《Violet》«Chapter 17 - Love.»
Third person's POV
It was a hot Friday afternoon when the school bell rang, telling students and teachers that school was over. Students were eager to exit the school grounds and spend the afternoon outdoors. Everyone was looking forward for the weekend, except for Violet.
Violet waited outside her stepsister's class room cause her classes were finished earlier than Christy. On Tuesdays and Fridays, Violet usually leaned her back against the exact wall she was leaning against at that moment, staring into space.
Finally, when the bell sounded through the empty corridors, a flood of students and teachers emerged from within the classrooms seconds later. Violet never dared to look at the older students in Christy's class cause she feared they would confront her with the rumors Christy spread about her.
When Christy had exited her classroom with her best friend beside her, she caught sight of Violet and gagged in disgust. "The annoying brat is here as usual." Violet tried not to feel offended but she always did and it hurt her.
Christy was in a meter distance from Violet and she scowled. "Why don't you go home on your own? Adrian and I are gonna hang out today, and we don't need you interrupting it."
Violet looked up at her stepsister and shook her head. "I can't Christy, you know that." Violet never wanted to stay with her sister but she had to or otherwise she would have to go home on her own. Christy groaned and glared at Violet intently. "I wish that I could make you disappear forever." Christy seethed and then lunged at Violet and attempted to grasp her braids, but was stopped.
Adrian had caught hold of Christy's shoulder and shoved her back. "What was that? I was gonna teach her a lesson!" Christy shrieked with hatred written across her face as she kept her dark stare on Violet.
Violet shrugged her shoulders and stared back into her eyes without any emotion. Adrian on the other hand shook his head and stood between the two sisters.
"Christy, we agreed on not doing this at school." He said to Christy and continued chuckling awkwardly in the heated air. "Violet can join us. My parents wouldn't be too happy to know that we've abandoned her. I mean look at her, she's too... weak." Violet saw him chuckle at her and she almost laughed in disbelief.
He bullied Violet alongside Christy but when Christy was absent? He either ignored Violet or changed personality. Christy remained silent but her penetrating gaze upon Violet wasn't easing.
"Anyways, let's head out. I want to buy some ice cream." Adrian clapped his hand over Christy's left shoulder and pushed her forward with him, not concerning for Violet who slowly followed them both outside the school building and to an ice cream truck parked near the parking lot.
"Two large cones with strawberry ice cream and vanilla for him." Christy requested the ice cream man when it was her's and Adrian's turn to order. A queue of five people waited patiently behind them.
Violet kicked at the small rocks on the road and she wished she had the opportunity to purchase her own ice cream. When Adrian and Christy received their ice creams, they walked up to Violet who eyed the cones in their hands with jealousy, wishing that she had bought some money with her for the day to purchase the deliciousness.
Christy smirked with satisfaction on her face and licked the ice cream right at Violet's face. "Didn't get one for yourself?" Violet remained silent and peered at the ground knowing that Christy wanted to mock her and she wouldn't give her the pleasure of defeat.
Christy laughed sinisterly at Violet and pushed Violet back, making her loose her balance and fall on the hard concrete road. Violet's bag acted as a savior for protecting her back from the impact of the firm ground. "Christy what was that for?" Adrian hissed at Christy and looked down at Violet's position on the ground.
"What? Did I do something wrong?" Christy glared at Adrian and scowled, her face turning red of anger. Adrian's perplexed eyes wandered over to Christy's and he didn't say anything for few seconds. He wanted to stop Christy from tormenting Violet but he couldn't and he eventually frantically shook his head. "N-no. I didn't mean it in that way Christy." He paused and switched his eyes back to Violet. "We can't do this here, we might get caught."
Violet bit her tongue as she slowly stood up to her feet, tears brimming her eyes. How can they talk so freely about bullying her? And how they would find themselves in trouble if they did it in public? Christy rolled her eyes and licked her ice cream once more. "I don't care."
Christy was half way in completion of her ice cream when her eyes caught sight of something that interested her. "That's Taylor and Hailey! I have to talk to them." Christy eagerly marched over to the other side of the road at where a tree was situated.
Both her friends Taylor and Hailey were chatting underneath the cold shadow of the tree and waved at her as she greeted them. They were nice girls, except towards Violet. Christy had changed everyone's views on Violet for the worse.
Violet held her head down as she pushed herself upon the pavement and silently walked over to a bench located on the other side of the pavement that was far enough to hide her from the sight of Christy and Adrian.
Her skin burned under the the sun and for once, she hated the sun. Why was it always shining so bright in the sky on her darkest of days? She swiped her palm across her moist forehead.
She was thirsty but completed consuming her water bottle for the day. Violet sat down on the bench when she neared it and settled her bag to her side.
