《The Deal》Chapter 22


The Deal

Walking into the police station he was greeted by some of the officers who knew him and was taken into Scott's office.

"Hey Austin, what brings you here?" he asked, looking up from his desk.

He sat down across from his friend, a thirty-year-old cop who he defended a few years back that was accused of taking bribes and dealing drugs. He had been set up and the real culprits found and put behind bars. He told Scott everything he suspected about Ryan and asked for his help, saying how he felt bad for helping to set a rapist free.

The two stood side by side as Austin knocked on the Platt's door. When Mrs. Platt saw him she smiled.

"Mr. Cooke, what a pleasant surprise but what are you doing here? Ryan's not home."

"Hello, Mrs. Platt, this is officer Fin, we'd like to ask you a few questions."

"Oh, alright, come on in." She showed them into the living room and offered them some tea which they declined. "So what is this all about?"

"We have reason to believe that your husband was the one who attacked and tried to rape Austin's wife a few days ago and also for the beating and rape of Miss Hill. Where was he on the night in question?" Scott asked. He noticed that her demure changed from friendly to anger.

She looked at Austin with rage in her eyes. "How can you think Ryan had anything to do with the attack on your wife and as for Miss Hill you were the one that proved he was innocent."

"I feel I was mistaken about your husband's innocence. We can clear this up if you'll just answer some questions. Where was he on the night in question?"

"I don't know, here I guess. The kids and I went to visit my parents for a few days."

"Does he own a pocket knife, one with an antique pearl handle?"

"Yes, his father gave it to him, why?"

"Would you allow me to search the property or do I need to get a search warrant?" Scott asked, pulling out his phone.

"We have nothing to hide, go ahead and search the place, you won't find anything," she snapped.

Austin placed his hand on Scott's arm, stopping him from leaving. He had a hunch and thought there was an easier way to find out what they needed to know. "Mrs. Platt has Ryan received any injuries to his head lately?"

"Well, he has a cut on his forehead and had to get stitches. He said he was doing some work on an old vehicle he was fixing up. Why?"

"One more question, does he own a van? One that he might not have registered or have plates for?"

"Yes, he picked up an old van, one with tinted windows that he's fixing up."

Both men looked at each other and jumped to their feet.

"Where is this van?" Scott asked, knowing then they had their man.

"In the old shed outback. What's going on? tell me," she cried out as she followed them outside and around back.


"There's a bloody padlock on it," he said, turning to her. "Where is the key?"

"I don't have it, my husband does. He keeps it locked so that the children don't go in, he's afraid of them getting hurt."

Looking around Austin spots an axe, picking it up tells the others to stand back as he started hacking on it, breaking it within minutes. Opening the door the smell of stale air hit their nostrils, making their eyes water.

"That's the van," Austin said, walking around it.

"What are you talking about?" she cried out.

"This is the van that has been following my wife. I saw it and when I approached it the driver took off. It has the rust in all the same places, look here, the license plates are all muddy and the numbers are also scraped off.

"No, this can't be, my husband would never hurt a fly."

"The cut on your husband's head was from my wife when she smashed a vase over it. I'm sorry Mrs. Platt but your husband is a rapist."

"Look what I found," Scott shouts out when he jumped out of the back of the van. In his hand were a bloody ski mask and a pair of black lace panties. "I bet these are Miss Hill's panties, the one that the rapist took after leaving her for dead."

Mrs. Platt fell to her knees, covering her face with her hands she broke out sobbing. "I can't believe he did this, how could he do such a thing? He's a father for God's sake."

"Mrs. Platt, is your husband at work?" Scott asked, touching her shoulder and helping her to her feet.

"No, he's playing golf with his boss and some of the other employees."

Scott turned to Austin. "You've been a big help but go home, let me and the other officers take care of the rest."

"That man had me believing he was innocent about Miss Hill and then he attacked my wife. I'm going with you, I want to ask him why he did it, I want to look into his eyes."

When they reached the golf course it didn't take them long to find Ryan. He was just getting ready to putt when he heard his name being called. Swearing under his breath he saw Austin and Scott and two other officers in uniform coming his way. Fear crept through him, he had a feeling of what it was about. He thought of running but there was nowhere to go, he wasn't a fast enough runner to getaway.

"Mr. Platt, I'm arresting you for the assault and attempted rape of Blair Sherwin." Scott read him his rights as he cuffed his hands behind his back.

"I don't suppose you'll be my lawyer, will you?" he asked, looking at Austin with a smirk on his face.

