《The Queen's everything gxg》Chapter 27
"We can't ask her that" Nilsa gestured.
"It's the only way" the doctor paused, analysing the situation.
Aerilyn was getting annoyed as they were talking about her as if she wasn't there, or so they presumed they were talking about her, she'd never seen the Queen drink from a human before and she assumed that's what she was there for. "Yes, I'll give her my blood if that's what you are asking, anything to make her better" Aerilyn would do anything to stop seeing Solenne this vulnerable it wasn't normal.
Nilsa lifted her hand up. "You don't understand Aerilyn" Nilsa warned her.
But she ignored her anyway, rolling her sleeve up, she didn't need to understand right now, she just knew she had to help.
The two vampires looked on as she sat down on the bed and placed her wrist over the Queen's mouth, her fangs dropped whilst she was in her sleep, having a mind of their own.
Aerilyn pushed her wrist into the Queen's mouth and cried out as Solenne's fangs pierced her skin, the pain quickly subsided as the Queen drank. Nilsa and the doctor came closer to make sure they could intervene if too much blood was taken.
Solenne's hand subconsciously cupped Aerilyn's arm with a firm grip as if she was in a frenzy, if she had been awake she wouldn't have been able to control herself, her blood put her into an uncontrollable state as it was.
"That's enough" the doctor pried the girls wrist out. "She will need more in the evening, thank you for what you have done" Nilsa looked on in worry at what the girl had just done.
Aerilyn became very sleepy and dizzy causing her fall into a deep sleep not long after. She had fallen asleep on the bed next to Solenne.
By time evening came around Aerilyn had awoken to dinner, which Nilsa told her she had to eat to keep her strength, following this she gave more blood to the Queen and again the next morning.
She was getting weaker and weaker with the more blood she gave, but the Queen was almost healed.
It was the next evening when the stars were at their brightest just before midnight that Aerilyn gave her more blood but it was too much, she had been alone without Nilsa or anyone around when she fell unconscious.
Solenne awoke to the girls wrist in her mouth and an unconscious Aerilyn.
She couldn't believe her eyes.
The girls pulse was weak.
Nilsa and Luanna had come in to check on them and walked into the room to find the scene. "Your majesty" she bowed.
"Not now, give me that knife, over there quickly" she commanded. She could sense the girls weak pulse as she pointed to a knife over in a draw in her room.
She wouldn't get up herself as she was holding Aerilyn's fragile but limp body.
Luanna approached cautiously, Solenne had the primal urge to bare her teeth as Luanna approached, like that of a dog and it's food.
Luanna knowingly bowed lower in submission to the Queen, showing that she was not a threat and Nilsa took a step back.
Solenne had every urge in her body to protect Aerilyn and keep her away from everyone, she wasn't herself right now and Luanna knew it. No one would touch her.
"Easy, you know I won't hurt her, I'm just handing you the knife" Solenne bared her teeth and hissed, unable to stop herself.
Luanna all but handed over the knife, practically throwing it.
Nilsa and Luanna swiftly left the room, they knew how sacred it was for a vampire to share their blood, it wasn't appropriate for them to be there.
It was like that of a ceremony to a vampire.
The Queen didn't hesitate to cut her wrist and place it over the girls mouth.
They knew full well Aerilyn would be safe with Queen Solenne and this would only make the bond stronger.
Giving Aerilyn enough blood her skin started to come back to life, Aerilyn began to stir and noticed the Queen's wrist. "What's happened?" She mumbled as she lay on the bed, rather confused.
Solenne held the girl in her arms and looked down at her tenderly "I had to give you my blood, I had taken too much from you, I'm sorry about that" she apologised.
Aerilyn could barely move and Queen Solenne held her so tight she wouldn't have been able to anyway. "I'm glad you are awake and I'm sorry you had to give me your blood, I know how sacred it is to do so" Aerilyn spoke sadly.
The Queen cupped the girls cheek looking deeply into her eyes. "There's no one else I'd rather give it to Aerilyn" this warmed the girls heart.
Aerilyn was surrounded by silence, she didn't know how to take that comment, surely she would want to give her blood to her brother or someone more significant, but no, here she was offering the girl her blood.
It wasn't even just that, her blood is her life, her survival, her source of food, to offer her blood meant she trusted the girl and felt so deeply for her, but Aerilyn was still in denial.
