling me to him slowly. Even though I felt pretty weak all I wanted to do was kiss him and feel him close to me. The fact that someone poisoned me and that I could've died affected me a little too much even if I did not show it outside for the sake of others. And I just want to be near my husband and feel safe. He is my safe haven.


We pulled away out of breath and Arjun was looking at me, mouth wide open.

"What was that?" Arjun said looking at me astonished that for a weak women lying on a hospital bed I pretty much pounced on him.

I shrugged saying "I just wanted to kiss my husband" I said innocently making him smile for the first time since he came in.

"I know you are shaken up too sweetheart. You can stop pretending to be fine" he said his face turning serious suddenly.

I sighed sinking back into the soft bed.

"I just....who would do that and how..." My mind is reeling over what all happened yesterday.

"I know babygirl. I am so sorry I wasn't there" Arjun said his face morphing into guilt and regret.

"Arjun don't. You didn't know. Do not blame yourself for this" I said seriously.

Suddenly a knock came on the door.

"Must be the police officers" Arjun said getting up to open the door. A young man came inside and greeted us.

"Good afternoon Mr. Dixit. Good to see you up Mrs. Dixit. I am Officer Karan Sachdev and I am here to investigate your case. Would it be okay if I ask a few questions" Arjun looked at me and silently communicated whether I want to answer or not. I nodded my head in affirmation. I want to investigate this matter.

"Yes officer it's fine. Ask whatever you want" I said turning towards him. Arjun came and stood beside me holding my hand making me feel comfortable instantly.

"Great! I wanted to know what all you did yesterday" the officer stated looking at me straight in the eye.

"I went to work in the morning. Since my work was done by the afternoon me and my friend Pragya went to a cafe near our hospital and had lunch and then we parted from there. I was waiting for our bodyguard Dan to show up and that's it." I said recollecting the whole day.

Suddenly something striked my mind

"Wait....before Dan came up I felt like someone was watching me. I had this feeling the whole time I was in the cafe with my friend. And right before Dan came up there was this strange person who bumped into me and when I shouted at him scolding him he rudely walked away without turning back. And before I stop him Dan came and I went home. Throughout the ride I was feeling dizzy and tired and when I reached home the rest is history" I explained everything in detail. I felt Arjun tensing up beside as soon as I mentioned someone watching me.

"This just proved to be a murder attempt. We still need to have enough proofs but this is inclining towards it. Can you describe or recognise that person?" The officer asked noting down my statements.

"I don't think so. I haven't seen his face. His face was covered with a cap in a way his face isn't recognised" I said remembering the strange guy.

"But why would he poison me?" I voiced out my confusion.

"Your husband is a famous and a bigshot businessman. Being that successful comes with enemies Mam. It could be someone in them. We will carry out a thorough investigation and will get back to you. Thank you for your cooperation. We will take our leave" the officer said getting up and nodded in my and Arjun's direction.

Arjun was totally silent the entire time and I turned to him.

"Who do you think that could be?" I asked looking at his tensed face. His jaw was clenching tight and his body is rigid. He looked at me and I could see indecipherable emotions in his eyes.

"I don't know. It could be one of my enemies who wants to take me down by targeting you. Don't worry sweetheart I won't let them get to you. Not again" he said caressing my cheeks and gave me a small smile. Even though I figured he was talking about yesterday's incident when he said "not again" I cannot help but think there is more to the sentence. Why do I feel like this is bigger than that? Why do I feel like Arjun is hiding something?

Hello lovely readers! So what do you think of the chapter? Who do you think that man is? Why do you think he would poison Adira? What is Arjun hiding?

Let's find out in the coming chapters!

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