《Unveiling the Arcane》Sage


The school week went by slowly and the guys had amped up their stalking even more than they had before. I could hardly go to the bathroom by myself. Having four guys follow me around would seem like a dream come true especially when they are all so hot, but it was getting to be a little too much. I went back and forth between the twins and Maddox's room every other night. My hormones were in overdrive, and I couldn't even get a moment alone to take care of it myself. If I so much as made a noise in the shower they knocked on the door asking if I'm okay. I was about to murder them all and when the jury asks why I'll say I just wanted a fucking orgasm. I just need to get off. Just once and I was about to lose all sense of modesty and just do it in front of them if they didn't back the heck off.

I knew they could all tell how their actions were making me feel they could smell it or sense it in Aiden's case the only one I was free from was Caden. I had conned the other guys into letting him escort me to my room for a shower on Saturday morning before Maddox took over babysitting duties. It was the perfect plan.

I had left him in the bedroom and locked the door behind me before stripping and getting into the shower. I sighed as I picked up the vibrator, I had smuggled in with me and got to work before I really did end up killing one of them. The vibrations made electric tingles shoot through my body when I brought it down on my clit. I bit my bottom lip to keep from making any noise. As my core tightened around empty air. The hot water rushed down my body distracting me from my task every now and then, but I pushed on desperately needing to find my release.


My only saving grace was that I was so keyed up one bumpy car ride could have probably done the trick. I tried to keep my mind blank only thinking about the feeling of euphoria I was making myself feel but soon my imagination got away from me. Other hands took over as they caressed my body. At first just one set, then two, then three, finally four sets of hands caressing me, teasing me. Aiden pinched my nipples as Dante held my hands behind my back. Maddox and Caden worked in tandem on my pussy. Maddox's thick fingers thrust in and out pushing up against just the right spot as Caden rubbed at the sensitive bundle of nerves with his thumb. Even with all my efforts, a small squeak of feminine satisfaction escaped my throat as I exploded. Still, I continued pushing my pleasure as far as it would go until I was too sensitized to stand it. Finally, I turned the vibrator off and sagged against the wall.

I felt better, less tense, and more patient than I had the last few days. Quickly I washed my body before drying and throwing on a tee shirt and a pair of leggings. Walking out into my bedroom I expected to find Caden; the only guy who couldn't sense my lust or hear everything going on in the next room. Unfortunately, that was not the case. Caden was nowhere to be found. It seems Maddox had relieved him of duty early and was now standing in the middle of my bedroom beet red obviously aware of what I had just been doing. Caden was getting it even worse than I had already planned. He wouldn't know that, but I would.

Maddox didn't say anything, and I pretended like he and the other guys hadn't been on my mind while I made myself cum with only a thin wall between us. I was going to hell, and I didn't even care. I mean I was a hell creature or whatever anyway, so I guess that was normal. Maybe I should embrace my not-so-saintly tendencies and just have sex with all the guys. I shook that thought from my head before it could take root and make my room stink of arousal. "Well, we have a few hours until I need to punish... I mean spending quality time with Caden. Want to go for a walk? I need to get out of this building." I broke the silence when it became obvious he wasn't going to.


"Yeah. I know a great hiking place." He brightened at the topic that had nothing to do with inappropriate happenings in my shower.

"Great! I'll grab my shoes then."

Maddox led me through a rarely traveled path through the woods and off-school property. He told me about the cabin his grandfather left him and told me we were on the property surrounding it. We talked about nothing and everything. I told him about my mom and Cara, and he told me about the guys when they were younger. I got him to promise to show me photos with minimal teeth pulling. We walked for more than thirty minutes before he paused and looked over at me. "You're not scared of heights, are you?" He asked.

I shook my head. He smiled before leading me into a clearing with an overlook that had a view down into a valley. "It's beautiful." I gasped as I stepped towards the edge.

A strange prickling along my spine made me furrow my back. It started as a subtle itching then I could feel the muscles spasming without reason. "Ow." I tried to rub at the tender muscles but the lump there hurt too much when I pushed on it.

Resting my hand there it felt like something shifted under the skin. I looked up at Maddox who was studying me with a concerned expression. I took deep breaths through the pain when the wind picked up blowing my hair back over my shoulders and the sensation made me ache for something I didn't quite understand. A ripping sound echoed around us with my scream as pain exploded along my spine. It ended so fast that I felt like I might have imagined it if I hadn't seen the tip of a black feather over my shoulder. I looked over my right shoulder to see a wing extended out from my back and the same over my left. My head felt like it was underwater as I looked back and forth over my shoulders not really understanding what was going on. My gaze finally locked on Maddox who had stepped closer at some point his hands raised like he was trying to say something, but he was moving too fast for me to comprehend. The last thing I noticed was the speckles of blood spattered across his face. It must be mine I thought just as everything went black and the world seemed to be swallowed whole.

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