《Always Him.》𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 5


After about a hundred fucking pictures, Piper left my side. I look through the crowded space for Sophia, she was nowhere to be seen. She wouldn't leave, right?

I look down the hall and there she was, between the wall and a familiar-looking blonde.

Fucking Trey Morgan.

"Please don't hurt me, you've done that enough," she mumbles and my heart breaks.

"Alright, Morgan take a fucking step back." His ugly ass face turns towards me and he quickly pushes off her.

"Axton." He extends his hand but I just look at it, I rather die than shake hands with this ass.

"Sophia are you okay?" I ask, looking back at her.

The problem was there wasn't any Sophia.

"You stay the fuck away from her," I mumble to him before walking away to find her.

"There he is!" My father grabs me pulling me towards the staircase.

"I really gotta-" I try speaking but fail. Dumbass.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I just wanna say thank you for coming tonight. This was supposed to be just a normal party on a normal Friday night. However that is not the case, it is a very special night and a very special party. "

I don't listen to shit he's saying. My eyes scan the crowd of people below us as I search for Sophia. Finally, I catch a glimpse of her, standing next to Amyra, most importantly away from Trey.

"It is with my greatest pleasure to announce the engagement of my son Axton and the lovely Ms. Piper Fallon. " Everyone starts clapping as my dad hands me the microphone. The next words to leave my mouth will be followed with vomit.

"Good evening everyone. Thank you for being here. I have been waiting for many years to propose to Piper. She stole my heart a few years ago. But recently I realized life is very short so I proposed a few weeks ago." I fake a smile. I look at Sophia and she's smiling at me. Maybe she doesn't have feelings for me. Or maybe she's pretending. This is so fucking confusing.


I look at my father and he gives me that look, the look you get when you forget something. I didn't forget, I'm purposely avoiding it. But he isn't gonna let it go.

"So, will my future wife join me up here?" I give my and I quote after my dad 'Signature smirk'

Piper walks up the stairs and wraps her fingers around my arm.

"Thank you so much for coming everyone," she speaks smiling. I look towards the only people that matter to me and they all look, angry, except for Sophia she tries to keep it calm.

We end our speech and as usual, my dad introduces me to people.

I listen to every word that comes out of his mouth. His smile seems genuine. Maybe all these years I was in love with him, thinking he felt at least some familiar way. But maybe he didn't. He said he waited years to propose to Piper. He seems happy.

"Sophia, what is that bloody son of a bitch doing here?" Myra speaks through gritted teeth as she points in Trey's direction.

"I don't know but he's up to his old tricks again and I don't want to have anything to do with him." I sigh as she runs her hand over my back.

"I know, he's a disgrace to the blonde community," she mumbles and I chuckle.

"What's a good party without dancing? Join us on the floor for a dance." Eleanor speaks sweetly into the microphone.

Give me love by Ed Sheeren plays loud enough in the background as couples find their way to the dance floor.

"Amyra, may I have this dance?" Liam Kavinsky confidently asks my best friend. He's a doctor and a model, I think he works together with Jace.

"Sure." she smiles giving me a smile and walking away.


I look to the dance floor and see Piper dancing with Axton. His hand on her waist, her hands on his shoulders.

Well, this is it. From here on out I have to watch the person I love, love someone else.

"I don't like them either," Jace mumbles next to me. I chuckle.

"Dance with me?" I nod as we walk to the floor.

"Think he's actually happy?" I murmur.

"Bullshit. He's not and you know it." He replies causing me to chuckle.

"I think he is."


"Drop it, Jace."

"Fine but you have to tell me why the hell that asshole is here." He looks in the direction of Trey, who is dancing with some girl that's way too pretty for him.

"I didn't invite him, I'm pretty sure he got invited by the Fallons."

"So much for a perfect guest list." I chuckle as he twirls me, switching partners so I'm now dancing with Axton.

"Hi, pretty boy," I mumble as his hands slip around my waist. I feel Piper's glare on me.

"What did you mean when you said Trey has hurt you enough?" he asks and my heart starts beating faster.

"He was a jerk during the relationship and hurt me mentally. You know this Axton." I sigh, but his eyes showed he didn't believe me.

"Mentally and not physically right?" He stresses on the not.


"But you said the break-up was mutual-"

"Just drop it!" He twirls me and I start dancing with Jace again.

"What's up with you?" I glare at him, he got the message and eventually shut up.


Hours later the hall is almost empty with just a few people here.

The party was okay, I guess.

I wish Trey didn't show up and I really wish I never see his face again.

"Soph, need a ride home?" Myra walks up to me.

"I'll drop her home, Myra. Thanks for coming." Axton hugs her and she gives me the 'are you sure?' look. I simply nod.

"Come on let's go." I follow him to the garage and we quickly get into his car.

"Where's your wife?" I unexpectedly blurt out.

He laughs. Oh, cause I made such a funny joke.

"She's my fiance and she left with her parents."

"Fiance, wife, same shit." I mumble.

"Thanks for planning the party and thanks for coming."

"Axton McKay just used thanks in a sentence twice. Directed to me. Must be my lucking night." I say as I watch the city blur past us as we drive towards my apartment.

He chuckles.

"And a chuckle too. I've got luck." I laugh.

"Well, we're here."

I look up at the tall lit-up building. I'm exhausted. I sigh.

"Alright, come on." he gets out the car and comes over to my side.

"What are you-" he lifts me up, bridal style.


He walks towards the lobby and I beg him to put me down because I needed to speak to the lady at the front desk.

After talking to her about my incoming packages, I walk towards the stairs, with Axton holding my hand because I'll apparently fall.

My freaking feet hurt!

"My feet hurt," I mutter. Once again I'm taken up bridal style. Then I feel his fingers unstrapping the heels on my feet. I

"Oh my God, that's so much better!"

He hums in response as we reach my door.

"I can get in it's fine. Thank you." I smile at him.

"No problem, lunch tomorrow?" he asks me.

"Don't be late McKay."

" I won't. Goodnight."

"Night." I smile closing the door.

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