《His Scared Angel》18// Wife Of The Boss


It's been more than one month since I have started my job and I am happy to say that I have never felt more confident in myself. Everyone in the office so friendly and helpful which really helped in doing my work.

But if anyone has helped me the most, it is my dear family who is always ready to support me. Very few people get such a good family after marriage where they do not have to adjust. Because most of the time it is seen that a girl has to sacrifice a lot in arranged marriage. But I am one of those lucky girls who got parents in the form of mother-in-law and an elder brother in the form of brother-in-law.

How can I forget about my husband if I am speaking about everyone? He is the first person whom I told about my desire to work and he started supporting me since then. Not once he said that because of my job, his reputation can be spoiled, which most of the time a woman has to listen in our society. Rather, he celebrated this news by taking me to a surprise dinner.

Now this marriage doesn't feel like a burden. It seems as if God has given me another golden opportunity to live life and that too with happiness. I can see that Rudra is giving a chance to our relationship, so I also do not want to leave any stone unturned from my side.

But before that I have to tell him all the truth which ain't easy for me. I have been able to forget those things with a lot of pain, so I do not know how will I be able to talk about that day. The day that killed my soul, ended my life before it began, gave me a wound that will never be forgotten.

Yet whatever happens, I will not hide anything from my husband. If I really want to make this marriage a success, I shouldn't keep a secret that can lead to destruction in the future.

"Are you okay?" Soniya asks pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Yes, I am fine." I reply trying to smile at her but I am sure it's not reaching my eyes.

"Nope, you are definitely not fine because I can hear it in your voice. Now, tell me what's bothering you, or I have to talk to Rudra." She says making me sigh.

"I am thinking about my marriage with Rudra." I reply without thinking much because she has become a good friend of mine with whom I can share my worries.

"What about that?" She asks with curiosity after putting down the blueprint of the next week's megazine on the table in front of us.

"As you know, the marriage was a sudden plan so neither I nor Rudra got much time to think about it. But now after living with him for the last few months I have come to the realization that he is a good person and I can see myself living with him all my life." I let out feeling relief to say the things aloud.

"That's a great thing, right? But then why are you looking so tensed?" She asks.

"Yes, it's a great thing. However, there are still many things that he doesn't know about me and I don't know when or how I will be able to tell him." I reply.

"Look, we all have secrets which is natural. But when we find the right person we don't need to think much about their reaction. Because if they are right for us they will never judge us." She says with an assuring smile.


"Okay, enough about me. Now you tell me how's the baby doing?" I ask which makes her smile. Yes, I have come to know about her pregnancy and also about her fight with Aarav.

"The baby is well but I need to be monitored twice every month because of the complications." She replies placing her palm on the little swell of her belly.

"And what about Aarav? Aren't you going to talk to him?" I ask because they need to talk and solve the problem or it won't be good for the baby.

"I am not going to lie and say that he is not trying his best to solve the problem. But I am still scared to be with him. Because when we found out about the complication of the pregnancy he asked me to abort the baby and that's the reason why I am staying with my parents. I don't care if I have to die to bring this baby into the world but I can't let it die in front of my eyes." She answers wiping her tears. I feel bad for her and Aarav because they don't deserve to suffer like this.

"Soniya, that man loves you and doesn't want to lose you. Maybe that's why he asked you to abort the baby but at the same time, you are the one who is carrying the baby. So, the last decision completely lies in you. Still, I think you should tell him about your thoughts and let him understand you." I tell her hoping that she will listen to me.

"I am liking this new version of you." She replies with a genuine smile.

"What are you talking about?" I ask confusingly.

"You were so scared and shy when we first met that I thought a slight pinch could break you. But now look at you, a completely different Ishita is sitting in front of me and believe me this is the real you. Thank you for your advice because that's what I needed to hear. I will definitely talk to Aarav and make him understand that the baby needs its father too." I smile delightfully before giving her a much-needed hug.


After having the talk with Soniya she leaves my cabin saying that she is going home because of tiredness. I assure her that I can take care of everything so she doesn't need to worry much.

But now I think I should start looking for an assistant as it's getting hectic to manage everything of my own. I think I will ask Soniya to arrange an interview for the assistant so that we can work more faster.

As I am talking with some proofreaders about the errors they have found in an article, my phone starts ringing so I excuse myself to receive the call.

"Yes, maa." I say picking up the call.

"I am sorry for disturbing you but I need your help." She replies hesitantly.

"You can never disturb me, maa. Now tell me how may I help you?" I ask while jutting down the errors on a paper.

"Rudra has forgotten an important file in home and now he needs it for the meeting. But your dad is not at home to take the file to the office and I don't want to give it to the driver. So, I am wondering if you can take the file to Rudra." She answers making me stop writing.

"Haa! You want me to go to Rudra's office? But I have never been there." I exclaim quite loudly making the proofreaders to look at me.


