《☾︎Perfect Little Pieces☽︎ ✔︎》~Chapter- 19~


"Where is the file for Mr. Richardson's case?" I asked my secretary Rishik checking the financial report.

"It's in my cabin sir. I was reviewing all the points before bringing it to you for your signatures" he said standing infront of my desk.

"Bring it here. I want to check it once" I ordered as I was going through some mail.

"Yes sir" Rishik said before leaving.

As soon as he left my two best friends and my brother barged into my cabin.

"Hey guys! Wassup?" I asked as they propped themselves in front of my desk.

"Wow!! Look at this Arhaan. Our friend over here is cheerful of our appearance in his office when normally he is grumpy when we come over! Our sister is changing him!" Shaurya said nudging Arhaan's arm whereas the latter is looking in deep thought looking really serious.

I looked at Shaurya and Abhay confused as to why he is so serious when Arhaan is always cheerful usually. They just sighed and looked away looking like they are not able to speak anything.

"What happened Arhaan? Are you okay bro?" I asked leaning forward on my desk.

He contemplated whether to talk or not and then sighed leaning back on his chair and closing his eyes breathing deeply

"I miss her" He mumbled slowly.

As soon as I heard those words my body froze.

I miss her.....

"I really miss her bro" Arhaan said looking at me, a thin sheet of water swirling in his eyes. Even Shaurya and Abhay are trying hard to control their tears. Not being able to handle it I turned my face away to look out the huge window in my office.

"I miss her too" I mumbles slowly. I know they heard me by the way they took shaky breaths.

"Any updates on that bastard Arjun?" Shaurya asked clenching his fists. The room turned tensed at the mention of him.

"No I talked to Manav about it and he said he is gonna make the search team bigger. He was spotted in Delhi last month but then he again disappeared. That bastard know we are after him. He is playing smart but he don't know that Arjun Dixit is after him and that I am out for his blood" I said cleanching my jaw and fists controlling the urge to smash something preferably his face.

"We will find him Arjun. We will. And when we do he is going to pay for each and every thing he has done, for each and every pain he caused to.. He will die the cruelest death." Arhaan said his eyes turning dark in anger. Arhaan is the most jovial one in the three of us but when angry he can be very dangerous.


"He will and we will make sure of it" I concluded.

"You know she would have loved Adira bhabhi" Abhay said trying to bring us back from our anger.

I smiled listening to him.

"Yes she would have. They would've gotten along very well. Infact I am sure they would have become best of friends." I smiled imagining both of them being together, my heart tightening at the realisation of that never happening.

"Where is Adira by the way? Today is Sunday and my sister let you out of the house?" Arhaan asked wiggling his eyebrows back to his mischievous self thankfully.

"Well she and the girls went for shopping."

I said rather grumpily.

"Awwww look at bhai wanting to spend time with bhabhi. He is becoming very grumpy for one day. Like really bhai I never thought I would see you like this!" Abhay exclaimed dramatically wiping fake tears from his eyes.

I rolled my eyes "You would be the same when you get your wife"

They all chuckled at my statement.

"You are so whipped" Shaurya said smirking at me.

"I am and I am proud of it" I said smirking back rather smug.

"Okay so since your lady is out and since it's been so long we went out let's go out today for a while! I went to this really cool restaurant with a business client three days back and you guys have to try the chicken steak there. Come on let's go there" Arhaan said grinning widely.

"Okay it's already lunch time let's go" I said getting up buttoning my suit and getting ready to go.

We four went out and I gave instructions to Rishik before we left.

On the way to the restaurant I texted my babygirl to see what she is doing.

"Hey wifey enjoying your day?" And I got a reply instantly.

"Hey hubby! I was just about to text you! And yes I am enjoying my day soo much! What about you?" My lips curved up at her text. God, everything she do makes me smile. She got me wrapped around her fingers.

"I and the guys are going out for lunch just now and I texted to see how your day was going. Looks like you are having a blast. Hope you don't get too tired because I plan on having a blast with you tonight"

"Oh that's nice! I am so glad they three are taking you out from your dark cave. Go act like your age hubby. And yeah I am not acknowledging your last inappropriate comment" My smile widened at her last sentence but it narrowed on the age word.


"Are you calling me old babygirl?"

"What if I am?" I can imagine her smirking mischievously.

"Well then I just have to prove you wrong when you get back to our home tonight ;)"

"We will see about that. Now I got to go bye hubby. I love you so much!" My heart does a somersault everytime she says those three words. I can never get enough of her saying that.

"I love you too baby" I put my phone down and we reached.

The restaurant as Arhaan said was lavish yet simple at the same time. Arhaan already booked a table for us while we were on the way so as soon as we came the receptionist showed us our table. We all ordered our food and are waiting for it to come while we all were chatting about business and sports.

We all have a deep bonding since our childhood. Arhaan and Shaurya are the same age as me and we met in kindergarten. Abhay though was a two years younger than me was a year ahead in academics and was also close to us since we are kids. We four were always together in everything and went through every thick and thin together. Along with the four of us there was he..... My thoughts were cut off by a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey there handsome" a girl stood there looking at me with what she thinks a seductive expression biting her lips. I don't even know what she was thinking when she came out of her house wearing those clothes because there was nothing. I shrugged off her hand rather rudely making her smirk fall but she recovered quick and again tried to smile seductively. She leaned towards me trying to get me to see her cleavage probably fake boobs and said "I just wanted to come over and see if you are interested in having lunch with me" she said sickeningly sweet. I was trying not to snap so hard whereas my brother and friends think this is very funny. I opened my mouth to tell her to fuck off when I heard a really familiar voice calling my name

"Arjun?" And ladies and gentlemen there stood my wife narrowing her eyes at me. I then realised that my position with this girl is not really innocent. She was leaning towards me and her boobs are practically on my face and her arm was resting on my shoulder again and anyone who is looking at us will get this the wrong way.

She came towards us and stood infront of our table crossing her arms and glaring daggers at the arm on my shoulders. By now the boys took notice of the scene and even the girls were behind Adira. I hastily shook the girl's arm off again and the girl whined making anger blaze in my sweet wife's eyes. The girl took notice of my wife standing there and asked rudely.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" She asked sizing up my wife and looked at her rather disgustingly making my blood boil.

"I am the wife of the man infront of whom you are practically spilling your fake boobs" My eyes widened in surprise hearing the anger in my babygirl's voice. I have never seen her angry. She was always sweet, calm and cheerful. But I won't lie looking at her now is making me hard. She looks so sexy when she is angry.

"Wh---at? You are lying!" the girl pathetically stuttered looking at my angry wife and her angry friends shooting daggers at her.

"Oh you come here sweetheart I'll show you if I am lying" My angry and very very sexy wife took a step forward towards the girl while the girl practically ran out of there shrieking.

My wife then turned to me making me gulp at her angry expression.

"Baby it was not my fault she came onto me I tried to get rid of her..."

"It's fine! Anyway I am leaving. See you at home" she said indifferently leaving me there with my mouth wide open. I composed myself and looked at the guys laughing so hard and the girls leaving behind her giving me smirks.

"What the fuck just happened?" I asked my mind still reeling on whatever happened.

"Bro you are so in trouble today" Arhaan snorted laughing at me while the other too are trying to control their laughter.

Oh boy!

Hello lovely people! I have edited all the chapters so far and changed a few things here and there. Hope you find it good and here is the chapter! I wanted to update sooner but I was caught up in a few things so couldn't update but now here I am!

Let me know your thoughts on the chapter and see you all in the next chapter which will be out tomorrow!!

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