《His Scared Angel》21// Date Night (Pt.One)


"I am not girl, Lakshya. Then why are you bothering me about getting my hair done in a salon?" I ask irritated by the idiotic brother of mine.

"Bhai, I agree you look like a Bollywood hero but this is the first time you're taking bhabhi out so you need to look more handsome than ever." Lakshya replies looking at my collection of watches.

"Why don't you go and bother your bhabhi? You know right, she can easily tolerate you." I tell him while taking out my suit for the night.

"Woh chhipkali he na, bhabhi ki dost. Woh to mujhe us kamre me ghusne tak nahi degi." He remarks with a huff.

("That lizard, sister-in-law's friend. She will not even let me enter that room.")

"Mujhe to laga tha ki Kuhu tumhe pasand he." I tell him while smirking at him.

("I thought you like Kuhu.")

"How did you even think that I would like that nakchari?" He asks as if I am some crazy person.

"You have told me earlier that she is beautiful." I retort tying my shoelaces.

"That doesn't mean I'm going to give attention to her." He answers.

"We will see." I don't wait for his answer and start walking out of the guestroom because Ishita is getting ready in our bedroom.

"Finally, you are ready." Dad comments standing up from the couch.

"Where is mom?" I ask looking around the living room.

"She has gone to get Ishita." Dad replies.

"Dad, bhai was pulling my leg." Lakshya whines.

"You must have done some naughty thing." I chuckle seeing the expression of betrayal on Lakshya's face.

"How can you say that? Sometimes it feels like I'm not your own son." Lakshya remarks but all he gets a slap in the back of his head by Dad.

"By the way where are you taking my daughter?" Dad asks.

"I have booked a small part of the Madh Island Beach and made arrangements in there." I reply looking at the stairs in hopes that Ishita will come soon because the place is around 50 minutes distance from our house.

"That's a great spot but still look out for Ishita. She is new here so don't let her go anywhere alone." I roll my eyes because like seriously? If I am taking her on a date then why will I let her wander alone?

Just then I hear the clicking of heels so I look at the source to see that Ishita is walking down the stairs following by Mom and Kuhu.

Finally, she stands in front of looking like a real-life Angel. Maybe it's the way she is smiling at me or the way she is blushing, I can't take my eyes off her. I don't know what I have done to deserve this beauty but I will be damn if I let her go away at any cost.


Suddenly, I hear loud coughing noise which breaks my imaginary bubble making me get annoyed. But then everyone starts laughing as if someone has said a joke. So, I look around and notice that they are laughing at me making me more than confused.

"Will you continue to look like this or even say how our Ishita is looking?" Mom asks standing beside Ishita.

"By looking at the face of Bhai, it is obvious that how much he is liking the way bhabhi has gotten ready." Lakshya remarks.

"Can't you keep your mouth shut even for a while?" Kuhu remarks.

"This is my home so I can say whatever I want." Lakshya retorts.

"Hey, both of you shut up. Ishita come here." Dad says and Ishita goes near him.

"Although Vinod Ji should have said these things but he is not here. I am your father-in-law later father first, so if this Rudra Bajaj bothers you even a little bit, then you should call me immediately and I will come to pick you up." Dad tells Ishita who nods her head while smiling at him.

"I will remember everything you just said, dad." Ishita replies.

"And yes jiju, do take good pictures. I want to see how much fun my one ans only best friend has on her first date ever." Kuhu remarks.

"I'll try if your dear friend lets me click some pictures." I reply with a smile before putting my hands in front of my wife who looks at me nervously.

"Shall we leave?" I ask earning a nod from her.

After bidding goodbye to everyone we get out of the house and I lead her towards the car. I open the car door before getting into the driver's seat and start driving the car. It's pretty early but due to where we are going the time is perfect.

"Hum kaha ja rahe he?" Ishita asks after a few minutes.

("Where are we going?")

"A place where no one will disturb us." I reply looking at her to see that she is pouting.

"Now, what with pouting?" I ask interlocking my fingers with her.

