《Unveiling the Arcane》Maddox


Movie Night

Dante had told us about what happened with Sage and the Whitlock boy the night before and to say we were all pissed was an understatement. We sat down and decided on a schedule to make sure she wouldn't be alone, especially at night. Somehow this girl had wormed her way deep into our group. The twins were already talking about indoctrinating her into our friend group. Dante had no objections when he was put on the schedule for when he had to keep an eye on her. He always complained when he was made to do something he didn't want to.

We were all obsessed with this girl, and I could tell that none of us knew where to go from here. It was obvious that we all liked her. Even Dante and Aiden never really connected with people outside of our group. I knew I had no real chance with her. I couldn't even communicate with her like a normal person. Normal things people took for granted were out of my reach. I couldn't even say her name or gasp in pleasure. My only sexual encounter hadn't gone past third base because she thought I wasn't enjoying myself.

I guess that's what I get for trying to have relations with someone I couldn't even communicate with. My parents took every chance to remind me that I wasn't good enough. They regularly questioned why they even bothered sending me here. Who would hire someone who can't even talk? Nobody would choose me for a mate which was my only true option as a disabled member of the Arcane society. It just meant that I knew my feelings would go unreciprocated but that didn't stop me from caring for Sage either way. She was special in a lot of ways, and she made me feel normal when we were in class together. Like my way of living was normal. I would never talk. Not that I couldn't, I would just never stoop so low to get a voice. The others had interesting species traits while mine was more a curse than anything else. My parents judged me because they had been where I was, but they had done something about their situation. That wasn't an option for me. It would never be an option.

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