《Paint with Me Among the Shadows (Book One, the Salvation MC Series)》26. Password



I'm practically bouncing off the walls in anticipation for my cast to be removed and for hearing to be tested. I am almost back to my weird quirky self. My episodes have continued but the ringing in my ears and dizziness has subsided substantially. The nurse comes in with a tool and starts sawing off my cast and Adonis has to hold me down from my excitement.

We have gone back to our old rhythm of me coming to the mechanic shop and I have been added onto the pay roll as their receptionist. On top of all this excitement, my art gallery is having its grand opening today and I've poured my soul into it. Ace, yes I called her Ace, has been helping me with everything along with Lashes.

I added some of my own personal touches to the gallery and then with the rest of my money, I'm putting it into a big reception party we'll be having in the near future.

We went to the courthouse and got married in a small, intimate ceremony. I didn't want anything big and the only ones who know are Dad, Ace, and Ducky. Dad gave me away to Adonis and Ace was my maid of honor, while Ducky and Bones were Adonis's best men.

It was small, simple, and perfect. I was in my overalls with paint splattered all over my clothes and face, while Adonis came in jeans, a t-shirt, and his cut.

Our marriage certificate is in his back pocket and he refuses to let me see his name, which, yes, I still don't know. I can't believe I married a man and still don't know his real name.

I get my hearing checked and am all cleared. My wrist is weak and will need therapy once a week but other than that, I feel great. Adonis drives us back to his place and the whole time I'm trying to steal the marriage license from him as he laughs.

We pull into my driveway and Ace is waiting impatiently for me. Adonis doesn't care and he snatches me into him and holds his finger up for Ace to hold her off. I squeak as he licks my earlobe and tugs on it. He slides his mouth to mine and clamps on it. His tongue opens me up to him and his warm caramel taste fills me with delicious knots. I heat up in seconds as he brings me over until I'm straddling him in the driver's seat.

"You know, I wanted to do this the day you got in my car." He breathes out huskily.

"Oh really?" I ask as I smile into his kisses.

He presses me into him and I lay into him, making him growl. The door flies open and Ace yanks me by the arm. "Gosh, I swear you two. A couple more hours won't kill you."

I stumble out as Adonis glares at my sister. "It sure will."

My husband has been nothing but patient but I can tell he's at his last breaking point. His nostrils have flared and his pupils are dilated. I've seen this look quite a few times now but he's never pushed it. He just might kidnap me and keep me in his bed all night long. Almost every part of me wants to allow him to, but Ace pulls me from him.

"Too bad, Adonis! Tater Tot, here is mine!" Ace shouts. You may not have cared if she wore overalls and had paint all over her for your guys' wedding day, but I'll die before she goes to this opening looking like that."


I know my hearing is completely restored when I can hear Adonis chuckle out lowly. "I love her like that. It makes me want to find where else she has paint on her."

I flush a thousand shades of red as Ace pulls me into the house and Adonis drives off. The next few hours are filled with Ace and Lashes poking and prodding me with makeup and hair stuff. When they place me in front of a mirror I'm shocked at the sight before me. My dress is very 20's. It falls to the floor elegantly and has short sleeves with delicate tassels. It's beige and flowy with pink and white embroidered flowers and stems on it with a band along my waist, making me look small and taller than I am.

It's a hundred percent me.

My hair has been loosely curled and looks like velvet and shines. My makeup is simple and makes my eyes glow and my lips look smooth.

Ace and Lashes smirk knowingly with my sister saying, "Adonis is going to fall over himself."

I roll my eyes. "He's always calm and smooth. Trust me nothing will make him stumble."

Lashes shakes her head laughing. "If you say so."

"By the way, Adonis left something for you over there." I look to where she's pointing and walk over and open the box and get a whiff of leather. I pull out the leather jacket that is exactly like Ace and Lashes' but with Tater Tot stamped on the back along with a cross with Adonis's Old Lady around it.

I slide it on and it fits perfectly.

They get ready and soon we're at the Salvation's Art Center preparing everything and making sure every little thing is perfect. I'm nervous, but excited nervous. The kitchen will be bringing out light snacks on trays and the waiters and waitresses are dressed professionally.

I skip away to the back where my studio is and slip my jacket off placing it on my chair. The clock tells me it's time and I take a deep breath and go out. Ace and Lashes walk with me as I open the doors and let in the large group that has congregated in front of the gallery. The Salvation members are not here yet but it is still crowded. The art students chat about their pieces with potential buyers and I make sure to make my rounds.

I don't display any of my pieces but one. Adonis came to me and asked me directly to display the one of him and JoJo. I couldn't say no. I stand in front of it and a person comes next to me. "How much?"

I look up and see a tall slender man wrapped in a suit worth more than my studio. "This one's not for sale."

He smirks. "For me everything's for sale." His eyes roam my figure and locks back onto my eyes. "You're exquisite."

"And married." I smile sweetly, loving the way that sounds.

The man takes a sip of his drink. "All the exquisite ones are. From what I hear you're the owner correct? Point me to the artist and I'll persuade them effortlessly."

"You're talking to her."

He chuckles. "Ah. I'm guessing you're a hard one to bargain with."


He smiles. "Of course."

I laugh and sense eyes on me. When I tilt my head to the prickling sensation, Adonis stand there in dark jeans with a tucked in dress shirt and well-fitted blazer. His dark blonde hair is styled in a messy comb-over and his beard has been trimmed. His shirt's unbuttoned at the throat and my heart warms at how inviting it looks.


He stares at me like a man possessed.

"I gather that's the lucky man?"