A couple of days ago she hated the Queen, and now she didn't understand or know what she was feeling.
Aerilyn looked down at the two bite marks on her wrist, was that it now, would she require her blood all the time like a pet is suppose too.
A low growl came from the Queen, since sharing blood, they could sense the others emotions a lot more than normal, Solenne felt the confusion radiate off the girl and it suffocated her, but this was something she had to figure out when the time was right.
The only thing was, Aerilyn did not realise the abilities of drinking a vampires blood.
"I don't want to feed from you" Queen Solenne hushed the girl.
At some point Aerilyn fell asleep exhausted and had somehow ended up cuddling in to the Queen. The vampire at first tensed from the intimate contact but thought it better that she should cherish the moment more than anything.
Draping an arm around the girl she pulled her in tighter watching the smile on Aerilyn's face appear, the girl might push her away in the morning but she decided to enjoy it in the now.
Both girls were asleep with their legs intertwined and with the Queen holding the human girl tightly, Aerilyn had never felt so safe unbeknownst to her.
Morning soon came around, the light shone through the window and on to the bed, Aerilyn started to stir but went stiff when she felt an arm draped around her. Where was she? She couldn't move, she was stuck in the vampires lair.
As she tried to pry the Queen's arm away quietly, she felt it pull her in tighter causing her to wince. "Relax, I won't bite, well, not unless you want me too" Solenne breathed into her ear from behind, causing the goosebumps all over Aerilyn.
Aerilyn traced her fingers up the Queen's arm, though her temperature was colder than that of a humans, she wasn't sure what possessed her to do so but it felt great. She felt the Queen smile behind her, she could feel her lips on the back of her head, that's how close they were.
Queen Solenne was basking in the fact that Aerilyn was intrigued by her enough to be so bold that she would willingly touch her, even if it was just her arm.
"You can't just keep me prisoner here" Aerilyn protested as she flicked the Queen's arm with her fingers jokingly.
"Oh but I can my pet, don't tempt me" Queen Solenne was careful not to let her hands roam, she kept them strictly wrapped around the girl, but no where else.
Aerilyn rolled her eyes. "Such a demanding, cuddly vampire, who would have thought it" she relaxed more into her arms knowing she couldn't get up unless the Queen let go.
"Quite the contrary, this is a rare moment for me, I don't usually let women stay the night. Count yourself lucky" Solenne would have the odd lover but she would never let them into her bed.
That struck Aerilyn right where it hurt, but why did it hurt, it shouldn't and she shouldn't care.
The girl brushed it off and covered it with sarcasm.
"Unlucky if you ask me" Aerilyn joked. The human girl felt a tickling sensation, it had been a long time, but the Queen was sat here, tickling Aerilyn causing her to wriggle and writhe with laughter.
"Stop tickling me" she laughed, unable to escape. She squirmed her way out of her grip, although Solenne had merely let her.
It was better to let Aerilyn go whilst she was in a happy mood. "It's midday, we better get you something to eat, are you feeling any better now?" Solenne asked.
Aerilyn had felt so much better since receiving the Queen's blood and sleeping it all off. "Yes I am thank you, are you healing okay?" The girl was beginning to form a soft spot for her and although her mind wouldn't admit it, her body craved physical touch.
Solenne stood from the bed and dropped her top whilst having her back turned to her, causing Aerilyn to look away swiftly.
"There is no need to look away, you are more than welcome to look" Solenne spoke seductively. Her wavy blonde hair draped down her back. Aerilyn could not see any marks.
All she could see was a very toned back.
"Where have they gone?" She gasped.
"I heal fast" she cranked her head round not allowing the girl to see her front. Solenne brushed it off, the human girl had saved her life, but telling her that would mean telling her why it had to be her blood to do it.
"I'm going to take a shower, would you like to join me?" The vampire spoke lowly with a smirk.
Aerilyn turned red immediately.
"I...umm" she didn't know what to say.
She immediately covered her tracks and embarrassment "Your charm won't work on me, I'm not a whore" Aerilyn protested, she may be forming a soft spot but she wouldn't let her in that easily.
Solenne grimaced whilst her back was turned
Now Aerilyn had said it, she hated that word, is that what Aerilyn really thought about herself and why she was there.
Aerilyn was not just a one night stand.
"Suit yourself" Solenne walked into the bathroom and began to shower.
