《His Scared Angel》24// Beauty With The Brain


When I came to know about Rudra's ex, I was jealous for a moment thinking that he already loved someone else. But soon I realized that this was a thing of the past and I am his present so I don't have to worry about unnecessary things. I really don't know what I have in my heart for him but I can say that I can't share him even with his past.

He has told me about his past but I have not told him anything about my past till now which is very wrong. He is my husband and if I really want our relationship to last forever, then I have to tell him everything. After knowing everything, then it is his choice whether he wants to give me a place in his life or not.

However, I don't want to tell him anything right now because some of his important clients are coming to India for a meeting as well as to celebrate Diwali. It's my first Diwali with my new family and I can't let it get spoiled at any cost. So whatever I have to tell, I will tell only after Diwali.

"Ishu, take a look at these edited pictures for the next edition of our weekly magazine." Kuhu says giving me a file.

"Yeah, sure." I reply without looking at the file and keep staring at the distance.

"What happened to you and why do you seem so worried?" She asks making me look at her with a sigh.

"Kuhu, I am feeling very guilty." I tell her.

"Why, what happened?" She asks sitting across from me.

"When Rudra and I went on a date for the first time, that day he told me all about his past but I have not told him anything about my past till not. That's why I am feeling so guilty." I reply.

"I understand your problem but it is not that you will never tell everything to Jiju. He is a very reasonable person and I believe that whenever you tell him everything, he will understand you." She says while squeezing my hand and giving me a heartwarming smile.

"Enough talking about me, now tell me what is cooking between you and Lakshya Bhaiya?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows while my dear best friend's face heats up.

"Shut up, nothing is going on." She remarks scowling at me.

"Oh, really? But I thought I heard from a little birdie that you and Lakshya bhaiya talks over the phone for many hours." I let out with a smirk.

"Your brother-in-law doesn't hide anything from you, does he?" She asks making me laugh.

"You are absolutely correct, he is my brother-in-law first then he is your special friend. Now, start narrating what's exactly going on." I tell her making her huff.

"First of all, I would like to tell that nothing is going on between us and second, he calls me, I do not do it myself. At first I used to think that he is a little crazy, but now I understand that there is still childishness left in him." She replies rolling her eyes.


"Hmm, So this is it. But the way Lakshya Bhaiya talks about you, I feel something else." I let out while checking out my nails.

"What does he talk about me? Look, don't lie to me." She threatens me as if I am scared of her.

"What will you do after learning? It's s not that something is in your heart for him." I retort.

"Okay, don't say anything. Anyway, I have more important work except him." By saying this she is out of my cabin in a second while I hold back my laughter.

So, my assumption is true about my dear bestie and my cute brother-in-law. Hmm, I think I have to do something so that these two understand each other's feelings.


"Rudra hasn't reached home yet?" I ask over the phone.

"That's right, beta and ecause of this, I and your dad are worried." Maa replies.

"Don't you worry, I will see where he is now." I tell her gently and disconnect the call.

I have a few extra work to do as Soniya is not able to come to the company due to her poor health condition. That's why I am still in the company building but now after Maa's call, I am getting worried too. Because Rudra is not someone who won't receive his call, especially from Maa.

I look at the time to see that it's 9 pm which is way past his arrival time. I don't waste time and call the driver to let him know that I have to go to Rudra's company. I have dialed Lakshya bhaiya's number too but he is also not picking up his call.

I pack my things and then quickly get out of the company building, not before telling the security to lock all the doors. I get inside the car and ask to take the car towards Rudra's company.

Fifteen minutes later, the car stop in front of the company, and I hurriedly walk inside. Now, all the employees know me so no one questions about me being here. As I already know where his cabin is, I directly go to that floor by elevator.

Upon arriving there, I can hear a lot of arguing which makes me feel uneasy as if I go inside his cabin then I won't be liking what's inside. But I can't be a scardy cat and have to remember that I am not going to someone unknown's cabin, it's my husband we are talking about.

However, the moment I open the door I feel like I have invaded a completely different place because the person inside the cabin is completely unusual then my calm husband. Rudra has his hand around a woman's throat and Aarav is trying to pull him away from the woman.

"Bhabhi..." That's all Lakshya bhaiya says while looking at me with wide eyes.

