《Healing in Medicine Bow》Chapter Eleven
Jackson stared at the plane ticket in his hand. He was going after his woman and he was either bringing her home, or he wouldn't step foot inside that house ever again. He couldn't live in the house that his life fell apart in, and he certainly couldn't look at many things in his house that didn't remind him of Misty in some way, shape or form.
Jackson carried a single back pack through the airport. He got his bag searched and a very thorough pat down when he went through security. Apparently, a big scarred up man with a small backpack and a one way ticket was suspicious.
He looked at the scars on his forearms. The doc had given him some scar cream to rub in to hopefully make them less noticeable. He also had a jar of his cure all Udder Balm. He figured that it would be just as good at breaking up the scar tissue as the scar cream. He just thanked the good Lord above that the mountain lion didn't go for his face or neck.
Once the guard wad done giving him a pat down, Jackson made his way to his terminal.
After two layovers and a total of eight hours on his ass, he would be in South Carolina. Another two hours before he could see his woman and baby girl.
Settling down in his designated aisle seat, Jackson looked at the woman next to him. She was slender, her mousy brown hair was streaked with gray, and thin wrinkles bracketed her mouth and feathered out from her eyes. "Hello ma'am."
"Hello." She smiled kindly.
Jack leaned back in his seat- trying to get comfortable in the cramped space. His long legs were pushed up against the seat in front of him. "Ma'am, I sure hope you don't have to get out during the flight. I have the feeling that once I get folded up, it may take a long time before I can get unfolded." The woman laughed. They ended up talking about books, kids, life and cattle. Jackson even showed her the picture of his girls in his wallet.
Jackson pulled his rental car, a small Ford Taurus, into the tiny town of Landrum South Carolina. He stopped and got a room at the local hotel, figuring that he might have to stay a few days in order to try and convince the woman that she loved him. He tucked the hotel key in his pocket as he looked at the clerk. "By chance, do you know how to get to the Rundell place? I'm a friend of theirs."
The older man grinned. "I know exactly who you are. Let me tell you boy, you sure did take your sweet time getting here. The Rundell place is south west three miles, turn left when you hit the railroad tracks. From there, follow that little mountain road. It will lead you right to it."
"Thank you Sir." Jackson tipped his hat and nearly ran back to his car. He made a quick stop at the local flower shop and then made his way into the mountains.
Never had Jackson been so nervous as he was driving that rental car up that narrow dirt road.
"Who is that coming up the drive?" Misty asked.
Shaun peeked out of the curtains. "Damn." Shaun grabbed the shotgun from above the door. "I'm about tired of this guy." Shaun threw the door open wide just as Jackson was getting out of his car, a bouquet of yellow roses and daisies in his hand. Jack looked slightly alarmed, but make his way to the door of the small log cabin anyways.
"Is Misty home?"
"To you, no. She's not here."
"Shaun, I need to talk to her." Misty not believing her ears looked over her brother's shoulder, gasping as she recognized him. Jackson went to push passed Shaun, but the idiot shoved the barrel of that shotgun into his face. Jackson scowled and shouldered passed Shaun anyways. He swiped his hat off of his head and nervously rolled its brim, somewhat crushing the flower stems in his hands. He noticed what he was doing and handed the bouquet to a stunned Misty. "Hey Misty." His deep rumbled in the small living room. "Can we talk?" He looked over his shoulder at an armed Shaun. "Privately?" She pressed the sweet smelling flowers to her nose, smiling softly.
Jack shifted from foot to foot. Finally the woman nodded and set the flowers on the coffee table. She led Jackson outside and down a small foot path. He could hear the gurgling of a stream as he watched her hips sway under the flow-y skirt she was wearing.
"You know I'm not real great with words." Jackson cleared his throat to give him a moment to think of what to say next.
"I'm not so good with words myself lately." Jackson stopped and gently pulled her around to face him.
"I can't go through life like this. Not without you by my side." Jack gave her arms a light squeeze. "With you, I'm a different man than what I used to be. Believe it or not, you make me feel calm. I don't care if we can't have children of our own. I'll love any child just as much as I love Autumn." He sighed and rubbed her arms. "I know that I can be an ass, and I know that I can't control my anger all of the time. But Baby, I need my woman to keep me in line."
"Is that all?" At Jackson's confused and then hurt expression, she cracked a smile. She wrapped her arms around his middle. "This all seems like a dream." Jackson slipped his own arms around her and hugged her closer. He pressed a kiss to her hair. "I've dreamt of you calling- demanding that I speak to you. I've even dreamt of you coming here, throwing me over your shoulder and hauling me back."
Jackson chuckled quietly. "Sweetheart, I would've called in a heart beat if I knew that's what you wanted."
