《Unseen | ✔》41 | BOOK


"No matter what happens...some memories just can't be replaced."


of frost covers the outside lawn making a smile appear on my face, the dimples on the side of my cheeks pop. I hug my arms around my body, searching for warmth as I watch the sun rise over the horizon.

The first day back to school.

I can't help but let the excitement run through my veins. It's been for ages since I've been to school, and even though I know it's not going to be the same, the idea of learning something new is so thrilling to me.

Suddenly, a warm pair of hands wrap around my waist, bringing me closer to the warmth of a new body. I breathe in the heavenly scent of his cologne and grin at him.

"Excited?" Adam asks. I nod my head enthusiastically, my body spinning around so now I'm facing him.

"Probably too much for anyone's liking..." I say cheerfully. Adam chuckles and pulls me in for a kiss. We share the short moment before I pull away and run back inside, grabbing my bag and Adams.

I grab Adams hand as I run past and jump into the car. Adam lets go of my hand and closes my door before walking back around to his side of the car and hopping in.

The whole ride to school I'm jumping up and down in my seat with Adam practically killing himself with the amount of time he chuckles.

We pull into a free parking space before I open my side of the car door and get out. I've had three months off altogether this school year, it won't surprise me if I fail my grade. I now anxiously look down to my hands where the stack of papers sit.

"Not so ready now, are we?" Adam teases. I roll my eyes at him before heavily sighing, both with nerves and adrenaline running through my system.

"You'll be fine," Adam reassures, grabbing my hand and rubbing soothing circles on it. I tightly squeeze my eyes shut before reopening them and nodding at Adam.

"I know," I whisper, pulling him along with me up the school stairs.


As we pass through the school hallway, students glance at us, both in sadness and sympathy. The school lost their best student, obviously, everyone is going to feel bad.

"Where to first, Prezioso? English teacher or lockers?" Adam whispers into my ear. I tap my chin thoughtfully before deciding.

"English. Ms White probably hates us for not doing this sooner..." I say with an edge to my voice. Adam nods, turning in the direction of our English classroom. I follow suit behind, still having to jog due to how long his legs are.

We turn down the final hall where our classroom lies. Adam stops and turns to look at me, a warm smile present on his face.

"Do you want me to do it, or you?" He asks softly.

"Um...I'll do it," I reply after a pause. Adam nods his head once again before he opens the classroom door. Ms White turns around, startled by the sudden intrusion. She gasps in surprise as she realises that it's Adam and me.

"Oh!" She exclaims loudly. I glance at Adam before I step forward and let a small smile slip onto my face.

"Hi, Ms White," I say while I wave awkwardly. Ms White frowns and purses her lips in confusion.

"Isabelle? Adam?" She begins. "What are you two doing here? I don't believe I have you today for class..."

"Ah – well, Adam and I finished the book for the assignment you set us at the beginning of the year and we wanted to give it to you," I finish.

A look of shock crosses over her face. "B – But, what about Lily? Wasn't she apart of this project?" Ms White stutters out. I nod my head to confirm her suspicion.

"Yeah, she thought of the whole idea actually, and we thought that since she almost wrote the complete first half of the book, we would write the end as a way to remember her..." Tears now glisten my eyes as thoughts of my best friend pop into my head.

"Oh..." is the only thing Ms White replies with. After a slight pause, Ms White holds her hand out for the papers.


"Let me read them tonight then," she states firmly. I look at her in surprise and grin at her.

"Really?" I ask in disbelief. Ms White tilts her head to the side and frowns in confusion.

"I'm not a cold hearted clown, Isabelle. Mary Heights lost their school sweetheart, so obviously, I would let you turn in a piece of work she did before she, well, passed..." Ms White's face gleams with sadness as she speaks.

Suddenly, I feel Adams hand on my back. I look at him and he only nods.

"Ah – Ms White?" I question quietly. She looks up at me and smiles a little, her red lipstick making her teeth look a bright white.

"We're sorry for everything we put you through this year," I mutter while looking at my shoes.

"Especially me," Adam pipes up. Ms White looks at Adam in shock. She clearly wasn't expecting him to say that. I mean, after all, Adam is the school's bad boy.

"Really?" She croaks out while quickly looking between us.

"Well, yeah..." I whisper. Suddenly, Ms White grins at us before her arms surround us both. After an awkward second, I hesitantly wrapped my arms around her, rubbing her back awkwardly.

"Thank you, Isabelle and Adam," she whispers hoarsely. Adam and I pull away, nodding at her as a response. We stand there for a few more seconds before Adam suggests we leave. We both agree and so Ms White walks us out the classroom and we continue our ways to our locker.

"Well, I wasn't expecting that sort of reaction," Adam admits softly. I nod my head in agreement, too caught up in my own thoughts to reply.

I almost feel bad that Adam and I treated Ms White so badly. We didn't know she was going through a hard at the time she yelled at me to go back to David. She had no idea I was abused by him as well and I plan to keep it quiet.

We only just recently found out that she lost her father to cancer...

Everyone knows David is in jail along with Gary, rumours spread like a wild fire in this school, but they don't need to know why. I'll give him that much mercy. He can tell who he wishes, I don't need to interfere as I now know I'm safe.

No one can hurt me now.

"Oh my gosh..." I hear Adam slightly gasp. I turn to the side to look at him. His usual handsome features are now turned upwards in surprise and a hint of sadness.

I turn around, the curiousness getting the better than me. The sight almost overwhelms me.

Flowers, bright yellow ones. Pink. Red. Blue, sky blue, the colour of her eyes, flowers. Lily's eyes.

My mouth gapes open in surprise and shock as I take in the sight in front of me. The school's golden student leaves, and in return, as a way for our school to mourn, the whole gym is set up with flowers and pictures of Lily.

Her achievements on one table and photos on the other. People are handing out brochures as a way to raise awareness for kids who are being kidnapped or abused. The cheerleaders created bracelets to sell to the school peers, while the school jocks are selling their own type of merchandise for charity.

All this for, Lily.

The world will always feel somewhat empty without Lily's happiness. She was the light of so many people's lives. She changed my own and I know she changed others as well. A girl who put other people's needs before her own.

Even though we've lost Lily now, the world will still thrive just like it did before, except, maybe just a little gloomier. One life can change so many and I love her for that.

I love you, Lily, so fucking much and I'm sorry for being too selfish for you to lose your life. I'm sorry, so, so sorry.

With now two lives out of my life and no family, I only have Adam. My rock. My blanket. My other half. Adam Black, you fucking son of a gun.

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