《All Our Flaws Are Aligned [COMPLETED]》Discouraged


A few days later, you were in Tony's lab fixing up DUM-E's arm, which had started sticking whenever he tried to move. Apparently. You weren't entirely convinced that DUM-E was actually this...clumsy. You always had a sneaking suspicion that the robot was a lot smarter than he liked to let on. You thought he just liked the attention.

Sometime in the afternoon, someone knocked on the door. You looked up at it, silent, waiting for them to leave. After yesterday, you weren't risking Tony's disapproval again. They knocked again. You stood up, wiping your hands on your jogger bottoms, and slowly walked over. You tapped the square in the middle of the door, which expanded into a tech version of a peephole.

Bucky was standing on the other side.

You breathed in, annoyance building inside you. Well, you thought, he'd already seen you once.

You swung the door open.

Bucky's eyes widened as he looked down at you, leaning your hand on the door handle, your other hand on your hip.

"He's not here." You said bluntly.

"Oh...when is he back?"

You shrugged with one shoulder.

"Today?" He tried again.

"It's Tony, he comes back when he wants. Why do you need him?"

"Uhh..." Instead of explaining, Bucky lifted his left arm, which, as soon as it was lifted above his shoulder, started crackling and short circuiting again.

You raised an eyebrow at him.

"Twice in four days? Should just take it off you." You said sarcastically. Bucky's eyes narrowed.

"Can you fix it? Or do I have to wait?"

You huffed, loudly, and spun on your heel, heading into the lab. You left the door open, hoping he was smart enough to understand that that meant 'yes'. When you heard the door close behind you, you were pleasantly surprised. Seems he was smart enough.

You pointed to a couple of bar stool looking seats by the counter, and headed to your den to grab your toolbox. Tony had the instruments, sure, but they weren't yours. Tony's tools felt weird in your hands.

When you came back into the room, Bucky was sitting there without a shirt on. You paused for a split second, wondering why he didn't leave it on, then remembered he had walked in wearing a long sleeve top. Probably just wanted a reason to show off his chemically engineered muscles.


You slammed the box onto the counter, hiking yourself up onto the stool opposite him, and immediately grabbed his arm, pulling it towards you and pressing a pattern on the plates by his elbow joint. There was a hiss, then part of the metal shifted aside, revealing the internal mechanisms and wires. You chewed on your bottom lip for a moment as you raked your eyes over the system, then pulled your phone out of your pocket.

"Are you...searching how to do this?" He asked with suspicion in his voice.

You smirked at his lack of faith in you.

"You asked me to fix it." You retorted. "I'm fixing it. Just pulling up the programme to diffuse the moisture."

A sizzling noise brought his attention back to his arm as steam started to escape through the gaps in his plating.

"There was condensation in there. I assume you went swimming with it?" You asked, a bored tone to your voice."You're not mean to swim for a long time with a fucking metal arm." You muttered, but he heard it either way. In all honesty, you weren't trying that hard to be quiet.

"I didn't swim." He tried to lie.

"Like fuck." You scoffed as you grabbed your tools and dove in to work on the mechanisms. You worked in silence for a few moments, grateful that he wasn't trying to make conversation with you. You couldn't stand the thought of making small talk with him.

After a while, you could sense him getting fidgety as you buzzed and whirred in his arm. He was going to ask you something, you could tell. And you couldn't wait to hear what it was.


"What's your name?" He asked. You ignored him. He exhaled. "I guess I don't need to introduce myself..." He muttered as you scoffed.

"Not really."

"You don't like me, do you?" He countered. His voice was small. Cautious. It made you pause. Only for a second.

"Why would I?" You decided to respond, not looking at him.

"You don't know me."

That made you laugh. You knew about him alright. You knew more than enough about him.

"Everyone knows about you." You retorted, still focusing on his arm. You saw him breathe in sharply in your peripherals.


"Everyone knows about him. You don't know about me."

You clenched your teeth before responding, trying your best to dampen down the emotions beginning to rile up.

"You are him." You spat out, now working as fast as you could so that you could shove him out the door.

"Not anymore." His voice raised slightly, louder than the soft start to the conversation. You sat up straight, throwing your tools onto the bench and finally looking at him. Your eyes were cold, narrowed. You could feel the anger radiating off you. He had the audacity to sit there looking confused.

"You were created by Hydra. Worked for Hydra. For . You run away one day, spend some time in some magical jungle and now you're trying to be a hero, acting like you're on the same wavelength as everyone else. You wouldn't know what real power is if it punched you."

His face flickered with different emotions over the next few seconds. You picked up a couple; anger, defensiveness, shock. Then, he settled on a smirk.

"I dunno, Steve can hit pretty hard." He replied.

You wanted to smack him in the face. He couldn't be serious.

You started throwing your tools back in your toolbox, sliding off the stool and heading back to your den.

"Hey, aren't you going to finish this?!" He called after you.

"Ask Mr America to fix it if you think he's so fucking powerful!"

A couple of hours later, you were sitting on your bed, headphones in, sketching angrily as you tried to decompress after your encounter with Cryo-boy.

You just hated him.

Okay, maybe that wasn't completely fair, seeing as you only spoke to him twice.

But you really, really disliked him.

He had been built by one of the main plagues on this world. He was groomed by them for years. Made to do their bidding. You didn't believe that someone capable of all that could just flip a switch in Wakanda and come back good as new. The things that HYDRA did stuck with you for life.

And the times you had met him, he didn't give any indication that he felt remorseful for all of the lives he took. The times you had met him, he just expected you and Tony to fix the god awful arm that they had forced on him. Like he still wanted it. Like he still used it.

You blinked when you heard the rip of your paper.

Apparently your thoughts bled through to your fingers, and you had pressed your pencil too hard onto the paper and torn it in two.

Well, good. Because apparently you had been drawing his god awful face. You ripped the page out of your book, screwing it up and chucking it across the room. Instead of it bouncing into your bin, it bounced off a body.

Tony's body.

You pulled your headphones out of your ears.

"Why are you in my room?" You asked, the question coming out a bit more spiteful than you had intended. Apparently your distasteful thoughts were still lingering.

"You fixed Bucky's arm." Tony glared at you. You opened your mouth to explain. "Oh, sorry, correction - you HALF fixed his arm, then left him in the lab with it open and still broken." You closed your mouth. "What possessed you to do that?!"

You swung your legs off the bed and stood up.

"Look, it was broken again, he came to the lab, you were out with Pepper. I thought I'd fix it for him, then he was just so fucking infuriating that I...well I shouted at him and left."

"Well now he needs a new one."

"What? I didn't fuck it up that bad."

"No, he did." Tony snapped. You blinked at him."When you didn't come back, he tried to put it back together himself. Because he couldn't walk around with his arm half open!"

"Well he just needed to put the panels back and-"

"No, because you disconnected the live terminal, and he put the wrong wire back in, it and it fried the rest of the system."

You chewed your tongue as Tony breathed at you. Okay, that was your fault.

"Now, get back to the lab, and help me make him a new arm." He ordered.

"As if." You scoffed. Tony stepped towards you, menacingly, terrifyingly. You squeaked and rushed past him out your door and ran to the lab, which your staircase connected to.

Seems that you were making a stupid metal arm now.

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