《Keiko Mochizuki | S. Kusuo》023 KURIKO


╭───── (🌸)

had made it to a girls only sweet buffet, there was a big cue, Chisato and Keiko made it there together however, Chisato thought some random light pink haired girl was either Teruhashi or Yumehara, she slapped her hand on the poor girls shoulder "Sorry, we're late! I didn't have money for the train fare! Keiko wanted to pay but I couldn't let her so we ran." that's when she realised she had approached a stranger who had no resemblance to either one of the girls.

"Chisato, leave the poor girl alone. We don't know her." Keiko said.

"Sorry! I thought you were someone else."

"Chisato, Keiko, over here!" the three girls turned to see Teruhashi and Yumehara approaching them "I'm sorry about her."

"Oh, that's our uniform." Teruhashi noticed.

Keiko looked at the pink haired girl and smiled softly "Are you a new student, I don't think I've seen you around before. Why don't you sit with us in the cafe?" she asked brightly, the girl, who Saiki was disguised as just couldn't say no to Keiko.


Keiko noticed the girl looked amazed by all the sweet treats that were set out on the tables, Keiko linked her arm with the girls "You know... you remind me of my friend Saiki, he always pulls that face when he sees sweets." she giggled.

Saiki's cheeks went pink and she looked away, Keiko seemed to notice this and thought the girl might be overwhelmed and embarrassed, so she let go of her arm "You okay? I hope I'm not overwhelming you."

The five girls sat at a table together, Yumehara, Teruhashu and Chisato sitting at one side while Keiko and the pink haired girl sat opposite them.

"I'm Yumehara. I'm a second year." Yumehara introduced herself, she then pointed at Chisato who was violently eating everything that was in sight "And this is Chisato."


"And I'm Teruhashi." the blue haired girl kindly said.

Keiko then introduced herself last "I'm Mochizuki, nice to meet you."

"What's your name?" Yumehara asked brightly at the unnamed girl who was quiet most of the time.

The girl didn't say anything at first until she said a simple

"What, Kumiko?" Yumehara misheard, Kuriko repeated her name but Yumehara misheard her again and asked "Kusuo?"

"She said Kuriko." Keiko corrected "Actually it sounds quite similar to my name, I've just realised."

"Oh, Kuriko! Nice to meet you!" Kuriko then took a bit out of her cake and Keiko noticed how much this girl resembled Saiki a bit too much, were they relatives? Cousins perhaps?

Teruhashi and Yumehara seemed to notice as well and giggled about it, Yumehara then spoke up "Oh, sorry. The way you were enjoying your food looked exactly like this boy we know called Saiki."

"I hope we didn't offend you." Teruhashi added.

"But don't worry, he's a really cool guy. Cool enough that this pretty girl here fell for him-" Yumehara started, Keiko felt her stomach drop slightly, she completely forgot about Teruhashi's crush on Saiki, but why did it bother her so much. She looked up and watched as Teruhashi slapped a hand over Yumehara's mouth to quieten her down but she seemed to of made a bigger scene.

Yumehara then looked over at the strawberry haired girl "Is there someone that you like?" Saiki froze on the spot, he let out a massive gulp and turned ever so slightly to stare at the green haired charm who was paying not attention to the conversation.

However, Yumehara and Teruhashi seemed to have noticed the look she gave to Keiko, they drew the pieces together "No way! There must be someone! I mean they could be right in front of you." Yumehara motioned her head to Keiko.


"Let it go, Chiyo." Teruhashi said smiling at her friend.

"I mean, who doesn't have someone they like?" Yumehara asked "That's a lot like Saiki too."

"That's not true. There are a lot of people like that." Teruhashi replied.

Yumehara's eyes brightened "Then what about you, Kokomi? Any progress?" she asked.

Teruhashi blushed and looked away "Well, we did spend Christmas together." Keiko then felt her stomach turn, she pushed her cake away, she was no longer hungry.

"Hey! Why am I only hearing this now? Were you alone? Did you do it? Did you tell him?" Yumehara frantically asked, a bit of drool was even falling from her mouth.

"No, we were with everyone!"

"Oh, just a Christmas party." Yumehara's mood suddenly dropped.

"I ran into Nendou and Kaidou on the street and we went to Saiki's house for cake." Teruhashi said.

"What? Kaidou was with you? Why didn't you call me?" Teruhashi tried apologizing but Yumehara made her do a punishment which was to use Kuriko as Saiki to confess her feelings for him for practice.

"Kuriko..." Teruhashi started "Saiki... You know... There's something I need to tell you, Saiki..." for some reason if this ever did happen Keiko really hoped Saiki would reject her feelings, she knew it was such a selfish thought but she couldn't help it "I..."

Kuriko slapped a hand over her mouth when she realised what she just said, she saw the colour that left Teruhashi's face and the shock on Yumehara's. She looked down at Keiko who stared at her in shell-shock.

"W-What did you just say?" Teruhashi asked, she really hoped she misheard her. Wait, maybe this well get her to leave me alone, If she thinks that I like Mochizuki.

"I have to pee!" Keiko suddenly shouted, she slammed her hands on the table as she stood and shot like a bullet to the toilets to hid her red face.

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