《The Heart Wants What It Wants ✔️》Prologue


There's always that one guy who has every girl falling for him. Just a glance and suddenly you're in love. In most of these kinds of stories the girl would say "except me". Unfortunately that's not the case. I'm one of the girls who have fallen for this heartthrob.

Most people fall for his looks. Others falls for his bad ass personality. Me? I honestly don't know. I remember having a tiny crush on him and somehow I slowly started to fall for him. We didn't talk much. In fact he only talks to me if he needs answers to something. Other than that, we don't talk.

I guess it's his charming personality. He can talk his way through anything. He can make anyone love him. I remember how he first talked to me. He asked me about the homework in Math. He asked if he could look at my answers, but I didn't give in. That's when he started sweet talking. He made me feel special and as if helping him would be like bring world peace. Don't ask me how, I'm still shocked to this day.

The next time he talked to me was about my secret reputation. You could say I am somewhat like Gossip Girl. I know everybody's secrets, the innocent ones and the very dirty ones. Only a few people know about this. He somehow found out about it. He wanted some dirt on one of the jocks who messed with him that day. I didn't want to give in because I know he will do something terrible to the jock. Unfortunately, he knew how to make me crack.

I have never had a boyfriend and no guy has ever liked me. That’s why when it comes to guys, I get easily flustered. Especially when they are very attractive. He somehow knew this and used it against me.


He told me pretty little lies and he smiled at me. The bad boy never smiles as we all know. They only smirk or show no emotions at all,but he smiled at me. It made me feel very special and very happy. After 3 days of that, I gave in when he caught me vulnerable. He took me out on a date and we started "flirting". We played a seemingly harmles game of truth or dare. After a few rounds, he dared me to tell him the secret. Me ,being the stupid me, gave in and said so. The next day, everyone knew that that jock was actually a virgin. Why was it a big deal? Well he only bragged about banging a lot of college girls everyday, no big deal.

The heartthrob no longer needed me,so he left me to dust. But for some reason, my heart can't seem to remember the fact that he used me. He used me,but I didn't care. He stole my heart within 3 days.

In 3 days, he made me feel special. He made me feel like I'm actually pretty and interesting. I felt happy with him. My heart wanted more of that. It wanted so much more, and I can't stop it.

So I continued to admire him from a far. I watched him and observed him. I figured out why he was a bad boy. Apparently him and his father own tons of casinos. They used to live in L.A., but something happened which caused them to move here. Owning a casino apparently makes you a "bad boy". He loves the attention though. He loves all the girl that fall beneath his feet. He loves all the popularity.

So why? Why do I like him?

It's all so confusing to me.

Why do I, Harley Deyes, like the bad boy, the heart throb, the most popular, and the hottest guy in the whole town?

Why do I like Jaxon Parker?


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