《Violet》«Chapter 18 - Birthday.»
—(Continuation from the last chapter)—
Violet quickly stumbled up the stairs, trying to hide herself within the safety of her room. She opened her door and shut it silently behind her. She breathed heavily as she leaned herself against the wooden door.
Violet raised her hand to her lips and shivered. After the kiss that Adrian and Violet shared, Violet pushed Adrian away from her and sprinted upstairs. Violet's eyes darted around the room until they settled upon a crib that was located beside her bed.
With long strides, she silently crossed the room so that she stood by the crib's edge. Violet leaned down and carefully scooped a sleeping Alora in her hands and cradled her.
She moved away the blankets upon her bed to make space and laid down with Alora.
Violet turned on her side sighing and caressed Alora's face. A feeling of sadness washed through her.
Why did she feel so affected by Adrian?
Why did his touch scare her?
She felt her heart prick and her eyes water with pain. She didn't know what to feel about him. She trusted him better than before but she didn't know if she liked him. Violet closed her eyes as a tear slid down her cheek.
She didn't know what to feel anymore.
Violet's POV
Waking up to the sound of giggling was all that needed to haul me from sleep. I opened my eyes and looked at my side, smiling at the big brown eyes that stared up at me. "Good morning, Alora." I whispered and received a giggle in reply.
I shifted my head closer to Alora and kissed her causing her to break into laughter. "Mama!" She squealed and I stopped kissing her and laughed. My heart always felt light after Alora called me Mama. It was the only word that Alora clearly said to me.
I sat up on my bed and stretched my hands as a yawn escaped my lips. When I got up on my feet, I grabbed Alora and held her on my hip as I left my bedroom and entered the bathroom. I first cleaned up Alora with a bubble bath and after 10 minutes, I took her back to my bedroom and dressed her up in a red dress with dots upon it.
Placing Alora in her crib, I walked over to my cupboard and selected a light purple shirt, black sweatpants and towel. I hurried over to my door, taking a glance at Alora just to make sure that she was safely within her crib. When I saw her, she rewarded me with a toothless grin which I returned before I made my way towards the bathroom.
Feeling the hot droplets fall on my bare skin was the most relaxing feeling ever. My eyes wandered over to the fading scars that were once carved onto my skin all over like some horrendous wallpaper. My family tarnished my body. I shivered when I remembered that they were still missing. I just wished that I would never see them ever again.
I resisted the urge to scrub the brown and red scars until they completely disappeared. But I knew that would only worsen them.
What was there to be surprised of anyway? Same old, disgusting me.
After rinsing my body, I hopped out of the shower and dried my body with my towel. I got dressed into my clothes, combed my tangled hair to remove the knots and later pulled it into a ponytail.
When I had entered my bedroom, I placed my towel in my cupboard. I turned around so that I was facing the crib but to my shock, Alora wasn't there. I looked around the room for a bit, hoping that Alora had only escaped from her crib and hid somewhere but I knew she didn't have the ability to do that.
I began to panic, my adrenaline rushing throughout my body unsteadily. An idea came to mind and I immediately crouched down and peered under my bed frame. "Alora?" I whispered gently, expecting a giggle and two bright eyes twinkling at me. But Alora wasn't underneath there. When I lifted my head and stood up, a loud giggle was heard but it wasn't from my room. Rushing out of my bedroom, I smelled a delicious scent.
It smelt like pancakes!
Maybe it must be traveling from the kitchen. I padded down the stairs and walked slowly towards the kitchen. I could hear sizzling and a deep voice, the voice grew more louder as I inched closer to the kitchen door.
Luckily the door was left open with a slim gap to see from. I swallowed and peeked my head through the gap and smiled at the heartwarming scene. Alora sat on her high chair with a green bowl and faced towards the kitchen stove where Adrian was flipping over a pancake within a pan.
He was wearing blue shorts and a gray shirt. I watched secretly from afar as he sang a sweet tune for a cheery Alora. "Follow me dear, show me your face. The one full of grace and the one that is brave..."
Alora squealed in delight and waved her hands around as a form of praise. Adrian spun around in his spot and grinned at Alora. "You're one bright baby aren't you?" He chuckled and turned back around to insert the spatula under the baking pancake and lifted it off the heated pan. He dropped it onto a plate stacked of pancakes. He hummed calmingly as he caught ahold of a whipped cream can and pushed the lever to watch a white gush of foam top the pancakes. The breakfast looked delicious.
Adrian turned the stove off and collected the plate of stacked pancakes with him as he waltzed over to Alora and bowed deeply. "Here is thy breakfast, your honor." He spoke with a deeper accent, trying to impersonate old English.
Alora was oblivious of Adrian's choice of words however, she laughed eagerly at him. "Da... Da!" She squealed in excitement when Adrian placed a small portion of pancakes from the stack that he made earlier in Alora's bowl.
Adrian distributed four pancakes into two plates. One of the plates along with cutlery had been set upon the table and he needed to separate two pancakes into the empty plate. "Its Dada, Alora." He corrected as he walked back to the cabinets near the stove and pulled out a drawer full of utensils.
