《Healing in Medicine Bow》Chapter Twelve
A day after being back at the ranch, everyone- except Shaun- gathered for the small outdoor ceremony. The early afternoon sun warmed the mid September air, making for an unusually warm day. Jackson had set up every folding chair he could locate, thanking God the church had had some that he could borrow. Sam and Kaden had helped decorate the barn doors, which would be closed for the ceremony, and they had even helped clean out the barn. Steven had helped Jackson rig up a make shift platform out of a flatbed trailer for the band, which was a group of older gentlemen from town, and the 'dj' station- which consisted of some speakers and a boom box.
Now, Jackson was dressed in dark wash wranglers, a crisp white shirt with a black leather vest and bolo tie. He wasn't necessarily nervous, but anxious. He didn't even know why, it wasn't like she was running off again. He just wanted to marry the woman so he could knock her up, pop out a few smurfs, and have his best friend by his side for the rest of his life. Jackson paced in front of the aisle, tugging on his bolo tie. The guests were waiting semi-patiently.
She was late. The woman was nearly twenty minutes late coming down the aisle. Jack's friend Tyler, who was also the pastor, gripped his shoulder and ripped him back into his spot. "She'll be down any minute. Just stop pacing."
"But Tyler, this woman hates being late- for anything."
"Jack, she's probably just as anxious as you are."
Misty stood in front of the mirror in her sage green sun dress. It was modest enough she supposed, with its wide straps that covered most of her freckled shoulders and the cleavage hinting V-neck. It had a fitted waist and the skirt softly flared from her hips. She wore the pair of dark brown boots with pearly white stitching that Jack had bought her as a wedding gift.
"Mama, I'm nervous."
"Dear, its a bit late for that. You lived with him for over a year. He chased you across the country to get you back. You're- well you've got his wedding gift close to your heart."
"I don't know why I'm nervous, I just am." Connie hugged her daughter.
"Just marry the man, things will settle down."
When Misty came around the corner of the house, Jackson's heart nearly stopped. She was beautiful. She held the bouquet of daisies he had picked just that morning; the woman seemed to glow in the early afternoon sun. She blushed a little when she met his eyes.
No matter how many times he saw her, she managed to make his stomach flip and flutter, his blood heated, and he had the overwhelming need to get her back into his arms.
Jackson couldn't help the goofy grin on his face when she finally came to stand beside him. Jack took her hand in his. "You look beautiful."
"Not so bad yourself." She smiled up at him and his heart damn near burst. Jackson was still grinning when he turned back to Tyler.
Jackson twirled Misty around the makeshift dance floor, loving the way she fit in his arms. Slowly the music ground to a halt halfway through the song. Jack and Misty both turned to see an older, tall, lean, bow legged man sporting a black Stetson that shadowed much of his face. Misty could feel the tension rolling off of Jack in waves.
Jack cautiously walked over to the stranger, Misty trialed closely behind him. "Good to see ya happy again son."
"What are you doing here Rick?" Jackson's voice was strained.
"Well, I just got out last week and heard that my youngest son was getting married."
"I told you that I never wanted to see you again."
"Nearly nine years ago, yes you did. I've had a lot of time to think about how I treated you boys. I've been sober for seven years now." Rick rocked back on his heels as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. "The state put me on a ranch with other convicts, kind of a probation. I mostly deal with horses, funny how that seems to a common trait with all of us Silverman men." Rick offered a slight smile as he tipped his hat back on his head. "I want you apologize to you son, for what I did to you. I would appreciate it if I could get you know you again, and maybe your family."
"I'll have to talk it over with my wife." Jack's pained look nearly broke Misty's heart.
"It's your decision Jackson." She squeezed his hand. "Maybe we could meet at the diner. It's public, and it's not anyone's home turf."
Jackson nodded. "Maybe next week, Friday, we can meet at one for lunch. We can talk then."
