《17》4. Theories & Tests


"And that's how I got the job."


"I know."

During my break, I've just told Rami everything that happened. From the moment I first saw 17 and the time earlier when he said he did not like my M&Ms. Rami seems to be genuinely interested in the werewolf. He asked a lot of questions and he was just full of curiosity. I loved it. "So yesterday, he looked for you and sniffed you, you say?" I nodded. "And he was protective over you. Like today, he was angry that he smelled another person's scent on you. He's attached to you. I have a theory."

I took a sip of my coffee. "Do share, Rami Nazari."

"What if you're his mate."

"His what?"

"Mate." He repeated slowly. "You know, like soul mates." I snorted. Someone has been reading way too many romantic stories. "No, really. I've done my research about Lycanthropy. My dad would also share stories about werewolves to me and my siblings when we were little. It's like stories passed on from generation to generation, you know. But yeah. Werewolves have mates. Soul mates. They are really protective of them. It's their other half. It's like a special bond between a wolf and their mate. I don't think they choose exactly who they want, it's more like they just know it. Like, they get a special feeling, or something like that."

I bit my lip and considered the idea. "Nope. Can't. Not possible."

"It's just a theory." He shrugs. "Also, I think it's pretty interesting that you guys have the same exact tattoo. Like, wow if that isn't a perfect match, I don't know what is."

"A coincidence."

"Maybe. Maybe not."


When I got back to the basement after break, I found 17 already watching the entrance. His eyes lit up as we made eye contact. In my head, it's kind of like me walking in the room and a puppy wagging his tail happily. Doctor Rai is holding a clipboard and a few measuring devices are sprawled out on the desk.

"Hello Drew." He showed me what was on his clipboard. An incomplete data regarding 17's body information. "We've done this last year but we need to check again to see how much had changed over time. We will be doing some physical tests." He then looked at 17. "I am going to unchain you but you have to behave, okay?" 17 didn't reply to him. He just glanced at me. I gave him a nod, then Rai unlocked the chains.


17 stretched his arms and legs and rubbed his wrist. Now that he is standing straight and I could see him properly, with actual light, no chain or cage, I was able to get a good look at his figure. I'd say he's about 6'4. My face is literally the same level as his chest. I heard a cough from Doctor Rai, causing me to blush madly with embarrassment. I made the mistake of looking at 17 and frowned at his smug smile. I was obviously just caught checking out the werewolf and I'd like to disappear now.

First, we measured his height and I was on point. He is exactly 6 feet and 4 inches tall. I know because he's around the same height as Jared Padalecki, who I met when I met to a supernatural convention that Eva and I attended. Then, his weight. Let's just say he's pretty damn heavy because he is full of muscles. We also checked how well he stretches, so he had to do the stretches that I had to do when I was back in high school during the fitness test. I passed that test, then I haven't been fit ever since. "Alright, pretty good." Rai commented. "Now if you please, have a seat here." He pointed at the spinning chair.

17 didn't budge until I pushed him towards it. "Come on, puppy." I said, leading him to the chair. Rai gave me a sphygmomanometer, which measures blood pressure. I wrapped the cuff around his wrist and pressed the button, allowing the monitor to do its job. As a result, his blood pressure is pretty damn high. Next, we had to check his heart rate using a biosync finger pulse oximeter.

"I need you to relax, 17." Rai reminded as I put the small device on his index finger.

While waiting, I sat across 17 and bit my lips to hide my laughter. He genuinely look so puzzled and irritated about what was being done to him. His eyes met mine and once again, he glanced at my lips and licked his. I looked away and snatched the heart rate monitor from his finger.

"Whoa there. Your heart rate's pretty fast, buddy." I gaped at the numbers. I showed it to Doctor Rai. "Is that good? I mean, maybe it's normal for werewolves. But for humans, that's not really normal. I don't think."


"Hmm. You're right." He frowned. "I'll have to look more into this, but I'm sure it's no problem since he's pretty healthy to me." He then gave me a thermometer. "Now, check his temperature please." I nodded and rushed back to 17's side.

I grinned widely. "Say ahhhh."


"Ahhhhhh." He didn't do it so I had to force his mouth open using my hand. This time, I didn't bother hiding my laughter at how ridiculous he looked. "Oh, you are adorable, Jacob." He growled at the name.

"Jacob?" Rai raised a brow.


After a couple of minutes, the thermometer beeped and once again, the numbers had me going crazy. These results aren't normal. My eyes went from the number on the thermometer to 17's face. Without thinking, my hand touched his forehead, then his cheeks, then arms and chest. It definitely matched the temperature on the thermometer. He is very hot. Literally. This entire time I had a hand on him, my face is red as a tomato and the werewolf is quite amused.

"Don't look so smug dude. I've seen better." He growls yet again.

We took a few more tests after that. With his DNA, body fluid and stuff. There were some some that I couldn't help with, because it's a bit personal and private, so Doctor Rai decided to call it a day. Doctor Tarver joined us to feed 17, and frankly, I was very disgusted. His food resembled what students are given on school cafeterias. They are food, but they don't look like it, and it was not good.

"Why don't you give him better food?" I asked, cringing at the plate full of vomit looking meal. "That is disgusting."

Tarver rolled his eyes. "Yeah we don't have the money for that, girl."

I let out a humorless laugh. "Wow. So you waste money on making stupid things and you can't even feed people? Bullshit." Sounds an awful lot like the typical American government. Money is wasted on unnecessary things but not the ones that are required to live, like food and shelter. Where do our money go? Military shit.

"This is a mutt, if you've forgotten. A beast."

I shook my head and took the puke plate from Tarver. "He doesn't want to eat shit." I sneaked a few chocolate chip cookies form the cafeteria during my break, so I can eat it when I don't have anything else to do and no one is looking, but 17 needs it more than me. "Here." I took the cookies out of my bag and fed it to him, since he is back to being chained up on Tarver's request. "You deserve better." I whispered, running a hand through his dark hair. My fingers wandered down his jawline and I felt him lean towards it.

A loud phone call caused me to jump away from the werewolf. Tarver glanced at his phone screen and walked out of the room immediately.

"It's getting late." Doctor Rai points to the clock. "You better go, Drew. Thank you so much for your help. We really appreciate it." I smiled at him, then at 17, who had a frown on his face.

"What's wrong, Jacob?"

He gave me another glare, though it was directed at the ground. "Don't go." He says very quietly.

My heart did that thing again. That weird crazy thing it does whenever I'm with this boy. What are you doing to me???

"I'll be back tomorrow. I promise."

17 let out the quietest whine and I didn't know whether to say 'aw' or just laugh. What a damn puppy. This is only my third day and my life is already getting weird all thanks to this werewolf.

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