Soon later she felt a hand on her shoulder. Eyes widening, Violet spun around and braced herself in case of an attack by a stranger. But it was Adrian.
Adrian raised his eyebrows at her sudden movement. "You sitting here?" He asked Violet and she nodded as a reply. Violet watched him hand over the ice cream within his hand to her. "Take it." He softly said.
Adrian noticed the slight bit of jealousy lurking in her eyes when she eyed their ice creams and he couldn't help but feel sympathetic. He knew that he was doing the wrong thing by acting coldly towards her but his selfishness overtook his mind.
Violet frowned and shook her head in rejection. Adrian had just insulted her and now he was offering her his treat. What kind of a personality did he have? "You can have it. I don't feel like eating it anymore." He urged and watched as Violet closely observed the ice cream in his hand.
"Um, okay. Thanks." Violet awkwardly took the cone from his hand and clutched onto it in hers. Violet gave a grim smile to Adrian and without another glance at her, he walked away from her sight feeling guilty for everything. Violet licked the ice cream and felt the vanilla flavor burst throughout her mouth.
Violet laid on her stomach and leaned her head upon her palms that rested on the mat below. A smile graced her lips as she watched Alora drool all over her onesie.
Violet laughed when Alora pouted at the liquid that trailed down her face. The TV was presenting a kids show in the background. A beam of light had slipped through the window curtains and illuminated itself upon Alora's face.
A month of joy passed for Violet. She spent days with her bundle of cuteness. She also set up Alora's crib and all her necessities in her own room. Violet had felt as if she finally had a friend, a child that she could finally talk to.
Violet placed a kiss on Alora's cheek, earning a giggle from her. Violet couldn't help but think about how lucky she was to have Alora. She was her little angel.
"I love you." Violet whispered and Alora clapped her hands together eagerly and burst into a fit of laughter. Violet smiled and reached her arms out and began tickling a hysterically giggling baby.
A sound interrupted Violet from her laughter. She could hear keys jiggling within a keyhole before the front door opened with a squeak. Violet quickly got onto her knees and grabbed Alora and stood up with Alora perched on her hip. Alora stuck her fingers into her mouth and stared at Violet whilst giggling so much that her cheeks were a rosy red.
Adrian emerged from the entrance hall and into the living room with a tired appearance. His hair was wet along with his black t-shirt and red shorts, like he just hopped out of the shower.
Once Adrian caught sight of Violet and Alora, his frown broke out into a smile. They both looked beautiful together and Adrian felt a sense of pride. Alora was part of his family now.
Adrian was training for his photoshoot for the next month. He was told that the photoshoot would be crucial as he was to be printed upon many magazines. Adrian acknowledged this opportunity and wasted no more time in training to set his body back to the way it was.
Violet watched nervously as Adrian made his way up to her. She wasn't entirely comfortable around him but she trusted him better than before. "Hey Alora." Adrian cooed and leaned his head down until he was level with Violet's height. "Can I hold her?" Violet nodded and allowed Adrian to take ahold of Alora who started to clap her hands excitedly.
Adrian sat down on the couch with Alora in his arms and kissed her head tenderly, rocking her back and forth. "How's my princess? Hmm?" Adrian asked Alora who gazed at him with a perplexed expression, unable to understand and reply to him.
Violet sat beside Adrian and kept her eyes trained on him and Alora. It was a heartfelt moment cause she felt happy. A feeling she didn't frequently endure. It was clear that Adrian cared for this baby and loved her.
Alora's brown hair was curling around her scalp and her big brown eyes were glittering with excitement. Violet noticed Adrian suddenly wince and she slowly realized why. Alora tugged on a strand of Adrian's hair that had Adrian hissing in pain. "That hurts sweetheart."
Violet moved her hands to separate Alora's little fist from Adrian's hair. When Violet was done, she leaned back into the sofa while Alora glared at her. "Mama..." Alora tried to sound angry but she couldn't figure out how to cause she couldn't talk yet.
Violet laughed and poked Alora's nose softly, which turned red in anger. Adrian seemed to follow their connection and kissed Alora's cheeks again. "Don't get mad at your mama."
Violet felt warm sensation filtrate through her when she was called mama. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and decided to get up off the couch and make something to eat for herself and Adrian. Taking one more glance at Alora and Adrian, she quietly padded her way to the kitchen and began to collect the utensils. Violet decided to make lasagna.
Placing the chopping board on the kitchen counter, Violet placed red and green peppers and began to slice them to dice. After, she collected a pan and layered thin bread on its surface and then covered it with the peppers. She then searched the higher cabinets for a bag of chips and cause it was on the highest shelf of the cabinet, it was clear that Violet couldn't reach that height.