"Sounds good son." Rick tipped his head towards Misty. "I better get back to the ranch. Enjoy your party." With that Rick took his leave.
"Why don't we head off to bed-" Jackson would never admit how much seeing his father shook him. He just wanted to go to bed and pray that seeing him was just a dream.
"No, let's dance a few more songs and then go. I don't want to let him make the night stressful." Misty tugged his hand to lead him back to the dance floor.
Jackson carried Misty into the house once everyone had left. Thankfully, the family was staying at the motel. Autumn was with Annabella and Fanny for the next few nights, so it was just he and Misty. Jackson sat on the couch with her in his lap. "You're beautiful, you know."
"You keep saying that." Misty wrinkled her nose. "My hips have really blossomed since we first met."
"I like my woman with a little meat on her bones. Nothing is sexier than a woman with soft curves and confidence. Honey, as long as I can get my arms around you, I'll be happy."
"Really? Because that would allow me to get really big."
"Yes really. I fell in love with the woman you are, not your body." Misty kissed the underside of his jaw.
"You are just too sweet for your own good."
"Oh I do my best." Jackson chuckled deeply as she nibbled on his neck. Misty smiled impishly and moved to straddle his hips. She leaned down and tasted his kiss, nibbling on his lips. Jackson groaned as his jeans got a bit tighter. He gripped her hips almost desperately; this woman was driving him wild and over the edge.
Jackson did some quick maneuvering and was greatly relieved when she accepted him into her body. Misty moved with him, loving him for the first time as his wife.
She lay against his chest as they still sat on the couch. Jackson's arms were wrapped tightly around her back; one hand massaged the back of her head and neck, the other massaged her soft waist. Misty wrapped her arms around his middle. "Jackson, I do have a present for you."
"Oh really, that wasn't it?" He chuckled when she swatted his chest. She leaned to the side in order to reach the end table, causing Jackson to groan. She handed him a small flat box. "What's this?"
"Open it." Jackson kissed her quickly before opening the box. A small frown creased his brow when he saw the fuzzy black and white pictures, more black than white. Along with the pictures were several papers with numbers and chemicals, some of which he recognized as hormones. He gave her a questioning look. Misty wore a face splitting smile. "Meet baby Silverman."
"We're pregnant?" His voice was full of wonder. His hands moved to caress her stomach.
"Yes, and Dina did some testing- which was incredibly uncomfortable by the way- but she said that the scaring is nearly gone and that we might actually keep this one.
Jackson smiled his goofy grin and kissed her hard, but brief. "I'm excited for us."
"I'm excited too. By the way, that kiss was pathetic." She grabbed him by the ears and kissed him like she wanted to be kissed. Jackson was happy to oblige. She tore her lips away from him. "We should take this upstairs."
"Yes ma'am." Jackson hooked his hands under her butt and stood. Misty giggled at the face he made; the man was still inside of her and every step he took made him bite the inside of his cheek. He looked at the stair case like it was the Great Wall of China. "I ain't gonna make it that far."
Misty brushed her lips along his jaw. "But our big, soft, wonderful bed is waiting for us. Just think of all that could happen if we had a bed like that."
"Damn you, woman." He bit his cheek as he started his trek up the stairs. Each step made his legs weaker and he had a woman kissing his neck and moaning in his ear. "Just to let you know, I won't be holding back once I get you in that bed."
"We haven't done rough before." She lightly bit his ear lobe. Jackson rushed up the last few stairs and into the bedroom. His legs were wobbly and he knew that he couldn't possibly hold back. He, honest to God, tried to be gentle.
Jackson gripped the head board for leverage. Misty cried out his name as her nails dug into his solid back. He gave it one last hard thrust and both of them went tumbling over the edge. Jackson collapsed on top of poor Misty, trying to catch his breath and regain the strength to move over to her side. Misty finger combed his hair, needing to touch him in some way. Jackson gently kissed her lips as he smoothed her hair from her flushed face.