Aerilyn decided this was the best time to slip out and head back to her room to shower.
After she stepped out the shower and had gotten dressed, she was escorted by the guards who waited outside of her door to have lunch since they woke up so late.
The guards didn't take much notice of her, but they were subtly sniffing the air, Aerilyn knew enough about vampires to notice some subtle gestures.
"Afternoon" Luanna spoke.
Solenne was sat at the table beaming at the girl literally, she had never felt so happy.
Matheus sat in his usual seat but was sniffing the air very obviously.
"Who did you have in your room last night, you smell very sexually frustrated" he clearly wasn't a very clever vampire.
Aerilyn frowned, is that what she smelled like too, she doesn't remember feeling that way at all.
Is that what the guards smelt?
So many questions circled her mind, but she chose to shut them out.
"You are so slow Matheus, omg" Luanna laughed at him. He just shook his head and got up to hug his sister. "I am just so happy you are alright" and he truly was.
Solenne went stiff at the hug, she was a very cold vampire but that didn't stop her brother from trying to be some what affectionate.
Luanna turned to the human "I wanted to ask you Aerilyn if you would like to come and train with us today, it would be good for you to learn how to protect yourself" although she didn't completely have her strength back it wouldn't hurt for her to learn some self defence.
Solenne was startled by this. "I didn't agree to this"
"Come on it'll be fun and something for her to do" Luanna pushed it.
"Are you crazy? wanting a human to practice with vampires" Matheus interjected, he didn't know what his sisters fascination was with the girl or why Luanna was also so kind to her.
"Let's ask her what she wants to do, we've all heard your opinion" Luanna was a nice vampire as Nilsa had said.
"I suppose I would like to learn to protect myself, but I don't think anyone will want me there. The other humans don't like me that much due to preferential treatment and vampires don't like me because well..." the girl stumbled through her words, but it was enough for them to understand.
Solenne was hurt the girl felt that way.
She placed her hand on Aerilyn's, the first affectionate move her brother had ever seen.
"No one will harm you whilst I am there" she spoke softly.
Aerilyn smiled sadly.
"Well, Nilsa will take you later and we can meet you there" The Queen confirmed.
"So Richard is back tonight I heard" Matheus asked, changing the conversation.
"Yes he is, it's been a long trip" Luanna was excited for him to return.
"We better get you the furthest room in the castle, I don't want to hear anything nasty going on" Matheus grimaced, his face turning sour.
"I think you should be more worried about the noises coming from your sisters room rather than mine" The Queen had been rubbing Aerilyn's hand soothingly but that came to a halt.
The girl pulled her hand away and started to eat.
She was embarrassed, were they referring to her or someone else, because as far as she knew she was the only one to go into her room, or maybe she had others in and out of her room when Aerilyn wasn't about.
"Solenne very rarely takes lovers and she isn't stupid enough to mess around with a human" Matheus was so sure, but little did he know, she desired this human in every way possible.
Solenne's anger boiled, she was embarrassed.
They spoke as if Aerilyn wasn't there, which made Aerilyn feel uncomfortable.
Luanna raised her eye brow at that comment.
Solenne stared at Aerilyn tensely, feeling her confused emotions and also how angry she still felt.
She felt Aerilyn's degrading thoughts about herself, how she was not good enough, or how inexperienced she was or unloved she was, that the girl had never fell in love.
Most importantly, how Aerilyn thought of herself as a blood whore, who would used, abused and thrown out when she was finished with and would never see her family again.
"I don't mess around brother, you should know this" Solenne confirmed, everyone knew she had been waiting for her mate which was why she had never bothered.
She always knew her mate would be a woman, something her father always punished her for, he demanded that she marry a Prince to unite their Kingdoms, but died before he could see it through.
Solenne slammed her hands into the table making Aerilyn jump, the others merely looked on "Change the subject before I lose my temper with you both"
Luanna thought this was the perfect time to try and get Solenne to admit her feelings. "How is it feeling the girls every emotion now you've had her blood, I bet you can sense a lot more than Nilsa by now?" Luanna winked.
The room turned very awkward.
It was true, Solenne had been jealous at the close bond between Nilsa and Aerilyn, she hated that the closer they got the more Nilsa would pick up on.
But here she was sat, having shared the bed together last night and now every emotion the girl felt washed over her.
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