I don't look back at the man as I answer. "If you mean the man idiot enough to marry me, than yes."

Adonis takes a step and bumps into a waiter and for once the cool, calm, and collected man I know is frazzled. I can't help the little wicked smile that adorns my face and I glide over to him as he apologizes to the waiter.

I stand on my tiptoes and kiss his cheek, whispering in his ear, "Remember, I'm the same girl who said in a monster voice, I'm the Munchy Monster when you first met me."

His beautifully scarred face locks on mine and his reply is sliding his hand in my curls and pulling me in until his lips hover over mine. "And I'm just as mesmerized by you as I was then."

His other hand touches my cheek. "You're the best thing I ever did right."

I smile into his lips. "What's wrong? You usually kiss me not caring who sees."

His voice is gruff as he replies, "Because if I kiss you now I won't stop."

"Oh, then I should let you know a man called me exquisite and—"

He takes the bait.

It's a slow kiss that sends me straight to heaven. His mouth holds mine and our own world opens up and kicks out all the others as we fall into it. His lips touch every area of mine and his beard tickles my skin making my lips tingle. We share our breath with one another and fit our mouths together in every way possible.

A throat clears.

I pull away. My lids are heavy and his eyes are dilated. I give him one more sweet kiss then turn to who interrupted us.

"Mom?" I say on a choked breath.

She's stunning as always. In a sophisticated form fitting white dress and nude heels. Her bright blonde hair is slicked to one side and her makeup is done to perfection.

I look around and spot my sister with an expression laced with hurt and horror. I immediately untangle myself from Adonis and grip her arm whispering, "What are you doing here?"

"Lorelai." Dad's voice is strained and bitter. "I hope your husband isn't with you."

Mom straightens and her cheeks redden when she locks eyes with dad. "I'm afraid not. It's just me. Thank you for telling me about it. I came to..." She swallows and looks back at me. "Apologize to you, Georgiana."

Adonis lays his hand at the small of my back and his support means everything to me and makes me realize something. "I don't need your apology, but I know someone who does."

Mom's brows squish together.

Ace walks over and she's in a black cocktail dress with her hair styled in a French braid concoction and curled at the ends. Her smoky eye makes her deep blue eyes appear darker and when her and mom come face to face, I realize how much they look alike

"Amber," Mom says dismissively.

My sister's face flashes with hurt as tears fill her eyes. "I hate you."

She goes to throw her drink at mom, but Ducky's hand stops her and he whispers something in her ear making her release the glass to him.

He straightens and he's in similar attire as Adonis and has his hair perfectly styled looking like the devil disguised as an angel. I've never realized how handsome he was until this moment. The wicked smile he gives to my mom makes her cower a little. "I think it goes without saying you're a god-awful mother and you should leave."

Mom pushes her purse strap up her shoulder. "I'll be going. Congratulations, Georgiana."

I watch as mom leaves feeling nothing but bitterness coat my heart, but I also feel a relief. She no longer has a say in my life and that's freeing.

Ducky takes Ace away from everything and I step to follow but he gives me a shake of his head. I recede and continue to talk with my guests as Adonis's eyes stay on me all throughout the night, no matter where I am or how far across the room we are.

As the night draws to a close, I sneak to the back room and allow myself to relax a little. My fingers touch my leather Salvation jacket and glide over the nickname Adonis gave me what feels like so long ago.

One of the doors opens and my body tingles to life. The callouses on his fingers tickle the back of my neck as he moves my soft locks out of the way. His breath is hot as his hand cups around my throat and lifts my jaw up until I'm staring at the dim hanging lights.

"What are you doing back here?"

"To show you I'm dangerous for you l, Tater Tot." Adonis's rough accent whispers at my neck.

My stomach ties it knots as his nose skims up to that secret spot by my ear. "That night I kissed you, I couldn't get you out of my head."

He pauses as his kisses trail to my shoulders. "But it was one of those random times when you had called my name out that I knew."

"Knew what?" I ask timidly as he turns me around into him. My breaths come out fast and unsteady as my chest rises and falls between us making him hum, soaking in every movement I make at his touch.

His warmth leaves me as he throws his blazer over my jacket and unbuttons his shirt a little more, exposing his golden skin underneath. As he walks back over to me he rolls up his sleeves and the tight bunch grips his forearms showing his strength. He could easily overpower me and something about that excites me.

"I was yours," he answers in the small gap of air separating us. "And that I wanted to hear you calling out my name every single day I'm alive."

Adonis picks me up and sets me on my table as my heels fall to the floor making a clicking noise that echoes. He unbuttons his shirt more and slides it over a little to show me a new tattoo. It looks like fingerprints. One by one I place my nervous fingers on each little tattoo like I'm playing the piano until my thumb hits the last chord.

It's fits perfectly.

My hand is right over his heart that I feel pounding in the same rhythm as the blood flowing in my hand. His warmth seeps into me and I bask in how his skin is soft yet tough. I look up at him and lift my lips to his and take him with timid boldness.

I stop and whisper onto his lips, "Password."

He groans and hides his face away in my hair. "Please don't, Tater Tot."

When I don't budge he looks away muttering in embarrassment. "Darcy. Darcy Foster."

A smile so massive etches onto my face and he turns to me so utterly embarrassed and so adorably it makes me love him even more. It's like it's going to explode out of me seeing his cheeks red and eyes nervous.

"My mom loved Jane Austen." He admits painfully.

"Don't tell me—"

"Bones' name is Bingley."

I bring his face to mine and I kiss him. "I can't believe it."

"Believe what?" He chuckles out.

"That I married my very own Mr. Darcy."

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