Alora clapped her hands. "Da." Adrian's back faced her but he still responded. "No, Dada." Alora stubbornly yelled. "Da!" To prove that she was right and Adrian was wrong. Her lips twitched up to represent a mischievous grin. Adrian was rustling his fingers around the neatly organized drawer and sighed, knowing that a battle was on between him and Alora.
That was all it took for Adrian to burst out laughing at his failed attempt to trick Alora, and so did I. Unfortunately, I ruined the moment shared between the two by making a sound loud enough to grasp their attention. "Violet?" Adrian questioned since my body was partly visible from behind the door.
I realized that if I were to scramble away and hide, it would be too late as Adrian detected my presence and Alora was calling for me the moment she caught glimpse of half of my face. "Mama!" She squalled meanwhile she fisted her hands and began banging at her high chair.
I decided to reveal myself cause there was no escape. I stepped forward and entered the kitchen where I could view the room entirely. "Just in time for breakfast." Adrian paused and then continued. "Hope you didn't worry that I took Alora with me when you were in the shower. This little one saw me and wouldn't let me go." He smiled and shut the drawer while collecting his utensils in his hands.
I shook my head and made my way over to Alora's high chair. I sat on one of the chairs of the dining table that was closest to Alora. She grinned at me and pointed her finger at the bowl before her and then to her mouth.
I understood that she wanted to be fed. I clutched onto her bowl and held the small spoon and smashed the pieces of pancakes up. I scooped up the now dough with the spoon and fed it to Alora.
A silent breeze blew through the room and I noticed a movement beside me. I averted my gaze over my shoulder to find an opened letter beside a card flapping against the chilling breeze. I looked back at Alora and set the bowl down on her highchair, much to her annoyance as she scowled.
I clasped onto the card and envelope before they flew away. The envelope was parchment and addressed in ink for Adrian's house. I frowned as I put the envelope down and attended to the card.
Happy birthday!
I flipped over the front card and discerned that this card was sent for Adrian. Was it his birthday? Reading on the card congratulated Adrian for his 28th birthday. At the end, a signature that read Kate and Olivia was scribbled in elegant handwriting.
Who were Kate and Olivia? His friends?
Before I could question myself further, I jumped when I heard his voice. "I see you've found that." I gulped nervously and dropped the card from my hands so that it landed upon the table. Heat was creeping at my face cause I was caught looking through his private letters.
Adrian chuckled and I looked up to perceive him taking a seat next to mine while cutting his pancakes into slices using his knife and fork. "I got that letter in the mail from my manager and her wife, Olivia, for my birthday."
I nodded and turned my back to him to pick Alora's bowl back up again.
I felt a little guilty that I didn't do anything in celebration of his birthday. Maybe I should do something for him. Alora opened her mouth impatiently when I dipped the spoon back into her mouth. Soon later I completed feeding Alora and began feasting on my own breakfast on an empty stomach.
"Violet?" Adrian asked slowly and I glanced up at him. "I have to leave in the afternoon since my friends have invited me out... They all expect me to attend." I nodded and began to chew on my food. I could use the time he was away to prepare something. "I'll be back by the evening. I hope you don't mind." I immediately shook my head.
Why did he bother asking about my opinion? It was his birthday not mine.
After a while I finished my food and sighed. My stomach felt full again and the rumbling was successfully prevented. I was about to stand up, but that was until I heard Adrian speak again.
"Were you there for long?" I peered at him in confusion. I couldn't understand his question. He noticed my confusion and pointed at the door, I understood that he meant me watching him and Alora and I nodded my head.
Adrian's face grew red up till the roots of his hair and I found myself biting back a laugh that was threatening to escape my lips. "You heard me sing?" I nodded again and turned away from him, a smile appearing on my lips.
Alora giggled at Adrian from behind me and I could only imagine his face as red as a tomato.
Alora's little fist was covered in a mixture of red and yellow paint as she dabbed it onto the piece of card, recreating the other prints she created earlier on the same card. "Well done Alora!" I whispered in her ear whilst cuddling her body closer to mine.
It was a few hours after Adrian left on his birthday party with his friends and during that time, Alora and I planned a surprise for Adrian.
Alora turned around on my lap and stunned me by smearing paint over my left cheek. I gasped much to her amusement as she giggled.
I stared at her intently but gave up and kissed the side of her head when she widened her eyes. I couldn't stay mad at my angel. Returning my attention back to the card, I picked up a black marker and signed Happy birthday, then best wishes and finally at the end I contemplated whether to sign my name or not.
I was too nervous and just thinking about it allowed a feeling of butterflies in my stomach. I finally decided on signing Alora's name on top of a dried blob of paint upon the card.
Next, I grasped a parchment envelope and inserted the card into it. I placed the marker to my side and looked up to a nearby wall which had a clock situated onto it. It was four pm, time to get ready then. I got up on my feet while placing Alora on my hip and walked upstairs to get ready.
