《Unveiling the Arcane》Aiden


The guys and I rushed over to the cabin as soon as Maddox texted us. He had been cagey about information. All he told us was that Sage had passed out and he was taking her to the cabin. This was the first time I had ever been upset that I couldn't just call Maddox and demand to know what was going on. He had Sage and she must be hurt. You don't just pass out without there being a plausible reason. I remembered the early days after going through puberty and feeling so empty that I passed out before anyone figured out my nature and what I needed to do to survive. It had been hard at first starting to absorb the lust and pleasure of those around me. Most of the time I just have to be nearby to get a hit of lust which is why I always take walks at night before bed when some of the students are getting frisky. I hadn't been able to bring myself to touch a girl in a long while. I wasn't a virgin, and I was far from inexperienced but I could get what I needed without dealing with the social and awkward interactions that always arise when taking a new partner and the entanglements of having a regular one.

I know this wouldn't be the same with Sage though so I was just distracting myself trying to convince my mind it could not be as bad as I was imagining. When we rushed into the cabin we found Maddox pacing back and forth before his large bed. Being the first one through the door I was the first to see what was going on. My feet stopped dead in their tracks. "Holy shit." I squeak in a completely manly tone.


Without trying to even be patient my brother and Dante pushed past me before they stopped and released their own curses. In Maddox's bed, Sage was laid out on her stomach a pair of huge black wings spread out on either side of her. I stepped closer before crouching beside her extended left wing. Brushing my fingers against the soft feathers I noticed the purple sheen coating each black feather as the light hit it just right. Tingling spread across my fingertips where they connected to the soft appendage. My brows furrowed. That was weird. I only felt that when around my own species. I glance over my shoulder to Caden who still had his mouth unhinged to capture a poltergeist. "Come touch her."

As if on auto-pilot he approached and laid his hand atop the wing before us. "What does it feel like?" I ask.

Caden shrugged, "Like Sage. Still don't want to steal anything." He answered.

"She feels like touching another sex demon. But she's not one." I said out loud to the room.

Dante took that opportunity to approach. "Maybe you have similar powers, you both can sense emotion to an extent." He suggested.

I frown not thinking that would be it but not having a better explanation. "It's possible." I finally admit.

It's at that moment that Sage stirs and her eyes flutter open to find all four of us crowded around her. If we hadn't been so close maybe, we wouldn't have seen the purple glow of her eyes. I could get hypnotized by those eyes. I blink to try and gain back my focus. "You've got wings," I announce to her.

Her brow quirks, "Yeah, I didn't even notice." She said sarcastically, her voice sending a shiver up my spine.


What the hell was wrong with me? I did not need to pop a stiffy with her laying there covered in her own blood from where her wings had slipped through her skin. I stood from my crouch and turned towards the others. "We're staying here tonight. She can't pull them back in until she's healed and that will take a couple more hours." I for once know something that Dante doesn't.

I held back the urge to stick my tongue out at him. Sage sats up balancing on her knees with two droopy wings flopping toward her shoulders. "But my punishment... I mean I was supposed to hang out with Caden today." She pouted.

Caden did a fist pump into the air like a weirdo and Dante looked chagrin as well. "It can wait until tomorrow." Dante rested a hand on one of Sage's weighed-down shoulders.

Was he comforting her? Like to make her feel better? The world must be ending. Maddox stepped up beside me to get my attention. "I don't know any hell species with wings like that." He signed before crossing one arm across his chest to prop his elbow on and hold his chin in the way he always does when he thinks hard.

I couldn't blame him for his bafflement because I was right there with him. I had never heard of a species with emotional power with feathered wings. Some succubi and incubi were gifted with bat-like wings like most hell species. I was sure there was something we just didn't know about. "I can ask my mom about it. She's way into demonology I'm sure she would have an idea." Maddox nodded and I looked down at my watch. "It'll have to wait until Saturday. She's in hell right now."

Maddox nodded, "Okay, just ask her when you get a chance, I can check some things out on the student portal and the books my grandfather left here." He told me as we watched Dante and Caden help Sage get off the bed and balance with her new appendages.

Her wings twitched before they folded in close to her back. I thought about the problem then. "There are some species that just always have wings," I say just to make sure she knows it is a possibility.

"What? I could be stuck waddling around like a duck to class with these things?" She looked terrified.

"Flower, calm down. They are a part of you. You were made to have them; it won't take you long to get used to them. We can see if you can retract them in a few hours." I watched her take some deep breaths before she nodded.

Dante stepped forward taking his royal place as a fearsome leader. "You two should get cleaned up, you've got blood all over you. Maddox, do you have something she can throw on?" Dante spoke to Maddox and Sage.

Maddox nods before heading towards the closet and pulling out a soft blue tee shirt. Dante nods encouragingly. "Okay, we'll leave you two to it." Dante urged Caden and me out of the door before herding us downstairs.

"But she's going to get naked... Not fair." I grumbled shoulders drooping as I succumb to my nudity-free night.

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