Once Jackson was finally able to move to her side, he gathered Misty up in his arms; tucking her in close to him. Misty intertwined their legs simply because her hips hurt a little. Jackson rubbed her back as he held her; massaging away her aches and pains.
When morning dawned bright and crisp, Jackson yawned and his stomach growled loudly. Misty out right laughed. "You must be as hungry as I feel."
"I just might be." He kissed her smiling lips.
Jackson crawled out of bed and tossed her one of his t-shirts. He located his boxers on the floor. Misty turned a peculiar shade of green before she made a mad dash to the bath room. Jackson cringed when he heard her retching. He pulled on his boxers and grabbed the shirt she had dropped. He heard her flush and went to her.
A half hour later they were in the kitchen barely keeping their hands off of each other long enough to eat. Jackson was the worst offender, he did everything he could to drive his woman wild. Misty wiggled away from him. "I need some fresh air."
"Go ahead and take a seat on the porch. I'll bring you some tea." Jackson kissed the tip of her nose. Misty looped her arms up around his neck and kissed the under side of his jaw.
"You're such a sweetheart."
"And you're a tease." Jackson gave her a hard, swift kiss before turning her towards the door. "Go on. I'll be out in a minute or two."
Misty settled into one of the sturdy rocking chairs, closing her eyes against the morning sun. She was jolted awake by the sound of a truck barreling down the drive way. "Jack?!" Misty pushed her queasy feeling aside as she shot to her feet and ran towards the door, where Jackson was just stepping out of.
Jackson caught her and wrapped his arms protectively around her. He stared dumbly at the two men who crawled out of the old Dodge pickup. "Marcus? Luke? What are you doing here?"
Marc pushed back his Navy Seals baseball cap. "Well baby brother, a little birdy told us that you went and got hitched to a sexy redhead."
"Colten called you?"
"Who else would comment on a married woman's body like him?"
"True." Jackson laughed. "Misty, these two bulky bastards are my big brothers. Marcus and Luke." He pointed to each one.
"We may be the bastards, but we certainly weren't the idiots of the group." Marcus smiled at his baby brother, and then his new sister-in-law. "We didn't have to be, he was idiot enough."
"Yeah, nobody ever made you attempt those stunts you pulled." Luke chuckled and hugged Misty.
"You dared me, that's practically making me do it." Jackson's smile, transformed when Marc caught him around the neck and ruffing Jack's head with his knuckles.
Luke whispered teasingly into her ear. "When you get tired of his sorry ass, call me." He released her and hugged his little brother. Marcus swept Misty up in a bear hug. He squeezed her tight, but not too tight.
"I'm glad to meet you Sis." Marcus gently twirled her around. "Don't let him bully you."
"Believe me, he doesn't." Marcus set her on her feet.
"My baby brother is one lucky dog." Marc looked over to Jack. "Well Jack, are you gonna invite us in?" Jack smiled and motioned to the door.
Jack held Misty in his lap as his brothers filled him in on their lives. He hadn't seen either of them since he married Sandra eight years ago.
"I started my own practice in Denver. Everything from cuts and scrapes to delivering babies."
Jack grinned. "Speaking of babies, you two will be uncles soon."
"Really Jack?" Marc laughed. "Sure didn't take you long."
"About a year, I suppose. At least to get one to stick."
Luke frowned, the doctor in him rising to the surface. "You miscarried? How many times? Were there any reasons?"
"Dina said that Misty had some scar tissue and that the embryos attached in bad places."
"Scar tissue?"
"My life before I met Jackson was nothing less than harsh." Misty bit her lip and looked down at her hands.
Jackson kissed her forehead. "The bastard chased her all over the country. He drugged her, tied her up, beat her, and a lot worse. Joel picked her up along side the road after she'd just had Autumn. Then he sent her this way."Jackson squeezed Misty closer to him.