She smiled up at him. "I like this better." Jackson cupped her cheek in his hand, glad that he could touch her again. Misty curled her fingers into the front of his shirt and pulled him down to her; kissing him like her world was ending. Jackson, shocked for only a few seconds, wrapped his arms around her fiercely, dipping enough to wrap his arms under her bottom and lift her off of the ground. Misty broke away from his kiss. "I missed you."
"Why didn't you just come back?"
"The same reason you didn't call. I was being foolishly stubborn." She pecked his lips with a quick kiss. "And I didn't think you would want me back."
"Are you crazy woman?! I went off of the deep end when you left. I think I pickled my liver with how much I had to drink just to forget about you for a moment. Colten thought I-" He swallowed hard and shook his head. "I'm just glad to have you wrapped up in my arms." Misty leaned down to kiss him again as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Jackson held her hips because the woman was wiggling against him in a way that made his knees go weak. He thanked the good Lord above that she was wearing a skirt.
Jackson knew that now wasn't the time; they were in the open and he had no idea who might walk up on them. He gently pulled away from her drugging kiss. "Misty, we need to stop."
"Why?" She nipped at his chin.
"Because your brother still has that shotgun, and if he catches us, he'll shoot me for sure." He kissed her shoulder. "I love you, Misty." He set her on her feet, but left his arms wrapped around her.
Misty wrapped her arms around his middle. "I love you too." Jackson smiled wide as he kissed the tip of her nose.
When they entered the cabin, they were met by an angry Shaun and a screaming Autumn. Jackson quickly went to his baby girl. "What's wrong Sunshine?" She instantly stopped crying when he took her into his arms.
"Her rash is worse, Misty." Shaun scowled at the woman, who couldn't heal her baby girl.
"What rash?" Jackson quickly examined what skin he could see on his daughter.
"She has had a horrible diaper rash since we left Medicine Bow. We can't get it to heal."
"Have you tried Udder Balm?"
"What? No- She's not a cow, Jack!"
"It has other uses too. It will numb her bottom, heal her chapped cheeks and create a barrier between her skin and a dirty diaper." Jackson shrugged slightly. "Trust me, I used it on your cuts and welts while you were laid up."
"Just where would we find Udder Balm?" Shaun crossed his arms over his chest.
"I brought some. There's a jar in my back pack." Autumn clung to his neck with her pudgy hands. Jackson continued to hug his baby girl close to him. He closed his eyes as he rubbed her back and rocked her against his chest. He visibly relaxed and looked more at peace that he had when he first stepped out of that car.
Jackson smiled against Autumn's head as he looked back over at Misty. "Hey Mis. I brought you somethin' else besides flowers. Seems you set it on your pillow before you left." He pulled out the ring he had first given her. Misty's eyes watered as she let him slip it on her finger.
"What?! You can't possibly be going back with him." Shaun looked furious.
"I am going back with him." Misty nodded. "Jack, do you have a place to stay tonight?"
"As a matter of fact, I do. I stopped at the hotel before I came out."
"Misty!" Shaun grabbed her elbow and yanked her around. "What the hell are you thinking?! He's no good for you!"
Misty calmly brushed his hands off of her arm. "He's a helluva lot better than Billy Joe. Billy was barely a friend in high school. Besides doesn't he have something for Emmy Lou?"
"Emmy Lou's been married for the last two years!"
"Billy, he makes my skin crawl." Misty shook her head. "I can't- Jack has been-" She sighed. "I trust Jack, and more than that- I love him."
Jackson nudged Misty with his elbow. "Why don't you go pack your things? I'll doctor Autumn's bottom."
"Sounds like a plan." She bit her lip. "I'm making a wedding dress for my friend. When do you have to be back at the ranch?"
"I can be gone however long it takes."
"I should be done in a day or two. It's all hand work now."
"That's fine." He kissed her brow. "I'll help you with whatever I can."
Shaun huffed. "Why him? Is it because he's the first one you slept with?"
Misty blushed but shook her head. "No, Shaun. He's the first one I've trusted more than my life with. Jack's been there when I was at my worst, and he's seen me at my best." She shrugged. "Can't a girl love her cowboy?" With that she went to pack up her bags.
Jackson went to the car and grabbed his jar of Udder Balm. While he waited for Misty to get the wedding dress bagged and gather up her sewing supplies, he doctored Autumn's bottom. Misty came out of her room just as Jackson finished re-diapering Autumn and pulling her little denims up.
"Do you have baby girl's car seat?"
"It's in my car."
"Would it be okay if we took my rental back?"
"Of course. I'll follow you in my car."
Jackson and Misty sat cross legged on the hotel bed, working on the dress. After showing Jackson how to do the stitch, just one time, he was hemming the bottom of the dress like a pro while she added the beading detail. Once Jackson tied off his thread and clipped it, he got up to check on Autumn, who was currently sleeping in her pack'n play. He smiled as he watched her sleep. Jackson returned to Misty's side; gently taking the dress, needle and beads away from her and hanging them up near the bathroom.
