《His Scared Angel》23// Nothing To Hide


I didn't know that after sharing about my past with Ishita would feel so good. It's like a huge burden has left from my chest and now I don't have to worry about her finding out about Kripa from anyone else. However, there is still a secret that can come between us which is the secret Ishita is hiding.

I am not saying that her secret will separate us because I can't even think about staying away from her. But I don't want anything to stay hidden between us. She has become a very important part of my life and I don't want to lose her at any cost.

It's been nearly two months after the date and things between us have changed for good. Now, neither of us feel stranger to each other and can spend a lot of time talking to each other. Every one of our families is very happy to see the progress we are making, mostly Papa who looks almost relieved that his daughter is opening up to me so well.

Ishita is also doing very well in her professional career, which we all appreciate. Because she is really a hardworking person and not only that, Now she also does housework very well. Now looking at her, it's hard to believe that she didn't know anything about housework. Mom keeps telling her that there are servants at home to do the work, but that girl is not going to listen to anyone. So, now she gets to do what please her heart.

Right now, I am busy preparing for the important meeting with the Malaysian Clients who are coming to India next week. Not only that, they will be staying here for the Diwali celebration. I wasn't a fan of any festival celebration but now after meeting Ishita, everything has changed in my life. So, I thought that it would be great for my company if foreign clients get to see our culture and festivals.

"Bhai, I need your help." Lakshya says walking inside my cabin.

"What type of help do you need?" I ask while taking a sip of my coffee.

"I want to know how to ask Kuhu for a date." I nearly spit out the coffee but control myself before looking at my younger brother in utter shock.

"You are trying to say that you really want to date Kuhu, the girl who doesn't like you at all?" I ask with wide eyes.

"Don't discourage me, bro. I know she doesn't like me but I am sure I can charm her with my amazing looks." He replies making me roll my eyes.


"When did you start counting the stars in the day?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" He asks back looking confused.

"Crazy, how did you even think that she would date you for your looks? She is a very independent girl from what I've observed in these few months, so don't try to fool her with your looks. Try to win her heart by your qualities." I explain.

"Bhai, you have changed a lot but this change is good because now you really give me good advice in terms of handling situations out of the business world." He replies smiling goofily at me.

"I think that's enough buttering for today, don't wanna lose my abs." I retort playfully.

"You will lose your abs? Are you kidding me? You are the most disciplined when it comes to working out so don't say something which will never happen." He remarks making me shake my head with a laugh.

"What can I say? I am not a heavy sleeper like you who loves food and sleep more than a healthy body." I reply smirking at him.

"You are a bully. Just wait till we go home, I will tell Bhabhi that you are pulling my leg." He retorts like the child he is.

"As if I am scared of your bhabhi." I reply.

"Bhai, everyone in the house knows that you are the Pappu of bhabhi's hand." He replies and rushes out of the cabin before I can beat him.

"Tu ghar pe chal ekbar, phir batata hoon tujhe." I retort after him.

("You go home, then I'll tell you.")


I have reached home by 7 PM and hurriedly go to my room for a necessary shower. I am feeling so tired that I don't have to eat dinner and I can sleep through the night without waking up.

After the shower, I wear a loose t-shirt and a pair of shorts because I am not going out of the house. I comb my hair and drink a glass of water which is on the nightstand beside the bed. Suddenly, my phone starts ringing so I look at it to see that Aarav is the one who is calling me.

"What's up, man?" I ask receiving the call.

"Rudra, I have bad news." He replies making me alert.

"What is it?" I ask getting all serious.

"Kripa is back in the town and has contacted me saying that she wants to meet you." He replies making me clutch the phone tightly.

"The fuck she wants to meet me. Tell her that I don't even want to hear her voice, so to meet her is out of the question." I let out angrily.


"I know it but she told me that she still has a 5% share of your company in her name and she wants to sell it. That's why she is here to meet you." He answers calmly.

"What the nonsense is she talking about? I have cut all her ties with my company long ago, so how come she is claiming that she has 5% share of my company in her name?" I ask because it's true.

"That I don't know but I think for once you should meet her. Because we don't know what she is planning to do." He replies.

"Let me think about it." I reply and cut the call before throwing my phone on the bed in a fit of anger.

What the hell does she want from me?

"Kya baat he? Itne gusse me kyun lag rahe ho?" Ishita asks from behind.

(What's the matter? Why are you so angry?)

Suddenly I am wondering whether I should tell Ishita about Kripa's return or not. No, I should tell everything to myself otherwise if she comes to know from someone else later she will feel very bad.

"Ishita, I have something to tell you. Please don't get angry with me." I let out.

"Did something happen in the company?" She asks worriedly.

"Nothing happened in the company but Aarav just called me to inform that Kripa wants to meet me." I reply while analyzing her expression to see if she is angry or what.

"Kripa as in your ex?" She asks gently.

"Yes, and she told Aarav that she is in Mumbai to sell her 5% of share of my company." I reply with a sigh.

"Didn't you cut all her ties with the company then how can she still has a 5% share on her name?" She asks confusingly.

"That's what I have told Aarav but he is also not sure, so I don't know what to do now." I answer sitting on the bed holding my head with my hands.

"Tension will not solve any problem, Rudra. Whatever you want to do, you have to do it very carefully. You have started this company on your own and now when some outsider wants to harm this company, I have my faith that you will never let that happen." She says putting her hand on my shoulder making me look at her in awe.

"How easily you are giving me courage even in such difficult times. I am really lucky that you are with me." I tell her truthfully while her cheeks take an adorable rosy color.

"If you're done, shall we go downstairs? Dad has to talk to you about something important." She informs in which I nod my head but I also wonder what Dad wants to talk about.

Soon enough both of us reach downstairs and I go to the living room while she goes to the kitchen to help mom with tonight's dinner. I plop down beside dad making him groan but I give him an innocent smile.

"You are not a small child now and neither I am young anymore, so don't push like that." Dad grumbles but I can see the small smile on his face.

"So go to the gym with me, at least you can go on weekends." I reply smirking at him knowing how much he hates working out.

"Keep your knowledge to yourself and listen to what you have been called here for." He says making me roll my eyes.

"Ok tell me what do you want to say." I reply getting comfortable on the couch.

"Your mother and I were thinking that now that you are married, why not get Lakshya married too? You were too stubborn to get married earlier but I am sure that he will accept the decision without any tantrum." I look at him with wide eyes not knowing how to respond.

Lakshya wants to ask Kuhu for a date and here dad is talking about his marriage. Bro, you pulled my leg a lot, but now it's my turn to have fun.

"Yes, dad. Whatever you are saying is absolutely right. It's not like he is going to have a love marriage or he should have told us, so you and mom should start looking for a girl for him." I reply smirking inwardly.

"Are you okay, son?" He asks putting his palm over my forehead.

"Why are you asking such question?" I ask back in confusion.

"Because you're so willingly saying that we should start looking for girls, are you really sure you are not plotting anything against your little brother?" He remarks quirking an eyebrow at me in which I shake my head instantly.

"Oh, come on. I am just trying to be a good big brother, nothing more than that." I reply switching on the television and putting on a South Indian movie which I know will definitely distract Dad.


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