《Keiko Mochizuki | S. Kusuo》024 HER STYLE


╭───── (🛍️)

they wanted to bring her clothes shopping to test outfits on her and themselves, she didn't know these two would be so interested in shopping for something like clothes.

The three stood in the suit section and something had caught Nendou's eye "Oh, this is really cool. I'm going to try it on." he then proceeded to remove his shirt and attempted to put a graphic jumper on.

Keiko's eyes widened "Nendou, you can't change right here, go into the changing rooms!" she ushered him.

Kaidou who seemed distracted with a shirt turned around and noticed the messy hair of pink "It's Saiki!" he shouted, the three turned around as they saw the boy blankly looking at them.

Keiko's cheeks went red as she gave a small wave will Nendou loudly shouted over to Saiki "Hey, pal!"

"You're just in time, Saiki! I was just choosing between two outfits!" Kaidou waved towards him "Can you tell me which looks better? This idiot has absolutely no fashion sense." he jabbed towards Nendou's stupid jumper.

"What do you mean?" Nendou asked defensively.


Kaidou had swung the curtains open presenting his outfit, it was a long blue trench coat with a white turtleneck underneath "This is the first outfit!" he closed the curtain again and not a second later it was opened "This is the second outfit!" he said, wearing the exact same thing.

Keiko smiled for joy placing her hands together "It's lovely Kaidou, but... I'm not sure what's so different about the second one to the first one." she said.

Kaidou gave her a shocked look "You couldn't tell what was different?" he asked "This time I shimmered!"

"Hey, pal. Take a look at mine, too." Nendou then interrupted Kaidou presenting his amazing outfits "As you can see, this moron has no fashion sense." he laughed pointing at the small blue haired boy.



Nendou then went behind the curtain and a few minutes later opened it again to reveal him in a large tiger jumper "This is the first one." his second outfit was a shirt but was printed to look like he was wearing bra as if it were some sort of illusion "This is the other one."

"They both suck." Kaidou said.

"What did you say?" Nendou then jumped to Keiko "Greeny, they were great right?" he asked.

Keiko shuffled her feet "I did prefer Kaidous..."

"At least Keiko isn't blind. Unlike you! You know what let's have a fashion fight! Saiki can be the judge!" Kaidou pointed to Saiki who stood there silently.

The two picked their outfits and went behind the curtains, Keiko then turned to Saiki "I think I'm going to look for something for myself." she told him, he gave her a curt nod and a small unnoticeable smile before she turned away going to the woman's section that was until she bumped into Teruhashi.

"Oh, Mochizuki?" she asked, she then saw Saiki standing behind her which made her cheeks go red "Saiki?" she asked in a much more sweeter tone.

"Oh, hi Teruhashi." Keiko said casually.

Both boys from behind the curtains popped their heads through with red cheeks when they heard the voice of the blue haired beauty "Teruhashi!" Kaidou shouted, he opened the curtain revealing his very unique outfit, Nendou did the same, both their outfits were horrible.

"Did you come here to buy clothes, too?" Nendou asked her.

"Nendou, this is a clothing shop." Keiko said, picking up a skirt and looking at it.

"Yes, I was in the neighborhood." Teruhashi replied with a smile "Did you all come here to buy clothes, too?" she asked.


Keiko rolled her eyes 'Once again, this is a clothing shop'

Nendou then suggested that Teruhashi tried out the clothes both the boys picked out, they also wanted Saiki involved but he said nothing. The two boy both have seemed to forget that poor Keiko was still here and was now looking at clothes by herself.

She wasn't exactly angry but she was a little upset that the both of them wanted her to tag along and now she's just being left out while they smother around Teruhashi.

Saiki obviously noticed her looking down, so as good friend he is, he used his powers to find an outfit that would be the perfect style for Keiko, he she liked skirts but they have to be a certain length because he she prefers not to show off her thighs. He also that she suits floral patterns. He also knows that she looks beautiful wearing anything, she always manages to make things look good. What Saiki doesn't know is that he knows a lot about what Keiko likes and what makes her happy.

He glances over to her as she boredely looks, he can see her long eye lashes flutter every time she blankly looks at the clothing, he can see the way her cherry lips suck in together every time she is lost in thought, he's memorized every freckles on her cheeks and on her cute little nose. He doesn't realize how much he's staring at her that the voices around him have blanked out into nothing, he can only read her thoughts. He glanced away and scanned the shop I know what she would want.

Keiko was looking around sections until she saw a certain outfit glowing towards her, her eyes widened in delight as she walked over to it, she had finally found something that had caught her eyes. She picked up the hanger to get a good look at the outfit.

She loved it! It wasn't too revealing, it was perfect for her. It was just her luck to find something that could match her style so well, but the problem is, how much was it? Keiko glanced at the price tag and saw it was only 1,500 yen, that was so cheap for an outfit like this! It seemed good luck was on her side today.

What she didn't notice was the strawberry haired boy glancing her to her proudly, he saw her inspecting the outfit he had picked out for her, what else she didn't know was that he had placed 1,500 yen in her pocket since she forget her purse at home.

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