《☾︎Perfect Little Pieces☽︎ ✔︎》~Chapter- 22~


Three weeks later...

"Hey Adira! Here this is the client I wanted to transfer to you because I am going to go on leave" My colleague and a good friend Pragya came into my cabin while I was working on something.

"Hey! Oh yeah I forgot about it! Here let me see it" I greeted her taking the file in her eyes and examining it.

"Hmm.... This case seems like schizophrenia but I think I have to ask a few more questions before confirming it" I said studying the prognosis she have written.

"Yeah even I had the hunch but before our next session I had to go on leave. It's true you need to examine him more before diagnosing" Pragya agreed.

"So when are you leaving for your honeymoon trip" I asked setting the file on the table and leaning forward looking at Pragya. Her face lit up at the mention of her honeymoon.

"We are leaving day after tomorrow morning to Maldives. I am so excited!" She said squealing.

Me and Pragya are really good friends even though we interact less. We both started working here more or less at the same time and since then we formed a close bond.

"That's nice! Maldives is a beautiful and romantic place" I said teasing her a bit making her blush.

"Oh my gosh you are blushing!" I said laughing at her making her scowl at me.

"Shut up! Listen it's almost lunch time and your work ends by lunch and even mine so let's go to the cafe near our hospital? It's been really long since we hung out" She suggested excitedly.

"True! Let's do that! Let me just pack up my stuff and we are good to go" I said arranging my stuff. Pragya also got up to go pack her stuff.


I packed up and locked my drawer going out and meeting Pragya in the hallway.

We both went to a nice and cosy cafe near our hospital. It is like our usual hangout spot. Most of the staff from our hospital comes here during breaks.

We both say down and ordered a chicken burger and fries together.

"So how is married life treating you?" Pragya asked once the waiter left after taking our orders.

"It's ......going good!" I said chuckling at her suggestive look.

"Girl look at your face! I can tell by the blush on your face it's going amazing!" She exclaimed.

"Well it is. I am happy with him....He makes me happy" I said smiling at her even though my thoughts are with a black eyed handsome devil, my husband.

"Hmm I can say that!" She said laughing at me and making awestruck faces.

"Enough about me! You are the newly wed. Tell me how your marriage life is going?" I said leaning forward.

"Don't even ask. It's going amazing! My husband can't take his eyes, hands and bod---"

"TMI Pragya!" I exclaimed closing my ears with my hands, my eyes wide at her words.

"Oh come on Adira seriously! You are also married only a few months ago and I guys must have been at it too!" She said making me blush at her words.

"Okay fine yes! But that doesn't mean you share information like that!" I said, my face morphing into disbelief.

"What's the problem. You are married, I am married. we can gossip you know?" She shrugged her shoulders as if it's no big deal.

I face palmed and laughed at her. She is crazy. She is an amazing person and crazy too.

Soon our orders came and we started digging in. Suddenly I felt like someone was watching us. I lifted my head up and looked around but found no one. Everyone were in their own world's. Shrugging I again started talking with Pragya but I still felt like someone was watching me. I again looked around this time gaining Pragya's attention too.


"What happened Adira?" Pragya asked concerned at my abrupt anxiousness.

"I just... I just feel like someone is watching us" I said feeling uneasy. Even she looked around but there was nothing that felt suspicious or out of place.

"Hey I don't think there is anything like that. Maybe it's just a normal paranoid feeling" Pragya said looking at me worried.

Maybe but I am sure it felt like someone was looking at us more like me making me feel very uneasy. Maybe it's just a normal paranoia.

Shooking my thoughts off I replied "Yeah you are right it's just normal paranoia. Let's go home now"

We got up and went out of the cafe. She left with her husband and I stood there waiting for Dan to come pick me up. Normally Arjun comes to take me home but today he has an important meeting so he sent Dan to come pick me up.

As I was waiting for him this feeling of someone watching me doesn't leave my body, my mind. My mind is totally distracted with these thoughts making me feel a bit dizzy.

Suddenly from the middle of nowhere someone bumped into me. I turned to him angry at how he rudely bumped into me despite having enough space to go freely.

"Excuse me! Walk straight sir" I said in a serious tone. It was a tall guy. He was wearing a cap on his head which is covering half of his face. He turned to me and I can see him slightly turning his head towards me but he still didn't stop and is walking away. I was about to shout at him again but I got distracted as Dan pulled up the car.

I turned back to see the rude stranger gone.

Strange....I thought to myself.

I shook these negative thoughts off and got into the car. I leaned my head against the seat and sighed tiredly.

"Mam are you okay?" Dan asked looking at me from the front mirror.

"I am fine Dan...just tired" I said giving him a small smile.

He smiled back and started the car.

As soon as I reached home I greeted Ma and Papa and went to take shower. I felt so uneasy that I wanted to just wash it off.

Climbing up the stairs I felt more dizzy and tired. There was a nauseous feeling inside my throat. And before I know it I fell on the stairs drifting into blackness distinctly hearing someone shout my name.

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