I considered my reflection in the mirror to be certain about my outfit. I wore a floral blue dress that reached under my knees and covered my shoulders. I let my hair flow past my shoulders.
Maybe I should change, this dress was beautiful but I felt that I would be over dressed for this occasion. But maybe I should wear it, and feel confident in myself for once instead of caring about my insecurities.
Glimpsing myself one more time in the mirror, I spun around and walked to Alora's crib where she waited with her fingers stuck into her mouth. I leaned down and lifted Alora up onto my hip whilst placing a kiss of her cheek. "Let's go." I muttered to Alora imagining that she could understand me.
Alora played with my hair stands and mumbled 'Mama' repeatedly as I carried her down the stairs and into the living room where a small cake frosted in vanilla icing and candles stood upon it. The birthday card that Alora and I had both created sat behind the cake. I really hoped that Adrian would appreciate this.
What if he thought all of this was extra? Or that it didn't reach his expectations?
That would definitely make me feel horrible. I checked the time and it was five thirty pm. I thought about where he was anxiously. Maybe I had enough time to remove the birthday surprise without a trace if he decided to show up late. I bit my lip out of frustration.
Couldn't I ever think positively at all?
Was I just too negative to distinguish the difference between my negative and positive thoughts? I took a seat on the couch with Alora on my lap. I stared deeply into the flames of the candles positioned on the cake.
It had been sometime until I blinked my eyes when I heard jiggling sounding from the entrance and I knew it was Adrian.
I got up onto my feet as I heard the front door open and slam shut, followed by a round of rustling. "Da!" Alora yelled in delight when Adrian opened the door to the living room.
He was dressed in a black suit, white button up shirt underneath, black trousers, black neck tie and his hair was ruffled. This was how I saw him leave the house earlier but now he had confetti sticking through his hair. His eyes took in the scene of the preparations and I quivered.
Did he like it?
Alora tried to lean out of my grasp towards Adrian but failed and pouted. "Mama. Da!"
I gulped and hesitantly picked up the card upon the glass table and with very slow steps I approached Adrian. Alora squealed excitedly and immediately latched onto Adrian who picked her up from my hold willingly.
I watched as Adrian pecked Alora's cheeks and as she buried her head into his neck. I could tell that she loved him more than me. I waited awkwardly at his side until he laid his eyes upon me. I felt as if I were to fall when Adrian smiled. "This was what you were up to?" He asked amusingly, his blue eyes sparkling.
Giving him a small nod, I handed him the card and played with my fingers anxiously, my heart was beating loudly. Adrian used both of his hands whilst keeping Alora in hold to open the envelope of the card. Once he opened the envelope, he slid out the card out..
Goosebumps rose on my skin as his eyes darted back and forth, reading the card carefully. Adrian smiled when he neared the ending, and looked directly into my eyes. "Thanks, Violet." The two words made me blush till the tips of my ears and my face felt like it was burning.
Why did he have such an effect on me?
Observing me blush embarrassingly, Adrian let out a laugh. "I love the handprints. Was that my princess' work?" Adrian moved Alora from his neck and kissed her cheek. She giggled and patted his face with her palms in a fist. "Well I'm amazed!" Adrian praised and walked past me and took a seat at the couch that faced the cake.
"Time for cake!" Adrian said enthusiastically and I twirled around to follow his footsteps made towards the couch. Adrian clutched onto my hand delicately to pull me into the seat within the couch beside him. Alora sat in between us and was watching us both with glistening eyes while sticking her fingers into her mouth.
I placed my hand on hers and pulled her fingers out of her mouth, I didn't want her to suffer through with any bacteria.
"You look beautiful in that dress." I looked up when I heard him compliment my dress in a hushed tone. The light illuminated from the candles flickered on Adrian's face, marking his sharp jawline and shadowed eyes.
A smile automatically shaped my lips at his compliment. Adrian cupped my left cheek with his palm and stared at me. "I'm genuinely thankful for this, Violet." He sincerely stated and leaned down to plant a kiss on my lips. I would've usually resisted but I didn't feel the same way as I did before.
"You know why this will be my favorite birthday?" Adrian asked and I shook my head without the knowledge of his intention. Almost as if he knew I didn't know the answer, he answered. "It's cause I have my own family to celebrate it with. You, Alora and me." I never altered my eyes from his cause I was stuck reciting his sweet words.
Family. You, Alora and me.
As if she understood Alora clapped her hands with a huge grin on her face. 'Mama. Da." She chanted as she crawled into my lap and hugged my waist. "We better cut the cake now, I'm hungry." Adrian smiled softly and reached out a hand to place on my shoulder. I didn't flinch or push him away but instead I welcomed my feelings to control me for once instead of my mind.
My gaze was set on Adrian the entire time he cut the cake and blew the candles with me and Alora beside him. It might've been considered as a feeling of friendliness that I had for Adrian but it was much, much more than that.
Happy birthday Addie.
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