"Jack, I have to get that done." He made his way back to her.
"We will." Jack kissed her lips as he pushed her back onto the hotel bed. Jackson was tantalizingly slow as he undressed her. Now that he had her alone-and on a bed- he intended to take his time. Misty's fingers were quick to tackle the buttons of his shirt. He gasped when her cool hands touched bare skin. He grabbed her hands in one of his. "Let me love you."
Misty's heart melted at his gentle gestures. Jackson loved on her with his mouth and hands to the point that she was growing restless under him. He smiled and kissed her stomach. "Future Silverman, I swear that your mama drives me crazy."
"Jack-" Her heartbroken voice nearly tore his heart out.
"We'll get some testing done. I'll see if my brother knows any doctors or surgeons who can help us. I know it's important to you." He gave her a soul searing kiss. "But for now, we can practice getting you pregnant." He tickled her sensitive sides, causing her to laugh out.
Jackson loved her long into the afternoon, loving her with his body and gentle words. Misty didn't know if she should cry or if she should just hold Jackson as he made love to her. She did both. This foolish man had come after her even though she had practically stomped-no ran over- his poor battered heart. He loved her when she couldn't love herself. This foolish, head-strong man made her heart hurt, not because he caused pain, but because every time she looked at him, her heart expanded with so much love- it felt like it might burst.
Jackson gently kissed away her tears and brought her to her peak. Thankfully he anticipated it and caught her cry with his kiss. He was soon to follow her. Misty held him tighter when he made to move to her side. "Stay." Jackson smiled as he sank into her embrace and held her tightly.
"I cried." Jackson mumbled next to her ear.
"What?" Misty turned her face to look at him.
"When you left. When I was alone in that big empty house with a bottle of whatever liquor was available for company, I cried. I hadn't done that since my mother's funeral." Jackson swallowed hard, hating admitting his weakest moment. "I figured I should tell you before Colten did." He refused to make eye contact with her.
"Jack-" She rested her palm against his cheek. "I love you. You know that?"
"You know that I love you too?" He turned his head and kissed her palm. He withdrew from her and moved to her side before pulling her in close, tucking her head beneath his chin. Her head rested on his bicep as his hand massaged the back of her scalp. The other arm was wrapped around her waist with that hand resting between her shoulder blades. Misty couldn't help but sigh in contentment as she intertwined their legs and slipped an arm over his ribs. They were soon fast asleep, feeling more at peace than they had in the last four months.
Misty's cell phone ringing woke them up. Jackson checked the caller I.D before answering. "Misty's phone. What do you need?" His voice still groggy.
"We didn't realize you were in town, Jack. Where's Misty and Autumn?"
"With me at the hotel. What do you need Misty for?"
"We're just wondering if she- and you too I guess- were coming home for supper?"
"Let me ask her." Jack put the phone against his shoulder. "Wanna eat supper with your folks?"
"Might as well." She groaned.
"I guess that's a yes. We'll be there shortly." Jackson hung up the phone. Misty cuddled up to him again. "Come on Hon, your parents will be waiting."
"Oh alright." Jackson and Misty helped dress each other- often pausing to kiss or tease. Jackson scooped up Autumn, while Misty fixed her hair. As she settled into the passenger seat, Jackson buckled Autumn into her car seat.
Supper was a bit tense for lack of better words. Shaun was giving Jackson the death glare. "If you loved my sister so much, why did it take you so long to get here?"
Jackson patted his mouth with his napkin before placing it back in his lap. "Well Shaun, I was giving us both the time we needed."
"Bullshit! You waited months to come after her."
"Hey, I needed time. I was the one left in the dust. To tell the truth, " he glanced at Misty and smiled faintly, "I didn't think I stood a chance of getting her back."
When Shaun tried to argue, Jackson held up a massive hand and spoke calmly. "My ranch hands and Colten finally pushed me to come after her and try to convince her to go back with me. If you think I'm grumpy now, you should see me when my heart's broken and all I have for company is strong liquor. My ranch hands wouldn't come near me if I so much as twitched."
Shaun looked at his sister like she was insane. "And you're going home with him?!"
"He wouldn't hurt me, Shaun. Besides he rarely drinks-"
"He just said he did!"
"He was depressed and hurt." Misty stood angrily from the table. Steven, Connie, Sam, Kaden and Amanda watched the argument like a tennis match, bouncing from one side of the court to the other. Jackson grasped Misty's wrist before she could storm off.
"It's alright Hon, take a deep breath and sit down."
"Let's just leave Jack."
"Baby, spend time with your family. You might not get to see them for a while." Jackson's voice was gentle and low. "Trust a man who never sees his own." When she still didn't move, Jackson gently tugged her into his lap. He kissed her cheek as he wrapped his arms around her. He pressed his lips against her ear, so only she could hear. "Hey, I love you."
Thanks for reading! Please tell me what you think:)
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