Suddenly, Rudra let go of the unnamed woman's throat and turn around with an expression of pure horror. I know why he is so scared, he feels that I will think him wrong because anyone will think the same in my place. But I can also see how that woman is looking at my husband with dirty eyes as if she wants to make him her own.


"Ishita I- s-h..." This is the first time I am seeing my always confident husband stutter which is really an adorable sight.

"Ma and Dad were worried because you didn't reach home. So I thought why not I come here to pick you up as well as Lakshya bhaiya." I let out walking towards him.

"You are not angry with me?" Rudra asks while I shake my head in response.

"You know that I don't get angry so quickly, and anyway, first give me a reason to be angry. Then I will get angry with you." I reply fixing his collar.

"Your husband was touching another woman and you are not angry with him, have you thought of me as a crazy person?" Says the still-unnamed woman but I think I have an idea who she is.

"Who am I to think you are crazy or not? I am here to take my husband and brother-in-law back home, why are you talking in the middle?" I retort staring at her.

"So you married a naive girl who doesn't care what her husband does behind her back. That's a very good decision you have taken, Rudy." Aarav starts coughing loudly so I hand him the unopened water bottle which is on the desk.

"Kripa, for god sake keep your mouth shut or.." Lakshya bhaiya remarks looking so angry that I have never seen him before.

So what I thought was the right. This woman is Kripa, Rudra's ex who has come back here to sell the company's shares.

"Lakshya bhaiya, you go outside and please let Maa know that we all are coming together in half an hour." I let out in which he nods his head and goes out of the cabin without uttering another word.

"Wow, that's interesting. So, your brother now listens to someone else besides you." Kripa comments looking at Rudra who is fuming in anger and I am sure that's what she wants. To provoke him too much that he misbehaves with her so that she can take advantage of that.

"I am his sister-in-law, then of course he will not listen to me. But when someone outsider tells him anything to do, he doesn't listen at all. Now, look at you, you were my husband's girlfriend for so many years. But I am sure Lakshya bhaiya never listened to you like he did to me, right?" I ask smiling sweetly at me.

"How dare you to compare yourself with me? Do you know who I am?" Kripa remarks glaring at me.

"Actually, sorry I don't and again sorry because I don't want to know. Hope you don't mind, sweetie. By the way, is your throat alright?" I reply trying to appear worried which I am not at all.

"Rudy, your wife-" Kripa starts.

"It's Rudra or specifically Mr. Bajaj to any outsider." I cut her off.

"It will be better if you get out of here because none of your fake papers will allow you to sell one single share of my company. But if you still insist then we can directly meet in the High Court." Rudra says standing beside me.

"My papers are not fake at all, and don't give me threats because I am not naive like your wife." Kripa replies still glaring at me.

"It's better to be naive than cunning like you, Miss. Also try to wear some decent clothes while coming for any business meeting." I reply looking at her deep off-shoulder v-neck dress which is too much short to wear anywhere. I am not trying to body-shaming her but as a wife, I don't want someone like her close to my husband.

"You illiterate woman, how dare you talk low about my choice of cloth?" Kripa yells out making me wince because believe me, her voice is too loud for anyone.

"Stop yelling at my wife and she is not the illiterate one, you are or you would not be here claiming something which was never yours." Rudra remarks or should I say more like a growl before wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me close to him.

"You are taking her side? I am the love of your life, Rudra." Kripa says in a broken tone but I know she is just faking it.

"You were the love of my life which was in the past because my present and future is my wife, Mrs. Ishita Rudra Bajaj." I know I have a big smile on my face hearing my husband's words.

Thankfully, Kripa the loud witch doesn't say anything and rush out of the cabin with loads of tears in her eyes. I wave bye-bye from behind but alas, she is already out of the cabin.

Suddenly, there is loud laughter from the so I look there to see that Aarav is rolling on the ground while clutching his stomach. At first, I thought I should be serious but I can't contain myself and start laughing as well.

"You are so awesome, Ishita." Aarav remarks when he is done laughing.

"Thank you." I reply bowing a little.

"Why did you ask me to go out? I wanted to have fun too seeing that Kripa's face after you backfired her plan to get Bhai in trouble." Lakshya bhaiya says walking inside the cabin.

"You two have gone crazy." Rudra remarks while shaking his head but you can see his lips curve into a small smile.

"Can we go home now? I am very hungry." I ask while the three men nod their heads in response.


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