《His Scared Angel》17// New Job


Today is the day I am going to join my new job as the editor of 'Weekly Delight', which is the name of Soniya's magazine.

Maa has taken me shopping to buy some office wear. I have told her that I don't need anything new but she is adamant to buy me new clothes.

Dad is also nagging me about buying a car for me. But I refuse to accept it because I want to buy my first car with my own earned money. Also, there is already a spare car in which I go to college. But now I can take that to go my office.

I am not going to lie and say that I am not scared because I am. This is my first job and also in a place where I don't know anyone except Soniya. But as the owner of the magazine, she has other works to do. So, I can't be dependent on her.

However, I am confident that I will be able to build a good relationship with my co-workers. Because that's what a company needs to be developed.

After getting dressed in a Beige-colored Pantsuit, I put on my nude pumps to go with it. I make a half-bun hairstyle before curling the end of my hair. For makeup, I have decided to go with a natural look which consists of a little bit of foundation, a single coat of mascara, and my favorite strawberry chapstick.

Satisfied with my look I pick up my bag and get downstairs to take blessings ls from Maa and Dad.

"First you are going to finish your breakfast and then only I will let you go." Maa says and orders me to sit down.

I know that it's impossible to argue with her so I do as told. Like every day she puts bread and butter along with chocolate milk in front of me for my breakfast.

I am not a picky eater but I only some specific things for breakfast and thankfully she understands me very well.

While eating I notice that Rudra is not there but I remember him telling me that he is going to drive to my office as it's my first day.

"Bhai has to leave for an urgent meeting so I will drop you to your office." Lakshya bhaiya remarks from the other side.

I give him a small smile which I am sure doesn't reach my eyes. I am not mad at Rudra for not informing about his meeting. I am just a little sad that he is not going to be with me on the first day of my job.


After completing breakfast Lakshya bhaiya and I leave the house but not before taking my lunch box from Maa. It takes fifteen minutes to reach my office. So, both of us get out of his car and make our way inside.

"All the best bhabhi. I am sure you are going to rock in your job." I smile shyly hearing Lakshya bhaiya's praise.

"Thank you so much for the encouragement. Also, thanks for taking me here." I reply.

"Now you are making me feel like an outsider by thanking me. You are not only my sister-in-law but also my friend. So, stop staying thanks." He says with a stern expression. But I can see the smile he is trying to hold back.

"Okay, fine. I will remember it from now on." I reply making him smile.

Soon we reach the top floor where Soniya's cabin is located. Her Secretary tells us to go inside as her ma'am is already expecting me.

"Welcome to your new office." Soniya exclaims with happiness and hugs me after we get inside her cabin.

"Thank you for selecting me for the job." I reply feeling honored.

"You are one of the most talented persons I have seen in my life. So, how can I let you go out of my hands? Also, I need someone to look after my company just like I do and I have full faith in you." She lets out before turning to look at Lakshya bhaiya.

"How are you, Lakshya?" She asks.

"I am doing good, Soniya bhabhi. What about you? You seem to forget us." Lakshya bhaiya replies with a pout which makes me giggle.

"Sorry, dear. I am so busy with my work that I don't get time to go to your house. But now that I have an excellent helper like Ishita, I am sure I will get a lot of spare time to enjoy my life." She jokes.

"Okay, then I am going. All the best bhabhi and remember if you need anything I am just a call away." By saying this Lakshya bhaiya gets out of there.

"Let's go and meet the important members of the company." I nod my head in response and follow her.

I get introduced as the Chief Editor of the company to everyone. I also learn that I will get an assistant soon because apparently, it's not easy to do the editor job alone.

Soon after the introductions, I go to my cabin which is on the fourth floor. I am happy with the simplicity of the cabin.

I sit down on the recliner and take a deep breath before opening the laptop to start working.


I start by reading the different articles which will be published this week in the magazine. I am impressed with the topics of the articles.


It's now time for me to go home and I have called the driver to come to pick me up. I tidy up my cabin before getting out to go downstairs. I bid goodbye to some of the employees who smiles in response. Soniya has already left the office two hours ago as she has a doctor's appointment to attend.

Soon I reach the outside of the office building but I can't believe my eyes seeing Rudra leaning on his car.

I walk towards him and before I know it I am engulfed in a hug. It takes me a few seconds to get out of my shocking zone but I hug him back too.

"I am sorry I couldn't get to drop you here in the morning. So, I thought I should come pick you up." He says after pulling away from the hug.

"It's alright, I am not angry with you. But thanks for coming here." I reply with a smile.

"Let's go and celebrate your new job." He says while opening the car door for me.

"There is no need for that." I don't want him to cause any trouble and also he must have left his works incomplete.

"Ishita, I am not taking no for an answer. So get inside the car asap." I huff but oblige with him.

"By the way where are we going?" I ask.

"You will know when we reach there." That's all I get as a response which makes me pout.

"Believe me, you will love the place." He says when he notices my pout.

"Fine but if I don't then you are buying me ice cream." I reply.

"Okay, deal." He retorts with a smirk.

Soon the car stops in front of a restaurant but my eyes widen when I read the name which is written in Gujarati language.

Excitedly I get out of the car because it's my first time coming to a Gujarati restaurant after marriage.

"So what do you think about the surprise?" He asks standing beside me.

"Thank you for taking me here." I reply with a beaming smile and throw my arms around his neck to hug him.

"Let's go inside so that you can enjoy some delicious foods." He says while kissing the side of my head.

When we get inside the restaurant the manager greets us and leads us to our table which is already pre-booked by my dear husband.

Anyone can see how excited I am to be here. We have ordered Khandvi, Khaman Dhokla, Patra and Shrikhand. So, when the foods arrive and I don't waste to dig in.

In the end, I feel so full that I don't think I can eat anything for the next two days. I pet my stomach earning a chuckle from Rudra so I glare at him.

"Why are you glaring at me?" He asks in confusion.

"First you tell me why are you laughing at me?" I retort.

"Okay sorry for laughing at you but you are looking so adorable while petting your stomach that I can't help but laugh." He replies with a shrug

"By the way, how was your first-day experience in your new office?" He asks after a few minutes.

"It was so nerve-wracking but at the same time, it was very exciting. I got to read a lot of interesting articles and the employees were very open-minded." I reply feeling joyous.

"That's good to know. I am sure Soniya is very glad to have you as her employee." He comments.

"Yeah, I think so. But still, I have a long way to go." I reply.

"Here, I have something for you." He says while giving me a wrapped box.

"What is it?" I ask taking the box from him.

"Your gift for getting such a great job." I look at him in surprise because I wasn't expecting something like that.

"But I don't need any gift. Also, you have brought an expensive gift from Malaysia so I can't take this one." I try to give him back the box but he shakes his head in response.

"Nope, I am not taking it back. You keep it or throw it away." He replies stubbornly.

I sigh but start opening the wrapper. I get curious seeing the square box under it. However, my eyes lip up in joy seeing the beautiful watch inside the box.

"Wow, it's so pretty." I let out while admiring the brilliant piece of work.

"Do you like it?" He asks.

"I love it." I reply while holding my left wrist towards him before handing him the watch. He smiles while securing the watch on my wrist.

"Thank you for the amazing gift." I tell him.

"You are welcome." He replies while caressing my hand.


1718 words in total😇

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