"I know beta. But I don't have any other option as the doctor has told me not to drive and also I can't leave the house empty." I sigh knowing that she is indeed correct.

"Okay, I will take it to Rudra." I reply and she cuts the call after thanking me.

"Guys, I have to leave for a while so we will talk later after I come back." I say and they leave my cabin.

Without delay, I leave the office and take a cab to go home. Upon reaching there I notice that maa is already standing outside with a file in her hands. I get out of the cab before walking towards her.

"Maa, why are you standing outside?" I ask worriedly.

"Only half an hour is left for the meeting to start so I thought I would go there by myself. But now that you are here I don't need to worry anymore." She replies looking relieved.

"You give me the file and go inside. I will deliver it safely to the office." I tell her before taking the file from her hand.

"Okay, but take care." She replies while I take my leave.

I get inside the cab and ask the driver to drive to the office of Bajaj Industries. Soon, we reach the company building so I pay the driver before getting inside the huge building. However, the receptionist stops me and ask me if I have an appointment which I tell her that I don't have one.

"Sorry, ma'am. But I can't let you go inside without an appointment. You need to leave right away." She says quite rudely which I don't like at all. But still, I keep my cool because anger never solves anything.

"I know I don't have an appointment but I have to meet Rudra right now or he will be in trouble." I tell her.

"Who do you think you are to call Mr. Bajaj by his first name? First, you came here without any appointment and now you're calling our boss by his first name. Shame on you." Now, I am really losing my cool because this lady here is not understanding my urgency.

"What's going on here?" I turn around hearing Lakshya bhaiya's voice and sighs in relief seeing him walking towards me.

"Sir, this woman here is not listening to me and insisting to meet Boss. Not only that she is also referring to him by his first name." The receptionist complaints

"Miss Sinha, do you have any idea who is she? Or what's her relationship with my big brother?" Lakshya bhaiya asks calmly but still anger evident in his voice.

"Haa?" I stifle my laugh seeing the confusion on the receptionist's face.

"Oh, I forgot that you have just joined the company one week ago so let me introduce her." Lakshya bhaiya says while pointing towards me.

"Her name is Mrs. Ishita Bajaj meaning she is the wife of the owner of this company, Mr. Rudra Bajaj." The receptionist's eyes widen as if they can pop out of their socket at any moment.

"W-i-fe?" The poor girl starts stuttering.

"Yes, wife so she doesn't need any appointment to visit her husband." Lakshya bhaiya replies sarcastically.

"I am so s-o-rr-y ma'am. I am in n-e-w in here so I d-idn't know wh-o you are." I smile looking at the scared girl.

"It's alright, actually I would have done the same if I was in your place. You were just doing your job." I assure her gently.

"Bhaiya, here is the file you guys needs for the meeting." I say while giving him the file but he pushes the file in my hand.

"You are here to give this file to Bhai so do it by yourself. Don't drag me between you two." He replies with a wink.

"Okay then let's go." I let out.

When we reach the 25th floor he leads me towards a door which has Rudra's name written on it. I go to knock but he shakes his head making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Just go inside. No need to knock like an outsider." He says giving me a thumbs up before leaving me all alone in there.

Hesitantly I open the door and poke my head inside to see if Rudra is there or not. But when I don't see him I get worried because maa has told me that the file is important for him.

I walk inside the luxurious cabin after closing the door behind me. I look around and everything in here is screaming money. But I halt in my movement when I notice him standing in front of the window while reading something.

He is looking so concentrated that he doesn't even notice my coming inside his cabin. So, I clear my throat and in an instant, he looks at me.

"Ishita, what a pleasant surprise. I didn't know you're coming here." He says walking towards me.

"I wasn't too planning to come here but maa called me and asked me to give you this file." I reply and hand him the file.

"Oh thank God or I would have to face a lot of problems in the meeting." He lets out looking relief.

"Now, you don't have to face any problem. Okay, then you go attend your meeting and I am going back to my office." I reply with a smile.

"I can do the meeting later, this is the first time you have come here so you can't go so soon." He says and asks me to sit down on the couch.

"I can come again but don't postpone the meeting or my coming here will go in vain." I joke making him chuckle.

"Okay fine, I won't postpone the meeting. But I am going to pick you up on the way to home from your office." He says.

"You don't need to do that, Rudra. I am fully capable of going by myself." I reply in which he shakes his head.

"I know you're capable of going by yourself but I want to do it. So, stop complaining and wait for me like a good wife." I know it's futile to argue with him so I nod my head in response.

True to his words, he picks me up after office hours and we go to the shopping mall to buy gifts for maa and dad as tomorrow is their wedding anniversary. I want to bake a cake for them but I don't know how to do it. So, I ask for his help and like a good husband he promises to teach me.


2345 words in total😇

How are you doing guys?

I hope everyone is good and healthy. By the way, how was the chapter?

There will be another update tomorrow so stay tuned for that one.

Till then keep voting, commenting and sharing.


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