《☾︎Perfect Little Pieces☽︎ ✔︎》~Chapter- 18~


Weekly and sometimes monthly talk sessions are something which I came up with and got approved by our department chief. We named it "Little things to know". The main objective of this session is to get a new view, a new perspective on different things in daily life which worry you, which intrigue you, which you want to be better at. We all think we know things but there are some little things we don't notice around us and getting to know them can make a lot of difference in a person's life. Patients that are admitted in the hospital from other wings can come visit the session and even their families or people from outside like general audience can come visit it. Sometimes we take a topic and discuss it and sometimes we start with the questions the audience wants to ask. We try and make it different and interesting each session. This helps in a positive mind adaptation, good mood, quenching thirsts of curious minds, and also in getting a new vision of life. So far our initiative was successful and everytime I hear positive reviews of it, I feel so proud!

I reach the room where we usually hold our sessions and I went in to see our department chief, two of my colleagues, and some patients and their family members and a few general audience too.

I went and greeted my colleagues and chief. We soon started the session with a few questions from the audience about various things related to life and people in general. I have realised that the society even though acts like a know-it-all, they are curious beings lost in the facade of being superior than others and act like snobs. And it not necessarily is the case with everyone. Because some are just like that. People are very curious and I think it's a very good thing. Acquiring knowledge about things around you, about yourself is very important. After having a nice session everyone bid farewell to meet in the next session and I got up from my seat packing my stuff up. I got a message in my phone where Arjun texted me to come out and that he is waiting for me outside the hospital.

I walked out of the building to see my husband leaning on the car and waiting for me with a smile. As soon as I neared him he pulled me to him making me push him away with wide eyes.

"Arjun how many times did I tell you to not do that outside! People are around!" I admonish him making him pout like a kid.


"Fine fine Madam, let's go so that I can touch you privately at home" he said smirking at me making me shake my head at him. My husband's mind is always in the gutter.

We reached home by 6 and I am so glad that tomorrow is weekend. I can happily enjoy two days without any works to do.

As we reached home we saw Papa, Ma and Abhay sitting in the living room and chatting happily.

"Hi guys!" I said hugging them and sitting down on the sofa beside Ma while Arjun settled beside Abhay.

"Hi beta! How was your day?" Ma asked kissing my forehead.

"It was good Ma. It was very productive and I got a lot of work done so that I won't have work for the weekend" I said smiling at her happily.

"That's great! You are working too much and I can see how tired you are getting" she said caressing my hair.

"Wow! This is not fair! You didn't even talk and ask me about my day Mom I can really feel the love!" Arjun said sarcastically at Mom making us all laugh.

"Well! I have my daughter here so why do I need you?" Mom said lifting her chin up and snorting at his comical expression. We had a nice banter before me and Arjun went up to fresh up.

Later I went down and helped Ma in making the dinner. No matter how tired I am I always cook in the morning and in the evening because I like doing that and everybody prefer my food. I made butter chicken, garlic naan, some yogurt and I baked fudgy chocolate brownies for dessert. I went and called everyone for dinner. Soon we all settled down and we're enjoying our dinner.

"Adira beta are you going out tomorrow? You said you had somewhere to go?" Ma asked as she was serving herself some more chicken.

"Yes Ma I am going out with the girls. They are complaining that it's been so long since we met even though we met 10 days ago" I said chuckling remembering our conversation.

"That's nice! Where are you guys planning to go?"

"Well! We decided to go for a little bit of shopping and then we wanted to have lunch outside in our favourite restaurant" I said drinking water.

"That's cool! Even I and Amla planned on going out tomorrow with our mutual friends"

"That's nice Ma! I am sure you guys are gonna enjoy a lot!" I said cheerfully.


"Wah! Ladies what awesome plans! And here look at me! I have to go to the office because apparently there is a really big meeting. Like come on! It's Saturday! And my boss is the devil! Bhabhi please tell bhai to not stress me that much" Abhay whined making me awww at him.

"Shut up drama queen or I'll shut it for you!" Arjun said glaring at Abhay making me scowl at him.

"Why are you threatening him Arjun! And don't stress him that much he is just a kid!" I said scowling hard at him making him narrow his eyes at me. We had an eventful dinner with me and Abhay teaming up against Arjun and providing entertainment to the elders.

We retired to our room after talking for a while. As soon as I entered the room Arjun locked the door and pushed me to the door claiming my mouth with his, leaving me breathless. He pushed us towards the bed and soon our clothes left our bodies making us flushed against each other.

Our bodies were in a perfect harmony moving together as one. Breathless sighs and moans escaped my mouth at Arjun's ministrations all over my body. My screams and Arjun's growls filled the room. Thank god the room is soundproof or else I cannot even begin to think the embarassment I'll face. After reaching the heights of ecstasy we layed their with Arjun's head on my chest snuggling into my boobs while I caress his hair soothingly.

Suddenly a thought struck my mind and I spill it to Arjun.

"Arjun I was thinking about something" I said looking at him. He hummed and snuggled more into me.

"I wanted to cut short on my hours. Like I still want to do my job but I want to take up less hours than I do now. I talked about it to my chief and he is okay with it. I can stay home more and do more research and also I like being home so.... I wanted to talk to you about this" He lifted his head off my chest and layed own on his side turning to me propping his elbow up to support his head.

"Why did you take this decision suddenly sweetheart?" He asked looking at me intently.

I shrugged before saying " I just want to spend more time here. I have always had a hectic schedule and now I want to tone it down and spend time with our family. That way I can do my work, attend cases, do research and also spend time with our family."

"If you are fine with it then I don have any problem sweetheart. But make sure you are are okay with it" he said pulling me closer by my waist.

"I also wanted to ask you something else?" I said stopping him from kissing me. He raised his eyebrows as to asking what.

I suddenly became shy to ask it but nevertheless did "Ummm we didn't use protection like at all when we have ....sex and we should have discussed it sooner but I wanted to ask you... Do you want kids?" I was suddenly nervous of his answer.

"Baby I know we haven't used protection since our first time and I am okay with it. Honestly I never thought of kids but with you I want to have so many babies. I think I would prefer 10 kids" his face was so serious while saying this that my eyes bulged out of my sockets.

"What!!?" I cannot believe he said ten kids. Looking at my reaction he burst out laughing making me sigh in relief understanding that he was just joking.

I slapped his chest while he was still laughing and he pulled me to him, his laughter gradually dying down.

"You had to see your face baby! It was so adorable and hilarious" he said flicking my nose with his finger making me scrunch up my face.

"Shut up Arjun! That was not funny!"

"Okay okay I am sorry baby. How many kids do you want?"

"Well I want two kids. One boy and one girl" I said smiling up at him.

"Great! well then I say let's start the work shall we?" he said pulling me on top of him, a giggle burst out of me. The rest of the night he was busy with the baby making process.

Hello lovely readers! I did not think I will be able to update today since I have a very difficult and important exam tomorrow but I did not study a bit for it and wrote this chapter😂 I hope it's good and you enjoyed it.

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