"My baby girl. She's with Anna and Fanny." Jackson couldn't hide his happy smile. His smile faded though as he continued on with his story, figuring it would be best to get it out now instead of them hearing it from someone else. "Colten got her set up with Jenny and Bart. I was being a bastard, I didn't believe a word that Joel and Colten were saying. Then one day- Jenny called, frantic because Misty hadn't shown up for work. Colten was in the next town over, so I went to Misty's. I found her beaten all to hell and naked in the dumpster in the alley. I brought her here and the rest is history."
Marcus looked nearly sick as he stood to look at the pictures on the walls. "And you're comfortable with Jack?"
Misty shrugged. "When I was unconscious, he had plenty of time and opportunities to do what Josh did. But he didn't. Believe it or not, I wasn't that scared of him. Although he did manage to scare me a few times."
"I'm too damn charming to be terrifying." Jackson laughed when Misty turned sarcastic, shocked eyes on him.
"Oh really? I never would have guessed Mr. I-Could-Spit-Nails."
"Did you get the guy?" Luke seemed to examine Misty as he waited for one of them to answer.
Misty paled before turning a sickly shade of green. "Better than that. He's dead-" Misty clawed to get out of the chair.
"Let me up!" Jack, shocked, let go of her. He watched her with concerned eyes as she made a beeline to the nearest bathroom.
Luke smiled. "Get used to it little brother. That's called morning sickness."
"I hate seeing her in pain or feeling sick."
Luke laughed. "Boy are you in for a doosey. Jack, she'll be achy, moody, and possibly sick throughout her entire pregnancy. Not to mention swollen everywhere."
Marcus pointed at the newest picture on the wall. The very same picture Jenny had taken of them at the diner. "When was this?"
"The day we first met."
"You couldn't even fake a smile?"
"Hell no I couldn't." Jackson scrubbed a hand over his face. "The poor girl was run ragged, Autumn was screaming and Colten was being useless as usual. So I held the baby to quiet her and then her mama, her mama made me feel things that I had shut our of my heart for so long."
Jackson glanced at the clock on the mantle. "I need to check on her." He hopped out of the chair and hurried down the hall towards the bathroom.
Marc looked over at Luke. "I wonder if she has PTSD." He looked back at the photos. "She didn't get sick until we mentioned that bastard."
"What concerns me most is if she and the baby are healthy. She looks thin for a pregnant woman."
"I'm worried that Jackson isn't doing all he can to help her." Marc swallowed hard at the thought of his little brother losing his temper with the girl.
Luke shook his head. "I don't think that's a problem. The Jack we grew up with is probably doting on her at every turn. He probably doesn't let her do much on her own as it is. He's always been one to take impeccable care of what's his."
Jackson came back into the living room cradling a ragged, and limp Misty in his arms. The poor man looked nearly terrified. Misty clung to his shirt front, her eyes squeezed shut.
"Jack, is she eating right?"
"When she can, she tries to. She can't seem to keep anything down, I never really noticed it before today, but she hasn't been eating much the last few weeks."
"Is she getting enough fluids?" Luke stood up and checked Misty's pulse.
"Herbal tea, Gatorade, water, last night she fixed herself a cup of broth."
Luke rubbed his chin. "Is she getting enough rest?"
Jackson blushed slightly. "Probably not." Jackson looked back down at his wife as he readjusted her in his arms. "I didn't even know she was pregnant until last night. We had been trying for so long, it seemed too good to be true. I hardly let the girl sleep last night."
Marc chuckled. "You never could handle excitement very well." Jackson shot his oldest brother a look, but Misty cracked a faint smile.
"We'll be around for a few days. Why don't you take her up and let her get some rest. Maybe we'll come by this evening."
"Where are you staying?"
"Jenny and Bart's."
Jackson nodded and moved towards the stairs. "Come by around six and bring Jenny and Bart. I'll throw on some steaks."
"Will do baby brother." Marc squeezed Misty's leg as he passed them to get to the door. "And Jackson, let the poor girl sleep."
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