《The Heart Wants What It Wants ✔️》Ch. 3


I woke up on the cold hard floor. My face was stained with dry tears and my head was pounding. I stripped off my dirty clothes and got in the shower. I took a nice hot shower. I felt so numb that I didn't notice my skin was turning pink from the heat.

After my shower, I threw on some skinny jeans and a grey hoodie. I grabbed my bag and rushed to the bus stop. I would take my motorcycle but it's at the repair shop. As I got into the bus, I noticed some people staring at me. They started to mutter about me, thinking that I couldn't hear them because of my headphones. I could hear them. Loud and clear.

"I heard that she has a crush on Jaxon"

"Haha she actually thinks she has a chance"

"She's too plain for him"

"Ew. Jaxon would never go for a girl like her"

"It's understandable. Every girl likes Jaxon"

And so on.

I sighed and turned up to the volume in attempt to drown out their conversations. I dreaded every second that passed by as we made our way in front of the school. I felt something heavy weighing down in my gut. It was nervousness. As I walked down the bus, eyes are on me. I kept my head down and made my way to my locker.

No one ever knew my secrets. I knew everyone's, but no one knew mine until today. I don't even know why it's such a big deal. A lot of girls have a crush on Jaxon, yet they don't get this much attention.

I decided to ignore and block out all conversations today. I grabbed my books.amd sat on my seat by the window. As I open my notebook, a loud group of people make their way in the classroom. He was here...


I kept my head down and focused on my drawing. I'm not an artist, I just like to doodle. I like to do calligraphy and I like using water color. These don't mean that I'm actually good at it. I was currently doodling a piano.

"Hey Harley" Jaxon smirks at me

I pretend not to hear him and continue with my drawing. He tries more and more to catch my attention, but I don’t give in. He growls in frustration and walks away with his friends. I felt someone still looming over me. Out of curiosity, I glance up to see Kaden, Jaxon's other best friend. He stares intently at me without saying a word. I shake my head and go back to my drawings.

"I'm sorry about him. He can be a jerk most of the time" I jump in surprise. My eyes widen at him. He's talking to me???

What's the big deal about that? You may ask. Well he doesn't talk much. He's the silent one in the group. The only people he talks to are Jaxon and Reece. He doesn't talk to them in public though. He talks to them in private. Some people think he's mute. Most people know he talks but has never actually heard him talk. If you do, you must be special...or pissed him off. I have heard him talk before. His voice is extremely deep and husky. It's really hot, just saying. I heard by accident because he was on the phone outside. I just so happened to be passing by and heard him talking.

My mind goes back to reality, and I smile lightly at him. That was the only response I could give. He walks away, and I go back to my drawing.




I enter my next class and noticed that people weren't sitting by their friends in this class. I looked over at the person near the door and asked


"What's going on?"

"The new teacher gave us assigned seats. The seating arrangement is up in front." She says in reply

I turned to the front, and true to her words, there was a seating arrangement plan with the words "SIT IN YOUR ASSIGNED SEATS" written above it. I sighed in annoyance and checked where my seat was. It was at the left back hand corner. I was right behind the window. I noticed the new guy seated next to me.

I've heard rumors that there were some new students coming in. There was one boy and one girl. There's also a new teacher. The teacher and the boy are related, so I'm assuming this is Lennon Jeremy.

I take my seat, and open my notebook. As I drew, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked next to me to see Lennon sheepishly smiling at me. I take off my earphones and smile at him.


"Hi! I'm Lennon." He says with a smile. I raise my eyebrow at his happiness on a school day.

"I'm Harley" I say with a small smile.

"Nice to meet you!" He says

"You're awfully excited to be at a new school." I say in amusement

"My old was a shitty one. I'm hoping here is better" He says nonchalantly


"Yeah." He nods

"Wherever you go there will always be bullies. You can never escape them." I tell him with a sad smile. He looks at me with the same look.

"Yeah...I know. I'm just hoping for a new and better life" He says

I nod at him before turning back to my notebook. I can feel him looking over my shoulder, so I turn back to him.

"Yes?" I say

"You're really good." He smiles widely at me. All traces of our previous conversation have left.

"Eh I'm not that good." I shrug my shoulders

"So...you're the new teacher's brother?" I say trying to get a conversation going

"Yup!! He's always been a great teacher ever since we were young. He loves teaching." Lennon spoke proudly of his brother

"Do you know why we're in a certain arrangement?" I ask him

"Because if we’re far from our friends then we won't talk much. My brother gets headaches if things get too loud" He answers

"Have you made any friends here yet?" I ask him

"No" He scratches the back of his neck and looks down sheepishly

"Ouch. What am I then? A potato?" I say in mock offense. I drop the act and let out a slight laugh

"Oh wait. I am"

"Heyyy you're not a potato. You're a hot french fry" He winks

"Oh great. Something with more fat" I laugh

"Dammit! What do you want from me?!" He says

"Your love" I wink at him

"Dammit. You're good..."

We both share a laugh and continue to talk and talk. We agreed to meet up later for lunch which made me incredibly happy. I usually had no one to sit with.

I guess it's true when they say after every bad moment comes a good one. I woke up sad, depressed and broke hearted. Now I'm incredibly happy that I have a friend.

'That's until he finds other friends.'

Oh yeah...

Well, I guess I better enjoy this while it lasts.

It's only a matter of time that he finds someone better and leaves me. Just like all my other friends.


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