"I don't like suspense because it makes me feel scared." She replies looking at me.

"Don't worry about anything and by any chance I do something bad then you know who to call." I answer making her chuckle.

"Really, our family is so funny." She remarks still giggling.

"Yes they are funny but they care for you a lot. If I am not wrong, they care for you more than they do for me and believe me, I am not offended." I tell her.

"And why is that?" She asks.


"Because my feelings are not different from them. I also care about you more than I do for anyone else." I reply looking at her and feel her hold tighten on our joint hands.

"Do you want to hear some music?" I ask after some time.

"Yes, that would be great." She replies before starting to search for some good songs.

I smile hearing the lyrics of the song because the lyrics are completely matching with my situation. Ishita has really brighten my dull life in just a few months. It feels like as if my heart was waiting for her to heal it. I have never thought in my wildest dreams that I will feel so deeply connected to someone after getting my heart broken a few years ago.

Yes, I was in a serious relationship with someone with whom I thought I would spend my whole life but then the reality came in front of me, and my faith in love completely vanished. However, slowly but surely my faith is coming back and that is only because of my wife who doesn't have any idea how valuable she has become for me.

After more than 50 minutes of driving, we reach the place but I ask Ishita to keep sitting on her seat. I get out of the car before opening the back seat to take out some important things that will be needed. Then I open Ishita's door but before she can get out I put a pair of flat sandals in front of her.

"Take off your heels and wear the flats or you won't be able to walk." I inform when she gives me a curious look.

Thankfully she doesn't question me further and wear the flats. After that, I help her get out of the car and hand her a bouquet that has her favorite flowers.

"They are beautiful." She murmurs looking at the flowers with a smile.

"Are they?" I ask while leading her towards the area where the arrangement has been made.

"Yeah, they are. But how do you know that these are my favorite kinds of flowers?" She asks walking beside me.

"Kuhu told me." I reply not wanting to hide the truth because there are many things we don't know about each other.

"I should have guessed it." She says.

After four or five minutes of walk we reach the area of beach which I have booked for the night and asked some people to decorate it the way I think Ishita will like.

I make her sit on a chair before taking a seat on the other chair. I notice the way she is looking at the makeshift tent-type dining area in awe.

"Do you like it?" I ask.

"I love it." She replies excitedly.

"I thought we would go somewhere for dinner and come back after some time. But it all seems like a dream." She says looking genuinely happy.

"We can go to dinner at any time. But on the first date, it should be different." I reply pouring her a glass of orange juice while I take apple juice for myself.

"I have seen the sea only once and that too when I was very young. But today I can look at this sea for as long as I want." She remarks making me nod my head.

"That's why we have come here." I tell her.

"Can I say one thing?" I ask her.

"Yes, of course." She replies taking a sip of her juice.

"You are looking very gorgeous." Instantly her cheeks become tinted making me want to touch them but I refrain myself from doing that.

"Thank you and you are looking beautiful too, no I mean handsome." I look at her with amusement.

"You are spending too much time with Lakshya to think that I am beautiful." I remark.

"Why are you saying that?" She asks confusingly.

"Because earlier he told me that I should go to a salon to do my hair for the date." I reply while she starts laughing loudly.

"Oh my God. Lakshya bhaiya can be so hilarious sometimes." She says between her laugh.

"Not sometimes, it's all the time." I retort with a huff.

"But still, he doesn't let me feel like my brother is not here with me." She lets out with a smile.

"He always wanted a sister but due to some complications mom couldn't get pregnant so his wish didn't come true. However, I think his dream of having a sister is fulfilled now because of you. He adores you so much that sometimes I get jealous." I inform her.

"You get jealous of your own brother?" She asks looking at me with wide eyes.

"Yes, I get but then I realize that at the end of the day you are my wife so there is nothing for me to be jealous of." I reply with a smirk.

"You are something else, Mr. Bajaj." She comments shaking her head with a gentle smile on her beautiful face.

"Oh believe me you don't have any idea about it, Mrs. Bajaj." I retort winking at her.


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