《The Heart Wants What It Wants ✔️》Ch. 1


It's strange how the heart works. How does someone have a "type". Why do you like the guy with the blue eyes? Why do you like the girls with the blonde hair? What makes them so special that they stand out from the rest? Why does your heart beat faster for one specific person?

Love is strange. It is very strange. I don't know why I started liking the guy with dark brown hair that was almost black. The guy with green eyes and an amazing smile. The guy with a great body. The guy who owns a casino. The guy who plays girls hearts. The guy who used me. The guy who is known as the "bad boy". The guy that I was staring at right now. The guy named Jaxon Parker.

I shook my head to stop thinking about him. I reluctantly looked away from him. If I could, I would stare at him for hours. I look back at my notebook and begin doodling at the last page. I do this while listening to the talk of the people. I have this talent where I can tune in to any conversation in a crowd full of people talking.

For example, the group of jocks are talking about how they would bang that artist girl in the corner who, even though has her head in the clouds, was pretty fuckin hot. Their words not mine. The group of girls over there are talking about how much they actually hate their one friend.

These are just two conversation topics among the many people and groups in this classroom. It's quite easy really. You kinda just focus on their voices and suddenly the rest of the conversations strat fading away. It's like focusing on a picture. You focus on something and the rest blurs out.


Now with my "special talent", I tend to hear a lot of gossip. Lots of juicy secrets that are spilled. "Everyone's secrets?" You might be asking. Yup! I don't belong to a certain group of friends. I have friends, but I'm not that close with any of them. Since I'm usually alone and quiet, no one notices me. Or they do but they think I'm not listening. Sometimes I walk around school with earphones in my ears, but I'm really not listening to any music. It's just so that people can keep talking because they think I'm not listening.

Anyway, I've explained enough. That's my special talent and only a few people know about it. I've only told 2 people. They used to be my best friends, but we faded apart. Those 2 friends of mine ended up being friends with Jaxon. They spilled the secret to him, so he ended up finding out.

Now back to the present. I've been talking for too long.

I was so focused listening to the soccer player telling his best friend that he has a huge crush on the nerd, that I didn't hear the footsteps nearing me. I was snapped back into reality when a hand placed itself ontop of mine. My eyes snapped up and widened.

Jaxon stood in front of me with all his glory. He sat down in front of me and smiled the smile he always showed me. He wanted something from me agian. He's gonna use me, yet I can't stop my heart from fluttering in my chest.

"Hey, Harley" He said. I smile lightly in response. I didn't trust myself to talk right now. I was internally fangirling.

"How have you been? I'm really sorry that we don't talk a lot. My friends love to keep me for themselves." He rolls his eyes, but still has a smile.


"Anyway, I wanna make it up to you. Let's hang out later after school." His eyes suddenly widen soon after he said this.

"Only if you want to! Or if you're not busy. Shit. Sorry I didn't ask. Let me rephrase that. If you're not busy later and if you want to, do you want to hang out later?" He asks again

I'd say yes to him any day. If only this guy knew that.

"Sure. I'm not busy." I say with a smile

"Great! I'll see you later then?" He asks

"Yeah" I nod at him. He smiles and walks back to his friends. I couldn't control the huge smile that made it's way on my face. He was right. We haven't talked in soo long. I missed hearing him talking to me. I missed hanging out with him.

I look back at my notebook and continue drawing with my huge smile on my face. I hear my name amongst the conversations and tune in to listen to it. It was Jaxon and his friends.

"Why were you talking to her?" One of his friends asks

"Why do you need to know?" Jaxon replies

"I just didn't think you'd go for a girl like her" the guy laughs

"What's wrong with her?" Reece, one of Jaxon's best friends, ask

"She's a weirdo" The guy says with another laugh. Wow. Just because I don't have much friends, I'm immediately a weirdo.

"I'd never go for a girl like her. She's NOT my type"

I wish I could say that it wasn't Jaxon, but I could never forget his voice. His words peirced my heart and that's when I finally got it through my stubborn and thick heart.

Jaxon Parker is nothing but a player, a faker, a bad boy with looks. He will continue to use me to get dirty information on people who has crossed him. I'm just his resource material.

It hurt. A lot. But you know what hurts more? The fact that I still want him to give me a chance. I still want him. No matter how hard I try, my heart does not want to give up.

I need some serious help.


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