Ignoring the fact that she was too far out of reach to grab the chips, Violet stood upon her tip toes and attempted to extend her hands toward the bag of chips that seemed to tease her height. Struggling to get the bag, Violet sighed and turned around to search for a stool that could satisfy the height requirement needed. Violet's eyes widened when she caught sight of Adrian who was only inches away from her.
Adrian leant forward, trapping Violet between the counter and his body, his eyes never leaving her startled appearance. Violet on the other hand held her breath as she felt a blush creeping up her neck.
Adrian raised his right hand above her head and with ease, grabbed the bag from the shelf and stepped back. Adrian handed Violet the bag of chips and she slowly took it from him, giving him a curt nod.
Adrian walked away from Violet and leaned on a nearby cabinet to Violet's surprise. "Go on, I'll stay here until the food is done." Violet swallowed nervously and turned away from him so that she was facing the pan she left uncompleted. "Alora fell asleep so I put her in her crib." She heard Adrian say while she ripped open the bag of chips and sprinkled them upon the peppers.
Violet needed cheese next which was in the fridge. Violet turned to her left and crossed past Adrian, who leaned next to the fridge.
Opening the door, Violet swiftly grasped the shredded cheese and closed the door. Once she got back to the counter, Violet grabbed a handful of cheese and spread a layer of it on the chips, then repeated it again.
Violet placed the pan upon a rack in the oven and set the oven to a suitable heat for a lasagna. Violet shut the door of the oven and watched as a yellow light brightened the oven so that it was possible to see the lasagna.
All she had to do was wait but it would be hard with Adrian around.
The kitchen had an awkward silence apart from the oven's sound. Violet tried to avoid meeting eyes with Adrian and began to roll up her sleeves in order to clean the dishes that were withheld in the sink.
Half way through cleaning the dishes, she heard Adrian speak. "Can I help?" Violet twisted her head to her left and noticed that Adrian opened a cabinet that stored the plates in.
Violet looked back to the dishes and nodded, carefully handing him the plates that were scrubbed clean. Adrian placed them in the cabinet and this process dragged on until they were finished.
The lasagna was completed by then and Violet stuffed the gloves on her hands before pulling out the hot pan from the oven. Adrian rushed by her side and helped her with cutting the lasagna into pieces and asserting them into two plates.
Violet thought that Adrian would eat the lasagna in his room but instead he occupied a seat near the dining table and dug into the food. "Take a seat." Adrian said and patted the seat next to him when Violet uncomfortably looked at him. Violet clutched onto her plate and utensils while she walked over to the table and made herself settled in the seat.
They both ate in silence, the sounds of their clinking forks and knives against the plates. Suddenly Adrian broke the thick silence. "Violet, can I ask you something?" Violet turned her head to face his and nodded.
"You know my photoshoot is next month right?" Violet nodded again but this time with curiosity. Adrian set down his utensils on his empty plate and cast an eager look at Violet. "D-do you mind accompanying me there?" Violet frowned feeling confused.
Why did she need to be there?
And why her?
She was about to refuse the offer but stopped when she caught a glimpse of his wide eyes. They were such a rich shade of blue and beamed at Violet pleadingly. Adrian reminded her of his youthful self, when he was a child in the pictures of the album that Mrs Hayes showed her.
Violet bit her lip and stood up from the table with her and Adrian's empty plates and placed it in the sink. "What's your answer?" Adrian asked when she returned to the edge of the table while he also stood up from his seat.
Adrian's cheeks had a tinge of pink on them. He was nervous to ask her about accompanying him to his photo shoot. Violet pushed a stubborn strand of hair behind her ears gently and held eye contact with Adrian. She nodded with a small smile spreading on her lips.
Adrian stepped closer to her until she was inches away. "Thanks, Violet." He engulfed a frozen Violet into a warm hug. Violet didn't expect the hug and stood still in his arms while the lime scent the radiated off of him.
At that point Adrian released Violet from his hug and grinned at her lost face. She appeared cute with gaping eyes and rosy lips that opened a little. Adrian cupped her cheeks in his hands delicately, whilst his mind surrendered in defeat against his heart.
He knew he had to keep his boundaries with Violet but he couldn't keep to himself anymore. His heart fluttered at the thought of Violet. He cared about her.
Violet felt Adrian's hot breath fanning her lips and she couldn't move. This wasn't the first time she had been kissed by him. But even so, she felt like it was the first time to be kissed by him.
Impulsively, Adrian descended his lips onto hers and kissed her. He felt Violet stiffen and shiver with shock resulted from the sudden action of his. It was when Adrian realized something special but scary.
He had strong feelings for Violet all along but didn't comprehend it thoroughly. It wasn't a friendship type of feeling but much more.
He loved her.
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