"Why did you do it after everything I did for you?" he asked, getting in his face. "I believed you were innocent in the Hill's case, but we found Miss Hill's panties in your van. Why Blair?"


"Why not? That first time I saw her, oh man my cock got so hard I just knew I had to fuck that tight sweet pussy of hers."

Before Ryan could say anything else Austin took a swing at him, his fist landing right in the mouth. He would have fallen to the ground if it weren't for the two officers holding him.

"Take him away boys," Scott told the officers. "Go home, it's over now. Mr. Platt will go down for both crimes, he won't be getting out until he's an old man." Placing his hand on Austin's shoulder they walked to his vehicle.

Scott drove back to the station where Austin's car was parked. He knew by the look on his face and how quiet he was being that his conscience was eating away at him.

Thanking Scott for all of his help he decided to go home instead of going to his office. There he told the housekeeper she could have the rest of the day off. Removing his tie and undoing some of the buttons on his shirt he goes to his office. Grabbing a bottle of scotch and a glass went and sat down on the small sofa and poured himself a drink. He felt mentally and physically beat. He wasn't sure how long he sat there when he heard the sound of Blair's heels on the floor, coming towards the office.

"Austin," she said, moving into the room and over to him. "Where have you been? I've been calling you for hours. I was worried about you." When he didn't answer she sat next to him. "What's wrong?"

He didn't look at her, just stared straight ahead, taking a drink from his glass. "It was Ryan, he was the one that attacked you. We also found more evidence proving he beat and raped Miss Hill. I dropped the ball on that case and set a criminal free. God only knows how many other women he raped and got away with it."

"Oh Austin, it's not your fault."

His head snapped sharply towards her. "I should have been able to tell he was guilty. What we put that woman through will haunt me forever."

"You can't beat yourself up over this, you didn't know. Mr. Platt was a good liar, he had everyone fooled. You're a good lawyer, don't ever forget that and don't let this stop you from helping the people who are innocent. You're a good man."

He takes another long gulp of his drink, his eyes stayed on her. "You're wrong, I'm not a good man."

She takes the glass from his hand before he could take another drink. "I think you've had enough to drink. I'm going to check to see what Helen made us for dinner and then we'll eat."

When she left the room he checked the message on his phone, Harry had just secured another two shares to Blair's company. He deleted the message and throws the phone down. A good man my ass, if you only knew what I was planning you wouldn't say that.

He closed his eyes, falling asleep.

"Austin, Austin, wake up, it's time to eat."

Opening his eyes he found himself staring into her big brown ones. When she took his hand and pulled him up he drew her in close, his arms going around her waist. He felt the need for some human contact, something to help him forget. So lowering his lips onto her mouth he kissed her, slow and gentle at first, but then it turned more passionate, almost rough as he took dominance over her lips. Moving her over put her up against the wall, removing his shirt he cupped her face in his hands, his lips going back on hers.

Feeling her tongue going inside his mouth he moaned, taking the material of her blouse in his hands ripped it open. He placed his mouth over her breast as he pulled her top over her shoulders, taking it off of her. When she put her arms around his neck, purring like a kitten he lifted her up and she put her legs around his waist. All thoughts of eating were forgotten as he unhooked her bra and lowered her down onto the sofa.

There he removed the remainder of her clothes as well as his. His mouth devoured her lips, his hand caressing her breast he let her take him in her hand and put him inside her. The way she was kissing him, the way she was pushing up into him drove him mad with desire. He saw the lust in her eyes when she opened them for a second. Her pussy was hot, his cock throbbing and on fire, he couldn't take it slow, it was too late, they were both about to come when he started pounding faster and harder, going deep as he brought them both to the greatest orgasm they had ever experienced.

He kissed down her neck, over her shoulders, his heart was pounding, his body trembled as he laid on top of her. He knew he was just using her for sex, to forget how he failed by getting Ryan off so that he could hurt other women.

She laid beneath him, her hands stroking his back, there was such a sadness about him, a vulnerability. It didn't go unnoticed that this wasn't making love, it was just sex, something she felt he needed to feel a little better. It was rougher than usual but so intense and she wasn't going to complain.

He lifted his body up and looked down at her, his fingers caressing the side of her face. He thought maybe he should say something to her, maybe thank her but even to him that sounded just plain stupid, not to mention cold. "I could use something to eat now."

She smiled up at him. "Me too, but you have to get off me first."

For the first time today, he smiled, letting out a chuckle. "Yeah, that would probably help." Getting off her he helped her up and they put their clothes back on.

Instead of having wine with their dinner she made coffee, thinking he could use it as he drank almost half a bottle of scotch.

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